[interfaces.html] type: testharness prefs: [dom.forms.inputmode:true, dom.details_element.enabled:true] [Document interface: attribute domain] expected: FAIL [Document interface: attribute cookie] expected: FAIL [Document interface: attribute body] expected: FAIL [Document interface: attribute head] expected: FAIL [Document interface: attribute images] expected: FAIL [Document interface: attribute embeds] expected: FAIL [Document interface: attribute plugins] expected: FAIL [Document interface: attribute links] expected: FAIL [Document interface: attribute forms] expected: FAIL [Document interface: attribute scripts] expected: FAIL [Document interface: operation getElementsByName(DOMString)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: operation getItems(DOMString)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: attribute cssElementMap] expected: FAIL [Document interface: operation open(DOMString,DOMString)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: operation open(DOMString,DOMString,DOMString,boolean)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: operation close()] expected: FAIL [Document interface: operation write(DOMString)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: operation writeln(DOMString)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: attribute designMode] expected: FAIL [Document interface: operation execCommand(DOMString,boolean,DOMString)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: operation queryCommandEnabled(DOMString)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: operation queryCommandIndeterm(DOMString)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: operation queryCommandState(DOMString)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: operation queryCommandSupported(DOMString)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: operation queryCommandValue(DOMString)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: attribute commands] expected: FAIL [Document interface: attribute fgColor] expected: FAIL [Document interface: attribute linkColor] expected: FAIL [Document interface: attribute vlinkColor] expected: FAIL [Document interface: attribute alinkColor] expected: FAIL [Document interface: attribute bgColor] expected: FAIL [Document interface: attribute anchors] expected: FAIL [Document interface: attribute applets] expected: FAIL [Document interface: operation clear()] expected: FAIL [Document interface: operation captureEvents()] expected: FAIL [Document interface: operation releaseEvents()] expected: FAIL [Document interface: attribute all] expected: FAIL [Document interface: attribute onautocomplete] expected: FAIL [Document interface: attribute onautocompleteerror] expected: FAIL [Document interface: attribute oncancel] expected: FAIL [Document interface: attribute oncuechange] expected: FAIL [Document interface: attribute onmousewheel] expected: FAIL [Document interface: attribute onsort] expected: FAIL [Stringification of iframe.contentDocument] expected: FAIL [Document interface: iframe.contentDocument must inherit property "origin" with the proper type (3)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: iframe.contentDocument must inherit property "styleSheetSets" with the proper type (31)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: iframe.contentDocument must inherit property "cssElementMap" with the proper type (52)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: iframe.contentDocument must inherit property "commands" with the proper type (69)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: iframe.contentDocument must inherit property "all" with the proper type (81)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: iframe.contentDocument must inherit property "query" with the proper type (89)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: calling query(DOMString) on iframe.contentDocument with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Document interface: iframe.contentDocument must inherit property "queryAll" with the proper type (90)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: calling queryAll(DOMString) on iframe.contentDocument with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Document interface: iframe.contentDocument must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (94)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: iframe.contentDocument must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (95)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: iframe.contentDocument must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (97)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: iframe.contentDocument must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (104)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: iframe.contentDocument must inherit property "onmousewheel" with the proper type (135)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: iframe.contentDocument must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (148)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "origin" with the proper type (3)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "styleSheetSets" with the proper type (31)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "domain" with the proper type (34)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "cookie" with the proper type (36)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "body" with the proper type (42)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "head" with the proper type (43)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "images" with the proper type (44)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "embeds" with the proper type (45)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "plugins" with the proper type (46)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "links" with the proper type (47)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "forms" with the proper type (48)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "scripts" with the proper type (49)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "getElementsByName" with the proper type (50)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: calling getElementsByName(DOMString) on document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "getItems" with the proper type (51)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: calling getItems(DOMString) on document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "cssElementMap" with the proper type (52)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "open" with the proper type (54)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: calling open(DOMString,DOMString) on document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "open" with the proper type (55)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: calling open(DOMString,DOMString,DOMString,boolean) on document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "close" with the proper type (56)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "write" with the proper type (57)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: calling write(DOMString) on document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "writeln" with the proper type (58)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: calling writeln(DOMString) on document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "designMode" with the proper type (62)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "execCommand" with the proper type (63)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: calling execCommand(DOMString,boolean,DOMString) on document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "queryCommandEnabled" with the proper type (64)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: calling queryCommandEnabled(DOMString) on document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "queryCommandIndeterm" with the proper type (65)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: calling queryCommandIndeterm(DOMString) on document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "queryCommandState" with the proper type (66)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: calling queryCommandState(DOMString) on document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "queryCommandSupported" with the proper type (67)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: calling queryCommandSupported(DOMString) on document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "queryCommandValue" with the proper type (68)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: calling queryCommandValue(DOMString) on document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "commands" with the proper type (69)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "fgColor" with the proper type (71)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "linkColor" with the proper type (72)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "vlinkColor" with the proper type (73)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "alinkColor" with the proper type (74)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "bgColor" with the proper type (75)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "anchors" with the proper type (76)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "applets" with the proper type (77)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "clear" with the proper type (78)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "captureEvents" with the proper type (79)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "releaseEvents" with the proper type (80)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "all" with the proper type (81)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "query" with the proper type (89)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: calling query(DOMString) on document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "queryAll" with the proper type (90)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: calling queryAll(DOMString) on document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (94)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (95)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (97)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (104)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "onmousewheel" with the proper type (135)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (148)] expected: FAIL [Touch interface: attribute region] expected: FAIL [HTMLAllCollection must be primary interface of document.all] expected: FAIL [Stringification of document.all] expected: FAIL [HTMLAllCollection interface: document.all must inherit property "item" with the proper type (0)] expected: FAIL [HTMLAllCollection interface: calling item(unsigned long) on document.all with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [HTMLAllCollection interface: document.all must inherit property "item" with the proper type (1)] expected: FAIL [HTMLAllCollection interface: calling item(DOMString) on document.all with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [HTMLAllCollection interface: document.all must inherit property "namedItem" with the proper type (2)] expected: FAIL [HTMLAllCollection interface: calling namedItem(DOMString) on document.all with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [HTMLCollection interface: document.all must inherit property "length" with the proper type (0)] expected: FAIL [HTMLCollection interface: document.all must inherit property "item" with the proper type (1)] expected: FAIL [HTMLCollection interface: calling item(unsigned long) on document.all with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [HTMLCollection interface: document.all must inherit property "namedItem" with the proper type (2)] expected: FAIL [HTMLCollection interface: calling namedItem(DOMString) on document.all with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [DOMElementMap interface: existence and properties of interface object] expected: FAIL [DOMElementMap interface object length] expected: FAIL [DOMElementMap interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [DOMElementMap interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: FAIL [DOMElementMap must be primary interface of document.cssElementMap] expected: FAIL [Stringification of document.cssElementMap] expected: FAIL [HTMLElement interface: attribute translate] expected: FAIL [HTMLElement interface: attribute dropzone] expected: FAIL [HTMLElement interface: attribute contextMenu] expected: FAIL [HTMLElement interface: operation forceSpellCheck()] expected: FAIL [HTMLElement interface: attribute commandType] expected: FAIL [HTMLElement interface: attribute commandLabel] expected: FAIL [HTMLElement interface: attribute commandIcon] expected: FAIL [HTMLElement interface: attribute commandHidden] expected: FAIL [HTMLElement interface: attribute commandDisabled] expected: FAIL [HTMLElement interface: attribute commandChecked] expected: FAIL [HTMLElement interface: attribute onautocomplete] expected: FAIL [HTMLElement interface: attribute onautocompleteerror] expected: FAIL [HTMLElement interface: attribute oncancel] expected: FAIL [HTMLElement interface: attribute oncuechange] expected: FAIL [HTMLElement interface: attribute onmousewheel] expected: FAIL [HTMLElement interface: attribute onsort] expected: FAIL [HTMLElement interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "translate" with the proper type (2)] expected: FAIL [HTMLElement interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "dropzone" with the proper type (13)] expected: FAIL [HTMLElement interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "forceSpellCheck" with the proper type (18)] expected: FAIL [HTMLElement interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "commandType" with the proper type (19)] expected: FAIL [HTMLElement interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "commandLabel" with the proper type (20)] expected: FAIL [HTMLElement interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "commandIcon" with the proper type (21)] expected: FAIL [HTMLElement interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "commandHidden" with the proper type (22)] expected: FAIL [HTMLElement interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "commandDisabled" with the proper type (23)] expected: FAIL [HTMLElement interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "commandChecked" with the proper type (24)] expected: FAIL [HTMLElement interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (26)] expected: FAIL [HTMLElement interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (27)] expected: FAIL [HTMLElement interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (29)] expected: FAIL [HTMLElement interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (36)] expected: FAIL [HTMLElement interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "onmousewheel" with the proper type (67)] expected: FAIL [HTMLElement interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (80)] expected: FAIL [Element interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "query" with the proper type (33)] expected: FAIL [Element interface: calling query(DOMString) on document.createElement("noscript") with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Element interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "queryAll" with the proper type (34)] expected: FAIL [Element interface: calling queryAll(DOMString) on document.createElement("noscript") with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [HTMLElement must be primary interface of document.createElement("bdi")] expected: FAIL [Stringification of document.createElement("bdi")] expected: FAIL [HTMLUnknownElement must be primary interface of document.createElement("rb")] expected: FAIL [Stringification of document.createElement("rb")] expected: FAIL [HTMLUnknownElement must be primary interface of document.createElement("basefont")] expected: FAIL [Stringification of document.createElement("basefont")] expected: FAIL [HTMLIFrameElement interface: attribute seamless] expected: FAIL [HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("video") must inherit property "getStartDate" with the proper type (23)] expected: FAIL [HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("video") must inherit property "mediaGroup" with the proper type (34)] expected: FAIL [HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("video") must inherit property "controller" with the proper type (35)] expected: FAIL [HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("video") must inherit property "audioTracks" with the proper type (40)] expected: FAIL [HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("video") must inherit property "videoTracks" with the proper type (41)] expected: FAIL [HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("audio") must inherit property "getStartDate" with the proper type (23)] expected: FAIL [HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("audio") must inherit property "mediaGroup" with the proper type (34)] expected: FAIL [HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("audio") must inherit property "controller" with the proper type (35)] expected: FAIL [HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("audio") must inherit property "audioTracks" with the proper type (40)] expected: FAIL [HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("audio") must inherit property "videoTracks" with the proper type (41)] expected: FAIL [HTMLMediaElement interface: new Audio() must inherit property "getStartDate" with the proper type (23)] expected: FAIL [HTMLMediaElement interface: new Audio() must inherit property "mediaGroup" with the proper type (34)] expected: FAIL [HTMLMediaElement interface: new Audio() must inherit property "controller" with the proper type (35)] expected: FAIL [HTMLMediaElement interface: new Audio() must inherit property "audioTracks" with the proper type (40)] expected: FAIL [HTMLMediaElement interface: new Audio() must inherit property "videoTracks" with the proper type (41)] expected: FAIL [HTMLMediaElement interface: operation getStartDate()] expected: FAIL [HTMLMediaElement interface: attribute mediaGroup] expected: FAIL [HTMLMediaElement interface: attribute controller] expected: FAIL [HTMLMediaElement interface: attribute audioTracks] expected: FAIL [HTMLMediaElement interface: attribute videoTracks] expected: FAIL [AudioTrackList interface: existence and properties of interface object] expected: FAIL [AudioTrackList interface object length] expected: FAIL [AudioTrackList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [AudioTrackList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: FAIL [AudioTrackList interface: attribute length] expected: FAIL [AudioTrackList interface: operation getTrackById(DOMString)] expected: FAIL [AudioTrackList interface: attribute onchange] expected: FAIL [AudioTrackList interface: attribute onaddtrack] expected: FAIL [AudioTrackList interface: attribute onremovetrack] expected: FAIL [AudioTrack interface: existence and properties of interface object] expected: FAIL [AudioTrack interface object length] expected: FAIL [AudioTrack interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [AudioTrack interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: FAIL [AudioTrack interface: attribute id] expected: FAIL [AudioTrack interface: attribute kind] expected: FAIL [AudioTrack interface: attribute label] expected: FAIL [AudioTrack interface: attribute language] expected: FAIL [AudioTrack interface: attribute enabled] expected: FAIL [VideoTrackList interface: existence and properties of interface object] expected: FAIL [VideoTrackList interface object length] expected: FAIL [VideoTrackList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [VideoTrackList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: FAIL [VideoTrackList interface: attribute length] expected: FAIL [VideoTrackList interface: operation getTrackById(DOMString)] expected: FAIL [VideoTrackList interface: attribute selectedIndex] expected: FAIL [VideoTrackList interface: attribute onchange] expected: FAIL [VideoTrackList interface: attribute onaddtrack] expected: FAIL [VideoTrackList interface: attribute onremovetrack] expected: FAIL [VideoTrack interface: existence and properties of interface object] expected: FAIL [VideoTrack interface object length] expected: FAIL [VideoTrack interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [VideoTrack interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: FAIL [VideoTrack interface: attribute id] expected: FAIL [VideoTrack interface: attribute kind] expected: FAIL [VideoTrack interface: attribute label] expected: FAIL [VideoTrack interface: attribute language] expected: FAIL [VideoTrack interface: attribute selected] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: existence and properties of interface object] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface object length] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: attribute readyState] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: attribute buffered] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: attribute seekable] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: attribute duration] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: attribute currentTime] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: attribute paused] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: attribute playbackState] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: attribute played] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: operation pause()] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: operation unpause()] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: operation play()] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: attribute defaultPlaybackRate] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: attribute playbackRate] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: attribute volume] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: attribute muted] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: attribute onemptied] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: attribute onloadedmetadata] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: attribute onloadeddata] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: attribute oncanplay] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: attribute oncanplaythrough] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: attribute onplaying] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: attribute onended] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: attribute onwaiting] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: attribute ondurationchange] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: attribute ontimeupdate] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: attribute onplay] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: attribute onpause] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: attribute onratechange] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: attribute onvolumechange] expected: FAIL [MediaController must be primary interface of new MediaController()] expected: FAIL [Stringification of new MediaController()] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: new MediaController() must inherit property "readyState" with the proper type (0)] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: new MediaController() must inherit property "buffered" with the proper type (1)] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: new MediaController() must inherit property "seekable" with the proper type (2)] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: new MediaController() must inherit property "duration" with the proper type (3)] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: new MediaController() must inherit property "currentTime" with the proper type (4)] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: new MediaController() must inherit property "paused" with the proper type (5)] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: new MediaController() must inherit property "playbackState" with the proper type (6)] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: new MediaController() must inherit property "played" with the proper type (7)] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: new MediaController() must inherit property "pause" with the proper type (8)] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: new MediaController() must inherit property "unpause" with the proper type (9)] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: new MediaController() must inherit property "play" with the proper type (10)] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: new MediaController() must inherit property "defaultPlaybackRate" with the proper type (11)] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: new MediaController() must inherit property "playbackRate" with the proper type (12)] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: new MediaController() must inherit property "volume" with the proper type (13)] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: new MediaController() must inherit property "muted" with the proper type (14)] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: new MediaController() must inherit property "onemptied" with the proper type (15)] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: new MediaController() must inherit property "onloadedmetadata" with the proper type (16)] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: new MediaController() must inherit property "onloadeddata" with the proper type (17)] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: new MediaController() must inherit property "oncanplay" with the proper type (18)] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: new MediaController() must inherit property "oncanplaythrough" with the proper type (19)] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: new MediaController() must inherit property "onplaying" with the proper type (20)] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: new MediaController() must inherit property "onended" with the proper type (21)] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: new MediaController() must inherit property "onwaiting" with the proper type (22)] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: new MediaController() must inherit property "ondurationchange" with the proper type (23)] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: new MediaController() must inherit property "ontimeupdate" with the proper type (24)] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: new MediaController() must inherit property "onplay" with the proper type (25)] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: new MediaController() must inherit property "onpause" with the proper type (26)] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: new MediaController() must inherit property "onratechange" with the proper type (27)] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface: new MediaController() must inherit property "onvolumechange" with the proper type (28)] expected: FAIL [EventTarget interface: new MediaController() must inherit property "addEventListener" with the proper type (0)] expected: FAIL [EventTarget interface: calling addEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,boolean) on new MediaController() with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [EventTarget interface: new MediaController() must inherit property "removeEventListener" with the proper type (1)] expected: FAIL [EventTarget interface: calling removeEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,boolean) on new MediaController() with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [EventTarget interface: new MediaController() must inherit property "dispatchEvent" with the proper type (2)] expected: FAIL [EventTarget interface: calling dispatchEvent(Event) on new MediaController() with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [TrackEvent must be primary interface of new TrackEvent("addtrack"; {track:document.createElement("track").track})] expected: FAIL [Stringification of new TrackEvent("addtrack"; {track:document.createElement("track").track})] expected: FAIL [TrackEvent interface: new TrackEvent("addtrack"; {track:document.createElement("track").track}) must inherit property "track" with the proper type (0)] expected: FAIL [Event interface: new TrackEvent("addtrack"; {track:document.createElement("track").track}) must inherit property "type" with the proper type (0)] expected: FAIL [Event interface: new TrackEvent("addtrack"; {track:document.createElement("track").track}) must inherit property "target" with the proper type (1)] expected: FAIL [Event interface: new TrackEvent("addtrack"; {track:document.createElement("track").track}) must inherit property "currentTarget" with the proper type (2)] expected: FAIL [Event interface: new TrackEvent("addtrack"; {track:document.createElement("track").track}) must inherit property "NONE" with the proper type (3)] expected: FAIL [Event interface: new TrackEvent("addtrack"; {track:document.createElement("track").track}) must inherit property "CAPTURING_PHASE" with the proper type (4)] expected: FAIL [Event interface: new TrackEvent("addtrack"; {track:document.createElement("track").track}) must inherit property "AT_TARGET" with the proper type (5)] expected: FAIL [Event interface: new TrackEvent("addtrack"; {track:document.createElement("track").track}) must inherit property "BUBBLING_PHASE" with the proper type (6)] expected: FAIL [Event interface: new TrackEvent("addtrack"; {track:document.createElement("track").track}) must inherit property "eventPhase" with the proper type (7)] expected: FAIL [Event interface: new TrackEvent("addtrack"; {track:document.createElement("track").track}) must inherit property "stopPropagation" with the proper type (8)] expected: FAIL [Event interface: new TrackEvent("addtrack"; {track:document.createElement("track").track}) must inherit property "stopImmediatePropagation" with the proper type (9)] expected: FAIL [Event interface: new TrackEvent("addtrack"; {track:document.createElement("track").track}) must inherit property "bubbles" with the proper type (10)] expected: FAIL [Event interface: new TrackEvent("addtrack"; {track:document.createElement("track").track}) must inherit property "cancelable" with the proper type (11)] expected: FAIL [Event interface: new TrackEvent("addtrack"; {track:document.createElement("track").track}) must inherit property "preventDefault" with the proper type (12)] expected: FAIL [Event interface: new TrackEvent("addtrack"; {track:document.createElement("track").track}) must inherit property "defaultPrevented" with the proper type (13)] expected: FAIL [Event interface: new TrackEvent("addtrack"; {track:document.createElement("track").track}) must have own property "isTrusted"] expected: FAIL [Event interface: new TrackEvent("addtrack"; {track:document.createElement("track").track}) must inherit property "timeStamp" with the proper type (15)] expected: FAIL [Event interface: new TrackEvent("addtrack"; {track:document.createElement("track").track}) must inherit property "initEvent" with the proper type (16)] expected: FAIL [Event interface: calling initEvent(DOMString,boolean,boolean) on new TrackEvent("addtrack"; {track:document.createElement("track").track}) with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [HTMLMapElement interface: attribute images] expected: FAIL [HTMLMapElement interface: document.createElement("map") must inherit property "images" with the proper type (2)] expected: FAIL [HTMLAreaElement interface: attribute hreflang] expected: FAIL [HTMLAreaElement interface: attribute type] expected: FAIL [HTMLAreaElement interface: document.createElement("area") must inherit property "hreflang" with the proper type (8)] expected: FAIL [HTMLAreaElement interface: document.createElement("area") must inherit property "type" with the proper type (9)] expected: FAIL [HTMLTableElement interface: attribute sortable] expected: FAIL [HTMLTableElement interface: operation stopSorting()] expected: FAIL [HTMLTableElement interface: document.createElement("table") must inherit property "sortable" with the proper type (14)] expected: FAIL [HTMLTableElement interface: document.createElement("table") must inherit property "stopSorting" with the proper type (15)] expected: FAIL [HTMLTableDataCellElement interface: existence and properties of interface object] expected: FAIL [HTMLTableDataCellElement interface object length] expected: FAIL [HTMLTableDataCellElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [HTMLTableDataCellElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: FAIL [HTMLTableDataCellElement interface: attribute abbr] expected: FAIL [HTMLTableDataCellElement must be primary interface of document.createElement("td")] expected: FAIL [HTMLTableHeaderCellElement interface: existence and properties of interface object] expected: FAIL [HTMLTableHeaderCellElement interface object length] expected: FAIL [HTMLTableHeaderCellElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [HTMLTableHeaderCellElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: FAIL [HTMLTableHeaderCellElement interface: attribute scope] expected: FAIL [HTMLTableHeaderCellElement interface: attribute abbr] expected: FAIL [HTMLTableHeaderCellElement interface: attribute sorted] expected: FAIL [HTMLTableHeaderCellElement interface: operation sort()] expected: FAIL [HTMLTableHeaderCellElement must be primary interface of document.createElement("th")] expected: FAIL [HTMLTableHeaderCellElement interface: document.createElement("th") must inherit property "sorted" with the proper type (2)] expected: FAIL [HTMLTableHeaderCellElement interface: document.createElement("th") must inherit property "sort" with the proper type (3)] expected: FAIL [HTMLFormElement interface: operation requestAutocomplete()] expected: FAIL [HTMLFormElement interface: document.createElement("form") must inherit property "requestAutocomplete" with the proper type (17)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: attribute dirName] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: attribute valueLow] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: attribute valueHigh] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: attribute labels] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: document.createElement("input") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type (6)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: document.createElement("input") must inherit property "valueLow" with the proper type (37)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: document.createElement("input") must inherit property "valueHigh" with the proper type (38)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: document.createElement("input") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (48)] expected: FAIL [HTMLButtonElement interface: attribute menu] expected: FAIL [HTMLButtonElement interface: attribute labels] expected: FAIL [HTMLButtonElement interface: document.createElement("button") must inherit property "menu" with the proper type (11)] expected: FAIL [HTMLButtonElement interface: document.createElement("button") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (18)] expected: FAIL [HTMLSelectElement interface: attribute autocomplete] expected: FAIL [HTMLSelectElement interface: attribute labels] expected: FAIL [HTMLSelectElement interface: document.createElement("select") must inherit property "autocomplete" with the proper type (0)] expected: FAIL [HTMLSelectElement interface: document.createElement("select") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (26)] expected: FAIL [HTMLTextAreaElement interface: attribute autocomplete] expected: FAIL [HTMLTextAreaElement interface: attribute dirName] expected: FAIL [HTMLTextAreaElement interface: attribute inputMode] expected: FAIL [HTMLTextAreaElement interface: attribute labels] expected: FAIL [HTMLTextAreaElement interface: document.createElement("textarea") must inherit property "autocomplete" with the proper type (0)] expected: FAIL [HTMLTextAreaElement interface: document.createElement("textarea") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type (3)] expected: FAIL [HTMLTextAreaElement interface: document.createElement("textarea") must inherit property "inputMode" with the proper type (6)] expected: FAIL [HTMLTextAreaElement interface: document.createElement("textarea") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (25)] expected: FAIL [HTMLKeygenElement interface: existence and properties of interface object] expected: FAIL [HTMLKeygenElement interface object length] expected: FAIL [HTMLKeygenElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [HTMLKeygenElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: FAIL [HTMLKeygenElement interface: attribute autofocus] expected: FAIL [HTMLKeygenElement interface: attribute challenge] expected: FAIL [HTMLKeygenElement interface: attribute disabled] expected: FAIL [HTMLKeygenElement interface: attribute form] expected: FAIL [HTMLKeygenElement interface: attribute keytype] expected: FAIL [HTMLKeygenElement interface: attribute name] expected: FAIL [HTMLKeygenElement interface: attribute type] expected: FAIL [HTMLKeygenElement interface: attribute willValidate] expected: FAIL [HTMLKeygenElement interface: attribute validity] expected: FAIL [HTMLKeygenElement interface: attribute validationMessage] expected: FAIL [HTMLKeygenElement interface: operation checkValidity()] expected: FAIL [HTMLKeygenElement interface: operation reportValidity()] expected: FAIL [HTMLKeygenElement interface: operation setCustomValidity(DOMString)] expected: FAIL [HTMLKeygenElement interface: attribute labels] expected: FAIL [HTMLKeygenElement must be primary interface of document.createElement("keygen")] expected: FAIL [Stringification of document.createElement("keygen")] expected: FAIL [HTMLKeygenElement interface: document.createElement("keygen") must inherit property "autofocus" with the proper type (0)] expected: FAIL [HTMLKeygenElement interface: document.createElement("keygen") must inherit property "challenge" with the proper type (1)] expected: FAIL [HTMLKeygenElement interface: document.createElement("keygen") must inherit property "disabled" with the proper type (2)] expected: FAIL [HTMLKeygenElement interface: document.createElement("keygen") must inherit property "form" with the proper type (3)] expected: FAIL [HTMLKeygenElement interface: document.createElement("keygen") must inherit property "keytype" with the proper type (4)] expected: FAIL [HTMLKeygenElement interface: document.createElement("keygen") must inherit property "name" with the proper type (5)] expected: FAIL [HTMLKeygenElement interface: document.createElement("keygen") must inherit property "type" with the proper type (6)] expected: FAIL [HTMLKeygenElement interface: document.createElement("keygen") must inherit property "willValidate" with the proper type (7)] expected: FAIL [HTMLKeygenElement interface: document.createElement("keygen") must inherit property "validity" with the proper type (8)] expected: FAIL [HTMLKeygenElement interface: document.createElement("keygen") must inherit property "validationMessage" with the proper type (9)] expected: FAIL [HTMLKeygenElement interface: document.createElement("keygen") must inherit property "checkValidity" with the proper type (10)] expected: FAIL [HTMLKeygenElement interface: document.createElement("keygen") must inherit property "reportValidity" with the proper type (11)] expected: FAIL [HTMLKeygenElement interface: document.createElement("keygen") must inherit property "setCustomValidity" with the proper type (12)] expected: FAIL [HTMLKeygenElement interface: calling setCustomValidity(DOMString) on document.createElement("keygen") with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [HTMLKeygenElement interface: document.createElement("keygen") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (13)] expected: FAIL [HTMLOutputElement interface: attribute labels] expected: FAIL [HTMLOutputElement interface: document.createElement("output") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (12)] expected: FAIL [HTMLProgressElement interface: attribute labels] expected: FAIL [HTMLProgressElement interface: document.createElement("progress") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (3)] expected: FAIL [HTMLMeterElement interface: attribute labels] expected: FAIL [HTMLMeterElement interface: document.createElement("meter") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (6)] expected: FAIL [AutocompleteErrorEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object] expected: FAIL [AutocompleteErrorEvent interface object length] expected: FAIL [AutocompleteErrorEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [AutocompleteErrorEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: FAIL [AutocompleteErrorEvent interface: attribute reason] expected: FAIL [HTMLMenuItemElement interface: attribute default] expected: FAIL [HTMLMenuItemElement interface: attribute command] expected: FAIL [RelatedEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object] expected: FAIL [RelatedEvent interface object length] expected: FAIL [RelatedEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [RelatedEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: FAIL [RelatedEvent interface: attribute relatedTarget] expected: FAIL [HTMLCanvasElement interface: operation probablySupportsContext(DOMString,any)] expected: FAIL [HTMLCanvasElement interface: operation setContext(RenderingContext)] expected: FAIL [HTMLCanvasElement interface: operation transferControlToProxy()] expected: FAIL [HTMLCanvasElement interface: document.createElement("canvas") must inherit property "probablySupportsContext" with the proper type (3)] expected: FAIL [HTMLCanvasElement interface: calling probablySupportsContext(DOMString,any) on document.createElement("canvas") with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [HTMLCanvasElement interface: document.createElement("canvas") must inherit property "setContext" with the proper type (4)] expected: FAIL [HTMLCanvasElement interface: calling setContext(RenderingContext) on document.createElement("canvas") with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [HTMLCanvasElement interface: document.createElement("canvas") must inherit property "transferControlToProxy" with the proper type (5)] expected: FAIL [CanvasProxy interface: existence and properties of interface object] expected: FAIL [CanvasProxy interface object length] expected: FAIL [CanvasProxy interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [CanvasProxy interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: FAIL [CanvasProxy interface: operation setContext(RenderingContext)] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: attribute width] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: attribute height] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: operation commit()] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: attribute currentTransform] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: operation drawSystemFocusRing(Element)] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: operation drawSystemFocusRing(Path2D,Element)] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: operation drawCustomFocusRing(Element)] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: operation drawCustomFocusRing(Path2D,Element)] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: operation scrollPathIntoView()] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: operation scrollPathIntoView(Path2D)] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: operation resetClip()] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: operation addHitRegion(HitRegionOptions)] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: operation removeHitRegion(DOMString)] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: attribute direction] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d") must inherit property "width" with the proper type (1)] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d") must inherit property "height" with the proper type (2)] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d") must inherit property "commit" with the proper type (3)] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d") must inherit property "currentTransform" with the proper type (6)] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d") must inherit property "strokeStyle" with the proper type (16)] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d") must inherit property "fillStyle" with the proper type (17)] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d") must inherit property "drawSystemFocusRing" with the proper type (33)] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: calling drawSystemFocusRing(Element) on document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d") with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d") must inherit property "drawSystemFocusRing" with the proper type (34)] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: calling drawSystemFocusRing(Path2D,Element) on document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d") with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d") must inherit property "drawCustomFocusRing" with the proper type (35)] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: calling drawCustomFocusRing(Element) on document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d") with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d") must inherit property "drawCustomFocusRing" with the proper type (36)] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: calling drawCustomFocusRing(Path2D,Element) on document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d") with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d") must inherit property "scrollPathIntoView" with the proper type (37)] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d") must inherit property "scrollPathIntoView" with the proper type (38)] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: calling scrollPathIntoView(Path2D) on document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d") with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d") must inherit property "resetClip" with the proper type (41)] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d") must inherit property "addHitRegion" with the proper type (52)] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: calling addHitRegion(HitRegionOptions) on document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d") with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d") must inherit property "removeHitRegion" with the proper type (53)] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: calling removeHitRegion(DOMString) on document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d") with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d") must inherit property "direction" with the proper type (69)] expected: FAIL [TextMetrics interface: attribute actualBoundingBoxLeft] expected: FAIL [TextMetrics interface: attribute actualBoundingBoxRight] expected: FAIL [TextMetrics interface: attribute fontBoundingBoxAscent] expected: FAIL [TextMetrics interface: attribute fontBoundingBoxDescent] expected: FAIL [TextMetrics interface: attribute actualBoundingBoxAscent] expected: FAIL [TextMetrics interface: attribute actualBoundingBoxDescent] expected: FAIL [TextMetrics interface: attribute emHeightAscent] expected: FAIL [TextMetrics interface: attribute emHeightDescent] expected: FAIL [TextMetrics interface: attribute hangingBaseline] expected: FAIL [TextMetrics interface: attribute alphabeticBaseline] expected: FAIL [TextMetrics interface: attribute ideographicBaseline] expected: FAIL [DrawingStyle interface: existence and properties of interface object] expected: FAIL [DrawingStyle interface object length] expected: FAIL [DrawingStyle interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [DrawingStyle interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: FAIL [DrawingStyle interface: attribute lineWidth] expected: FAIL [DrawingStyle interface: attribute lineCap] expected: FAIL [DrawingStyle interface: attribute lineJoin] expected: FAIL [DrawingStyle interface: attribute miterLimit] expected: FAIL [DrawingStyle interface: operation setLineDash([object Object\])] expected: FAIL [DrawingStyle interface: operation getLineDash()] expected: FAIL [DrawingStyle interface: attribute lineDashOffset] expected: FAIL [DrawingStyle interface: attribute font] expected: FAIL [DrawingStyle interface: attribute textAlign] expected: FAIL [DrawingStyle interface: attribute textBaseline] expected: FAIL [DrawingStyle interface: attribute direction] expected: FAIL [Path2D interface: operation addPathByStrokingPath(Path2D,CanvasDrawingStyles,SVGMatrix)] expected: FAIL [Path2D interface: operation addText(DOMString,CanvasDrawingStyles,SVGMatrix,unrestricted double,unrestricted double,unrestricted double)] expected: FAIL [Path2D interface: operation addPathByStrokingText(DOMString,CanvasDrawingStyles,SVGMatrix,unrestricted double,unrestricted double,unrestricted double)] expected: FAIL [Path2D interface: operation addText(DOMString,CanvasDrawingStyles,SVGMatrix,Path2D,unrestricted double)] expected: FAIL [Path2D interface: operation addPathByStrokingText(DOMString,CanvasDrawingStyles,SVGMatrix,Path2D,unrestricted double)] expected: FAIL [Window interface: operation showModalDialog(DOMString,any)] disabled: if e10s: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=981796 [Window interface: attribute onautocomplete] expected: FAIL [Window interface: attribute onautocompleteerror] expected: FAIL [Window interface: attribute oncancel] expected: FAIL [Window interface: attribute oncuechange] expected: FAIL [Window interface: attribute onmousewheel] expected: FAIL [Window interface: attribute onsort] expected: FAIL [Window interface: operation createImageBitmap(ImageBitmapSource,long,long,long,long)] expected: FAIL [Window interface: window must inherit property "showModalDialog" with the proper type (34)] disabled: if e10s: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=981796 [Window interface: window must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (39)] expected: FAIL [Window interface: window must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (40)] expected: FAIL [Window interface: window must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (42)] expected: FAIL [Window interface: window must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (49)] expected: FAIL [Window interface: window must inherit property "onmousewheel" with the proper type (80)] expected: FAIL [Window interface: window must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (93)] expected: FAIL [Window interface: calling showModalDialog(DOMString,any) on window with too few arguments must throw TypeError] disabled: if e10s: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=981796 [Window interface: calling createImageBitmap(ImageBitmapSource,long,long,long,long) on window with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Location interface: operation assign(DOMString)] expected: FAIL [Location interface: operation replace(DOMString)] expected: FAIL [Location interface: operation reload()] expected: FAIL [Location interface: window.location must inherit property "assign" with the proper type (0)] expected: FAIL [Location interface: window.location must inherit property "replace" with the proper type (1)] expected: FAIL [Location interface: window.location must inherit property "reload" with the proper type (2)] expected: FAIL [ApplicationCache interface: existence and properties of interface object] expected: FAIL [ApplicationCache interface object length] expected: FAIL [ApplicationCache interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [ApplicationCache interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: FAIL [ApplicationCache interface: constant UNCACHED on interface object] expected: FAIL [ApplicationCache interface: constant UNCACHED on interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [ApplicationCache interface: constant IDLE on interface object] expected: FAIL [ApplicationCache interface: constant IDLE on interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [ApplicationCache interface: constant CHECKING on interface object] expected: FAIL [ApplicationCache interface: constant CHECKING on interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [ApplicationCache interface: constant DOWNLOADING on interface object] expected: FAIL [ApplicationCache interface: constant DOWNLOADING on interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [ApplicationCache interface: constant UPDATEREADY on interface object] expected: FAIL [ApplicationCache interface: constant UPDATEREADY on interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [ApplicationCache interface: constant OBSOLETE on interface object] expected: FAIL [ApplicationCache interface: constant OBSOLETE on interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [ApplicationCache interface: attribute status] expected: FAIL [ApplicationCache interface: operation update()] expected: FAIL [ApplicationCache interface: operation abort()] expected: FAIL [ApplicationCache interface: operation swapCache()] expected: FAIL [ApplicationCache interface: attribute onchecking] expected: FAIL [ApplicationCache interface: attribute onerror] expected: FAIL [ApplicationCache interface: attribute onnoupdate] expected: FAIL [ApplicationCache interface: attribute ondownloading] expected: FAIL [ApplicationCache interface: attribute onprogress] expected: FAIL [ApplicationCache interface: attribute onupdateready] expected: FAIL [ApplicationCache interface: attribute oncached] expected: FAIL [ApplicationCache interface: attribute onobsolete] expected: FAIL [ApplicationCache must be primary interface of window.applicationCache] expected: FAIL [Stringification of window.applicationCache] expected: FAIL [ApplicationCache interface: window.applicationCache must inherit property "abort" with the proper type (8)] expected: FAIL [Navigator interface: operation isProtocolHandlerRegistered(DOMString,DOMString)] expected: FAIL [Navigator interface: operation isContentHandlerRegistered(DOMString,DOMString)] expected: FAIL [Navigator interface: operation unregisterProtocolHandler(DOMString,DOMString)] expected: FAIL [Navigator interface: operation unregisterContentHandler(DOMString,DOMString)] expected: FAIL [Navigator interface: operation yieldForStorageUpdates()] expected: FAIL [Navigator interface: attribute javaEnabled] expected: FAIL [Navigator interface: window.navigator must inherit property "isProtocolHandlerRegistered" with the proper type (12)] expected: FAIL [Navigator interface: calling isProtocolHandlerRegistered(DOMString,DOMString) on window.navigator with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Navigator interface: window.navigator must inherit property "isContentHandlerRegistered" with the proper type (13)] expected: FAIL [Navigator interface: calling isContentHandlerRegistered(DOMString,DOMString) on window.navigator with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Navigator interface: window.navigator must inherit property "unregisterProtocolHandler" with the proper type (14)] expected: FAIL [Navigator interface: calling unregisterProtocolHandler(DOMString,DOMString) on window.navigator with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Navigator interface: window.navigator must inherit property "unregisterContentHandler" with the proper type (15)] expected: FAIL [Navigator interface: calling unregisterContentHandler(DOMString,DOMString) on window.navigator with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Navigator interface: window.navigator must inherit property "yieldForStorageUpdates" with the proper type (17)] expected: FAIL [PortCollection interface: existence and properties of interface object] expected: FAIL [PortCollection interface object length] expected: FAIL [PortCollection interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [PortCollection interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: FAIL [PortCollection interface: operation add(MessagePort)] expected: FAIL [PortCollection interface: operation remove(MessagePort)] expected: FAIL [PortCollection interface: operation clear()] expected: FAIL [PortCollection interface: operation iterate(PortCollectionCallback)] expected: FAIL [WorkerGlobalScope interface object length] expected: FAIL [WorkerGlobalScope interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [WorkerGlobalScope interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: FAIL [WorkerGlobalScope interface: attribute self] expected: FAIL [WorkerGlobalScope interface: attribute location] expected: FAIL [WorkerGlobalScope interface: operation close()] expected: FAIL [WorkerGlobalScope interface: attribute onerror] expected: FAIL [WorkerGlobalScope interface: attribute onlanguagechange] expected: FAIL [WorkerGlobalScope interface: attribute onoffline] expected: FAIL [WorkerGlobalScope interface: attribute ononline] expected: FAIL [WorkerGlobalScope interface: operation importScripts(DOMString)] expected: FAIL [WorkerGlobalScope interface: attribute navigator] expected: FAIL [WorkerGlobalScope interface: operation createImageBitmap(ImageBitmapSource,long,long,long,long)] expected: FAIL [WorkerGlobalScope interface: operation setTimeout(Function,long,any)] expected: FAIL [WorkerGlobalScope interface: operation setTimeout(DOMString,long,any)] expected: FAIL [WorkerGlobalScope interface: operation clearTimeout(long)] expected: FAIL [WorkerGlobalScope interface: operation setInterval(Function,long,any)] expected: FAIL [WorkerGlobalScope interface: operation setInterval(DOMString,long,any)] expected: FAIL [WorkerGlobalScope interface: operation clearInterval(long)] expected: FAIL [WorkerGlobalScope interface: operation btoa(DOMString)] expected: FAIL [WorkerGlobalScope interface: operation atob(DOMString)] expected: FAIL [DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope interface object length] expected: FAIL [DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: FAIL [DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope interface: operation postMessage(any,[object Object\])] expected: FAIL [DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope interface: attribute onmessage] expected: FAIL [SharedWorkerGlobalScope interface object length] expected: FAIL [SharedWorkerGlobalScope interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [SharedWorkerGlobalScope interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: FAIL [SharedWorkerGlobalScope interface: attribute name] expected: FAIL [SharedWorkerGlobalScope interface: attribute applicationCache] expected: FAIL [SharedWorkerGlobalScope interface: attribute onconnect] expected: FAIL [WorkerNavigator interface object length] expected: FAIL [WorkerNavigator interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [WorkerNavigator interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: FAIL [WorkerNavigator interface: attribute appCodeName] expected: FAIL [WorkerNavigator interface: attribute appName] expected: FAIL [WorkerNavigator interface: attribute appVersion] expected: FAIL [WorkerNavigator interface: attribute platform] expected: FAIL [WorkerNavigator interface: attribute product] expected: FAIL [WorkerNavigator interface: operation taintEnabled()] expected: FAIL [WorkerNavigator interface: attribute userAgent] expected: FAIL [WorkerNavigator interface: attribute language] expected: FAIL [WorkerNavigator interface: attribute languages] expected: FAIL [WorkerNavigator interface: attribute onLine] expected: FAIL [WorkerLocation interface object length] expected: FAIL [WorkerLocation interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [WorkerLocation interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: FAIL [HTMLMarqueeElement interface: existence and properties of interface object] expected: FAIL [HTMLMarqueeElement interface object length] expected: FAIL [HTMLMarqueeElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [HTMLMarqueeElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: FAIL [HTMLMarqueeElement interface: attribute behavior] expected: FAIL [HTMLMarqueeElement interface: attribute bgColor] expected: FAIL [HTMLMarqueeElement interface: attribute direction] expected: FAIL [HTMLMarqueeElement interface: attribute height] expected: FAIL [HTMLMarqueeElement interface: attribute hspace] expected: FAIL [HTMLMarqueeElement interface: attribute loop] expected: FAIL [HTMLMarqueeElement interface: attribute scrollAmount] expected: FAIL [HTMLMarqueeElement interface: attribute scrollDelay] expected: FAIL [HTMLMarqueeElement interface: attribute trueSpeed] expected: FAIL [HTMLMarqueeElement interface: attribute vspace] expected: FAIL [HTMLMarqueeElement interface: attribute width] expected: FAIL [HTMLMarqueeElement interface: attribute onbounce] expected: FAIL [HTMLMarqueeElement interface: attribute onfinish] expected: FAIL [HTMLMarqueeElement interface: attribute onstart] expected: FAIL [HTMLMarqueeElement interface: operation start()] expected: FAIL [HTMLMarqueeElement interface: operation stop()] expected: FAIL [HTMLMarqueeElement must be primary interface of document.createElement("marquee")] expected: FAIL [Stringification of document.createElement("marquee")] expected: FAIL [HTMLMarqueeElement interface: document.createElement("marquee") must inherit property "behavior" with the proper type (0)] expected: FAIL [HTMLMarqueeElement interface: document.createElement("marquee") must inherit property "bgColor" with the proper type (1)] expected: FAIL [HTMLMarqueeElement interface: document.createElement("marquee") must inherit property "direction" with the proper type (2)] expected: FAIL [HTMLMarqueeElement interface: document.createElement("marquee") must inherit property "height" with the proper type (3)] expected: FAIL [HTMLMarqueeElement interface: document.createElement("marquee") must inherit property "hspace" with the proper type (4)] expected: FAIL [HTMLMarqueeElement interface: document.createElement("marquee") must inherit property "loop" with the proper type (5)] expected: FAIL [HTMLMarqueeElement interface: document.createElement("marquee") must inherit property "scrollAmount" with the proper type (6)] expected: FAIL [HTMLMarqueeElement interface: document.createElement("marquee") must inherit property "scrollDelay" with the proper type (7)] expected: FAIL [HTMLMarqueeElement interface: document.createElement("marquee") must inherit property "trueSpeed" with the proper type (8)] expected: FAIL [HTMLMarqueeElement interface: document.createElement("marquee") must inherit property "vspace" with the proper type (9)] expected: FAIL [HTMLMarqueeElement interface: document.createElement("marquee") must inherit property "width" with the proper type (10)] expected: FAIL [HTMLMarqueeElement interface: document.createElement("marquee") must inherit property "onbounce" with the proper type (11)] expected: FAIL [HTMLMarqueeElement interface: document.createElement("marquee") must inherit property "onfinish" with the proper type (12)] expected: FAIL [HTMLMarqueeElement interface: document.createElement("marquee") must inherit property "onstart" with the proper type (13)] expected: FAIL [HTMLMarqueeElement interface: document.createElement("marquee") must inherit property "start" with the proper type (14)] expected: FAIL [HTMLMarqueeElement interface: document.createElement("marquee") must inherit property "stop" with the proper type (15)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: iframe.contentDocument must inherit property "styleSheetSets" with the proper type (32)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: iframe.contentDocument must inherit property "cssElementMap" with the proper type (53)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: iframe.contentDocument must inherit property "commands" with the proper type (70)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: iframe.contentDocument must inherit property "all" with the proper type (82)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: iframe.contentDocument must inherit property "query" with the proper type (90)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: iframe.contentDocument must inherit property "queryAll" with the proper type (91)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: iframe.contentDocument must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (95)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: iframe.contentDocument must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (96)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: iframe.contentDocument must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (98)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: iframe.contentDocument must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (105)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: iframe.contentDocument must inherit property "onmousewheel" with the proper type (136)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: iframe.contentDocument must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (149)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "styleSheetSets" with the proper type (32)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "domain" with the proper type (35)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "cookie" with the proper type (37)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "body" with the proper type (43)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "head" with the proper type (44)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "images" with the proper type (45)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "embeds" with the proper type (46)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "plugins" with the proper type (47)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "links" with the proper type (48)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "forms" with the proper type (49)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "scripts" with the proper type (50)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "getElementsByName" with the proper type (51)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "getItems" with the proper type (52)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "cssElementMap" with the proper type (53)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "open" with the proper type (56)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "close" with the proper type (57)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "write" with the proper type (58)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "writeln" with the proper type (59)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "designMode" with the proper type (63)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "execCommand" with the proper type (64)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "queryCommandEnabled" with the proper type (65)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "queryCommandIndeterm" with the proper type (66)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "queryCommandState" with the proper type (67)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "queryCommandSupported" with the proper type (68)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "queryCommandValue" with the proper type (69)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "commands" with the proper type (70)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "fgColor" with the proper type (72)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "linkColor" with the proper type (73)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "vlinkColor" with the proper type (74)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "alinkColor" with the proper type (75)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "bgColor" with the proper type (76)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "anchors" with the proper type (77)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "applets" with the proper type (78)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "clear" with the proper type (79)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "captureEvents" with the proper type (80)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "releaseEvents" with the proper type (81)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "all" with the proper type (82)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "query" with the proper type (90)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "queryAll" with the proper type (91)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (95)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (96)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (98)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (105)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "onmousewheel" with the proper type (136)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (149)] expected: FAIL [Location interface: window.location must have own property "ancestorOrigins"] expected: FAIL [WorkerLocation interface: attribute href] expected: FAIL [WorkerLocation interface: attribute origin] expected: FAIL [WorkerLocation interface: attribute protocol] expected: FAIL [WorkerLocation interface: attribute host] expected: FAIL [WorkerLocation interface: attribute hostname] expected: FAIL [WorkerLocation interface: attribute port] expected: FAIL [WorkerLocation interface: attribute pathname] expected: FAIL [WorkerLocation interface: attribute search] expected: FAIL [WorkerLocation interface: attribute hash] expected: FAIL [DOMElementMap interface object name] expected: FAIL [AudioTrackList interface object name] expected: FAIL [AudioTrack interface object name] expected: FAIL [VideoTrackList interface object name] expected: FAIL [VideoTrack interface object name] expected: FAIL [MediaController interface object name] expected: FAIL [HTMLTableDataCellElement interface object name] expected: FAIL [HTMLTableHeaderCellElement interface object name] expected: FAIL [HTMLKeygenElement interface object name] expected: FAIL [AutocompleteErrorEvent interface object name] expected: FAIL [RelatedEvent interface object name] expected: FAIL [CanvasProxy interface object name] expected: FAIL [DrawingStyle interface object name] expected: FAIL [ApplicationCache interface object name] expected: FAIL [PortCollection interface object name] expected: FAIL [WorkerGlobalScope interface object name] expected: FAIL [DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope interface object name] expected: FAIL [SharedWorkerGlobalScope interface object name] expected: FAIL [WorkerNavigator interface object name] expected: FAIL [WorkerLocation interface object name] expected: FAIL [HTMLMarqueeElement interface object name] expected: FAIL [HTMLAllCollection interface: document.all must inherit property "length" with the proper type (0)] expected: FAIL [HTMLAllCollection interface: document.all must inherit property "item" with the proper type (2)] expected: FAIL [HTMLAllCollection interface: document.all must inherit property "namedItem" with the proper type (3)] expected: FAIL [BarProp interface: attribute visible] expected: FAIL [Element interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "query" with the proper type (34)] expected: FAIL [Element interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "queryAll" with the proper type (35)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "origin" with the proper type (3)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "styleSheetSets" with the proper type (32)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "domain" with the proper type (35)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "cookie" with the proper type (37)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "body" with the proper type (43)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "head" with the proper type (44)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "images" with the proper type (45)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "embeds" with the proper type (46)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "plugins" with the proper type (47)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "links" with the proper type (48)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "forms" with the proper type (49)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "scripts" with the proper type (50)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "getElementsByName" with the proper type (51)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: calling getElementsByName(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "cssElementMap" with the proper type (52)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "open" with the proper type (54)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: calling open(DOMString,DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "open" with the proper type (55)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: calling open(DOMString,DOMString,DOMString,boolean) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "close" with the proper type (56)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "write" with the proper type (57)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: calling write(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "writeln" with the proper type (58)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: calling writeln(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "designMode" with the proper type (62)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "execCommand" with the proper type (63)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: calling execCommand(DOMString,boolean,DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "queryCommandEnabled" with the proper type (64)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: calling queryCommandEnabled(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "queryCommandIndeterm" with the proper type (65)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: calling queryCommandIndeterm(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "queryCommandState" with the proper type (66)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: calling queryCommandState(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "queryCommandSupported" with the proper type (67)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: calling queryCommandSupported(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "queryCommandValue" with the proper type (68)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: calling queryCommandValue(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "commands" with the proper type (69)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "fgColor" with the proper type (71)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "linkColor" with the proper type (72)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "vlinkColor" with the proper type (73)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "alinkColor" with the proper type (74)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "bgColor" with the proper type (75)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "anchors" with the proper type (76)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "applets" with the proper type (77)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "clear" with the proper type (78)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "captureEvents" with the proper type (79)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "releaseEvents" with the proper type (80)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "all" with the proper type (81)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "query" with the proper type (89)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: calling query(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "queryAll" with the proper type (90)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: calling queryAll(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (94)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (95)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (97)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (104)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "onmousewheel" with the proper type (135)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (148)] expected: FAIL [HTMLSlotElement interface: existence and properties of interface object] expected: FAIL [HTMLSlotElement interface object length] expected: FAIL [HTMLSlotElement interface object name] expected: FAIL [HTMLSlotElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [HTMLSlotElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: FAIL [HTMLSlotElement interface: attribute name] expected: FAIL [HTMLSlotElement interface: operation assignedNodes(AssignedNodesOptions)] expected: FAIL [HTMLSlotElement must be primary interface of document.createElement("slot")] expected: FAIL [Stringification of document.createElement("slot")] expected: FAIL [HTMLSlotElement interface: document.createElement("slot") must inherit property "name" with the proper type (0)] expected: FAIL [HTMLSlotElement interface: document.createElement("slot") must inherit property "assignedNodes" with the proper type (1)] expected: FAIL [HTMLSlotElement interface: calling assignedNodes(AssignedNodesOptions) on document.createElement("slot") with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("text") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type (6)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("text") must inherit property "valueLow" with the proper type (37)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("text") must inherit property "valueHigh" with the proper type (38)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("text") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (48)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("hidden") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type (6)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("hidden") must inherit property "valueLow" with the proper type (37)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("hidden") must inherit property "valueHigh" with the proper type (38)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("hidden") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (48)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("search") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type (6)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("search") must inherit property "valueLow" with the proper type (37)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("search") must inherit property "valueHigh" with the proper type (38)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("search") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (48)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("tel") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type (6)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("tel") must inherit property "valueLow" with the proper type (37)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("tel") must inherit property "valueHigh" with the proper type (38)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("tel") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (48)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("url") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type (6)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("url") must inherit property "valueLow" with the proper type (37)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("url") must inherit property "valueHigh" with the proper type (38)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("url") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (48)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("email") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type (6)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("email") must inherit property "valueLow" with the proper type (37)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("email") must inherit property "valueHigh" with the proper type (38)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("email") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (48)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("password") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type (6)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("password") must inherit property "valueLow" with the proper type (37)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("password") must inherit property "valueHigh" with the proper type (38)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("password") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (48)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("date") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type (6)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("date") must inherit property "valueLow" with the proper type (37)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("date") must inherit property "valueHigh" with the proper type (38)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("date") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (48)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("month") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type (6)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("month") must inherit property "valueLow" with the proper type (37)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("month") must inherit property "valueHigh" with the proper type (38)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("month") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (48)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("week") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type (6)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("week") must inherit property "valueLow" with the proper type (37)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("week") must inherit property "valueHigh" with the proper type (38)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("week") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (48)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("time") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type (6)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("time") must inherit property "valueLow" with the proper type (37)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("time") must inherit property "valueHigh" with the proper type (38)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("time") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (48)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("datetime-local") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type (6)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("datetime-local") must inherit property "valueLow" with the proper type (37)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("datetime-local") must inherit property "valueHigh" with the proper type (38)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("datetime-local") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (48)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("number") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type (6)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("number") must inherit property "valueLow" with the proper type (37)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("number") must inherit property "valueHigh" with the proper type (38)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("number") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (48)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("range") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type (6)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("range") must inherit property "valueLow" with the proper type (37)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("range") must inherit property "valueHigh" with the proper type (38)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("range") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (48)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("color") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type (6)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("color") must inherit property "valueLow" with the proper type (37)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("color") must inherit property "valueHigh" with the proper type (38)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("color") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (48)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("checkbox") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type (6)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("checkbox") must inherit property "valueLow" with the proper type (37)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("checkbox") must inherit property "valueHigh" with the proper type (38)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("checkbox") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (48)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("radio") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type (6)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("radio") must inherit property "valueLow" with the proper type (37)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("radio") must inherit property "valueHigh" with the proper type (38)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("radio") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (48)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("file") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type (6)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("file") must inherit property "files" with the proper type (9)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("file") must inherit property "valueLow" with the proper type (37)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("file") must inherit property "valueHigh" with the proper type (38)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("file") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (48)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("submit") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type (6)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("submit") must inherit property "valueLow" with the proper type (37)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("submit") must inherit property "valueHigh" with the proper type (38)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("submit") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (48)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("image") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type (6)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("image") must inherit property "valueLow" with the proper type (37)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("image") must inherit property "valueHigh" with the proper type (38)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("image") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (48)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("reset") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type (6)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("reset") must inherit property "valueLow" with the proper type (37)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("reset") must inherit property "valueHigh" with the proper type (38)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("reset") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (48)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("button") must inherit property "dirName" with the proper type (6)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("button") must inherit property "valueLow" with the proper type (37)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("button") must inherit property "valueHigh" with the proper type (38)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("button") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (48)] expected: FAIL [TrackEvent interface: new TrackEvent("addtrack", {track:document.createElement("track").track}) must inherit property "track" with the proper type (0)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: operation open(USVString,DOMString,DOMString)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: iframe.contentDocument must inherit property "all" with the proper type (79)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: iframe.contentDocument must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (91)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: iframe.contentDocument must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (98)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: iframe.contentDocument must inherit property "onmousewheel" with the proper type (129)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "open" with the proper type (53)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: calling open(USVString,DOMString,DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "close" with the proper type (55)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "write" with the proper type (56)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "writeln" with the proper type (57)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "designMode" with the proper type (61)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "execCommand" with the proper type (62)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "queryCommandEnabled" with the proper type (63)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "queryCommandIndeterm" with the proper type (64)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "queryCommandState" with the proper type (65)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "queryCommandSupported" with the proper type (66)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "queryCommandValue" with the proper type (67)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "fgColor" with the proper type (69)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "linkColor" with the proper type (70)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "vlinkColor" with the proper type (71)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "alinkColor" with the proper type (72)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "bgColor" with the proper type (73)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "anchors" with the proper type (74)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "applets" with the proper type (75)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "clear" with the proper type (76)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "captureEvents" with the proper type (77)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "releaseEvents" with the proper type (78)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "all" with the proper type (79)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (91)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (98)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "onmousewheel" with the proper type (129)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "open" with the proper type (53)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: calling open(USVString,DOMString,DOMString) on document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "close" with the proper type (55)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "write" with the proper type (56)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "writeln" with the proper type (57)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "designMode" with the proper type (61)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "execCommand" with the proper type (62)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "queryCommandEnabled" with the proper type (63)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "queryCommandIndeterm" with the proper type (64)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "queryCommandState" with the proper type (65)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "queryCommandSupported" with the proper type (66)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "queryCommandValue" with the proper type (67)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "fgColor" with the proper type (69)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "linkColor" with the proper type (70)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "vlinkColor" with the proper type (71)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "alinkColor" with the proper type (72)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "bgColor" with the proper type (73)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "anchors" with the proper type (74)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "applets" with the proper type (75)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "clear" with the proper type (76)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "captureEvents" with the proper type (77)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "releaseEvents" with the proper type (78)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "all" with the proper type (79)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (91)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (98)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "onmousewheel" with the proper type (129)] expected: FAIL [HTMLElement interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "forceSpellCheck" with the proper type (16)] expected: FAIL [HTMLElement interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (20)] expected: FAIL [HTMLElement interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (27)] expected: FAIL [HTMLElement interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "onmousewheel" with the proper type (58)] expected: FAIL [HTMLStyleElement interface: attribute nonce] expected: FAIL [HTMLStyleElement interface: document.createElement("style") must inherit property "nonce" with the proper type (1)] expected: FAIL [HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("video") must inherit property "audioTracks" with the proper type (38)] expected: FAIL [HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("video") must inherit property "videoTracks" with the proper type (39)] expected: FAIL [HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("audio") must inherit property "audioTracks" with the proper type (38)] expected: FAIL [HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("audio") must inherit property "videoTracks" with the proper type (39)] expected: FAIL [HTMLMediaElement interface: new Audio() must inherit property "audioTracks" with the proper type (38)] expected: FAIL [HTMLMediaElement interface: new Audio() must inherit property "videoTracks" with the proper type (39)] expected: FAIL [HTMLMediaElement interface: operation play()] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: document.createElement("input") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (46)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("text") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (46)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("hidden") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (46)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("search") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (46)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("tel") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (46)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("url") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (46)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("email") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (46)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("password") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (46)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("date") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (46)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("month") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (46)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("week") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (46)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("time") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (46)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("datetime-local") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (46)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("number") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (46)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("range") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (46)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("color") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (46)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("checkbox") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (46)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("radio") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (46)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("file") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (46)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("submit") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (46)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("image") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (46)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("reset") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (46)] expected: FAIL [HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("button") must inherit property "labels" with the proper type (46)] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: operation getTransform()] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: operation setTransform(unrestricted double,unrestricted double,unrestricted double,unrestricted double,unrestricted double,unrestricted double)] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: operation setTransform(DOMMatrixInit)] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: attribute imageSmoothingQuality] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: operation clearHitRegions()] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d") must inherit property "getTransform" with the proper type (7)] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d") must inherit property "imageSmoothingQuality" with the proper type (14)] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d") must inherit property "strokeStyle" with the proper type (15)] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d") must inherit property "fillStyle" with the proper type (16)] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d") must inherit property "resetClip" with the proper type (35)] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d") must inherit property "scrollPathIntoView" with the proper type (42)] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d") must inherit property "scrollPathIntoView" with the proper type (43)] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d") must inherit property "addHitRegion" with the proper type (50)] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d") must inherit property "removeHitRegion" with the proper type (51)] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d") must inherit property "clearHitRegions" with the proper type (52)] expected: FAIL [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d") must inherit property "direction" with the proper type (68)] expected: FAIL [CanvasPattern interface: operation setTransform(DOMMatrixInit)] expected: FAIL [Window interface: window must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (40)] expected: FAIL [Window interface: window must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (47)] expected: FAIL [Window interface: window must inherit property "onmousewheel" with the proper type (78)] expected: FAIL [Navigator interface: operation isProtocolHandlerRegistered(DOMString,USVString)] expected: FAIL [Navigator interface: operation isContentHandlerRegistered(DOMString,USVString)] expected: FAIL [Navigator interface: operation unregisterProtocolHandler(DOMString,USVString)] expected: FAIL [Navigator interface: operation unregisterContentHandler(DOMString,USVString)] expected: FAIL [Navigator interface: window.navigator must inherit property "languages" with the proper type (10)] expected: FAIL [Navigator interface: window.navigator must inherit property "isProtocolHandlerRegistered" with the proper type (14)] expected: FAIL [Navigator interface: calling isProtocolHandlerRegistered(DOMString,USVString) on window.navigator with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Navigator interface: window.navigator must inherit property "isContentHandlerRegistered" with the proper type (15)] expected: FAIL [Navigator interface: calling isContentHandlerRegistered(DOMString,USVString) on window.navigator with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Navigator interface: window.navigator must inherit property "unregisterProtocolHandler" with the proper type (16)] expected: FAIL [Navigator interface: calling unregisterProtocolHandler(DOMString,USVString) on window.navigator with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Navigator interface: window.navigator must inherit property "unregisterContentHandler" with the proper type (17)] expected: FAIL [Navigator interface: calling unregisterContentHandler(DOMString,USVString) on window.navigator with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Document interface: iframe.contentDocument must inherit property "styleSheetSets" with the proper type (33)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: iframe.contentDocument must inherit property "all" with the proper type (80)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: iframe.contentDocument must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (92)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: iframe.contentDocument must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (99)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: iframe.contentDocument must inherit property "onmousewheel" with the proper type (130)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "styleSheetSets" with the proper type (33)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "domain" with the proper type (36)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "cookie" with the proper type (38)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "body" with the proper type (44)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "head" with the proper type (45)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "images" with the proper type (46)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "embeds" with the proper type (47)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "plugins" with the proper type (48)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "links" with the proper type (49)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "forms" with the proper type (50)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "scripts" with the proper type (51)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "getElementsByName" with the proper type (52)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "fgColor" with the proper type (70)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "linkColor" with the proper type (71)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "vlinkColor" with the proper type (72)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "alinkColor" with the proper type (73)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "bgColor" with the proper type (74)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "anchors" with the proper type (75)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "applets" with the proper type (76)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "clear" with the proper type (77)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "captureEvents" with the proper type (78)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "releaseEvents" with the proper type (79)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "all" with the proper type (80)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (92)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (99)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "onmousewheel" with the proper type (130)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "styleSheetSets" with the proper type (33)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "domain" with the proper type (36)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "cookie" with the proper type (38)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "body" with the proper type (44)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "head" with the proper type (45)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "images" with the proper type (46)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "embeds" with the proper type (47)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "plugins" with the proper type (48)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "links" with the proper type (49)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "forms" with the proper type (50)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "scripts" with the proper type (51)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "getElementsByName" with the proper type (52)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "fgColor" with the proper type (70)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "linkColor" with the proper type (71)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "vlinkColor" with the proper type (72)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "alinkColor" with the proper type (73)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "bgColor" with the proper type (74)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "anchors" with the proper type (75)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "applets" with the proper type (76)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "clear" with the proper type (77)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "captureEvents" with the proper type (78)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "releaseEvents" with the proper type (79)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "all" with the proper type (80)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (92)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (99)] expected: FAIL [Document interface: document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null) must inherit property "onmousewheel" with the proper type (130)] expected: FAIL [Location interface: stringifier] expected: FAIL