type: testharness
[URL interface: operation createFor(Blob)]
expected: FAIL
[Blob interface: attribute isClosed]
expected: FAIL
[Blob interface: operation close()]
expected: FAIL
[Blob interface: new Blob(["TEST"\]) must inherit property "isClosed" with the proper type (2)]
expected: FAIL
[Blob interface: new Blob(["TEST"\]) must inherit property "close" with the proper type (4)]
expected: FAIL
[Blob interface: new File(["myFileBits"\], "myFileName") must inherit property "isClosed" with the proper type (2)]
expected: FAIL
[Blob interface: new File(["myFileBits"\], "myFileName") must inherit property "close" with the proper type (4)]
expected: FAIL
[FileReaderSync interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[FileReaderSync interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[FileReaderSync interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
expected: FAIL
[FileReaderSync interface: operation readAsArrayBuffer(Blob)]
expected: FAIL
[FileReaderSync interface: operation readAsText(Blob,DOMString)]
expected: FAIL
[FileReaderSync interface: operation readAsDataURL(Blob)]
expected: FAIL