.. py:currentmodule:: firefox_puppeteer Firefox Puppeteer ================= `Firefox Puppeteer`_ is a library built on top of the `Marionette Python client`_. It aims to make automation of Firefox's browser UI simpler. It does **not** make sense to use Firefox Puppeteer if: * You are manipulating something other than Firefox (like Firefox OS) * You are only manipulating elements in content scope (like a webpage) Roughly speaking, Firefox Puppeteer provides a library to manipulate each visual section of Firefox's browser UI. For example, there are different libraries for the tab bar, the navigation bar, etc. .. _Firefox Puppeteer: http://firefox-puppeteer.readthedocs.io/ .. _Marionette Python client: http://marionette-client.readthedocs.org/ Installation ------------ For end-users Firefox Puppeteer can be easily installed as a `Python package`_ from PyPI. If you want to contribute to the project we propose that you clone the `mozilla-central`_ repository and run the following commands:: $ cd testing/puppeteer/firefox $ python setup.py develop In both cases all necessary files including all dependencies will be installed. .. _Python package: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/firefox-puppeteer .. _mozilla-central: https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central Versioning ---------- Puppeteer versions as regularly released from the Python source code, will follow a specific versioning schema. It means the major version number will always be identical with the supported Firefox version. Minor releases - the second part of the version number - are done throughout the life-cycle of a Firefox version when Puppeteer itself needs API changes for back-end and front-end modules. The last part of the version number is the patch level, and is only used for bugfix releases without any API changes. Examples: firefox_puppeteer_45.0.0 - First release for Firefox 45.0 and Firefox 45.xESR firefox_puppeteer_46.2.0 - Second release for Firefox 46.0 caused by API changes firefox_puppeteer_47.0.1 - First bugfix release for the new Firefox 47.0 support Libraries --------- The following libraries are currently implemented. More will be added in the future. Each library is available from an instance of the FirefoxTestCase class. .. toctree:: ui/about_window/window ui/deck ui/menu ui/pageinfo/window ui/browser/notifications ui/browser/tabbar ui/browser/toolbars ui/browser/window ui/update_wizard/dialog ui/windows api/appinfo api/keys api/l10n api/places api/security api/software_update api/utils Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`