type: testharness
[A plain object should be treated as a sequence for the blobParts argument.]
expected: FAIL
[A plain object with a length property should be treated as a sequence for the blobParts argument.]
expected: FAIL
[Passing an element as the blobParts array should work.]
expected: FAIL
[Passing an platform object that supports indexed properties as the blobParts array should work (window).]
expected: FAIL
[Passing an platform object that supports indexed properties as the blobParts array should work (window with custom toString).]
expected: FAIL
[The 'endings' property should be ignored.]
expected: FAIL
[Passing object "/regex/" (index 4) for options should use the defaults.]
expected: FAIL
[Passing object "/regex/" (index 4) for options should use the defaults (with newlines).]
expected: FAIL
[Newlines should not change when endings is 'native'.]
expected: FAIL
[Blob with type "A"]
expected: FAIL
[Blob with type "TEXT/HTML"]
expected: FAIL
[Blob with type "å"]
expected: FAIL
[Blob with type "𐑾"]
expected: FAIL
[Blob with type "\\timage/gif\\t"]
expected: FAIL
[Blob with type "image/gif;"]
expected: FAIL
[Blob with type "İmage/gif"]
expected: FAIL
[Blob with type "ımage/gif"]
expected: FAIL
[Blob with type "image/gif\\0"]
expected: FAIL