<svg version="1.1" baseProfile="tiny" id="svg-root"
  width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 480 360"
  xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
  <!--=  SVG 1.1 2nd Edition Test Case                                     =-->
  <!--=  Copyright 2009 World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts          =-->
  <!--=  Institute of Technology, European Research Consortium for         =-->
  <!--=  Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM), Keio University).            =-->
  <!--=  All Rights Reserved.                                              =-->
  <!--=  See http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/.                          =-->
  <d:SVGTestCase xmlns:d="http://www.w3.org/2000/02/svg/testsuite/description/"
    template-version="1.4" reviewer="CN" author="VH" status="accepted"
    version="$Revision: 1.6 $" testname="$RCSfile: animate-elem-63-t.svg,v $">
    <d:testDescription xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/animate.html#Animation">
        This tests validates multiple end conditions in the end attribute,
        assuming support for the &lt;set&gt; element and setting the
        dur attribute to 'indefinite'.
        The test validates the various possibilities for the end attribute
        value: multiple offset values, multiple event base values, multiple sync base
        values, multiple repeat values, and multiple accessKey values. Finally,
        the test validates that end values of different kinds can be mixed.
        The test shows 6 rows where a red rectangle's  x attribute is animated
        with &lt;set&gt; elements.
        On the first three rows, the red rectangles should show on the left from
        0 to 1s. From 1 to 2s, the rectangles should show on the right. Then
        the rectangles should show on the left from 2 to 4s, then on the right
        again from 4 to 5s and come back to the left position and stay there
        after 5s.
        On the fourth row, the rectangle's end condition is event based
        and requires a user click. One of the end condition is defined
        to be 5 seconds prior to the click and one is defined to be 5
        seconds after the click. If the user clicks on the rectangle
        before 5 seconds (in document time), the red rectangle we move
        to the left position 5 seconds after the click (because the
        'click - 5s' end time resolves to a time prior to the begin
        time). If the user clicks after 5 seconds (in document time),
        then the red rectangle moves to the left position immediately because
        the 'click - 5s' time resolves to a time after the begin time.
        On the fifth row, the rectangle's end condition is accessKey based
        and requires a user to press the 'a' key. The behavior is exactly the
        same as for the previous row, except that the triggering event
        is the 'a' key press.
        The last row's rectangle has a end condition with two offset values
        (1s;4s) and should behave like the rectangles of the first three
        rows for the first 5 seconds of the document's timeline. In addition,
        the end condition has a click event base and thus, the rectangle
        should immediately move to the left position if the user everytime the user
        clicks clicks on the rectangle when it is on the right position.
        Finally, the end condition also has an accessKey condition
        for the 'b' character. Thus, the rectangle should move to the left
        position every time the user presses the 'b' key and the rectangle is
        on the right position.
    <d:operatorScript xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
      <p>Run the test.  Observe the document for six seconds.
      Then, click the red square in the "2 event base" row
      and then press "a" on the keyboard.</p>
      <p>Next, reload the test.  Before five seconds have elapsed,
      click the red square in the "2 event base" row and then
      press "a" on the keyboard.  Observe the document for another six seconds.</p>
    <d:passCriteria xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
      <p>The test passes if the following conditions are met:</p>
        <li>In the first load of the document, the red squares in the top three
        rows and the bottom row are in the relevant column according to the
        times written above the columns: in left column for the first second
        of the document, in the right column between 1s and 2s, in the left
        column again between 2s and 4s, in the right column again between 4s
        and 5s, and finally revert to the left column at 5s.  During this
        whole time, the red squares on the "2 event base" and "2 accessKeys"
        rows must be in the right column.</li>
        <li>In the first load of the document, immediately once the red
        square is clicked, it must move to the left column.</li>
        <li>In the first load of the document, immediately once "a" is pressed
        on the keyboard, the red square in the "2 accessKeys" row must move
        to the left column.</li>
        <li>In the second load of the document, five seconds after the red
        square is clicked, it must move to the left column.</li>
        <li>In the second load of the document, five seconds after "a" is pressed
        on the keyboard, the red square in the "2 accessKeys" row must move
        to the left column.</li>
  <title id="test-title">$RCSfile: animate-elem-63-t.svg,v $</title>
    <font-face font-family="SVGFreeSansASCII" unicode-range="U+0-7F">
        <font-face-uri xlink:href="../resources/SVGFreeSans.svg#ascii"/>
  <g id="test-body-content" font-family="SVGFreeSansASCII,sans-serif" font-size="18">
    <text text-anchor="middle" x="240" y="30" font-size="20">multiple end</text>
    <g transform="translate(100, 100)">
      <g transform="translate(80,25)" text-anchor="end" font-size="14">
        <text>2 offsets</text>
        <text y="25">2 sync bases</text>
        <text y="50">2 repeat</text>
        <text y="100">2 event base</text>
        <text y="125">2 accessKeys</text>
        <text y="150">misc</text>

      <g id="timeMarkersText" transform="translate(150, 5)" text-anchor="middle" font-size="14">
        <text y="-20">2s-4s</text>
        <text y="-40">&gt; 5s</text>
        <g transform="translate(40,0)">
          <text y="-20">4-5s</text>

      <g transform="translate(150,20)" stroke="black">
          <rect id="shadow" x="-6" y="-6" width="12" height="12" fill="#ccc" stroke="black" stroke-width="1"/>

        <g id="setOne">
          <use xlink:href="#shadow" x="0"/>
          <use xlink:href="#shadow" x="40"/>
          <rect x="-6" y="-6" width="12" height="12" fill="rgb(204,0,102)">
            <set id="firstSet" attributeName="x" to="34" begin="1s; 4s" end="2s; 5s" dur="indefinite"/>

        <g id="setTwo" transform="translate(0, 25)">
          <set id="syncBase" attributeName="display" to="inline" begin="0s" dur="indefinite"/>
          <use xlink:href="#shadow" x="0"/>
          <use xlink:href="#shadow" x="40"/>
          <rect x="-6" y="-6" width="12" height="12" fill="rgb(204,0,102)">
            <set attributeName="x" to="34" begin="1s; 4s" end="syncBase.begin+2s;syncBase.begin + 5s" dur="indefinite"/>

        <g id="setThree" transform="translate(0, 50)">
          <set id="repeatBase" attributeName="display" to="inline" begin="0s" dur="1s" repeatDur="indefinite"/>
          <use xlink:href="#shadow" x="0"/>
          <use xlink:href="#shadow" x="40"/>
          <rect x="-6" y="-6" width="12" height="12" fill="rgb(204,0,102)">
            <set attributeName="x" to="34" begin="1s; 4s" end="repeatBase.repeat(2);repeatBase.repeat(5)" dur="indefinite"/>

        <g id="setFour" transform="translate(0, 100)">
          <use xlink:href="#shadow" x="0"/>
          <use xlink:href="#shadow" x="40"/>

          <rect id="setFourTarget" x="-6" y="-6" width="12" height="12" fill="rgb(204,0,102)">
            <set attributeName="x" to="34" begin="0s" end="setFourTarget.click -5s; setFourTarget.click + 5s" dur="indefinite"/>

        <g id="setFive" transform="translate(0, 125)">
          <use xlink:href="#shadow" x="0"/>
          <use xlink:href="#shadow" x="40"/>
          <rect id="setFiveTarget" x="-6" y="-6" width="12" height="12" fill="rgb(204,0,102)">
            <set attributeName="x" to="34" begin="0s" end="accessKey(a) - 5s;accessKey(a)+5s" dur="indefinite"/>

        <g id="setSix" transform="translate(0, 150)">
          <use xlink:href="#shadow" x="0"/>
          <use xlink:href="#shadow" x="40"/>
          <rect id="setSixTarget" x="-6" y="-6" width="12" height="12" fill="rgb(204,0,102)">
            <set attributeName="x" to="34" begin="1s;4s" end="2s;5s;setSixTarget.click;accessKey(b)" dur="indefinite"/>
  <g font-family="SVGFreeSansASCII,sans-serif" font-size="32">
    <text id="revision" x="10" y="340" stroke="none" fill="black">$Revision: 1.6 $</text>
  <rect id="test-frame" x="1" y="1" width="478" height="358" fill="none" stroke="#000"/>
  <!-- comment out this watermark once the test is approved -->
  <!--<g id="draft-watermark">
    <rect x="1" y="1" width="478" height="20" fill="red" stroke="black" stroke-width="1"/>
    <text font-family="SVGFreeSansASCII,sans-serif" font-weight="bold" font-size="20" x="240"
      text-anchor="middle" y="18" stroke-width="0.5" stroke="black" fill="white">DRAFT</text>