[canvas_complexshapes_beziercurveto_001.htm] type: reftest expected: if not debug and (os == "linux") and (processor == "x86") and (bits == 32): FAIL if not debug and (os == "linux") and (processor == "x86_64") and (bits == 64): FAIL if debug and (os == "linux") and (processor == "x86_64") and (bits == 64): FAIL if debug and (os == "linux") and (processor == "x86") and (bits == 32): FAIL if not debug and (os == "mac") and (version == "OS X 10.8") and (processor == "x86_64") and (bits == 64): FAIL if not debug and (os == "win") and (version == "6.2.9200") and (processor == "x86_64") and (bits == 64): FAIL if not debug and (os == "mac") and (version == "OS X 10.10.2") and (processor == "x86") and (bits == 32): FAIL if not debug and (os == "win") and (version == "5.1.2600") and (processor == "x86") and (bits == 32): FAIL if not debug and (os == "win") and (version == "6.1.7601") and (processor == "x86") and (bits == 32): FAIL if not debug and (os == "mac") and (version == "OS X 10.6.8") and (processor == "x86_64") and (bits == 64): FAIL if debug and (os == "mac") and (version == "OS X 10.6.8") and (processor == "x86_64") and (bits == 64): FAIL if debug and (os == "win") and (version == "5.1.2600") and (processor == "x86") and (bits == 32): FAIL if debug and (os == "mac") and (version == "OS X 10.10.2") and (processor == "x86_64") and (bits == 64): FAIL if debug and (os == "win") and (version == "6.2.9200") and (processor == "x86_64") and (bits == 64): FAIL if debug and (os == "win") and (version == "6.1.7601") and (processor == "x86") and (bits == 32): FAIL if debug and (os == "mac") and (version == "OS X 10.8") and (processor == "x86_64") and (bits == 64): FAIL if debug and (os == "win") and (version == "10.0.10240") and (processor == "x86_64") and (bits == 64): FAIL if not debug and (os == "win") and (version == "10.0.10240") and (processor == "x86_64") and (bits == 64): FAIL if not debug and not e10s and (os == "mac") and (version == "OS X 10.10.5") and (processor == "x86") and (bits == 32): FAIL if not debug and e10s and (os == "mac") and (version == "OS X 10.10.5") and (processor == "x86") and (bits == 32): FAIL if debug and e10s and (os == "mac") and (version == "OS X 10.10.5") and (processor == "x86_64") and (bits == 64): FAIL if debug and not e10s and (os == "mac") and (version == "OS X 10.10.5") and (processor == "x86_64") and (bits == 64): FAIL