[DEFAULT] support-files = head.js [browser_browserLoaded_content_loaded.js] [browser_add_task.js] [browser_async.js] [browser_BrowserTestUtils.js] support-files = dummy.html [browser_head.js] [browser_pass.js] [browser_parameters.js] [browser_popupNode.js] [browser_popupNode_check.js] [browser_privileges.js] [browser_sanityException.js] [browser_sanityException2.js] [browser_waitForFocus.js] skip-if = (os == "win" && e10s && debug) [browser_getTestFile.js] support-files = test-dir/* waitForFocusPage.html # Disabled because it would take too long, useful to check functionality though. # browser_requestLongerTimeout.js [browser_zz_fail_openwindow.js] skip-if = true # this catches outside of the main loop to find an extra window [browser_fail.js] skip-if = true [browser_fail_add_task.js] skip-if = true # fail-if doesnt catch an exception outside the test [browser_fail_async_throw.js] skip-if = true # fail-if doesnt catch an exception outside the test [browser_fail_fp.js] fail-if = true [browser_fail_pf.js] fail-if = true [browser_fail_throw.js] skip-if = true # fail-if doesnt catch an exception outside the test # Disabled beacuse it takes too long (bug 1178959) [browser_fail_timeout.js] skip-if = true # Disabled beacuse it takes too long (bug 1178959) [browser_fail_unexpectedTimeout.js] skip-if = true