// Up-to-date as of 2013-04-06. var embeddedElements = { img: { // Conforming alt: "string", src: "url", srcset: "string", crossOrigin: {type: "enum", keywords: ["anonymous", "use-credentials"], nonCanon:{"": "anonymous"}, isNullable: true, defaultVal: null, invalidVal: "anonymous"}, useMap: "string", isMap: "boolean", width: {type: "unsigned long", customGetter: true}, height: {type: "unsigned long", customGetter: true}, // Obsolete name: "string", lowsrc: {type: "url"}, align: "string", hspace: "unsigned long", vspace: "unsigned long", longDesc: "url", border: {type: "string", treatNullAsEmptyString: true}, }, iframe: { // Conforming src: "url", srcdoc: "string", name: "string", sandbox: "settable tokenlist", allowFullscreen: "boolean", width: "string", height: "string", // Obsolete align: "string", scrolling: "string", frameBorder: "string", longDesc: "url", marginHeight: {type: "string", treatNullAsEmptyString: true}, marginWidth: {type: "string", treatNullAsEmptyString: true} }, embed: { // Conforming src: "url", type: "string", width: "string", height: "string", // Obsolete align: "string", name: "string" }, object: { // Conforming data: "url", type: "string", typeMustMatch: "boolean", name: "string", useMap: "string", width: "string", height: "string", // Obsolete align: "string", archive: "string", code: "string", declare: "boolean", hspace: "unsigned long", standby: "string", vspace: "unsigned long", codeBase: "url", codeType: "string", border: {type: "string", treatNullAsEmptyString: true} }, param: { // Conforming name: "string", value: "string", // Obsolete type: "string", valueType: "string" }, video: { // HTMLMediaElement src: "url", crossOrigin: {type: "enum", keywords: ["anonymous", "use-credentials"], nonCanon:{"": "anonymous"}, isNullable: true, defaultVal: null, invalidVal: "anonymous"}, // As with "keytype", we have no missing value default defined here. preload: {type: "enum", keywords: ["none", "metadata", "auto"], nonCanon: {"": "auto"}, defaultVal: null}, autoplay: "boolean", loop: "boolean", mediaGroup: "string", controls: "boolean", defaultMuted: {type: "boolean", domAttrName: "muted"}, width: "unsigned long", height: "unsigned long", poster: "url" }, audio: { // HTMLMediaElement src: "url", crossOrigin: {type: "enum", keywords: ["anonymous", "use-credentials"], nonCanon:{"": "anonymous"}, isNullable: true, defaultVal: null, invalidVal: "anonymous"}, // As with "keytype", we have no missing value default defined here. preload: {type: "enum", keywords: ["none", "metadata", "auto"], nonCanon: {"": "auto"}, defaultVal: null}, autoplay: "boolean", loop: "boolean", mediaGroup: "string", controls: "boolean", defaultMuted: {type: "boolean", domAttrName: "muted"} }, source: { src: "url", type: "string", media: "string" }, track: { kind: {type: "enum", keywords: ["subtitles", "captions", "descriptions", "chapters", "metadata"], defaultVal: "subtitles", invalidVal: "metadata"}, src: "url", srclang: "string", label: "string", "default": "boolean" }, canvas: { width: {type: "unsigned long", defaultVal: 300}, height: {type: "unsigned long", defaultVal: 150} }, map: { name: "string" }, area: { // Conforming alt: "string", coords: "string", shape: "string", target: "string", download: "string", ping: "string", rel: "string", relList: {type: "tokenlist", domAttrName: "rel"}, // HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils href: "url", // Obsolete noHref: "boolean" }, }; mergeElements(embeddedElements);