<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>IDBCursor.advance() - invalid</title>
<link rel="author" href="mailto:odinho@opera.com" title="Odin Hørthe Omdal">
<link rel=help href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/IndexedDB/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#widl-IDBCursor-advance-void-unsigned-long-count">
<link rel=assert title="If the value for count is 0 (zero) or a negative number, this method must throw a JavaScript TypeError exception.">
<link rel=assert title="TypeError The value passed into the count parameter was zero or a negative number.">
<link rel=assert title="InvalidStateError The cursor is currently being iterated, or has iterated past its end.">
<link rel=assert title="Calling this method more than once before new cursor data has been loaded is not allowed and results in a DOMException of type InvalidStateError being thrown. For example, calling advance() twice from the same onsuccess handler results in a DOMException of type InvalidStateError being thrown on the second call.">
<link rel=assert title="Before this method returns, unless an exception was thrown, it sets the got value flag on the cursor to false.">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="support.js"></script>


    var db, open;

    setup(function() {
        open = indexedDB.open('testdb-' + new Date().getTime());
        open.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
            db = e.target.result;
            var objStore = db.createObjectStore("test");
            objStore.createIndex("index", "");

            objStore.add("data",  1);
            objStore.add("data2", 2);
    { explicit_done: true });

    open.onsuccess = function() {

        async_test(document.title + " - attempt to call advance twice").step(function(e) {
            var count = 0;
            var rq = db.transaction("test").objectStore("test").index("index").openCursor();

            rq.onsuccess = this.step_func(function(e) {
                if (!e.target.result) {
                    assert_equals(count, 2, 'count');
                var cursor = e.target.result;


                // Second try
                    function() { cursor.advance(1); }, 'second advance');

                    function() { cursor.advance(3); }, 'third advance');

            rq.onerror = fail(this, "unexpected error")

        async_test(document.title + " - pass something other than number").step(function(e) {
            var rq = db.transaction("test").objectStore("test").index("index").openCursor();

            rq.onsuccess = this.step_func(function(e) {
                var cursor = e.target.result;

                assert_throws({ name: "TypeError" },
                    function() { cursor.advance(document); });

                assert_throws({ name: "TypeError" },
                    function() { cursor.advance({}); });

                assert_throws({ name: "TypeError" },
                    function() { cursor.advance([]); });

                assert_throws({ name: "TypeError" },
                    function() { cursor.advance(""); });

                assert_throws({ name: "TypeError" },
                    function() { cursor.advance("1 2"); });

            rq.onerror = fail(this, "unexpected error")

        async_test(document.title + " - pass null/undefined").step(function(e) {
            var rq = db.transaction("test").objectStore("test").index("index").openCursor();

            rq.onsuccess = this.step_func(function(e) {
                var cursor = e.target.result;

                assert_throws({ name: "TypeError" },
                    function() { cursor.advance(null); });

                assert_throws({ name: "TypeError" },
                    function() { cursor.advance(undefined); });

                var myvar = null;
                assert_throws({ name: "TypeError" },
                    function() { cursor.advance(myvar); });

            rq.onerror = fail(this, "unexpected error")

        async_test(document.title + " - missing argument").step(function(e) {
            var rq = db.transaction("test").objectStore("test").index("index").openCursor();

            rq.onsuccess = this.step_func(function(e) {
                var cursor = e.target.result;

                assert_throws({ name: "TypeError" },
                    function() { cursor.advance(); });

            rq.onerror = fail(this, "unexpected error")

        async_test(document.title + " - pass negative numbers").step(function(e) {
            var rq = db.transaction("test").objectStore("test").index("index").openCursor();

            rq.onsuccess = this.step_func(function(e) {
                var cursor = e.target.result;

                assert_throws({ name: "TypeError" },
                    function() { cursor.advance(-1); });

                assert_throws({ name: "TypeError" },
                    function() { cursor.advance(NaN); });

                assert_throws({ name: "TypeError" },
                    function() { cursor.advance(0); });

                assert_throws({ name: "TypeError" },
                    function() { cursor.advance(-0); });

                assert_throws({ name: "TypeError" },
                    function() { cursor.advance(Infinity); });

                assert_throws({ name: "TypeError" },
                    function() { cursor.advance(-Infinity); });

                var myvar = -999999;
                assert_throws({ name: "TypeError" },
                    function() { cursor.advance(myvar); });

            rq.onerror = fail(this, "unexpected error")

        async_test(document.title + " - got value not set on exception").step(function(e) {
            var count = 0;
            var rq = db.transaction("test").objectStore("test").index("index").openCursor();

            rq.onsuccess = this.step_func(function(e) {
                var cursor = e.target.result;
                if (!cursor)
                    assert_equals(count, 2, "count runs");

                assert_throws({ name: "TypeError" },
                    function() { cursor.advance(0); });

            rq.onerror = fail(this, "unexpected error")

        // Stop blocking the testing system from hereon


<div id=log></div>