function runTest(config) { promise_test(function (test) { var initDataType; var initData; var keySystem = config.keysystem; var invalidLicense = new Uint8Array([0x00, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66, 0x77]); var messageEventFired = false; return navigator.requestMediaKeySystemAccess(keySystem, getSimpleConfiguration()).then(function (access) { initDataType = access.getConfiguration().initDataTypes[0]; initData = getInitData(initDataType); return access.createMediaKeys(); }).then(function (mediaKeys) { var keySession = mediaKeys.createSession(); var eventWatcher = new EventWatcher(test, keySession, ['message']); var promise = eventWatcher.wait_for('message'); keySession.generateRequest(initDataType, initData); return promise; }).then(function (messageEvent) { messageEventFired = true; return; }).then(function () { assert_unreached('Error: update() should fail because of an invalid license.'); }).catch(function (error) { if(messageEventFired) { assert_equals(, 'TypeError'); } else { assert_unreached('Error: ' +; } }); }, 'Update with invalid Clear Key license'); }