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This test verifies the implementation of the preserveAspectRatio attribute on <image> referencing raster content.

This is a modified version of the sample file included in the SVG specification. It exercises the various preserveAspectRatio values and uses a general entity definition in order to make reading of the SVG source easier.

The rendered picture should match the reference image exactly except for variations in the labeling text.

$RCSfile: coords-viewattr-02-b.svg,v $ Example PreserveAspectRatio - demonstrate available options Test options of preserveAspectRatio on an image element Raster to fit Viewport 1 &Viewport1; Viewport 2 &Viewport2; ---------- meet -------------------- xMin*&Viewport1; xMid*&Viewport1; xMax*&Viewport1; ---------- meet ------------------------ *YMin&Viewport2; *YMid&Viewport2; *YMax&Viewport2; ---------- slice ------------------------- xMin*&Viewport2; xMid*&Viewport2; xMax*&Viewport2; ---------- slice --------------------- *YMin&Viewport1; *YMid&Viewport1; *YMax&Viewport1; $Revision: 1.9 $