[form-validation-validity-rangeOverflow.html] type: testharness [[INPUT in DATETIME status\] The datetime type must be supported.] expected: FAIL [[INPUT in DATETIME-LOCAL status\] The datetime-local type must be supported.] expected: FAIL [[INPUT in DATETIME-LOCAL status\] The value is greater than max] expected: FAIL [[INPUT in DATETIME-LOCAL status\] The value is greater than max(with millisecond in 1 digit)] expected: FAIL [[INPUT in DATETIME-LOCAL status\] The value is greater than max(with millisecond in 2 digits)] expected: FAIL [[INPUT in DATETIME-LOCAL status\] The value is greater than max(with millisecond in 3 digits)] expected: FAIL [[INPUT in DATETIME-LOCAL status\] The value is greater than max(Year is 10000 should be valid)] expected: FAIL