import os.path import pytest import sys def setup_module(module): sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))) class TestClient(object): def setup_method(self, method): from browsermobproxy.client import Client self.client = Client("localhost:9090") def teardown_method(self, method): self.client.close() def test_headers_type(self): """ /proxy/:port/headers needs to take a dictionary """ with pytest.raises(TypeError): self.client.headers(['foo']) def test_headers_content(self): """ /proxy/:port/headers needs to take a dictionary and returns 200 when its successful """ s = self.client.headers({'User-Agent': 'rubber ducks floating in a row'}) assert(s == 200) def test_new_har(self): """ /proxy/:port/har and returns 204 when creating a har with a particular name the first time and returns 200 and the previous har when creating one with the same name """ status_code, har = self.client.new_har() assert(status_code == 204) assert(har is None) status_code, har = self.client.new_har() assert(status_code == 200) assert('log' in har) def test_new_har(self): """ /proxy/:port/har and returns 204 when creating a har with a particular name the first time and returns 200 and the previous har when creating one with the same name """ status_code, har = self.client.new_har("elephants") assert(status_code == 204) assert(har is None) status_code, har = self.client.new_har("elephants") assert(status_code == 200) assert('elephants' == har["log"]["pages"][0]['id']) def test_new_page_defaults(self): """ /proxy/:port/pageRef adds a new page of 'Page N' when no page name is given """ self.client.new_har() self.client.new_page() har = self.client.har assert(len(har["log"]["pages"]) == 2) assert(har["log"]["pages"][1]["id"] == "Page 2") def test_new_named_page(self): """ /proxy/:port/pageRef adds a new page of 'buttress' """ self.client.new_har() self.client.new_page('buttress') har = self.client.har assert(len(har["log"]["pages"]) == 2) assert(har["log"]["pages"][1]["id"] == "buttress") def test_single_whitelist(self): """ /proxy/:port/whitelist adds a whitelist """ status_code = self.client.whitelist("http://www\\.facebook\\.com/.*", 200) assert(status_code == 200) def test_multiple_whitelists(self): """ /proxy/:port/whitelist adds a whitelist """ status_code = self.client.whitelist("http://www\\.facebook\\.com/.*,http://cdn\\.twitter\\.com", 200) assert(status_code == 200) def test_blacklist(self): """ /proxy/:port/blacklist adds a blacklist """ status_code = self.client.blacklist("http://www\\.facebook\\.com/.*", 200) assert(status_code == 200) def test_basic_authentication(self): """ /proxy/:port/auth/basic adds automatic basic authentication """ status_code = self.client.basic_authentication("", "myUsername", "myPassword") assert(status_code == 200) def test_limits_invalid_key(self): """ /proxy/:port/limits pre-sending checking that the parameter is correct """ with pytest.raises(KeyError): self.client.limits({"hurray": "explosions"}) def test_limits_key_no_value(self): """ /proxy/:port/limits pre-sending checking that a parameter exists """ with pytest.raises(KeyError): self.client.limits({}) def test_limits_all_key_values(self): """ /proxy/:port/limits can send all 3 at once based on the proxy implementation """ limits = {"upstream_kbps": 320, "downstream_kbps": 560, "latency": 30} status_code = self.client.limits(limits) assert(status_code == 200) def test_rewrite(self): """ /proxy/:port/rewrite """ match = "/foo" replace = "/bar" status_code = self.client.rewrite_url(match, replace) assert(status_code == 200) def test_close(self): """ /proxy/:port close the proxy port """ status_code = self.client.close() assert(status_code == 200) status_code = self.client.close() assert(status_code == 404) def test_response_interceptor_with_parsing_js(self): """ /proxy/:port/interceptor/response """ js = 'alert("foo")' status_code = self.client.response_interceptor(js) assert(status_code == 200) def test_response_interceptor_with_invalid_js(self): """ /proxy/:port/interceptor/response """ js = 'alert("foo"' status_code = self.client.response_interceptor(js) assert(status_code == 500) def test_request_interceptor_with_parsing_js(self): """ /proxy/:port/interceptor/request """ js = 'alert("foo")' status_code = self.client.request_interceptor(js) assert(status_code == 200) def test_request_interceptor_with_invalid_js(self): """ /proxy/:port/interceptor/request """ js = 'alert("foo"' status_code = self.client.request_interceptor(js) assert(status_code == 500) def test_timeouts_invalid_timeouts(self): """ /proxy/:port/timeout pre-sending checking that the parameter is correct """ with pytest.raises(KeyError): self.client.timeouts({"hurray": "explosions"}) def test_timeouts_key_no_value(self): """ /proxy/:port/timeout pre-sending checking that a parameter exists """ with pytest.raises(KeyError): self.client.timeouts({}) def test_timeouts_all_key_values(self): """ /proxy/:port/timeout can send all 3 at once based on the proxy implementation """ timeouts = {"request": 2, "read": 2, "connection": 2, "dns": 3} status_code = self.client.timeouts(timeouts) assert(status_code == 200) def test_remap_hosts(self): """ /proxy/:port/hosts """ status_code = self.client.remap_hosts("", "") assert(status_code == 200) def test_wait_for_traffic_to_stop(self): """ /proxy/:port/wait """ status_code = self.client.wait_for_traffic_to_stop(2000, 10000) assert(status_code == 200) def test_clear_dns_cache(self): """ /proxy/:port/dns/cache """ status_code = self.client.clear_dns_cache() assert(status_code == 200) def test_rewrite_url(self): """ /proxy/:port/rewrite """ status_code = self.client.rewrite_url('http://www.facebook\.com', '') assert(status_code == 200) def test_retry(self): """ /proxy/:port/retry """ status_code = self.client.retry(4) assert(status_code == 200)