ReflectionTests = {};

ReflectionTests.start = new Date().getTime();

 * Resolve the given URL to an absolute URL, relative to the current document's
 * address.  There's no API that I know of that exposes this directly, so we
 * actually just create an <a> element, set its href, and stitch together the
 * various properties.  Seems to work.  We don't try to reimplement the
 * algorithm here, because we're not concerned with its correctness -- we're
 * only testing HTML reflection, not Web Addresses.
 * Return the input if the URL couldn't be resolved, per the spec for
 * reflected URL attributes.
 * It seems like IE9 doesn't implement URL decomposition attributes correctly
 * for <a>, which causes all these tests to fail.  Ideally I'd do this in some
 * other way, but the failure does stem from an incorrect implementation of
 * HTML, so I'll leave it alone for now.
 * TODO: This relies on reflection to test reflection, so it could mask bugs.
 * Either get a JS implementation of the "resolve a URL" algorithm, or just
 * specify expected values manually here.  It shouldn't be too hard to write
 * special cases for all the values we test.
ReflectionTests.resolveUrl = function(url) {
    url = String(url);
    var el = document.createElement("a");
    el.href = url;
    var ret = el.protocol + "//" + + el.pathname + + el.hash;
    if (ret == "//") {
        return url;
    } else {
        return ret;

 * The "rules for parsing non-negative integers" from the HTML spec.  They're
 * mostly used for reflection, so here seems like as good a place to test them
 * as any.  Returns false on error.
ReflectionTests.parseNonneg = function(input) {
  var value = this.parseInt(input);
  if (value === false || value < 0) {
      return false;
  return value;

 * The "rules for parsing integers" from the HTML spec.  Returns false on
 * error.
ReflectionTests.parseInt = function(input) {
    var position = 0;
    var sign = 1;
    // Skip whitespace
    while (input.length > position && /^[ \t\n\f\r]$/.test(input[position])) {
    if (position >= input.length) {
        return false;
    if (input[position] == "-") {
        sign = -1;
    } else if (input[position] == "+") {
    if (position >= input.length) {
        return false;
    if (!/^[0-9]$/.test(input[position])) {
        return false;
    var value = 0;
    while (input.length > position && /^[0-9]$/.test(input[position])) {
        value *= 10;
        // Don't use parseInt even for single-digit strings . . .
        value += input.charCodeAt(position) - "0".charCodeAt(0);
    if (value === 0) {
        return 0;
    return sign * value;

// Used in initializing typeMap
var binaryString = "\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07 "
    + "\x08\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x0e\x0f "
    + "\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17 "
    + "\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f ";
var maxInt = 2147483647;
var minInt = -2147483648;
var maxUnsigned = 4294967295;

 * Array containing the tests and other information for each type of reflected
 * attribute.  Meaning of keys:
 *   "jsType": What typeof idlObj[idlName] is supposed to be.
 *   "defaultVal": The default value to be returned if the attribute is not
 *       present and no default is specifically set for this attribute.
 *   "domTests": What values to test with setAttribute().
 *   "domExpected": What values to expect with IDL get after setAttribute().
 *       Defaults to the same as domTests.
 *   "idlTests": What values to test with IDL set.  Defaults to domTests.
 *   "idlDomExpected": What to expect from getAttribute() after IDL set.
 *       Defaults to idlTests.
 *   "idlIdlExpected": What to expect from IDL get after IDL set.  Defaults to
 *       idlDomExpected.
 * Note that all tests/expected values are only baselines, and can be expanded
 * with additional tests hardcoded into the function for particular types if
 * necessary. For example, a special codepath is used for enums, and for
 * IDL setters which throw an exception. null means "defaultVal" is the
 * expected value. Expected DOM values are cast to strings by adding "".
 * TODO: Test strings that aren't valid UTF-16.  Desired behavior is not clear
 * here at the time of writing, see
 * TODO: Test deleting an IDL attribute, and maybe doing other fun stuff to it.
 * TODO: Test IDL sets of integer types to out-of-range or other weird values.
 * WebIDL says to wrap, but I'm not sure offhand if that's what we want.
 * TODO: tokenlist, settable tokenlist, limited

ReflectionTests.typeMap = {
     * "If a reflecting IDL attribute is a DOMString but doesn't fall into any
     * of the above categories, then the getting and setting must be done in a
     * transparent, case-preserving manner."
     * The data object passed to reflects() can contain an optional key
     * treatNullAsEmptyString, whose value is ignored.  If it does contain the
     * key, null will be cast to "" instead of "null", per WebIDL
     * [TreatNullAs=EmptyString].
    "string": {
        "jsType": "string",
        "defaultVal": "",
        "domTests": ["", " " + binaryString + " foo ", undefined, 7, 1.5, true,
                     false, {"test": 6}, NaN, +Infinity, -Infinity, "\0", null,
                     {"toString":function(){return "test-toString";}},
                     {"valueOf":function(){return "test-valueOf";}, toString:null}
     * "If a reflecting IDL attribute is a USVString attribute whose content
     * attribute is defined to contain a URL, then on getting, if the content
     * attribute is absent, the IDL attribute must return the empty string.
     * Otherwise, the IDL attribute must parse the value of the content
     * attribute relative to the element's node document and if that is
     * successful, return the resulting URL string. If parsing fails, then the
     * value of the content attribute must be returned instead, converted to a
     * USVString. On setting, the content attribute must be set to the specified
     * new value."
     * Also HTMLHyperLinkElementUtils href, used by a.href and area.href
    "url": {
        "jsType": "string",
        "defaultVal": "",
        "domTests": ["", " foo ", "http://site.example/",
                     "//site.example/path???@#l", binaryString, undefined, 7, 1.5, true,
                     false, {"test": 6}, NaN, +Infinity, -Infinity, "\0", null,
                     {"toString":function(){return "test-toString";}},
                     {"valueOf":function(){return "test-valueOf";}, toString:null}],
        "domExpected": ReflectionTests.resolveUrl,
        "idlIdlExpected": ReflectionTests.resolveUrl
     * "If a reflecting IDL attribute is a DOMString whose content attribute is
     * an enumerated attribute, and the IDL attribute is limited to only known
     * values, then, on getting, the IDL attribute must return the conforming
     * value associated with the state the attribute is in (in its canonical
     * case), or the empty string if the attribute is in a state that has no
     * associated keyword value; and on setting, if the new value is an ASCII
     * case-insensitive match for one of the keywords given for that attribute,
     * then the content attribute must be set to the conforming value
     * associated with the state that the attribute would be in if set to the
     * given new value, otherwise, if the new value is the empty string, then
     * the content attribute must be removed, otherwise, the content attribute
     * must be set to the given new value."
     * "Some attributes are defined as taking one of a finite set of keywords.
     * Such attributes are called enumerated attributes. The keywords are each
     * defined to map to a particular state (several keywords might map to the
     * same state, in which case some of the keywords are synonyms of each
     * other; additionally, some of the keywords can be said to be
     * non-conforming, and are only in the specification for historical
     * reasons). In addition, two default states can be given. The first is the
     * invalid value default, the second is the missing value default.
     * . . .
     * When the attribute is specified, if its value is an ASCII
     * case-insensitive match for one of the given keywords then that keyword's
     * state is the state that the attribute represents. If the attribute value
     * matches none of the given keywords, but the attribute has an invalid
     * value default, then the attribute represents that state. Otherwise, if
     * the attribute value matches none of the keywords but there is a missing
     * value default state defined, then that is the state represented by the
     * attribute.  Otherwise, there is no default, and invalid values must be
     * ignored.
     * When the attribute is not specified, if there is a missing value default
     * state defined, then that is the state represented by the (missing)
     * attribute. Otherwise, the absence of the attribute means that there is
     * no state represented."
     * This is only used for enums that are limited to known values, not other
     * enums (those are treated as generic strings by the spec).  The data
     * object passed to reflects() can contain these keys:
     *   "defaultVal": missing value default (defaults to "")
     *   "invalidVal": invalid value default (defaults to defaultVal)
     *   "keywords": array of keywords as given by the spec (required)
     *   "nonCanon": dictionary mapping non-canonical values to their
     *     canonical equivalents (defaults to {})
     *   "isNullable": Indicates if attribute is nullable (defaults to false)
     * Tests are mostly hardcoded into reflects(), since they depend on the
     * keywords.  All expected values are computed in reflects() using a helper
     * function.
    "enum": {
        "jsType": "string",
        "defaultVal": "",
        "domTests": ["", " " + binaryString + " foo ", undefined, 7, 1.5, true,
                 false, {"test": 6}, NaN, +Infinity, -Infinity, "\0", null,
                 {"toString":function(){return "test-toString";}},
                 {"valueOf":function(){return "test-valueOf";}, toString:null}]
     * "If a reflecting IDL attribute is a boolean attribute, then on getting
     * the IDL attribute must return true if the content attribute is set, and
     * false if it is absent. On setting, the content attribute must be removed
     * if the IDL attribute is set to false, and must be set to the empty
     * string if the IDL attribute is set to true. (This corresponds to the
     * rules for boolean content attributes.)"
    "boolean": {
        "jsType": "boolean",
        "defaultVal": false,
        "domTests": ["", " foo ", undefined, null, 7, 1.5, true, false,
                     {"test": 6}, NaN, +Infinity, -Infinity, "\0",
                     {"toString":function(){return "test-toString";}},
                     {"valueOf":function(){return "test-valueOf";}, toString:null}],
        "domExpected": function(val) {
            return true;
     * "If a reflecting IDL attribute is a signed integer type (long) then, on
     * getting, the content attribute must be parsed according to the rules for
     * parsing signed integers, and if that is successful, and the value is in
     * the range of the IDL attribute's type, the resulting value must be
     * returned. If, on the other hand, it fails or returns an out of range
     * value, or if the attribute is absent, then the default value must be
     * returned instead, or 0 if there is no default value. On setting, the
     * given value must be converted to the shortest possible string
     * representing the number as a valid integer and then that string must be
     * used as the new content attribute value."
    "long": {
        "jsType": "number",
        "defaultVal": 0,
        "domTests": [-36, -1, 0, 1, maxInt, minInt, maxInt + 1, minInt - 1,
                     maxUnsigned, maxUnsigned + 1, "", "-1", "-0", "0", "1",
                     " " + binaryString + " foo ",
                     // Test various different whitespace. Only 20, 9, A, C,
                     // and D are whitespace.
                     "\u00097", "\u000B7", "\u000C7", "\u00207", "\u00A07", "\uFEFF7",
                     "\u000A7", "\u000D7", "\u20287", "\u20297", "\u16807", "\u180E7",
                     "\u20007", "\u20017", "\u20027", "\u20037", "\u20047", "\u20057",
                     "\u20067", "\u20077", "\u20087", "\u20097", "\u200A7", "\u202F7",
                     undefined, 1.5, true, false, {"test": 6}, NaN, +Infinity,
                     -Infinity, "\0",
                     {toString:function() {return 2;}, valueOf: null},
                     {valueOf:function() {return 3;}}],
        "domExpected": function(val) {
            var parsed = ReflectionTests.parseInt(String(val));
            if (parsed === false || parsed > maxInt || parsed < minInt) {
                return null;
            return parsed;
        "idlTests":       [-36, -1, 0, 1, 2147483647, -2147483648],
        "idlDomExpected": [-36, -1, 0, 1, 2147483647, -2147483648]
     * "If a reflecting IDL attribute is a signed integer type (long) that is
     * limited to only non-negative numbers then, on getting, the content
     * attribute must be parsed according to the rules for parsing non-negative
     * integers, and if that is successful, and the value is in the range of
     * the IDL attribute's type, the resulting value must be returned. If, on
     * the other hand, it fails or returns an out of range value, or if the
     * attribute is absent, the default value must be returned instead, or −1
     * if there is no default value. On setting, if the value is negative, the
     * user agent must fire an INDEX_SIZE_ERR exception. Otherwise, the given
     * value must be converted to the shortest possible string representing the
     * number as a valid non-negative integer and then that string must be used
     * as the new content attribute value."
    "limited long": {
        "jsType": "number",
        "defaultVal": -1,
        "domTests": [minInt - 1, minInt, -36, -1, -0, 0, 1, maxInt, maxInt + 1,
                     maxUnsigned, maxUnsigned + 1, "", "-1", "-0", "0", "1",
                     " " + binaryString + " foo ",
                     "\u00097", "\u000B7", "\u000C7", "\u00207", "\u00A07", "\uFEFF7",
                     "\u000A7", "\u000D7", "\u20287", "\u20297", "\u16807", "\u180E7",
                     "\u20007", "\u20017", "\u20027", "\u20037", "\u20047", "\u20057",
                     "\u20067", "\u20077", "\u20087", "\u20097", "\u200A7", "\u202F7",
                     undefined, 1.5, true, false, {"test": 6}, NaN, +Infinity,
                     -Infinity, "\0",
                     {toString:function() {return 2;}, valueOf: null},
                     {valueOf:function() {return 3;}}],
        "domExpected": function(val) {
            var parsed = ReflectionTests.parseNonneg(String(val));
            if (parsed === false || parsed > maxInt || parsed < minInt) {
                return null;
            return parsed;
        "idlTests":       [minInt, -36,  -1, 0, 1, maxInt],
        "idlDomExpected": [null/*exception*/, null/*exception*/, null/*exception*/, 0, 1, maxInt]
     * "If a reflecting IDL attribute is an unsigned integer type (unsigned
     * long) then, on getting, the content attribute must be parsed according
     * to the rules for parsing non-negative integers, and if that is
     * successful, and the value is in the range 0 to 2147483647 inclusive, the
     * resulting value must be returned. If, on the other hand, it fails or
     * returns an out of range value, or if the attribute is absent, the
     * default value must be returned instead, or 0 if there is no default
     * value. On setting, the given value must be converted to the shortest
     * possible string representing the number as a valid non-negative integer
     * and then that string must be used as the new content attribute value."
    "unsigned long": {
        "jsType": "number",
        "defaultVal": 0,
        "domTests": [minInt - 1, minInt, -36,  -1,   0, 1, 257, maxInt,
                     maxInt + 1, maxUnsigned, maxUnsigned + 1, "", "-1", "-0", "0", "1",
                     "\u00097", "\u000B7", "\u000C7", "\u00207", "\u00A07", "\uFEFF7",
                     "\u000A7", "\u000D7", "\u20287", "\u20297", "\u16807", "\u180E7",
                     "\u20007", "\u20017", "\u20027", "\u20037", "\u20047", "\u20057",
                     "\u20067", "\u20077", "\u20087", "\u20097", "\u200A7", "\u202F7",
                     " " + binaryString + " foo ", undefined, 1.5, true, false,
                     {"test": 6}, NaN, +Infinity, -Infinity, "\0",
                     {toString:function() {return 2;}, valueOf: null},
                     {valueOf:function() {return 3;}}],
        "domExpected": function(val) {
            var parsed = ReflectionTests.parseNonneg(String(val));
            // Note maxInt, not maxUnsigned.
            if (parsed === false || parsed < 0 || parsed > maxInt) {
                return null;
            return parsed;
        "idlTests": [0, 1, 257, maxInt, "-0", maxInt + 1, maxUnsigned],
        "idlIdlExpected": [0, 1, 257, maxInt, 0, null, null],
        "idlDomExpected": [0, 1, 257, maxInt, 0, null, null],
     * "If a reflecting IDL attribute is an unsigned integer type (unsigned
     * long) that is limited to only non-negative numbers greater than zero,
     * then the behavior is similar to the previous case, but zero is not
     * allowed. On getting, the content attribute must first be parsed
     * according to the rules for parsing non-negative integers, and if that is
     * successful, and the value is in the range 1 to 2147483647 inclusive, the
     * resulting value must be returned. If, on the other hand, it fails or
     * returns an out of range value, or if the attribute is absent, the
     * default value must be returned instead, or 1 if there is no default
     * value. On setting, if the value is zero, the user agent must fire an
     * INDEX_SIZE_ERR exception. Otherwise, the given value must be converted
     * to the shortest possible string representing the number as a valid
     * non-negative integer and then that string must be used as the new
     * content attribute value."
    "limited unsigned long": {
        "jsType": "number",
        "defaultVal": 1,
        "domTests": [minInt - 1, minInt, -36,  -1,   0,    1, maxInt,
                     maxInt + 1, maxUnsigned, maxUnsigned + 1, "", "-1", "-0", "0", "1",
                     "\u00097", "\u000B7", "\u000C7", "\u00207", "\u00A07", "\uFEFF7",
                     "\u000A7", "\u000D7", "\u20287", "\u20297", "\u16807", "\u180E7",
                     "\u20007", "\u20017", "\u20027", "\u20037", "\u20047", "\u20057",
                     "\u20067", "\u20077", "\u20087", "\u20097", "\u200A7", "\u202F7",
                     " " + binaryString + " foo ", undefined, 1.5, true, false,
                     {"test": 6}, NaN, +Infinity, -Infinity, "\0",
                     {toString:function() {return 2;}, valueOf: null},
                     {valueOf:function() {return 3;}}],
        "domExpected": function(val) {
            var parsed = ReflectionTests.parseNonneg(String(val));
            // Note maxInt, not maxUnsigned.
            if (parsed === false || parsed < 1 || parsed > maxInt) {
                return null;
            return parsed;
        "idlTests":       [0, 1, maxInt, maxInt + 1, maxUnsigned],
        "idlDomExpected": [null/*exception*/, 1, maxInt, null, null]
     * "If a reflecting IDL attribute has an unsigned integer type (unsigned
     * long) that is limited to only non-negative numbers greater than zero
     * with fallback, then the behaviour is similar to the previous case, but
     * disallowed values are converted to the default value.  On getting, the
     * content attribute must first be parsed according to the rules for
     * parsing non-negative integers, and if that is successful, and the value
     * is in the range 1 to 2147483647 inclusive, the resulting value must be
     * returned.  If, on the other hand, it fails or returns an out of range
     * value, or if the attribute is absent, the default value must be returned
     * instead.  On setting, first, if the new value is in the range 1 to
     * 2147483647, then let n be the new value, otherwise let n be the default
     * value; then, n must be converted to the shortest possible string
     * representing the number as a valid non-negative integer and that string
     * must be used as the new content attribute value."
    "limited unsigned long with fallback": {
        "jsType": "number",
            "domTests": [minInt - 1, minInt, -36,  -1,   0,    1, maxInt,
                         maxInt + 1, maxUnsigned, maxUnsigned + 1, "", "-1", "-0", "0", "1",
                         "\u00097", "\u000B7", "\u000C7", "\u00207", "\u00A07", "\uFEFF7",
                         "\u000A7", "\u000D7", "\u20287", "\u20297", "\u16807", "\u180E7",
                         "\u20007", "\u20017", "\u20027", "\u20037", "\u20047", "\u20057",
                         "\u20067", "\u20077", "\u20087", "\u20097", "\u200A7", "\u202F7",
                         " " + binaryString + " foo ", undefined, 1.5, true, false,
                         {"test": 6}, NaN, +Infinity, -Infinity, "\0",
                         {toString:function() {return 2;}, valueOf: null},
                         {valueOf:function() {return 3;}}],
            "domExpected": function(val) {
                var parsed = ReflectionTests.parseNonneg(String(val));
                // Note maxInt, not maxUnsigned.
                if (parsed === false || parsed < 1 || parsed > maxInt) {
                    return null;
                return parsed;
            "idlTests":       [0, 1, maxInt, maxInt + 1, maxUnsigned],
            "idlDomExpected": [null, 1, maxInt, null, null]
     * "If a reflecting IDL attribute is a floating point number type (double),
     * then, on getting, the content attribute must be parsed according to the
     * rules for parsing floating point number values, and if that is
     * successful, the resulting value must be returned. If, on the other hand,
     * it fails, or if the attribute is absent, the default value must be
     * returned instead, or 0.0 if there is no default value. On setting, the
     * given value must be converted to the best representation of the number
     * as a floating point number and then that string must be used as the new
     * content attribute value."
     * TODO: Check this:
     * "Except where otherwise specified, if an IDL attribute that is a
     * floating point number type (double) is assigned an Infinity or
     * Not-a-Number (NaN) value, a NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR exception must be raised."
     * TODO: Implement the actual algorithm so we can run lots more tests.  For
     * now we're stuck with manually setting up expected values.  Of course,
     * a lot of care has to be taken in checking equality for floats . . .
     * maybe we should have some tolerance for comparing them.  I'm not even
     * sure whether setting the content attribute to 0 should return 0.0 or
     * -0.0 (the former, I hope).
    "double": {
        "jsType": "number",
        "defaultVal": 0.0,
        "domTests": [minInt - 1, minInt, -36, -1, 0, 1, maxInt,
            maxInt + 1, maxUnsigned, maxUnsigned + 1, "",
            "\u00097", "\u000B7", "\u000C7", "\u00207", "\u00A07", "\uFEFF7",
            "\u000A7", "\u000D7", "\u20287", "\u20297", "\u16807", "\u180E7",
            "\u20007", "\u20017", "\u20027", "\u20037", "\u20047", "\u20057",
            "\u20067", "\u20077", "\u20087", "\u20097", "\u200A7", "\u202F7",
            " " + binaryString + " foo ", undefined, 1.5, true, false,
            {"test": 6}, NaN, +Infinity, -Infinity, "\0",
            {toString:function() {return 2;}, valueOf: null},
            {valueOf:function() {return 3;}}],
        "domExpected": [minInt - 1, minInt, -36, -1, 0, 1, maxInt,
                        maxInt + 1, maxUnsigned, maxUnsigned + 1, null,
                        // Leading whitespace tests
                        7, null, 7, 7, null, null,
                        7, 7, null, null, null, null,
                        null, null, null, null, null, null,
                        null, null, null, null, null, null,
                        // End leading whitespace tests
                        null, null, 1.5, null, null,
                        null, null, null, null, null,
                        2, 3],
        // I checked that ES ToString is well-defined for all of these (I
        // think).  Yes, String(-0) == "0".
        "idlTests":       [ -10000000000,   -1,  -0,   0,   1,   10000000000],
        "idlDomExpected": ["-10000000000", "-1", "0", "0", "1", "10000000000"],
        "idlIdlExpected": [ -10000000000,   -1,  -0,   0,   1,   10000000000]

for (var type in ReflectionTests.typeMap) {
    var props = ReflectionTests.typeMap[type];
    var cast = window[props.jsType[0].toUpperCase() + props.jsType.slice(1)];
    if (props.domExpected === undefined) {
        props.domExpected =;
    } else if (typeof props.domExpected == "function") {
        props.domExpected =;
    if (props.idlTests === undefined) {
        props.idlTests = props.domTests;
    if (props.idlDomExpected === undefined) {
        props.idlDomExpected =;
    } else if (typeof props.idlDomExpected == "function") {
        props.idlDomExpected =;
    if (props.idlIdlExpected === undefined) {
        props.idlIdlExpected = props.idlDomExpected;
    } else if (typeof props.idlIdlExpected == "function") {
        props.idlIdlExpected =;

 * Tests that the JavaScript attribute named idlName on the object idlObj
 * reflects the DOM attribute named domName on domObj.  The data argument is an
 * object that must contain at least one key, "type", which contains the
 * expected type of the IDL attribute ("string", "enum", etc.).  The "comment"
 * key will add a parenthesized comment in the type info if there's a test
 * failure, to indicate that there's something special about the element you're
 * testing (like it has an attribute set to some value).  Other keys in the
 * data object are type-specific, e.g., "defaultVal" for numeric types.  If the
 * data object is a string, it's converted to {"type": data}.  If idlObj is a
 * string, we set idlObj = domObj = document.createElement(idlObj).
ReflectionTests.reflects = function(data, idlName, idlObj, domName, domObj) {
    // Do some setup first so that getTypeDescription() works in testWrapper()
    if (typeof data == "string") {
        data = {type: data};
    if (domName === undefined) {
        domName = idlName;
    if (typeof idlObj == "string") {
        idlObj = document.createElement(idlObj);
    if (domObj === undefined) {
        domObj = idlObj;

    // Note: probably a hack?  This kind of assumes that the variables here
    // won't change over the course of the tests, which is wrong, but it's
    // probably safe enough.  Just don't read stuff that will change.
    ReflectionHarness.currentTestInfo = {data: data, idlName: idlName, idlObj: idlObj, domName: domName, domObj: domObj};

    ReflectionHarness.testWrapper(function() {
        ReflectionTests.doReflects(data, idlName, idlObj, domName, domObj);

 * Actual implementation of the above.
ReflectionTests.doReflects = function(data, idlName, idlObj, domName, domObj) {
    // If we don't recognize the type, testing is impossible.
    if (this.typeMap[data.type] === undefined) {
        if (unimplemented.indexOf(data.type) == -1) {

    var typeInfo = this.typeMap[data.type];

    if (typeof data.isNullable == "undefined") {
        data.isNullable = false;

    // Test that typeof idlObj[idlName] is correct.  If not, further tests are
    // probably pointless, so bail out.
    var isDefaultValueNull = data.isNullable && data.defaultVal === null;
    if (!ReflectionHarness.test(typeof idlObj[idlName], isDefaultValueNull ? "object" : typeInfo.jsType, "typeof IDL attribute")) {

    // Test default
    var defaultVal = data.defaultVal;
    if (defaultVal === undefined) {
        defaultVal = typeInfo.defaultVal;
    if (defaultVal !== null || data.isNullable) {
        ReflectionHarness.test(idlObj[idlName], defaultVal, "IDL get with DOM attribute unset");

    var domTests = typeInfo.domTests.slice(0);
    var domExpected = { return val === null ? defaultVal : val; });
    var idlTests = typeInfo.idlTests.slice(0);
    var idlDomExpected = { return val === null ? defaultVal : val; });
    var idlIdlExpected = { return val === null ? defaultVal : val; });
    switch (data.type) {
        // Extra tests and other special-casing
        case "boolean":

        case "enum":
        // Whee, enum is complicated.
        if (typeof data.invalidVal == "undefined") {
            data.invalidVal = defaultVal;
        if (typeof data.nonCanon == "undefined") {
            data.nonCanon = {};
        for (var i = 0; i < data.keywords.length; i++) {
            if (data.keywords[i] != "") {
                domTests.push(data.keywords[i], "x" + data.keywords[i], data.keywords[i] + "\0");
                idlTests.push(data.keywords[i], "x" + data.keywords[i], data.keywords[i] + "\0");

            if (data.keywords[i].length > 1) {

            if (data.keywords[i] != data.keywords[i].toLowerCase()) {
            if (data.keywords[i] != data.keywords[i].toUpperCase()) {

        // Per spec, the expected DOM values are the same as the value we set
        // it to.
        if (!data.isNullable) {
            idlDomExpected = idlTests.slice(0);
        } else {
            idlDomExpected = [];
            for (var i = 0; i < idlTests.length; i++) {
                idlDomExpected.push((idlTests[i] === null || idlTests[i] === undefined) ? null : idlTests[i]);

        // Now we have the fun of calculating what the expected IDL values are.
        domExpected = [];
        idlIdlExpected = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < domTests.length; i++) {
            domExpected.push(this.enumExpected(data.keywords, data.nonCanon, data.invalidVal, domTests[i]));
        for (var i = 0; i < idlTests.length; i++) {
            if (data.isNullable && (idlTests[i] === null || idlTests[i] === undefined)) {
            } else {
                idlIdlExpected.push(this.enumExpected(data.keywords, data.nonCanon, data.invalidVal, idlTests[i]));

        case "string":
        if ("treatNullAsEmptyString" in data) {
            for (var i = 0; i < idlTests.length; i++) {
                if (idlTests[i] === null) {
                    idlDomExpected[i] = idlIdlExpected[i] = "";
    if (domObj.tagName.toLowerCase() == "canvas" && (domName == "width" || domName == "height")) {
        // Opera tries to allocate a canvas with the given width and height, so
        // it OOMs when given excessive sizes.  This is permissible under the
        // hardware-limitations clause, so cut out those checks.  TODO: Must be
        // a way to make this more succinct.
        domTests = domTests.filter(function(element, index, array) { return domExpected[index] < 1000; });
        domExpected = domExpected.filter(function(element, index, array) { return element < 1000; });
        idlTests = idlTests.filter(function(element, index, array) { return idlIdlExpected[index] < 1000; });
        idlDomExpected = idlDomExpected.filter(function(element, index, array) { return idlIdlExpected[index] < 1000; });
        idlIdlExpected = idlIdlExpected.filter(function(element, index, array) { return idlIdlExpected[index] < 1000; });

    if (!data.customGetter) {
        for (var i = 0; i < domTests.length; i++) {
            if (domExpected[i] === null && !data.isNullable) {
                // If you follow all the complicated logic here, you'll find that
                // this will only happen if there's no expected value at all (like
                // for tabIndex, where the default is too complicated).  So skip
                // the test.
            try {
                domObj.setAttribute(domName, domTests[i]);
                ReflectionHarness.test(domObj.getAttribute(domName), String(domTests[i]), "setAttribute() to " + ReflectionHarness.stringRep(domTests[i]) + " followed by getAttribute()");
                ReflectionHarness.test(idlObj[idlName], domExpected[i], "setAttribute() to " + ReflectionHarness.stringRep(domTests[i]) + " followed by IDL get");
                if (ReflectionHarness.catchUnexpectedExceptions) {
            } catch (err) {
                if (ReflectionHarness.catchUnexpectedExceptions) {
                    ReflectionHarness.failure("Exception thrown during tests with setAttribute() to " + ReflectionHarness.stringRep(domTests[i]));
                } else {
                    throw err;

    for (var i = 0; i < idlTests.length; i++) {
        if ((data.type == "limited long" && idlTests[i] < 0) ||
            (data.type == "limited unsigned long" && idlTests[i] == 0)) {
            ReflectionHarness.testException("INDEX_SIZE_ERR", function() {
                idlObj[idlName] = idlTests[i];
            }, "IDL set to " + ReflectionHarness.stringRep(idlTests[i]) + " must throw INDEX_SIZE_ERR");
        } else {
                idlObj[idlName] = idlTests[i];
                if (data.type == "boolean") {
                    // Special case yay
                    ReflectionHarness.test(domObj.hasAttribute(domName), Boolean(idlTests[i]), "IDL set to " + ReflectionHarness.stringRep(idlTests[i]) + " followed by hasAttribute()");
                } else if (idlDomExpected[i] !== null || data.isNullable) {
                    var expected = idlDomExpected[i] + "";
                    if (data.isNullable && idlDomExpected[i] === null) {
                        expected = null;
                    ReflectionHarness.test(domObj.getAttribute(domName), expected, "IDL set to " + ReflectionHarness.stringRep(idlTests[i]) + " followed by getAttribute()");
                if (idlIdlExpected[i] !== null || data.isNullable) {
                    ReflectionHarness.test(idlObj[idlName], idlIdlExpected[i], "IDL set to " + ReflectionHarness.stringRep(idlTests[i]) + " followed by IDL get");
                if (ReflectionHarness.catchUnexpectedExceptions) {
            }, "IDL set to " + ReflectionHarness.stringRep(idlTests[i]) + " should not throw");

 * If we have an enumerated attribute limited to the array of values in
 * keywords, with nonCanon being a map of non-canonical values to their
 * canonical equivalents, and invalidVal being the invalid value default (or ""
 * for none), then what would we expect from an IDL get if the content
 * attribute is equal to contentVal?
ReflectionTests.enumExpected = function(keywords, nonCanon, invalidVal, contentVal) {
    var ret = invalidVal;
    for (var i = 0; i < keywords.length; i++) {
        if (String(contentVal).toLowerCase() == keywords[i].toLowerCase()) {
            ret = keywords[i];
    if (typeof nonCanon[ret] != "undefined") {
        return nonCanon[ret];
    return ret;

 * Now we have the data structures that tell us which elements have which
 * attributes.
 * The elements object (which must have been defined in earlier files) is a map
 * from element name to an object whose keys are IDL attribute names and whose
 * values are types.  A type is of the same format as
 * ReflectionTests.reflects() accepts, except that there's an extra optional
 * domAttrName key that gets passed as the fourth argument to reflects() if
 * it's provided.  (TODO: drop the fourth and fifth reflects() arguments and
 * make it take them from the dictionary instead?)

// Now we actually run all the tests.
var unimplemented = [];
for (var element in elements) {
    ReflectionTests.reflects("string", "title", element);
    ReflectionTests.reflects("string", "lang", element);
    ReflectionTests.reflects({type: "enum", keywords: ["ltr", "rtl", "auto"]}, "dir", element);
    ReflectionTests.reflects("string", "className", element, "class");
    ReflectionTests.reflects("tokenlist", "classList", element, "class");
    ReflectionTests.reflects("boolean", "hidden", element);
    ReflectionTests.reflects("string", "accessKey", element);
    // Don't try to test the defaultVal -- it should be either 0 or -1, but the
    // rules are complicated, and a lot of them are SHOULDs.
    ReflectionTests.reflects({type: "long", defaultVal: null}, "tabIndex", element);
    // TODO: classList, contextMenu, itemProp, itemRef, dropzone (require
    // tokenlist support)

    for (var idlAttrName in elements[element]) {
        var type = elements[element][idlAttrName];
        ReflectionTests.reflects(type, idlAttrName, element,
            typeof type == "object" && "domAttrName" in type ? type.domAttrName : idlAttrName);

for (var i = 0; i < extraTests.length; i++) {

var time = document.getElementById("time");
if (time) {
    time.innerHTML = (new Date().getTime() - ReflectionTests.start)/1000;

if (unimplemented.length) {
    var p = document.createElement("p");
    p.textContent = "(Note: missing tests for types " + unimplemented.join(", ") + ".)";