Getting Started =============== Installing wptrunner -------------------- The easiest way to install wptrunner is into a virtualenv, using pip:: virtualenv wptrunner cd wptrunner source bin/activate pip install wptrunner This will install the base dependencies for wptrunner, but not any extra dependencies required to test against specific browsers. In order to do this you must use use the extra requirements files in ``$VIRTUAL_ENV/requirements/requirements_browser.txt``. For example, in order to test against Firefox you would have to run:: pip install -r requirements/requirements_firefox.txt If you intend to work on the code, the ``-e`` option to pip should be used in combination with a source checkout i.e. inside a virtual environment created as above:: git clone cd wptrunner pip install -e ./ In addition to the dependencies installed by pip, wptrunner requires a copy of the web-platform-tests repository. This can be located anywhere on the filesystem, but the easiest option is to put it under the same parent directory as the wptrunner checkout:: git clone It is also necessary to generate a web-platform-tests ``MANIFEST.json`` file. It's recommended to also put that under the same parent directory as the wptrunner checkout, in a directory named ``meta``:: mkdir meta cd web-platform-tests python manifest --path ../meta/MANIFEST.json The ``MANIFEST.json`` file needs to be regenerated each time the web-platform-tests checkout is updated. To aid with the update process there is a tool called ``wptupdate``, which is described in :ref:`wptupdate-label`. Running the Tests ----------------- A test run is started using the ``wptrunner`` command. The command takes multiple options, of which the following are most significant: ``--product`` (defaults to `firefox`) The product to test against: `b2g`, `chrome`, `firefox`, or `servo`. ``--binary`` (required if product is `firefox` or `servo`) The path to a binary file for the product (browser) to test against. ``--webdriver-binary`` (required if product is `chrome`) The path to a `*driver` binary; e.g., a `chromedriver` binary. ``--certutil-binary`` (required if product is `firefox` [#]_) The path to a `certutil` binary (for tests that must be run over https). ``--metadata`` (required only when not `using default paths`_) The path to a directory containing test metadata. [#]_ ``--tests`` (required only when not `using default paths`_) The path to a directory containing a web-platform-tests checkout. ``--prefs-root`` (required only when testing a Firefox binary) The path to a directory containing Firefox test-harness preferences. [#]_ ``--config`` (should default to `wptrunner.default.ini`) The path to the config (ini) file. .. [#] The ``--certutil-binary`` option is required when the product is ``firefox`` unless ``--ssl-type=none`` is specified. .. [#] The ``--metadata`` path is to a directory that contains: * a ``MANIFEST.json`` file (the web-platform-tests documentation has instructions on generating this file) * (optionally) any expectation files (see :ref:`wptupdate-label`) .. [#] Example ``--prefs-root`` value: ``~/mozilla-central/testing/profiles``. There are also a variety of other command-line options available; use ``--help`` to list them. The following examples show how to start wptrunner with various options. ------------------ Starting wptrunner ------------------ The examples below assume the following directory layout, though no specific folder structure is required:: ~/testtwf/wptrunner # wptrunner checkout ~/testtwf/web-platform-tests # web-platform-tests checkout ~/testtwf/meta # metadata To test a Firefox Nightly build in an OS X environment, you might start wptrunner using something similar to the following example:: wptrunner --metadata=~/testtwf/meta/ --tests=~/testtwf/web-platform-tests/ \ --binary=~/mozilla-central/obj-x86_64-apple-darwin14.3.0/dist/ \ --certutil-binary=~/mozilla-central/obj-x86_64-apple-darwin14.3.0/security/nss/cmd/certutil/certutil \ --prefs-root=~/mozilla-central/testing/profiles And to test a Chromium build in an OS X environment, you might start wptrunner using something similar to the following example:: wptrunner --metadata=~/testtwf/meta/ --tests=~/testtwf/web-platform-tests/ \ --binary=~/chromium/src/out/Release/ \ --webdriver-binary=/usr/local/bin/chromedriver --product=chrome -------------------- Running test subsets -------------------- To restrict a test run just to tests in a particular web-platform-tests subdirectory, specify the directory name in the positional arguments after the options; for example, run just the tests in the `dom` subdirectory:: wptrunner --metadata=~/testtwf/meta --tests=~/testtwf/web-platform-tests/ \ --binary=/path/to/firefox --certutil-binary=/path/to/certutil \ --prefs-root=/path/to/testing/profiles \ dom ------------------- Running in parallel ------------------- To speed up the testing process, use the ``--processes`` option to have wptrunner run multiple browser instances in parallel. For example, to have wptrunner attempt to run tests against with six browser instances in parallel, specify ``--processes=6``. But note that behaviour in this mode is necessarily less deterministic than with ``--processes=1`` (the default), so there may be more noise in the test results. ------------------- Using default paths ------------------- The (otherwise-required) ``--tests`` and ``--metadata`` command-line options/flags be omitted if any configuration file is found that contains a section specifying the ``tests`` and ``metadata`` keys. See the `Configuration File`_ section for more information about configuration files, including information about their expected locations. The content of the ``wptrunner.default.ini`` default configuration file makes wptrunner look for tests (that is, a web-platform-tests checkout) as a subdirectory of the current directory named ``tests``, and for metadata files in a subdirectory of the current directory named ``meta``. Output ------ wptrunner uses the :py:mod:`mozlog` package for output. This structures events such as test results or log messages as JSON objects that can then be fed to other tools for interpretation. More details about the message format are given in the :py:mod:`mozlog` documentation. By default the raw JSON messages are dumped to stdout. This is convenient for piping into other tools, but not ideal for humans reading the output. :py:mod:`mozlog` comes with several other formatters, which are accessible through command line options. The general format of these options is ``--log-name=dest``, where ``name`` is the name of the format and ``dest`` is a path to a destination file, or ``-`` for stdout. The raw JSON data is written by the ``raw`` formatter so, the default setup corresponds to ``--log-raw=-``. A reasonable output format for humans is provided as ``mach``. So in order to output the full raw log to a file and a human-readable summary to stdout, one might pass the options:: --log-raw=output.log --log-mach=- Configuration File ------------------ wptrunner uses a ``.ini`` file to control some configuration sections. The file has three sections; ``[products]``, ``[manifest:default]`` and ``[web-platform-tests]``. ``[products]`` is used to define the set of available products. By default this section is empty which means that all the products distributed with wptrunner are enabled (although their dependencies may not be installed). The set of enabled products can be set by using the product name as the key. For built in products the value is empty. It is also possible to provide the path to a script implementing the browser functionality e.g.:: [products] chrome = netscape4 = path/to/ ``[manifest:default]`` specifies the default paths for the tests and metadata, relative to the config file. For example:: [manifest:default] tests = ~/testtwf/web-platform-tests metadata = ~/testtwf/meta ``[web-platform-tests]`` is used to set the properties of the upstream repository when updating the paths. ``remote_url`` specifies the git url to pull from; ``branch`` the branch to sync against and ``sync_path`` the local path, relative to the configuration file, to use when checking out the tests e.g.:: [web-platform-tests] remote_url = branch = master sync_path = sync A configuration file must contain all the above fields; falling back to the default values for unspecified fields is not yet supported. The ``wptrunner`` and ``wptupdate`` commands will use configuration files in the following order: * Any path supplied with a ``--config`` flag to the command. * A file called ``wptrunner.ini`` in the current directory * The default configuration file (``wptrunner.default.ini`` in the source directory)