# Copyright (c) 2010 Philip Taylor # Released under the BSD license and W3C Test Suite License: see LICENSE.txt # Current code status: # # This was originally written for use at # http://philip.html5.org/tests/canvas/suite/tests/ # # It has been adapted for use with the Web Platform Test Suite suite at # https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/ # # The W3C version excludes a number of features (multiple versions of each test # case of varying verbosity, Mozilla mochitests, semi-automated test harness) # to focus on simply providing reviewable test cases. It also expects a different # directory structure. # This code attempts to support both versions, but the non-W3C version hasn't # been tested recently and is probably broken. # To update or add test cases: # # * Modify the tests*.yaml files. # 'name' is an arbitrary hierarchical name to help categorise tests. # 'desc' is a rough description of what behaviour the test aims to test. # 'testing' is a list of references to spec.yaml, to show which spec sentences # this test case is primarily testing. # 'code' is JavaScript code to execute, with some special commands starting with '@' # 'expected' is what the final canvas output should be: a string 'green' or 'clear' # (100x50 images in both cases), or a string 'size 100 50' (or any other size) # followed by Python code using Pycairo to generate the image. # # * Run "python gentest.py". # This requires a few Python modules which might not be ubiquitous. # It has only been tested on Linux. # It will usually emit some warnings, which ideally should be fixed but can # generally be safely ignored. # # * Test the tests, add new ones to Git, remove deleted ones from Git, etc. import re import codecs import time import os import shutil import sys import xml.dom.minidom from xml.dom.minidom import Node import cairo try: import syck as yaml # compatible and lots faster except ImportError: import yaml # Default mode is for the W3C test suite; the --standalone option # generates various extra files that aren't needed there W3CMODE = True if '--standalone' in sys.argv: W3CMODE = False TESTOUTPUTDIR = '../../2dcontext' IMAGEOUTPUTDIR = '../../2dcontext' MISCOUTPUTDIR = './output' SPECOUTPUTDIR = '../../annotated-spec' SPECOUTPUTPATH = '../annotated-spec' # relative to TESTOUTPUTDIR def simpleEscapeJS(str): return str.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"') def escapeJS(str): str = simpleEscapeJS(str) str = re.sub(r'\[(\w+)\]', r'[\\""+(\1)+"\\"]', str) # kind of an ugly hack, for nicer failure-message output return str def escapeHTML(str): return str.replace('&', '&').replace('<', '<').replace('>', '>').replace('"', '"') def expand_nonfinite(method, argstr, tail): """ >>> print expand_nonfinite('f', '<0 a>, <0 b>', ';') f(a, 0); f(0, b); f(a, b); >>> print expand_nonfinite('f', '<0 a>, <0 b c>, <0 d>', ';') f(a, 0, 0); f(0, b, 0); f(0, c, 0); f(0, 0, d); f(a, b, 0); f(a, b, d); f(a, 0, d); f(0, b, d); """ # argstr is ", ..." (where usually # 'invalid' is Infinity/-Infinity/NaN) args = [] for arg in argstr.split(', '): a = re.match('<(.*)>', arg).group(1) args.append(a.split(' ')) calls = [] # Start with the valid argument list call = [ args[j][0] for j in range(len(args)) ] # For each argument alone, try setting it to all its invalid values: for i in range(len(args)): for a in args[i][1:]: c2 = call[:] c2[i] = a calls.append(c2) # For all combinations of >= 2 arguments, try setting them to their # first invalid values. (Don't do all invalid values, because the # number of combinations explodes.) def f(c, start, depth): for i in range(start, len(args)): if len(args[i]) > 1: a = args[i][1] c2 = c[:] c2[i] = a if depth > 0: calls.append(c2) f(c2, i+1, depth+1) f(call, 0, 0) return '\n'.join('%s(%s)%s' % (method, ', '.join(c), tail) for c in calls) # Run with --test argument to run unit tests if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == '--test': import doctest doctest.testmod() sys.exit() templates = yaml.load(open('templates.yaml', "r").read()) name_mapping = yaml.load(open('name2dir.yaml', "r").read()) spec_assertions = [] for s in yaml.load(open('spec.yaml', "r").read())['assertions']: if 'meta' in s: eval(compile(s['meta'], '', 'exec'), {}, {'assertions':spec_assertions}) else: spec_assertions.append(s) tests = [] for t in sum([ yaml.load(open(f, "r").read()) for f in ['tests.yaml', 'tests2d.yaml', 'tests2dtext.yaml']], []): if 'DISABLED' in t: continue if 'meta' in t: eval(compile(t['meta'], '', 'exec'), {}, {'tests':tests}) else: tests.append(t) category_names = [] category_contents_direct = {} category_contents_all = {} spec_ids = {} for t in spec_assertions: spec_ids[t['id']] = True spec_refs = {} def backref_html(name): backrefs = [] c = '' for p in name.split('.')[:-1]: c += '.'+p backrefs.append('%s.' % (c, p)) backrefs.append(name.split('.')[-1]) return ''.join(backrefs) def make_flat_image(filename, w, h, r,g,b,a): if os.path.exists('%s/%s' % (IMAGEOUTPUTDIR, filename)): return filename surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, w, h) cr = cairo.Context(surface) cr.set_source_rgba(r, g, b, a) cr.rectangle(0, 0, w, h) cr.fill() surface.write_to_png('%s/%s' % (IMAGEOUTPUTDIR, filename)) return filename # Ensure the test output directories exist testdirs = [TESTOUTPUTDIR, IMAGEOUTPUTDIR, MISCOUTPUTDIR] if not W3CMODE: testdirs.append('%s/mochitests' % MISCOUTPUTDIR) else: for map_dir in set(name_mapping.values()): testdirs.append("%s/%s" % (TESTOUTPUTDIR, map_dir)) for d in testdirs: try: os.mkdir(d) except: pass # ignore if it already exists mochitests = [] used_images = {} def expand_test_code(code): code = re.sub(r'@nonfinite ([^(]+)\(([^)]+)\)(.*)', lambda m: expand_nonfinite(m.group(1), m.group(2), m.group(3)), code) # must come before '@assert throws' code = re.sub(r'@assert pixel (\d+,\d+) == (\d+,\d+,\d+,\d+);', r'_assertPixel(canvas, \1, \2, "\1", "\2");', code) code = re.sub(r'@assert pixel (\d+,\d+) ==~ (\d+,\d+,\d+,\d+);', r'_assertPixelApprox(canvas, \1, \2, "\1", "\2", 2);', code) code = re.sub(r'@assert pixel (\d+,\d+) ==~ (\d+,\d+,\d+,\d+) \+/- (\d+);', r'_assertPixelApprox(canvas, \1, \2, "\1", "\2", \3);', code) code = re.sub(r'@assert throws (\S+_ERR) (.*);', r'assert_throws("\1", function() { \2; });', code) code = re.sub(r'@assert throws (\S+Error) (.*);', r'assert_throws(new \1(), function() { \2; });', code) code = re.sub(r'@assert throws (.*);', r'assert_throws(null, function() { \1; });', code) code = re.sub(r'@assert (.*) === (.*);', lambda m: '_assertSame(%s, %s, "%s", "%s");' % (m.group(1), m.group(2), escapeJS(m.group(1)), escapeJS(m.group(2))) , code) code = re.sub(r'@assert (.*) !== (.*);', lambda m: '_assertDifferent(%s, %s, "%s", "%s");' % (m.group(1), m.group(2), escapeJS(m.group(1)), escapeJS(m.group(2))) , code) code = re.sub(r'@assert (.*) =~ (.*);', lambda m: 'assert_regexp_match(%s, %s);' % (m.group(1), m.group(2)) , code) code = re.sub(r'@assert (.*);', lambda m: '_assert(%s, "%s");' % (m.group(1), escapeJS(m.group(1))) , code) code = re.sub(r' @moz-todo', '', code) code = re.sub(r'@moz-UniversalBrowserRead;', "" , code) assert('@' not in code) return code def expand_mochitest_code(code): code = re.sub(r'@nonfinite ([^(]+)\(([^)]+)\)(.*)', lambda m: expand_nonfinite(m.group(1), m.group(2), m.group(3)), code) code = re.sub(r'@assert pixel (\d+,\d+) == (\d+,\d+,\d+,\d+);', r'isPixel(ctx, \1, \2, "\1", "\2", 0);', code) code = re.sub(r'@assert pixel (\d+,\d+) ==~ (\d+,\d+,\d+,\d+);', r'isPixel(ctx, \1, \2, "\1", "\2", 2);', code) code = re.sub(r'@assert pixel (\d+,\d+) ==~ (\d+,\d+,\d+,\d+) \+/- (\d+);', r'isPixel(ctx, \1, \2, "\1", "\2", \3);', code) code = re.sub(r'@assert throws (\S+_ERR) (.*);', lambda m: 'var _thrown = undefined; try {\n %s;\n} catch (e) { _thrown = e }; ok(_thrown && _thrown.code == DOMException.%s, "should throw %s");' % (m.group(2), m.group(1), m.group(1)) , code) code = re.sub(r'@assert throws (\S+Error) (.*);', lambda m: 'var _thrown = undefined; try {\n %s;\n} catch (e) { _thrown = e }; ok(_thrown && (_thrown instanceof %s), "should throw %s");' % (m.group(2), m.group(1), m.group(1)) , code) code = re.sub(r'@assert throws (.*);', lambda m: 'try { var _thrown = false;\n %s;\n} catch (e) { _thrown = true; } finally { ok(_thrown, "should throw exception"); }' % (m.group(1)) , code) code = re.sub(r'@assert (.*) =~ (.*);', lambda m: 'ok(%s.match(%s), "%s.match(%s)");' % (m.group(1), m.group(2), escapeJS(m.group(1)), escapeJS(m.group(2))) , code) code = re.sub(r'@assert (.*);', lambda m: 'ok(%s, "%s");' % (m.group(1), escapeJS(m.group(1))) , code) code = re.sub(r'((?:^|\n|;)\s*)ok(.*;) @moz-todo', lambda m: '%stodo%s' % (m.group(1), m.group(2)) , code) code = re.sub(r'((?:^|\n|;)\s*)(is.*;) @moz-todo', lambda m: '%stodo_%s' % (m.group(1), m.group(2)) , code) code = re.sub(r'@moz-UniversalBrowserRead;', "netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege('UniversalBrowserRead');" , code) code = code.replace('../images/', 'image_') assert '@' not in code, '@ not in code:\n%s' % code return code used_tests = {} for i in range(len(tests)): test = tests[i] name = test['name'] print "\r(%s)" % name, " "*32, "\t", if name in used_tests: print "Test %s is defined twice" % name used_tests[name] = 1 mapped_name = None for mn in sorted(name_mapping.keys(), key=len, reverse=True): if name.startswith(mn): mapped_name = "%s/%s" % (name_mapping[mn], name) break if not mapped_name: print "LIKELY ERROR: %s has no defined target directory mapping" % name mapped_name = name if 'manual' in test: mapped_name += "-manual" cat_total = '' for cat_part in [''] + name.split('.')[:-1]: cat_total += cat_part+'.' if not cat_total in category_names: category_names.append(cat_total) category_contents_all.setdefault(cat_total, []).append(name) category_contents_direct.setdefault(cat_total, []).append(name) for ref in test.get('testing', []): if ref not in spec_ids: print "Test %s uses nonexistent spec point %s" % (name, ref) spec_refs.setdefault(ref, []).append(name) #if not (len(test.get('testing', [])) or 'mozilla' in test): if not test.get('testing', []): print "Test %s doesn't refer to any spec points" % name if test.get('expected', '') == 'green' and re.search(r'@assert pixel .* 0,0,0,0;', test['code']): print "Probable incorrect pixel test in %s" % name code = expand_test_code(test['code']) mochitest = not (W3CMODE or 'manual' in test or 'disabled' in test.get('mozilla', {})) if mochitest: mochi_code = expand_mochitest_code(test['code']) mochi_name = name if 'mozilla' in test: if 'throws' in test['mozilla']: mochi_code = templates['mochitest.exception'] % mochi_code if 'bug' in test['mozilla']: mochi_name = "%s - bug %s" % (name, test['mozilla']['bug']) if 'desc' in test: mochi_desc = '\n' % test['desc'] else: mochi_desc = '' if 'deferTest' in mochi_code: mochi_setup = '' mochi_footer = '' else: mochi_setup = '' mochi_footer = 'SimpleTest.finish();\n' for f in ['isPixel', 'todo_isPixel', 'deferTest', 'wrapFunction']: if f in mochi_code: mochi_setup += templates['mochitest.%s' % f] else: if not W3CMODE: print "Skipping mochitest for %s" % name mochi_name = '' mochi_desc = '' mochi_code = '' mochi_setup = '' mochi_footer = '' expectation_html = '' if 'expected' in test and test['expected'] is not None: expected = test['expected'] expected_img = None if expected == 'green': expected_img = make_flat_image('green-100x50.png', 100, 50, 0,1,0,1) if W3CMODE: expected_img = "/images/" + expected_img elif expected == 'clear': expected_img = make_flat_image('clear-100x50.png', 100, 50, 0,0,0,0) if W3CMODE: expected_img = "/images/" + expected_img else: if ';' in expected: print "Found semicolon in %s" % name expected = re.sub(r'^size (\d+) (\d+)', r'surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, \1, \2)\ncr = cairo.Context(surface)', expected) if mapped_name.endswith("-manual"): png_name = mapped_name[:-len("-manual")] else: png_name = mapped_name expected += "\nsurface.write_to_png('%s/%s.png')\n" % (IMAGEOUTPUTDIR, png_name) eval(compile(expected, '' % test['name'], 'exec'), {}, {'cairo':cairo}) expected_img = "%s.png" % name if expected_img: expectation_html = ('

Expected output:' + '

' % (expected_img)) canvas = test.get('canvas', 'width="100" height="50"') prev = tests[i-1]['name'] if i != 0 else 'index' next = tests[i+1]['name'] if i != len(tests)-1 else 'index' name_wrapped = name.replace('.', '.​') # (see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=376188) refs = ''.join('

  • %s\n' % (SPECOUTPUTPATH, n,n) for n in test.get('testing', [])) if not W3CMODE and 'mozilla' in test and 'bug' in test['mozilla']: refs += '
  • Bugzilla' % test['mozilla']['bug'] notes = '

    %s' % test['notes'] if 'notes' in test else '' scripts = '' for s in test.get('scripts', []): scripts += '\n' % (s) images = '' for i in test.get('images', []): id = i.split('/')[-1] if '/' not in i: used_images[i] = 1 i = '../images/%s' % i images += '\n' % (i,id) mochi_images = images.replace('../images/', 'image_') if W3CMODE: images = images.replace("../images/", "/images/") fonts = '' fonthack = '' for i in test.get('fonts', []): fonts += '@font-face {\n font-family: %s;\n src: url("/fonts/%s.ttf");\n}\n' % (i, i) # Browsers require the font to actually be used in the page if test.get('fonthack', 1): fonthack += 'A\n' % i if fonts: fonts = '\n' % fonts fallback = test.get('fallback', '

    FAIL (fallback content)

    ') desc = test.get('desc', '') escaped_desc = simpleEscapeJS(desc) template_params = { 'name':name, 'name_wrapped':name_wrapped, 'backrefs':backref_html(name), 'mapped_name':mapped_name, 'desc':desc, 'escaped_desc':escaped_desc, 'prev':prev, 'next':next, 'refs':refs, 'notes':notes, 'images':images, 'fonts':fonts, 'fonthack':fonthack, 'canvas':canvas, 'expected':expectation_html, 'code':code, 'scripts':scripts, 'mochi_name':mochi_name, 'mochi_desc':mochi_desc, 'mochi_code':mochi_code, 'mochi_setup':mochi_setup, 'mochi_footer':mochi_footer, 'mochi_images':mochi_images, 'fallback':fallback } if W3CMODE: f = codecs.open('%s/%s.html' % (TESTOUTPUTDIR, mapped_name), 'w', 'utf-8') f.write(templates['w3c'] % template_params) else: f = codecs.open('%s/%s.html' % (TESTOUTPUTDIR, name), 'w', 'utf-8') f.write(templates['standalone'] % template_params) f = codecs.open('%s/framed.%s.html' % (TESTOUTPUTDIR, name), 'w', 'utf-8') f.write(templates['framed'] % template_params) f = codecs.open('%s/minimal.%s.html' % (TESTOUTPUTDIR, name), 'w', 'utf-8') f.write(templates['minimal'] % template_params) if mochitest: mochitests.append(name) f = codecs.open('%s/mochitests/test_%s.html' % (MISCOUTPUTDIR, name), 'w', 'utf-8') f.write(templates['mochitest'] % template_params) def write_mochitest_makefile(): f = open('%s/mochitests/Makefile.in' % MISCOUTPUTDIR, 'w') f.write(templates['mochitest.Makefile']) files = ['test_%s.html' % n for n in mochitests] + ['image_%s' % n for n in used_images] chunksize = 100 chunks = [] for i in range(0, len(files), chunksize): chunk = files[i:i+chunksize] name = '_TEST_FILES_%d' % (i / chunksize) chunks.append(name) f.write('%s = \\\n' % name) for file in chunk: f.write('\t%s \\\n' % file) f.write('\t$(NULL)\n\n') f.write('# split up into groups to work around command-line length limits\n') for name in chunks: f.write('libs:: $(%s)\n\t$(INSTALL) $(foreach f,$^,"$f") $(DEPTH)/_tests/testing/mochitest/tests/$(relativesrcdir)\n\n' % name) if not W3CMODE: for i in used_images: shutil.copyfile("../../images/%s" % i, "%s/mochitests/image_%s" % (MISCOUTPUTDIR, i)) write_mochitest_makefile() print def write_index(): f = open('%s/index.html' % TESTOUTPUTDIR, 'w') f.write(templates['index.w3c' if W3CMODE else 'index'] % { 'updated':time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.gmtime()) }) f.write('\n
      \n') depth = 1 for category in category_names: name = category[1:-1] or '' count = len(category_contents_all[category]) new_depth = category.count('.') while new_depth < depth: f.write(' '*(depth-1) + '
    \n'); depth -= 1 f.write(' '*depth + templates['index.w3c.category.item' if W3CMODE else 'index.category.item'] % (name or 'all', name, count, '' if count==1 else 's')) while new_depth+1 > depth: f.write(' '*depth + '
      \n'); depth += 1 for item in category_contents_direct.get(category, []): f.write(' '*depth + '
    • %s\n' % (item, item) ) while 0 < depth: f.write(' '*(depth-1) + '
    \n'); depth -= 1 def write_category_indexes(): for category in category_names: name = (category[1:-1] or 'all') f = open('%s/index.%s.html' % (TESTOUTPUTDIR, name), 'w') f.write(templates['index.w3c.frame' if W3CMODE else 'index.frame'] % { 'backrefs':backref_html(name), 'category':name }) for item in category_contents_all[category]: f.write(templates['index.w3c.frame.item' if W3CMODE else 'index.frame.item'] % item) def write_reportgen(): f = open('%s/reportgen.html' % MISCOUTPUTDIR, 'w') items_text = ',\n'.join(('"%s"' % item) for item in category_contents_all['.']) f.write(templates['reportgen'] % {'items':items_text }) def write_results(): results = {} uas = [] uastrings = {} for item in category_contents_all['.']: results[item] = {} f = open('%s/results.html' % MISCOUTPUTDIR, 'w') f.write(templates['results']) if not os.path.exists('results.yaml'): print "Can't find results.yaml" else: for resultset in yaml.load(open('results.yaml', "r").read()): #title = "%s (%s)" % (resultset['ua'], resultset['time']) title = resultset['name'] #assert title not in uas # don't allow repetitions if title not in uas: uas.append(title) uastrings[title] = resultset['ua'] else: assert uastrings[title] == resultset['ua'] for r in resultset['results']: if r['id'] not in results: print 'Skipping results for removed test %s' % r['id'] continue results[r['id']][title] = ( r['status'].lower(), re.sub(r'%(..)', lambda m: chr(int(m.group(1), 16)), re.sub(r'%u(....)', lambda m: unichr(int(m.group(1), 16)), r['notes'])).encode('utf8') ) passes = {} for ua in uas: f.write('%s\n' % (uastrings[ua], ua)) passes[ua] = 0 for id in category_contents_all['.']: f.write('# %s\n' % (id, id, id, id)) for ua in uas: status, details = results[id].get(ua, ('', '')) f.write('
    \n' % (status, details)) if status == 'pass': passes[ua] += 1 f.write('Passes\n') for ua in uas: f.write('%.1f%%\n' % ((100.0 * passes[ua]) / len(category_contents_all['.']))) f.write('\n') for ua in uas: f.write('%s\n' % ua) f.write('\n') def getNodeText(node): t, offsets = '', [] # Skip over any previous annotations we added if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE and 'testrefs' in node.getAttribute('class').split(' '): return t, offsets if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE: val = node.nodeValue val = val.replace(unichr(0xa0), ' ') # replace  s t += val offsets += [ (node, len(node.nodeValue)) ] for n in node.childNodes: child_t, child_offsets = getNodeText(n) t += child_t offsets += child_offsets return t, offsets def htmlSerializer(element): element.normalize() rv = [] specialtext = ['style', 'script', 'xmp', 'iframe', 'noembed', 'noframes', 'noscript'] empty = ['area', 'base', 'basefont', 'bgsound', 'br', 'col', 'embed', 'frame', 'hr', 'img', 'input', 'link', 'meta', 'param', 'spacer', 'wbr'] def serializeElement(element): if element.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: rv.append("" % element.name) elif element.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE: for child in element.childNodes: serializeElement(child) elif element.nodeType == Node.COMMENT_NODE: rv.append("" % element.nodeValue) elif element.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE: unescaped = False n = element.parentNode while n is not None: if n.nodeName in specialtext: unescaped = True break n = n.parentNode if unescaped: rv.append(element.nodeValue) else: rv.append(escapeHTML(element.nodeValue)) else: rv.append("<%s" % element.nodeName) if element.hasAttributes(): for name, value in element.attributes.items(): rv.append(' %s="%s"' % (name, escapeHTML(value))) rv.append(">") if element.nodeName not in empty: for child in element.childNodes: serializeElement(child) rv.append("" % element.nodeName) serializeElement(element) return '\n' + ''.join(rv) def write_annotated_spec(): # Load the stripped-down XHTMLised copy of the spec doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(open('current-work-canvas.xhtml', 'r')) # Insert our new stylesheet n = doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(doc.createElement('link')) n.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet') n.setAttribute('href', '../common/canvas-spec.css' if W3CMODE else '../spectest.css') n.setAttribute('type', 'text/css') spec_assertion_patterns = [] for a in spec_assertions: # Warn about problems if a['id'] not in spec_refs: print "Unused spec statement %s" % a['id'] pattern_text = a['text'] if 'keyword' in a: # Explicit keyword override keyword = a['keyword'] else: # Extract the marked keywords, and remove the markers keyword = 'none' for kw in ['must', 'should', 'required']: if ('*%s*' % kw) in pattern_text: keyword = kw pattern_text = pattern_text.replace('*%s*' % kw, kw) break # Make sure there wasn't >1 keyword for kw in ['must', 'should', 'required']: assert('*%s*' % kw not in pattern_text) # Convert the special pattern format into regexp syntax pattern_text = (pattern_text. # Escape relevant characters replace('*', r'\*'). replace('+', r'\+'). replace('.', r'\.'). replace('(', r'\('). replace(')', r'\)'). replace('[', r'\['). replace(']', r'\]'). # Convert special sequences back into unescaped regexp code replace(' ', r'\s+'). replace(r'<\.\.\.>', r'.+'). replace('<^>', r'()'). replace('', r'\s*?\n') ) pattern = re.compile(pattern_text, re.S) spec_assertion_patterns.append( (a['id'], pattern, keyword, a.get('previously', None)) ) matched_assertions = {} def process_element(e): if e.nodeType == e.ELEMENT_NODE and (e.getAttribute('class') == 'impl' or e.hasAttribute('data-component')): for c in e.childNodes: process_element(c) return t, offsets = getNodeText(e) for id, pattern, keyword, previously in spec_assertion_patterns: m = pattern.search(t) if m: # When the pattern-match isn't enough to uniquely identify a sentence, # allow explicit back-references to earlier paragraphs if previously: if len(previously) >= 3: n, text, exp = previously else: n, text = previously exp = True node = e while n and node.previousSibling: node = node.previousSibling n -= 1 if (text not in getNodeText(node)[0]) == exp: continue # discard this match if id in matched_assertions: print "Spec statement %s matches multiple places" % id matched_assertions[id] = True if m.lastindex != 1: print "Spec statement %s has incorrect number of match groups" % id end = m.end(1) end_node = None for end_node, o in offsets: if end < o: break end -= o assert(end_node) n1 = doc.createElement('span') n1.setAttribute('class', 'testrefs kw-%s' % keyword) n1.setAttribute('id', 'testrefs.%s' % id) n1.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(' ')) n = n1.appendChild(doc.createElement('a')) n.setAttribute('href', '#testrefs.%s' % id) n.setAttribute('title', id) n.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('#')) n1.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(' ')) for test_id in spec_refs.get(id, []): n = n1.appendChild(doc.createElement('a')) n.setAttribute('href', '../canvas/%s.html' % test_id) n.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(test_id)) n1.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(' ')) n0 = doc.createTextNode(end_node.nodeValue[:end]) n2 = doc.createTextNode(end_node.nodeValue[end:]) p = end_node.parentNode p.replaceChild(n2, end_node) p.insertBefore(n1, n2) p.insertBefore(n0, n1) t, offsets = getNodeText(e) for e in doc.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].childNodes: process_element(e) for s in spec_assertions: if s['id'] not in matched_assertions: print "Annotation incomplete: Unmatched spec statement %s" % s['id'] # Convert from XHTML back to HTML doc.documentElement.removeAttribute('xmlns') doc.documentElement.setAttribute('lang', doc.documentElement.getAttribute('xml:lang')) head = doc.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] head.insertBefore(doc.createElement('meta'), head.firstChild).setAttribute('charset', 'UTF-8') f = codecs.open('%s/canvas.html' % SPECOUTPUTDIR, 'w', 'utf-8') f.write(htmlSerializer(doc)) if not W3CMODE: write_index() write_category_indexes() write_reportgen() write_results() write_annotated_spec()