from os import path, listdir from hashlib import sha512, sha384, sha256, md5 from base64 import b64encode import re DIR = path.normpath(path.join(__file__, "..", "..")) ''' Yield each javascript and css file in the directory ''' def js_and_css_files(): for f in listdir(DIR): if path.isfile(f) and (f.endswith(".js") or f.endswith(".css")): yield f ''' URL-safe base64 encode a binary digest and strip any padding. ''' def format_digest(digest): return b64encode(digest) ''' Generate an encoded sha512 URI. ''' def sha512_uri(content): return "sha512-%s" % format_digest(sha512(content).digest()) ''' Generate an encoded sha384 URI. ''' def sha384_uri(content): return "sha384-%s" % format_digest(sha384(content).digest()) ''' Generate an encoded sha256 URI. ''' def sha256_uri(content): return "sha256-%s" % format_digest(sha256(content).digest()) ''' Generate an encoded md5 digest URI. ''' def md5_uri(content): return "md5-%s" % format_digest(md5(content).digest()) def main(): for file in js_and_css_files(): print "Listing hash values for %s" % file with open(file, "r") as content_file: content = print "\tSHA512 integrity: %s" % sha512_uri(content) print "\tSHA384 integrity: %s" % sha384_uri(content) print "\tSHA256 integrity: %s" % sha256_uri(content) print "\tMD5 integrity: %s" % md5_uri(content) if __name__ == "__main__": main()