Testing pointer-events and rendering order

Move the mouse over the blue and purple shapes. Click the pink circle at the top right of the page. Move the mouse over the blue and purple shapes again.

For the test to pass the blue rectangles must always turn pink on mouseover, and the ovals must turn pink on mouseover only if pointer-events are set to "ALL". If a shape other than the one currently hovered turns pink then the test has failed.

$RCSfile: animate-interact-pevents-02-t.svg,v $ Testing pointer-events and rendering order Rectangles should turn RED on mouseover Ovals should turn RED if Pointer-Events are set to "ALL" Change "Pointer-Events" of ovals from "ALL" to "NONE" Purple ovals have "Pointer-Events" set to "ALL". Purple ovals have Pointer-Events set to "NONE". $Revision: 1.3 $