type: testharness
if not debug and not e10s and (os == "linux") and (version == "Ubuntu 12.04") and (processor == "x86") and (bits == 32): ERROR
if not debug and e10s and (os == "linux") and (version == "Ubuntu 12.04") and (processor == "x86") and (bits == 32): ERROR
if debug and e10s and (os == "linux") and (version == "Ubuntu 12.04") and (processor == "x86_64") and (bits == 64): ERROR
if debug and e10s and (os == "linux") and (version == "Ubuntu 12.04") and (processor == "x86") and (bits == 32): ERROR
if debug and not e10s and (os == "linux") and (version == "Ubuntu 12.04") and (processor == "x86") and (bits == 32): ERROR
[WebGL test #0: Unable to fetch WebGL rendering context for Canvas]
expected: FAIL
[WebGL test #1: gl instanceof WebGLRenderingContext should be true. Was false.]
expected: FAIL
[WebGL test #2: gl.createBuffer() instanceof WebGLBuffer should be true. Threw exception TypeError: gl is null]
expected: FAIL
[WebGL test #3: gl.createFramebuffer() instanceof WebGLFramebuffer should be true. Threw exception TypeError: gl is null]
expected: FAIL
[WebGL test #4: gl.createProgram() instanceof WebGLProgram should be true. Threw exception TypeError: gl is null]
expected: FAIL
[WebGL test #5: gl.createRenderbuffer() instanceof WebGLRenderbuffer should be true. Threw exception TypeError: gl is null]
expected: FAIL
[WebGL test #6: gl.createShader(gl.VERTEX_SHADER) instanceof WebGLShader should be true. Threw exception TypeError: gl is null]
expected: FAIL
[WebGL test #7: gl.createTexture() instanceof WebGLTexture should be true. Threw exception TypeError: gl is null]
expected: FAIL
[WebGL test #8: successfullyParsed should be true (of type boolean). Was undefined (of type undefined).]
expected: FAIL