abc", "abc", "Simplest possible test"); /**** white-space:normal ****/ testText("
abc", "abc", "Leading whitespace removed"); testText("
abc ", "abc", "Trailing whitespace removed"); testText("
abc def", "abc def", "Internal whitespace compressed"); testText("
abc\ndef", "abc def", "\\n converted to space"); testText("
abc\rdef", "abc def", "\\r converted to space"); testText("
abc\tdef", "abc def", "\\t converted to space"); testText("
def", "abc\ndef", "Trailing whitespace before hard line break removed"); /****

 abc", " abc", "Leading whitespace preserved");
abc ", "abc ", "Trailing whitespace preserved");
abc  def", "abc  def", "Internal whitespace preserved");
abc\ndef", "abc\ndef", "\\n preserved");
abc\rdef", "abc\ndef", "\\r converted to newline");
abc\tdef", "abc\tdef", "\\t preserved");

****/ testText("
abc", " abc", "Leading whitespace preserved"); testText("
abc ", "abc ", "Trailing whitespace preserved"); testText("
abc def", "abc def", "Internal whitespace preserved"); testText("
abc\ndef", "abc\ndef", "\\n preserved"); testText("
abc\rdef", "abc\ndef", "\\r converted to newline"); testText("
abc\tdef", "abc\tdef", "\\t preserved"); /**** ****/ testText(" abc", " abc", "Leading whitespace preserved"); testText("abc ", "abc ", "Trailing whitespace preserved"); testText("abc def", "abc def", "Internal whitespace preserved"); testText("abc\ndef", "abc\ndef", "\\n preserved"); testText("abc\rdef", "abc\ndef", "\\r converted to newline"); testText("abc\tdef", "abc\tdef", "\\t preserved"); /****
****/ testText("
abc", "abc", "Leading whitespace removed"); testText("
abc ", "abc", "Trailing whitespace removed"); testText("
abc def", "abc def", "Internal whitespace collapsed"); testText("
abc\ndef", "abc\ndef", "\\n preserved"); testText("
abc\rdef", "abc\ndef", "\\r converted to newline"); testText("
abc\tdef", "abc def", "\\t converted to space"); /**** Collapsing whitespace across element boundaries ****/ testText("
abc def", "abc def", "Whitespace collapses across element boundaries"); testText("
abc def", "abc def", "Whitespace collapses across element boundaries"); testText("
abc def", "abc def", "Whitespace collapses across element boundaries"); /**** Soft line breaks ****/ testText("
abc def", "abc def", "Soft line breaks ignored"); /**** first-line/first-letter ****/ testText("
abc def", "ABC def", "::first-line styles applied"); testText("
abc def", "Abc def", "::first-letter styles applied"); testText("
abc def", "abc def", "::first-letter float ignored"); /****   ****/ testText("
 ", "\xA0", "  preserved"); /**** display:none ****/ testText("
abc", "abc", "display:none container"); testText("
abc def", "abc def", "No whitespace compression in display:none container"); testText("
abc def ", " abc def ", "No removal of leading/trailing whitespace in display:none container"); testText("
123abc", "123", "display:none child not rendered"); testText("
abc", "abc", "display:none container with non-display-none target child"); testTextInSVG("
abc", "", "non-display-none child of svg"); testTextInSVG("