[dom-tree-accessors-001.html] type: testharness [ and in a shadow tree should not be accessible from owner document's "head" and "body" properties, respectively.] expected: FAIL [The content of title element in a shadow tree should not be accessible from owner document's "title" attribute.] expected: FAIL [Elements in a shadow tree should not be accessible from owner document's "images" attribute.] expected: FAIL [Elements in a shadow tree should not be accessible from owner document's "embeds" attribute.] expected: FAIL [Elements in a shadow tree should not be accessible from owner document's "plugins" attribute.] expected: FAIL [Elements in a shadow tree should not be accessible from owner document's "links" attribute.] expected: FAIL [Elements in a shadow tree should not be accessible from owner document's "forms" attribute.] expected: FAIL [Elements in a shadow tree should not be accessible from owner document's "scripts" attribute.] expected: FAIL [Elements in a shadow tree should not be accessible from owner document's getElementsByName() method.] expected: FAIL [Elements in a shadow tree should not be accessible from owner document's "anchors" attribute.] expected: FAIL [Elements in a shadow tree should not be accessible from owner document's "all" attribute.] expected: FAIL [Elements in a shadow tree should not be accessible from owner document's getElementsByTagName() method.] expected: FAIL [Elements in a shadow tree should not be accessible from owner document's getElementsByTagNameNS() method.] expected: FAIL [Elements in a shadow tree should not be accessible from owner document's getElementById() method.] expected: FAIL