:mod:`mozprocess` --- Launch and manage processes ================================================= Mozprocess is a process-handling module that provides some additional features beyond those available with python's subprocess: * better handling of child processes, especially on Windows * the ability to timeout the process after some absolute period, or some period without any data written to stdout/stderr * the ability to specify output handlers that will be called for each line of output produced by the process * the ability to specify handlers that will be called on process timeout and normal process termination Running a process ----------------- mozprocess consists of two classes: ProcessHandler inherits from ProcessHandlerMixin. Let's see how to run a process. First, the class should be instanciated with at least one argument which is a command (or a list formed by the command followed by its arguments). Then the process can be launched using the *run()* method. Finally the *wait()* method will wait until end of execution. .. code-block:: python from mozprocess import processhandler # under Windows replace by command = ['dir', '/a'] command = ['ls', '-l'] p = processhandler.ProcessHandler(command) print("execute command: %s" % p.commandline) p.run() p.wait() Note that using *ProcessHandler* instead of *ProcessHandlerMixin* will print the output of executed command. The attribute *commandline* provides the launched command. Collecting process output ------------------------- Let's now consider a basic shell script that will print numbers from 1 to 5 waiting 1 second between each. This script will be used as a command to launch in further examples. **proc_sleep_echo.sh**: .. code-block:: sh #!/bin/sh for i in 1 2 3 4 5 do echo $i sleep 1 done If you are running under Windows, you won't be able to use the previous script (unless using Cygwin). So you'll use the following script: **proc_sleep_echo.bat**: .. code-block:: bat @echo off FOR %%A IN (1 2 3 4 5) DO ( ECHO %%A REM if you have TIMEOUT then use it instead of PING REM TIMEOUT /T 1 /NOBREAK PING -n 2 > NUL ) Mozprocess allows the specification of custom output handlers to gather process output while running. ProcessHandler will by default write all outputs on stdout. You can also provide (to ProcessHandler or ProcessHandlerMixin) a function or a list of functions that will be used as callbacks on each output line generated by the process. In the following example the command's output will be stored in a file *output.log* and printed in stdout: .. code-block:: python import sys from mozprocess import processhandler fd = open('output.log', 'w') def tostdout(line): sys.stdout.write("<%s>\n" % line) def tofile(line): fd.write("<%s>\n" % line) # under Windows you'll replace by 'proc_sleep_echo.bat' command = './proc_sleep_echo.sh' outputs = [tostdout, tofile] p = processhandler.ProcessHandlerMixin(command, processOutputLine=outputs) p.run() p.wait() fd.close() The process output can be saved (*obj = ProcessHandler(..., storeOutput=True)*) so as it is possible to request it (*obj.output*) at any time. Note that the default value for *stroreOutput* is *True*, so it is not necessary to provide it in the parameters. .. code-block:: python import time import sys from mozprocess import processhandler command = './proc_sleep_echo.sh' # Windows: 'proc_sleep_echo.bat' p = processhandler.ProcessHandler(command, storeOutput=True) p.run() for i in xrange(10): print(p.output) time.sleep(0.5) p.wait() In previous example, you will see the *p.output* list growing. Execution --------- Status `````` It is possible to query the status of the process via *poll()* that will return None if the process is still running, 0 if it ended without failures and a negative value if it was killed by a signal (Unix-only). .. code-block:: python import time import signal from mozprocess import processhandler command = './proc_sleep_echo.sh' p = processhandler.ProcessHandler(command) p.run() time.sleep(2) print("poll status: %s" % p.poll()) time.sleep(1) p.kill(signal.SIGKILL) print("poll status: %s" % p.poll()) Timeout ``````` A timeout can be provided to the *run()* method. If the process last more than timeout seconds, it will be stopped. After execution, the property *timedOut* will be set to True if a timeout was reached. It is also possible to provide functions (*obj = ProcessHandler[Mixin](..., onTimeout=functions)*) that will be called if the timeout was reached. .. code-block:: python from mozprocess import processhandler def ontimeout(): print("REACHED TIMEOUT") command = './proc_sleep_echo.sh' # Windows: 'proc_sleep_echo.bat' functions = [ontimeout] p = processhandler.ProcessHandler(command, onTimeout=functions) p.run(timeout=2) p.wait() print("timedOut = %s" % p.timedOut) By default the process will be killed on timeout but it is possible to prevent this by setting *kill_on_timeout* to *False*. .. code-block:: python p = processhandler.ProcessHandler(command, onTimeout=functions, kill_on_timeout=False) p.run(timeout=2) p.wait() print("timedOut = %s" % p.timedOut) In this case, no output will be available after the timeout, but the process will still be running. Waiting ``````` It is possible to wait until the process exits as already seen with the method *wait()*, or until the end of a timeout if given. Note that in last case the process is still alive after the timeout. .. code-block:: python command = './proc_sleep_echo.sh' # Windows: 'proc_sleep_echo.bat' p = processhandler.ProcessHandler(command) p.run() p.wait(timeout=2) print("timedOut = %s" % p.timedOut) p.wait() Killing ``````` You can request to kill the process with the method *kill*. f the parameter "ignore_children" is set to False when the process handler class is initialized, all the process's children will be killed as well. Except on Windows, you can specify the signal with which to kill method the process (e.g.: *kill(signal.SIGKILL)*). .. code-block:: python import time from mozprocess import processhandler command = './proc_sleep_echo.sh' # Windows: 'proc_sleep_echo.bat' p = processhandler.ProcessHandler(command) p.run() time.sleep(2) p.kill() End of execution ```````````````` You can provide a function or a list of functions to call at the end of the process using the initilization parameter *onFinish*. .. code-block:: python from mozprocess import processhandler def finish(): print("Finished!!") command = './proc_sleep_echo.sh' # Windows: 'proc_sleep_echo.bat' p = processhandler.ProcessHandler(command, onFinish=finish) p.run() p.wait() Child management ---------------- Consider the following scripts: **proc_child.sh**: .. code-block:: sh #!/bin/sh for i in a b c d e do echo $i sleep 1 done **proc_parent.sh**: .. code-block:: sh #!/bin/sh ./proc_child.sh for i in 1 2 3 4 5 do echo $i sleep 1 done For windows users consider: **proc_child.bat**: .. code-block:: bat @echo off FOR %%A IN (a b c d e) DO ( ECHO %%A REM TIMEOUT /T 1 /NOBREAK PING -n 2 > NUL ) **proc_parent.bat**: .. code-block:: bat @echo off call proc_child.bat FOR %%A IN (1 2 3 4 5) DO ( ECHO %%A REM TIMEOUT /T 1 /NOBREAK PING -n 2 > NUL ) For processes that launch other processes, mozprocess allows you to get child running status, wait for child termination, and kill children. Ignoring children ````````````````` By default the *ignore_children* option is False. In that case, killing the main process will kill all its children at the same time. .. code-block:: python import time from mozprocess import processhandler def finish(): print("Finished") command = './proc_parent.sh' p = processhandler.ProcessHandler(command, ignore_children=False, onFinish=finish) p.run() time.sleep(2) print("kill") p.kill() If *ignore_children* is set to *True*, killing will apply only to the main process that will wait children end of execution before stoping (join). .. code-block:: python import time from mozprocess import processhandler def finish(): print("Finished") command = './proc_parent.sh' p = processhandler.ProcessHandler(command, ignore_children=True, onFinish=finish) p.run() time.sleep(2) print("kill") p.kill() API Documentation ----------------- .. module:: mozprocess .. autoclass:: ProcessHandlerMixin :members: __init__, timedOut, commandline, run, kill, processOutputLine, onTimeout, onFinish, wait .. autoclass:: ProcessHandler :members: