Tests the default behaviour of feComponentTransfer

The test displays two rects with the same gradient fill. The gradient fill has the stops red, green, blue and black all of which are evenly spaced.

The first rect with the 'Reference' label beneath it has an feComponentTransfer filter applied to it. This filter specifies a 'linear' transform for the Red component such that Red is transformed to Black. The Green component is specified as an 'identity' transform. The remaining components (Green, Alpha) are unspecified and by default must be treated as 'identity' transforms.

The second rect with the 'Default' label beneath it has an feComponentTransfer filter applied to it. This filter specifies a multiple transforms from the Red component. The last transform specified for the Red component is a 'linear' transform that shifts Red to Black. This is the transform that should be used by a conforming implementation. There are no other components specified for the filter of the second rect. A conforming implementation should treat unspecified components in an feComponentTransfer as 'identity'.

Run the test. No interaction required.

For this test to pass both rects must have a gradient fill that has the stop colors Black, Green, Blue and Black, equally spaced.

$RCSfile: filters-color-02-b.svg,v $ Reference Default $Revision: 1.7 $