This test tests 'pointer-events' on text. Initially you should see four big rects with black stroke. In the uppermost rect there should be 10 'O':s with black fill. In the second rect from the top there should be 10 'O':s with no fill but with black stroke. In the third and fourth rects there should be no visible 'O':s at all. In the fourth rect there should be two green rects, and in each of the other three rects there should be one green rect.

Using the pointer device move the cursor over each of the four black-stroked rectangles from left to right. As the mouseover event triggers, the 'O':s will become visible and marked in either green (a pass) or red (an immediate fail). Some 'O':s will not change when the pointer is moved over them.

The test has passed if after moving the cursor over all the rects:

  1. all the 'O':s in the green rects have green fill
  2. there are no red 'O':s visible
  3. there are 9 green 'O':s in the first and second rect, 4 in the third rect and 6 in the fourth rect
$RCSfile: animate-interact-pevents-01-t.svg,v $ Test pointer-events on text O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O $Revision: 1.3 $