# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. from __future__ import unicode_literals import multiprocessing import sys import threading import traceback from Queue import Empty from multiprocessing import Process, current_process, Queue from mozlog import structuredlog # Special value used as a sentinal in various commands Stop = object() class MessageLogger(object): def __init__(self, message_func): self.send_message = message_func def _log_data(self, action, **kwargs): self.send_message("log", action, kwargs) def process_output(self, process, data, command): self._log_data("process_output", process=process, data=data, command=command) def _log_func(level_name): def log(self, message): self._log_data(level_name.lower(), message=message) log.__doc__ = """Log a message with level %s :param message: The string message to log """ % level_name log.__name__ = str(level_name).lower() return log # Create all the methods on StructuredLog for debug levels for level_name in structuredlog.log_levels: setattr(MessageLogger, level_name.lower(), _log_func(level_name)) class TestRunner(object): def __init__(self, test_queue, command_queue, result_queue, executor): """Class implementing the main loop for running tests. This class delegates the job of actually running a test to the executor that is passed in. :param test_queue: subprocess.Queue containing the tests to run :param command_queue: subprocess.Queue used to send commands to the process :param result_queue: subprocess.Queue used to send results to the parent TestManager process :param executor: TestExecutor object that will actually run a test. """ self.test_queue = test_queue self.command_queue = command_queue self.result_queue = result_queue self.executor = executor self.name = current_process().name self.logger = MessageLogger(self.send_message) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.teardown() def setup(self): self.executor.setup(self) def teardown(self): self.executor.teardown() self.send_message("runner_teardown") self.result_queue = None self.command_queue = None self.browser = None def run(self): """Main loop accepting commands over the pipe and triggering the associated methods""" self.setup() commands = {"run_test": self.run_test, "stop": self.stop, "wait": self.wait} while True: command, args = self.command_queue.get() try: rv = commands[command](*args) except Exception: self.send_message("error", "Error running command %s with arguments %r:\n%s" % (command, args, traceback.format_exc())) else: if rv is Stop: break def stop(self): return Stop def run_test(self): if not self.executor.is_alive(): self.send_message("restart_runner") return try: # Need to block here just to allow for contention with other processes test = self.test_queue.get(block=True, timeout=1) except Empty: # If we are running tests in groups (e.g. by-dir) then this queue might be # empty but there could be other test queues. restart_runner won't actually # start the runner if there aren't any more tests to run self.send_message("restart_runner") return else: self.send_message("test_start", test) try: return self.executor.run_test(test) except Exception: self.logger.critical(traceback.format_exc()) raise def wait(self): self.executor.protocol.wait() self.send_message("after_test_ended", True) def send_message(self, command, *args): self.result_queue.put((command, args)) def start_runner(test_queue, runner_command_queue, runner_result_queue, executor_cls, executor_kwargs, executor_browser_cls, executor_browser_kwargs, stop_flag): """Launch a TestRunner in a new process""" try: browser = executor_browser_cls(**executor_browser_kwargs) executor = executor_cls(browser, **executor_kwargs) with TestRunner(test_queue, runner_command_queue, runner_result_queue, executor) as runner: try: runner.run() except KeyboardInterrupt: stop_flag.set() except Exception: runner_result_queue.put(("log", ("critical", {"message": traceback.format_exc()}))) print >> sys.stderr, traceback.format_exc() stop_flag.set() finally: runner_command_queue = None runner_result_queue = None manager_count = 0 def next_manager_number(): global manager_count local = manager_count = manager_count + 1 return local class TestRunnerManager(threading.Thread): init_lock = threading.Lock() def __init__(self, suite_name, test_queue, test_source_cls, browser_cls, browser_kwargs, executor_cls, executor_kwargs, stop_flag, pause_after_test=False, pause_on_unexpected=False, debug_info=None): """Thread that owns a single TestRunner process and any processes required by the TestRunner (e.g. the Firefox binary). TestRunnerManagers are responsible for launching the browser process and the runner process, and for logging the test progress. The actual test running is done by the TestRunner. In particular they: * Start the binary of the program under test * Start the TestRunner * Tell the TestRunner to start a test, if any * Log that the test started * Log the test results * Take any remedial action required e.g. restart crashed or hung processes """ self.suite_name = suite_name self.test_queue = test_queue self.test_source_cls = test_source_cls self.browser_cls = browser_cls self.browser_kwargs = browser_kwargs self.executor_cls = executor_cls self.executor_kwargs = executor_kwargs self.test_source = None self.browser = None self.browser_pid = None self.browser_started = False # Flags used to shut down this thread if we get a sigint self.parent_stop_flag = stop_flag self.child_stop_flag = multiprocessing.Event() self.pause_after_test = pause_after_test self.pause_on_unexpected = pause_on_unexpected self.debug_info = debug_info self.manager_number = next_manager_number() self.command_queue = Queue() self.remote_queue = Queue() self.test_runner_proc = None threading.Thread.__init__(self, name="Thread-TestrunnerManager-%i" % self.manager_number) # This is started in the actual new thread self.logger = None # The test that is currently running self.test = None self.unexpected_count = 0 # This may not really be what we want self.daemon = True self.init_fail_count = 0 self.max_init_fails = 5 self.init_timer = None self.restart_count = 0 self.max_restarts = 5 def run(self): """Main loop for the TestManager. TestManagers generally receive commands from their TestRunner updating them on the status of a test. They may also have a stop flag set by the main thread indicating that the manager should shut down the next time the event loop spins.""" self.logger = structuredlog.StructuredLogger(self.suite_name) with self.browser_cls(self.logger, **self.browser_kwargs) as browser, self.test_source_cls(self.test_queue) as test_source: self.browser = browser self.test_source = test_source try: if self.init() is Stop: return while True: commands = {"init_succeeded": self.init_succeeded, "init_failed": self.init_failed, "test_start": self.test_start, "test_ended": self.test_ended, "after_test_ended": self.after_test_ended, "restart_runner": self.restart_runner, "runner_teardown": self.runner_teardown, "log": self.log, "error": self.error} try: command, data = self.command_queue.get(True, 1) except IOError: if not self.should_stop(): self.logger.error("Got IOError from poll") self.restart_count += 1 if self.restart_runner() is Stop: break except Empty: command = None if self.should_stop(): self.logger.debug("A flag was set; stopping") break if command is not None: self.restart_count = 0 if commands[command](*data) is Stop: break else: if (self.debug_info and self.debug_info.interactive and self.browser_started and not browser.is_alive()): self.logger.debug("Debugger exited") break if not self.test_runner_proc.is_alive(): if not self.command_queue.empty(): # We got a new message so process that continue # If we got to here the runner presumably shut down # unexpectedly self.logger.info("Test runner process shut down") if self.test is not None: # This could happen if the test runner crashed for some other # reason # Need to consider the unlikely case where one test causes the # runner process to repeatedly die self.logger.critical("Last test did not complete") break self.logger.warning( "More tests found, but runner process died, restarting") self.restart_count += 1 if self.restart_runner() is Stop: break finally: self.logger.debug("TestRunnerManager main loop terminating, starting cleanup") self.stop_runner() self.teardown() self.logger.debug("TestRunnerManager main loop terminated") def should_stop(self): return self.child_stop_flag.is_set() or self.parent_stop_flag.is_set() def init(self): """Launch the browser that is being tested, and the TestRunner process that will run the tests.""" # It seems that this lock is helpful to prevent some race that otherwise # sometimes stops the spawned processes initalising correctly, and # leaves this thread hung if self.init_timer is not None: self.init_timer.cancel() self.logger.debug("Init called, starting browser and runner") def init_failed(): # This is called from a seperate thread, so we send a message to the # main loop so we get back onto the manager thread self.logger.debug("init_failed called from timer") if self.command_queue: self.command_queue.put(("init_failed", ())) else: self.logger.debug("Setting child stop flag in init_failed") self.child_stop_flag.set() with self.init_lock: # Guard against problems initialising the browser or the browser # remote control method if self.debug_info is None: self.init_timer = threading.Timer(self.browser.init_timeout, init_failed) test_queue = self.test_source.get_queue() if test_queue is None: self.logger.info("No more tests") return Stop try: if self.init_timer is not None: self.init_timer.start() self.browser.start() self.browser_pid = self.browser.pid() self.start_test_runner(test_queue) except: self.logger.warning("Failure during init %s" % traceback.format_exc()) if self.init_timer is not None: self.init_timer.cancel() self.logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) succeeded = False else: succeeded = True self.browser_started = True # This has to happen after the lock is released if not succeeded: self.init_failed() def init_succeeded(self): """Callback when we have started the browser, started the remote control connection, and we are ready to start testing.""" self.logger.debug("Init succeeded") if self.init_timer is not None: self.init_timer.cancel() self.init_fail_count = 0 self.start_next_test() def init_failed(self): """Callback when starting the browser or the remote control connect fails.""" self.init_fail_count += 1 self.logger.warning("Init failed %i" % self.init_fail_count) if self.init_timer is not None: self.init_timer.cancel() if self.init_fail_count < self.max_init_fails: self.restart_runner() else: self.logger.critical("Test runner failed to initialise correctly; shutting down") return Stop def start_test_runner(self, test_queue): # Note that we need to be careful to start the browser before the # test runner to ensure that any state set when the browser is started # can be passed in to the test runner. assert self.command_queue is not None assert self.remote_queue is not None self.logger.info("Starting runner") executor_browser_cls, executor_browser_kwargs = self.browser.executor_browser() args = (test_queue, self.remote_queue, self.command_queue, self.executor_cls, self.executor_kwargs, executor_browser_cls, executor_browser_kwargs, self.child_stop_flag) self.test_runner_proc = Process(target=start_runner, args=args, name="Thread-TestRunner-%i" % self.manager_number) self.test_runner_proc.start() self.logger.debug("Test runner started") def send_message(self, command, *args): self.remote_queue.put((command, args)) def cleanup(self): if self.init_timer is not None: self.init_timer.cancel() self.logger.debug("TestManager cleanup") while True: try: self.logger.warning(" ".join(map(repr, self.command_queue.get_nowait()))) except Empty: break while True: try: self.logger.warning(" ".join(map(repr, self.remote_queue.get_nowait()))) except Empty: break def teardown(self): self.logger.debug("teardown in testrunnermanager") self.test_runner_proc = None self.command_queue.close() self.remote_queue.close() self.command_queue = None self.remote_queue = None def ensure_runner_stopped(self): if self.test_runner_proc is None: return self.test_runner_proc.join(10) if self.test_runner_proc.is_alive(): # This might leak a file handle from the queue self.logger.warning("Forcibly terminating runner process") self.test_runner_proc.terminate() self.test_runner_proc.join(10) else: self.logger.debug("Testrunner exited with code %i" % self.test_runner_proc.exitcode) def runner_teardown(self): self.ensure_runner_stopped() return Stop def stop_runner(self): """Stop the TestRunner and the Firefox binary.""" self.logger.debug("Stopping runner") if self.test_runner_proc is None: return try: self.browser.stop() self.browser_started = False if self.test_runner_proc.is_alive(): self.send_message("stop") self.ensure_runner_stopped() finally: self.cleanup() def start_next_test(self): self.send_message("run_test") def test_start(self, test): self.test = test self.logger.test_start(test.id) def test_ended(self, test, results): """Handle the end of a test. Output the result of each subtest, and the result of the overall harness to the logs. """ assert test == self.test # Write the result of each subtest file_result, test_results = results subtest_unexpected = False for result in test_results: if test.disabled(result.name): continue expected = test.expected(result.name) is_unexpected = expected != result.status if is_unexpected: self.unexpected_count += 1 self.logger.debug("Unexpected count in this thread %i" % self.unexpected_count) subtest_unexpected = True self.logger.test_status(test.id, result.name, result.status, message=result.message, expected=expected, stack=result.stack) # TODO: consider changing result if there is a crash dump file # Write the result of the test harness expected = test.expected() status = file_result.status if file_result.status != "EXTERNAL-TIMEOUT" else "TIMEOUT" is_unexpected = expected != status if is_unexpected: self.unexpected_count += 1 self.logger.debug("Unexpected count in this thread %i" % self.unexpected_count) if status == "CRASH": self.browser.log_crash(process=self.browser_pid, test=test.id) self.logger.test_end(test.id, status, message=file_result.message, expected=expected, extra=file_result.extra) self.test = None restart_before_next = (test.restart_after or file_result.status in ("CRASH", "EXTERNAL-TIMEOUT") or subtest_unexpected or is_unexpected) if (self.pause_after_test or (self.pause_on_unexpected and (subtest_unexpected or is_unexpected))): self.logger.info("Pausing until the browser exits") self.send_message("wait") else: self.after_test_ended(restart_before_next) def after_test_ended(self, restart_before_next): # Handle starting the next test, with a runner restart if required if restart_before_next: return self.restart_runner() else: return self.start_next_test() def restart_runner(self): """Stop and restart the TestRunner""" if self.restart_count >= self.max_restarts: return Stop self.stop_runner() return self.init() def log(self, action, kwargs): getattr(self.logger, action)(**kwargs) def error(self, message): self.logger.error(message) self.restart_runner() class TestQueue(object): def __init__(self, test_source_cls, test_type, tests, **kwargs): self.queue = None self.test_source_cls = test_source_cls self.test_type = test_type self.tests = tests self.kwargs = kwargs def __enter__(self): if not self.tests[self.test_type]: return None self.queue = Queue() has_tests = self.test_source_cls.queue_tests(self.queue, self.test_type, self.tests, **self.kwargs) # There is a race condition that means sometimes we continue # before the tests have been written to the underlying pipe. # Polling the pipe for data here avoids that self.queue._reader.poll(10) assert not self.queue.empty() return self.queue def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.queue is not None: self.queue.close() self.queue = None class ManagerGroup(object): def __init__(self, suite_name, size, test_source_cls, test_source_kwargs, browser_cls, browser_kwargs, executor_cls, executor_kwargs, pause_after_test=False, pause_on_unexpected=False, debug_info=None): """Main thread object that owns all the TestManager threads.""" self.suite_name = suite_name self.size = size self.test_source_cls = test_source_cls self.test_source_kwargs = test_source_kwargs self.browser_cls = browser_cls self.browser_kwargs = browser_kwargs self.executor_cls = executor_cls self.executor_kwargs = executor_kwargs self.pause_after_test = pause_after_test self.pause_on_unexpected = pause_on_unexpected self.debug_info = debug_info self.pool = set() # Event that is polled by threads so that they can gracefully exit in the face # of sigint self.stop_flag = threading.Event() self.logger = structuredlog.StructuredLogger(suite_name) self.test_queue = None def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.stop() def run(self, test_type, tests): """Start all managers in the group""" self.logger.debug("Using %i processes" % self.size) self.test_queue = TestQueue(self.test_source_cls, test_type, tests, **self.test_source_kwargs) with self.test_queue as test_queue: if test_queue is None: self.logger.info("No %s tests to run" % test_type) return for _ in range(self.size): manager = TestRunnerManager(self.suite_name, test_queue, self.test_source_cls, self.browser_cls, self.browser_kwargs, self.executor_cls, self.executor_kwargs, self.stop_flag, self.pause_after_test, self.pause_on_unexpected, self.debug_info) manager.start() self.pool.add(manager) self.wait() def is_alive(self): """Boolean indicating whether any manager in the group is still alive""" return any(manager.is_alive() for manager in self.pool) def wait(self): """Wait for all the managers in the group to finish""" for item in self.pool: item.join() def stop(self): """Set the stop flag so that all managers in the group stop as soon as possible""" self.stop_flag.set() self.logger.debug("Stop flag set in ManagerGroup") def unexpected_count(self): return sum(item.unexpected_count for item in self.pool)