[interfaces.html] type: testharness prefs: [dom.node.rootNode.enabled:true] [Document interface: attribute origin] expected: FAIL bug: 931884 [Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "origin" with the proper type (3)] expected: FAIL bug: 931884 [NodeFilter interface: existence and properties of interface object] expected: FAIL bug: https://github.com/heycam/webidl/issues/96 [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "origin" with the proper type (3)] expected: FAIL bug: 931884 [ShadowRoot interface: attribute mode] expected: FAIL [Element interface: attribute slot] expected: FAIL [Element interface: operation attachShadow(ShadowRootInit)] expected: FAIL [Element interface: element must inherit property "slot" with the proper type (7)] expected: FAIL [Element interface: element must inherit property "attachShadow" with the proper type (24)] expected: FAIL [Element interface: calling attachShadow(ShadowRootInit) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Element interface: element must inherit property "assignedSlot" with the proper type (48)] expected: FAIL [Text interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "assignedSlot" with the proper type (2)] expected: FAIL [Node interface: operation getRootNode(GetRootNodeOptions)] expected: FAIL [Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "getRootNode" with the proper type (17)] expected: FAIL [Node interface: calling getRootNode(GetRootNodeOptions) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "getRootNode" with the proper type (17)] expected: FAIL [Node interface: calling getRootNode(GetRootNodeOptions) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "getRootNode" with the proper type (17)] expected: FAIL [Node interface: calling getRootNode(GetRootNodeOptions) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "getRootNode" with the proper type (17)] expected: FAIL [Node interface: calling getRootNode(GetRootNodeOptions) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Node interface: element must inherit property "getRootNode" with the proper type (17)] expected: FAIL [Node interface: calling getRootNode(GetRootNodeOptions) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Node interface: document.querySelector("[id\]").attributes[0\] must inherit property "getRootNode" with the proper type (17)] expected: FAIL [Node interface: calling getRootNode(GetRootNodeOptions) on document.querySelector("[id\]").attributes[0\] with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "getRootNode" with the proper type (17)] expected: FAIL [Node interface: calling getRootNode(GetRootNodeOptions) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "getRootNode" with the proper type (17)] expected: FAIL [Node interface: calling getRootNode(GetRootNodeOptions) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "getRootNode" with the proper type (17)] expected: FAIL [Node interface: calling getRootNode(GetRootNodeOptions) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL