#!/usr/bin/env python # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, # You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import mozfile import unittest from mozprofile.permissions import ServerLocations, \ MissingPrimaryLocationError, MultiplePrimaryLocationsError, \ DuplicateLocationError, BadPortLocationError, LocationsSyntaxError class ServerLocationsTest(unittest.TestCase): """test server locations""" locations = """# This is the primary location from which tests run. # http://mochi.test:8888 primary,privileged # a few test locations privileged privileged https://test:80 privileged http://example.org:80 privileged http://test1.example.org privileged """ locations_no_primary = """http://secondary.test:80 privileged http://tertiary.test:8888 privileged """ locations_bad_port = """http://mochi.test:8888 primary,privileged privileged privileged http://test:badport privileged http://example.org:80 privileged """ def compare_location(self, location, scheme, host, port, options): self.assertEqual(location.scheme, scheme) self.assertEqual(location.host, host) self.assertEqual(location.port, port) self.assertEqual(location.options, options) def create_temp_file(self, contents): f = mozfile.NamedTemporaryFile() f.write(contents) f.flush() return f def test_server_locations(self): # write a permissions file f = self.create_temp_file(self.locations) # read the locations locations = ServerLocations(f.name) # ensure that they're what we expect self.assertEqual(len(locations), 6) i = iter(locations) self.compare_location(i.next(), 'http', 'mochi.test', '8888', ['primary', 'privileged']) self.compare_location(i.next(), 'http', '', '80', ['privileged']) self.compare_location(i.next(), 'http', '', '8888', ['privileged']) self.compare_location(i.next(), 'https', 'test', '80', ['privileged']) self.compare_location(i.next(), 'http', 'example.org', '80', ['privileged']) self.compare_location(i.next(), 'http', 'test1.example.org', '8888', ['privileged']) locations.add_host('mozilla.org') self.assertEqual(len(locations), 7) self.compare_location(i.next(), 'http', 'mozilla.org', '80', ['privileged']) # test some errors self.assertRaises(MultiplePrimaryLocationsError, locations.add_host, 'primary.test', options='primary') # We no longer throw these DuplicateLocation Error try: locations.add_host('') except DuplicateLocationError: self.assertTrue(False, "Should no longer throw DuplicateLocationError") self.assertRaises(BadPortLocationError, locations.add_host, '', port='abc') # test some errors in locations file f = self.create_temp_file(self.locations_no_primary) exc = None try: ServerLocations(f.name) except LocationsSyntaxError as e: exc = e self.assertNotEqual(exc, None) self.assertEqual(exc.err.__class__, MissingPrimaryLocationError) self.assertEqual(exc.lineno, 3) # test bad port in a locations file to ensure lineno calculated # properly. f = self.create_temp_file(self.locations_bad_port) exc = None try: ServerLocations(f.name) except LocationsSyntaxError as e: exc = e self.assertNotEqual(exc, None) self.assertEqual(exc.err.__class__, BadPortLocationError) self.assertEqual(exc.lineno, 4) def test_server_locations_callback(self): class CallbackTest(object): last_locations = None def callback(self, locations): self.last_locations = locations c = CallbackTest() f = self.create_temp_file(self.locations) locations = ServerLocations(f.name, c.callback) # callback should be for all locations in file self.assertEqual(len(c.last_locations), 6) # validate arbitrary one self.compare_location(c.last_locations[2], 'http', '', '8888', ['privileged']) locations.add_host('a.b.c') # callback should be just for one location self.assertEqual(len(c.last_locations), 1) self.compare_location(c.last_locations[0], 'http', 'a.b.c', '80', ['privileged']) # read a second file, which should generate a callback with both # locations. f = self.create_temp_file(self.locations_no_primary) locations.read(f.name) self.assertEqual(len(c.last_locations), 2) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()