function getLastEventDetails(browser) { return ContentTask.spawn(browser, {}, function* () { return content.document.getElementById('out').textContent; }); } add_task(function* () { let onClickEvt = 'document.getElementById("out").textContent = + "," + event.clientX + "," + event.clientY;' const url = "" + "" + "
" + ""; let tab = yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(gBrowser, "data:text/html," + url); let browser = tab.linkedBrowser; yield BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter("#one", {}, browser); let details = yield getLastEventDetails(browser); is(details, "button,31,34", "synthesizeMouseAtCenter"); yield BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeMouse("#one", 4, 9, {}, browser); details = yield getLastEventDetails(browser); is(details, "button,20,23", "synthesizeMouse"); yield BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeMouseAtPoint(15, 6, {}, browser); details = yield getLastEventDetails(browser); is(details, "body,15,6", "synthesizeMouseAtPoint on body"); yield BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeMouseAtPoint(20, 22, {}, browser); details = yield getLastEventDetails(browser); is(details, "button,20,22", "synthesizeMouseAtPoint on button"); yield BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter("body > div", {}, browser); details = yield getLastEventDetails(browser); is(details, "div,40,84", "synthesizeMouseAtCenter with complex selector"); let cancelled = yield BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter("body > div", { type: "mousedown" }, browser); details = yield getLastEventDetails(browser); is(details, "div,40,84", "synthesizeMouseAtCenter mousedown with complex selector"); ok(cancelled, "synthesizeMouseAtCenter mousedown with complex selector not cancelled"); cancelled = yield BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter("body > div", { type: "mouseup" }, browser); details = yield getLastEventDetails(browser); is(details, "div,40,84", "synthesizeMouseAtCenter mouseup with complex selector"); ok(!cancelled, "synthesizeMouseAtCenter mouseup with complex selector cancelled"); gBrowser.removeTab(tab); }); add_task(function* () { yield BrowserTestUtils.registerAboutPage( registerCleanupFunction, "about-pages-are-cool", getRootDirectory(gTestPath) + "dummy.html", 0); let tab = yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab( gBrowser, "about:about-pages-are-cool", true); ok(tab, "Successfully created an about: page and loaded it."); yield BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab); try { yield BrowserTestUtils.unregisterAboutPage("about-pages-are-cool"); ok(true, "Successfully unregistered the about page."); } catch (ex) { ok(false, "Should not throw unregistering a known about: page"); } yield BrowserTestUtils.unregisterAboutPage("random-other-about-page").then(() => { ok(false, "Should not have succeeded unregistering an unknown about: page."); }, () => { ok(true, "Should have returned a rejected promise trying to unregister an unknown about page"); }); });