import datetime from marionette_harness.runner import BrowserMobTestCase class TestBrowserMobProxy(BrowserMobTestCase): """To run this test, you'll need to download the browsermob-proxy from, and then pass the path to the startup script (typically /path/to/browsermob-proxy-2.0.0/bin/browsermob-proxy) as the --browsermob-script argument when running You can additionally pass --browsermob-port to specify the port that the proxy will run on; it defaults to 8080. This test is NOT run in CI, as bmp and dependencies aren't available there. """ def test_browsermob_proxy_limits(self): """This illustrates the use of download limits in the proxy, and verifies that it's slower to load a page @100kbps than it is to download the same page @1000kbps. """ proxy = self.create_browsermob_proxy() proxy.limits({'downstream_kbps': 1000}) time1 = self.marionette.navigate('') time2 = proxy.limits({'downstream_kbps': 100}) time3 = self.marionette.refresh() time4 = self.assertTrue(time4 - time3 > time2 - time1, "page load @ 100kbps not slower than page load @ 1000kbps")