# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import json import os import random import re import socket import sys import time import traceback import unittest from argparse import ArgumentParser from copy import deepcopy import mozinfo import moznetwork import mozprofile import mozversion import serve from manifestparser import TestManifest from manifestparser.filters import tags from marionette_driver.marionette import Marionette from moztest.adapters.unit import StructuredTestResult, StructuredTestRunner from moztest.results import TestResult, TestResultCollection, relevant_line from serve import iter_proc, iter_url here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) def update_mozinfo(path=None): """Walk up directories to find mozinfo.json and update the info.""" path = path or here dirs = set() while path != os.path.expanduser('~'): if path in dirs: break dirs.add(path) path = os.path.split(path)[0] return mozinfo.find_and_update_from_json(*dirs) class MarionetteTest(TestResult): @property def test_name(self): if self.test_class is not None: return '{0}.py {1}.{2}'.format(self.test_class.split('.')[0], self.test_class, self.name) else: return self.name class MarionetteTestResult(StructuredTestResult, TestResultCollection): resultClass = MarionetteTest def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.marionette = kwargs.pop('marionette') TestResultCollection.__init__(self, 'MarionetteTest') self.passed = 0 self.testsRun = 0 self.result_modifiers = [] # used by mixins to modify the result StructuredTestResult.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) @property def skipped(self): return [t for t in self if t.result == 'SKIPPED'] @skipped.setter def skipped(self, value): pass @property def expectedFailures(self): return [t for t in self if t.result == 'KNOWN-FAIL'] @expectedFailures.setter def expectedFailures(self, value): pass @property def unexpectedSuccesses(self): return [t for t in self if t.result == 'UNEXPECTED-PASS'] @unexpectedSuccesses.setter def unexpectedSuccesses(self, value): pass @property def tests_passed(self): return [t for t in self if t.result == 'PASS'] @property def errors(self): return [t for t in self if t.result == 'ERROR'] @errors.setter def errors(self, value): pass @property def failures(self): return [t for t in self if t.result == 'UNEXPECTED-FAIL'] @failures.setter def failures(self, value): pass @property def duration(self): if self.stop_time: return self.stop_time - self.start_time else: return 0 def add_test_result(self, test, result_expected='PASS', result_actual='PASS', output='', context=None, **kwargs): def get_class(test): return test.__class__.__module__ + '.' + test.__class__.__name__ name = str(test).split()[0] test_class = get_class(test) if hasattr(test, 'jsFile'): name = os.path.basename(test.jsFile) test_class = None t = self.resultClass(name=name, test_class=test_class, time_start=test.start_time, result_expected=result_expected, context=context, **kwargs) # call any registered result modifiers for modifier in self.result_modifiers: result_expected, result_actual, output, context = modifier( t, result_expected, result_actual, output, context) t.finish(result_actual, time_end=time.time() if test.start_time else 0, reason=relevant_line(output), output=output) self.append(t) def addError(self, test, err): self.add_test_result(test, output=self._exc_info_to_string(err, test), result_actual='ERROR') super(MarionetteTestResult, self).addError(test, err) def addFailure(self, test, err): self.add_test_result(test, output=self._exc_info_to_string(err, test), result_actual='UNEXPECTED-FAIL') super(MarionetteTestResult, self).addFailure(test, err) def addSuccess(self, test): self.passed += 1 self.add_test_result(test, result_actual='PASS') super(MarionetteTestResult, self).addSuccess(test) def addExpectedFailure(self, test, err): """Called when an expected failure/error occured.""" self.add_test_result(test, output=self._exc_info_to_string(err, test), result_actual='KNOWN-FAIL') super(MarionetteTestResult, self).addExpectedFailure(test, err) def addUnexpectedSuccess(self, test): """Called when a test was expected to fail, but succeed.""" self.add_test_result(test, result_actual='UNEXPECTED-PASS') super(MarionetteTestResult, self).addUnexpectedSuccess(test) def addSkip(self, test, reason): self.add_test_result(test, output=reason, result_actual='SKIPPED') super(MarionetteTestResult, self).addSkip(test, reason) def getInfo(self, test): return test.test_name def getDescription(self, test): doc_first_line = test.shortDescription() if self.descriptions and doc_first_line: return '\n'.join((str(test), doc_first_line)) else: desc = str(test) if hasattr(test, 'jsFile'): desc = "{0}, {1}".format(test.jsFile, desc) return desc def printLogs(self, test): for testcase in test._tests: if hasattr(testcase, 'loglines') and testcase.loglines: # Don't dump loglines to the console if they only contain # TEST-START and TEST-END. skip_log = True for line in testcase.loglines: str_line = ' '.join(line) if 'TEST-END' not in str_line and 'TEST-START' not in str_line: skip_log = False break if skip_log: return self.logger.info('START LOG:') for line in testcase.loglines: self.logger.info(' '.join(line).encode('ascii', 'replace')) self.logger.info('END LOG:') def stopTest(self, *args, **kwargs): unittest._TextTestResult.stopTest(self, *args, **kwargs) if self.marionette.check_for_crash(): # this tells unittest.TestSuite not to continue running tests self.shouldStop = True test = next((a for a in args if isinstance(a, unittest.TestCase)), None) if test: self.addError(test, sys.exc_info()) class MarionetteTextTestRunner(StructuredTestRunner): resultclass = MarionetteTestResult def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.marionette = kwargs.pop('marionette') self.capabilities = kwargs.pop('capabilities') StructuredTestRunner.__init__(self, **kwargs) def _makeResult(self): return self.resultclass(self.stream, self.descriptions, self.verbosity, marionette=self.marionette, logger=self.logger, result_callbacks=self.result_callbacks) def run(self, test): result = super(MarionetteTextTestRunner, self).run(test) result.printLogs(test) return result class BaseMarionetteArguments(ArgumentParser): # Bug 1336953 - Until we can remove the socket timeout parameter it has to be # set a default value which is larger than the longest timeout as defined by the # WebDriver spec. In that case its 300s for page load. Also add another minute # so that slow builds have enough time to send the timeout error to the client. socket_timeout_default = 360.0 def __init__(self, **kwargs): ArgumentParser.__init__(self, **kwargs) def dir_path(path): path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(path)) if not os.access(path, os.F_OK): os.makedirs(path) return path self.argument_containers = [] self.add_argument('tests', nargs='*', default=[], help='Tests to run. ' 'One or more paths to test files (Python or JS), ' 'manifest files (.ini) or directories. ' 'When a directory is specified, ' 'all test files in the directory will be run.') self.add_argument('--binary', help='path to gecko executable to launch before running the test') self.add_argument('--address', help='host:port of running Gecko instance to connect to') self.add_argument('--emulator', action='store_true', help='If no --address is given, then the harness will launch an ' 'emulator. (See Remote options group.) ' 'If --address is given, then the harness assumes you are ' 'running an emulator already, and will launch gecko app ' 'on that emulator.') self.add_argument('--app', help='application to use. see marionette_driver.geckoinstance') self.add_argument('--app-arg', dest='app_args', action='append', default=[], help='specify a command line argument to be passed onto the application') self.add_argument('--profile', help='profile to use when launching the gecko process. If not passed, ' 'then a profile will be constructed and used', type=dir_path) self.add_argument('--pref', action='append', dest='prefs_args', help="A preference to set. Must be a key-value pair separated by a ':'.") self.add_argument('--preferences', action='append', dest='prefs_files', help="read preferences from a JSON or INI file. For INI, use " "'file.ini:section' to specify a particular section.") self.add_argument('--addon', action='append', dest='addons', help="addon to install; repeat for multiple addons.") self.add_argument('--repeat', type=int, default=0, help='number of times to repeat the test(s)') self.add_argument('--testvars', action='append', help='path to a json file with any test data required') self.add_argument('--symbols-path', help='absolute path to directory containing breakpad symbols, or the ' 'url of a zip file containing symbols') self.add_argument('--startup-timeout', type=int, default=60, help='the max number of seconds to wait for a Marionette connection ' 'after launching a binary') self.add_argument('--shuffle', action='store_true', default=False, help='run tests in a random order') self.add_argument('--shuffle-seed', type=int, default=random.randint(0, sys.maxint), help='Use given seed to shuffle tests') self.add_argument('--total-chunks', type=int, help='how many chunks to split the tests up into') self.add_argument('--this-chunk', type=int, help='which chunk to run') self.add_argument('--server-root', help='url to a webserver or path to a document root from which content ' 'resources are served (default: {}).'.format(os.path.join( os.path.dirname(here), 'www'))) self.add_argument('--gecko-log', help="Define the path to store log file. If the path is" " a directory, the real log file will be created" " given the format gecko-(timestamp).log. If it is" " a file, if will be used directly. '-' may be passed" " to write to stdout. Default: './gecko.log'") self.add_argument('--logger-name', default='Marionette-based Tests', help='Define the name to associate with the logger used') self.add_argument('--jsdebugger', action='store_true', default=False, help='Enable the jsdebugger for marionette javascript.') self.add_argument('--pydebugger', help='Enable python post-mortem debugger when a test fails.' ' Pass in the debugger you want to use, eg pdb or ipdb.') self.add_argument('--socket-timeout', type=float, default=self.socket_timeout_default, help='Set the global timeout for marionette socket operations.' ' Default: %(default)ss.') self.add_argument('--disable-e10s', action='store_false', dest='e10s', default=True, help='Disable e10s when running marionette tests.') self.add_argument('--tag', action='append', dest='test_tags', default=None, help="Filter out tests that don't have the given tag. Can be " "used multiple times in which case the test must contain " "at least one of the given tags.") self.add_argument('--workspace', action='store', default=None, help="Path to directory for Marionette output. " "(Default: .) (Default profile dest: TMP)", type=dir_path) self.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='count', help='Increase verbosity to include debug messages with -v, ' 'and trace messages with -vv.') self.register_argument_container(RemoteMarionetteArguments()) def register_argument_container(self, container): group = self.add_argument_group(container.name) for cli, kwargs in container.args: group.add_argument(*cli, **kwargs) self.argument_containers.append(container) def parse_known_args(self, args=None, namespace=None): args, remainder = ArgumentParser.parse_known_args(self, args, namespace) for container in self.argument_containers: if hasattr(container, 'parse_args_handler'): container.parse_args_handler(args) return (args, remainder) def _get_preferences(self, prefs_files, prefs_args): """Return user defined profile preferences as a dict.""" # object that will hold the preferences prefs = mozprofile.prefs.Preferences() # add preferences files if prefs_files: for prefs_file in prefs_files: prefs.add_file(prefs_file) separator = ':' cli_prefs = [] if prefs_args: misformatted = [] for pref in prefs_args: if separator not in pref: misformatted.append(pref) else: cli_prefs.append(pref.split(separator, 1)) if misformatted: self._print_message("Warning: Ignoring preferences not in key{}value format: {}\n" .format(separator, ", ".join(misformatted))) # string preferences prefs.add(cli_prefs, cast=True) return dict(prefs()) def verify_usage(self, args): if not args.tests: self.error('You must specify one or more test files, manifests, or directories.') missing_tests = [path for path in args.tests if not os.path.exists(path)] if missing_tests: self.error("Test file(s) not found: " + " ".join([path for path in missing_tests])) if not args.address and not args.binary and not args.emulator: self.error('You must specify --binary, or --address, or --emulator') if args.total_chunks is not None and args.this_chunk is None: self.error('You must specify which chunk to run.') if args.this_chunk is not None and args.total_chunks is None: self.error('You must specify how many chunks to split the tests into.') if args.total_chunks is not None: if not 1 < args.total_chunks: self.error('Total chunks must be greater than 1.') if not 1 <= args.this_chunk <= args.total_chunks: self.error('Chunk to run must be between 1 and {}.'.format(args.total_chunks)) if args.jsdebugger: args.app_args.append('-jsdebugger') args.socket_timeout = None args.prefs = self._get_preferences(args.prefs_files, args.prefs_args) for container in self.argument_containers: if hasattr(container, 'verify_usage_handler'): container.verify_usage_handler(args) return args class RemoteMarionetteArguments(object): name = 'Remote (Emulator/Device)' args = [ [['--emulator-binary'], {'help': 'Path to emulator binary. By default mozrunner uses `which emulator`', 'dest': 'emulator_bin', }], [['--adb'], {'help': 'Path to the adb. By default mozrunner uses `which adb`', 'dest': 'adb_path' }], [['--avd'], {'help': ('Name of an AVD available in your environment.' 'See mozrunner.FennecEmulatorRunner'), }], [['--avd-home'], {'help': 'Path to avd parent directory', }], [['--device'], {'help': ('Serial ID to connect to as seen in `adb devices`,' 'e.g emulator-5444'), 'dest': 'device_serial', }], [['--package'], {'help': 'Name of Android package, e.g. org.mozilla.fennec', 'dest': 'package_name', }], ] class Fixtures(object): def where_is(self, uri, on="http"): return serve.where_is(uri, on) class BaseMarionetteTestRunner(object): textrunnerclass = MarionetteTextTestRunner driverclass = Marionette def __init__(self, address=None, app=None, app_args=None, binary=None, profile=None, logger=None, logdir=None, repeat=0, testvars=None, symbols_path=None, shuffle=False, shuffle_seed=random.randint(0, sys.maxint), this_chunk=1, total_chunks=1, server_root=None, gecko_log=None, result_callbacks=None, prefs=None, test_tags=None, socket_timeout=BaseMarionetteArguments.socket_timeout_default, startup_timeout=None, addons=None, workspace=None, verbose=0, e10s=True, emulator=False, **kwargs): self._appinfo = None self._appName = None self._capabilities = None self._filename_pattern = None self._version_info = {} self.fixture_servers = {} self.fixtures = Fixtures() self.extra_kwargs = kwargs self.test_kwargs = deepcopy(kwargs) self.address = address self.app = app self.app_args = app_args or [] self.bin = binary self.emulator = emulator self.profile = profile self.addons = addons self.logger = logger self.marionette = None self.logdir = logdir self.repeat = repeat self.symbols_path = symbols_path self.socket_timeout = socket_timeout self.shuffle = shuffle self.shuffle_seed = shuffle_seed self.server_root = server_root self.this_chunk = this_chunk self.total_chunks = total_chunks self.mixin_run_tests = [] self.manifest_skipped_tests = [] self.tests = [] self.result_callbacks = result_callbacks or [] self.prefs = prefs or {} self.test_tags = test_tags self.startup_timeout = startup_timeout self.workspace = workspace # If no workspace is set, default location for gecko.log is . # and default location for profile is TMP self.workspace_path = workspace or os.getcwd() self.verbose = verbose self.e10s = e10s if self.e10s: self.prefs.update({ 'browser.tabs.remote.autostart': True, 'browser.tabs.remote.force-enable': True, 'extensions.e10sBlocksEnabling': False }) def gather_debug(test, status): # No screenshots and page source for skipped tests if status == "SKIP": return rv = {} marionette = test._marionette_weakref() # In the event we're gathering debug without starting a session, # skip marionette commands if marionette.session is not None: try: with marionette.using_context(marionette.CONTEXT_CHROME): rv['screenshot'] = marionette.screenshot() with marionette.using_context(marionette.CONTEXT_CONTENT): rv['source'] = marionette.page_source except Exception as exc: self.logger.warning('Failed to gather test failure debug: {}'.format(exc)) return rv self.result_callbacks.append(gather_debug) # testvars are set up in self.testvars property self._testvars = None self.testvars_paths = testvars self.test_handlers = [] self.reset_test_stats() self.logger.info('Using workspace for temporary data: ' '"{}"'.format(self.workspace_path)) if not gecko_log: self.gecko_log = os.path.join(self.workspace_path or '', 'gecko.log') else: self.gecko_log = gecko_log self.results = [] @property def filename_pattern(self): if self._filename_pattern is None: self._filename_pattern = re.compile( "^test(((_.+?)+?\.((py)|(js)))|(([A-Z].*?)+?\.js))$") return self._filename_pattern @property def testvars(self): if self._testvars is not None: return self._testvars self._testvars = {} def update(d, u): """Update a dictionary that may contain nested dictionaries.""" for k, v in u.iteritems(): o = d.get(k, {}) if isinstance(v, dict) and isinstance(o, dict): d[k] = update(d.get(k, {}), v) else: d[k] = u[k] return d json_testvars = self._load_testvars() for j in json_testvars: self._testvars = update(self._testvars, j) return self._testvars def _load_testvars(self): data = [] if self.testvars_paths is not None: for path in list(self.testvars_paths): path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(path)) if not os.path.exists(path): raise IOError('--testvars file {} does not exist'.format(path)) try: with open(path) as f: data.append(json.loads(f.read())) except ValueError as e: exc, val, tb = sys.exc_info() msg = "JSON file ({0}) is not properly formatted: {1}" raise exc, msg.format(os.path.abspath(path), e.message), tb return data @property def capabilities(self): if self._capabilities: return self._capabilities self.marionette.start_session() self._capabilities = self.marionette.session_capabilities self.marionette.delete_session() return self._capabilities @property def appinfo(self): if self._appinfo: return self._appinfo self.marionette.start_session() with self.marionette.using_context('chrome'): self._appinfo = self.marionette.execute_script(""" try { return Services.appinfo; } catch (e) { return null; }""") self.marionette.delete_session() self._appinfo = self._appinfo or {} return self._appinfo @property def appName(self): if self._appName: return self._appName self._appName = self.capabilities.get('browserName') return self._appName @property def bin(self): return self._bin @bin.setter def bin(self, path): """Set binary and reset parts of runner accordingly. Intended use: to change binary between calls to run_tests """ self._bin = path self.tests = [] self.cleanup() @property def version_info(self): if not self._version_info: try: # TODO: Get version_info in Fennec case self._version_info = mozversion.get_version(binary=self.bin) except Exception: self.logger.warning("Failed to retrieve version information for {}".format( self.bin)) return self._version_info def reset_test_stats(self): self.passed = 0 self.failed = 0 self.crashed = 0 self.unexpected_successes = 0 self.todo = 0 self.skipped = 0 self.failures = [] def _build_kwargs(self): if self.logdir and not os.access(self.logdir, os.F_OK): os.mkdir(self.logdir) kwargs = { 'socket_timeout': self.socket_timeout, 'prefs': self.prefs, 'startup_timeout': self.startup_timeout, 'verbose': self.verbose, 'symbols_path': self.symbols_path, } if self.bin or self.emulator: kwargs.update({ 'host': 'localhost', 'port': 2828, 'app': self.app, 'app_args': self.app_args, 'profile': self.profile, 'addons': self.addons, 'gecko_log': self.gecko_log, # ensure Marionette class takes care of starting gecko instance 'bin': True, }) if self.bin: kwargs.update({ 'bin': self.bin, }) if self.emulator: kwargs.update({ 'avd_home': self.extra_kwargs.get('avd_home'), 'adb_path': self.extra_kwargs.get('adb_path'), 'emulator_binary': self.extra_kwargs.get('emulator_bin'), 'avd': self.extra_kwargs.get('avd'), 'package_name': self.extra_kwargs.get('package_name'), }) if self.address: host, port = self.address.split(':') kwargs.update({ 'host': host, 'port': int(port), }) if self.emulator: kwargs.update({ 'connect_to_running_emulator': True, }) if not self.bin and not self.emulator: try: # Establish a socket connection so we can vertify the data come back connection = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) connection.connect((host, int(port))) connection.close() except Exception as e: exc, val, tb = sys.exc_info() msg = "Connection attempt to {0}:{1} failed with error: {2}" raise exc, msg.format(host, port, e), tb if self.workspace: kwargs['workspace'] = self.workspace_path return kwargs def record_crash(self): crash = True try: crash = self.marionette.check_for_crash() self.crashed += int(crash) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() return crash def _initialize_test_run(self, tests): assert len(tests) > 0 assert len(self.test_handlers) > 0 self.reset_test_stats() def _add_tests(self, tests): for test in tests: self.add_test(test) invalid_tests = [t['filepath'] for t in self.tests if not self._is_filename_valid(t['filepath'])] if invalid_tests: raise Exception("Test file names must be of the form " "'test_something.py', 'test_something.js', or 'testSomething.js'." " Invalid test names:\n {}".format('\n '.join(invalid_tests))) def _is_filename_valid(self, filename): filename = os.path.basename(filename) return self.filename_pattern.match(filename) def _log_skipped_tests(self): for test in self.manifest_skipped_tests: name = os.path.basename(test['path']) self.logger.test_start(name) self.logger.test_end(name, 'SKIP', message=test['disabled']) self.todo += 1 def run_tests(self, tests): start_time = time.time() self._initialize_test_run(tests) if self.marionette is None: self.marionette = self.driverclass(**self._build_kwargs()) self.logger.info("Profile path is %s" % self.marionette.profile_path) if len(self.fixture_servers) == 0 or \ any(not server.is_alive for _, server in self.fixture_servers): self.logger.info("Starting fixture servers") self.fixture_servers = self.start_fixture_servers() for url in iter_url(self.fixture_servers): self.logger.info("Fixture server listening on %s" % url) # backwards compatibility self.marionette.baseurl = serve.where_is("/") self._add_tests(tests) device_info = None if self.marionette.instance and self.emulator: try: device_info = self.marionette.instance.runner.device.dm.getInfo() except Exception: self.logger.warning('Could not get device info', exc_info=True) appinfo_e10s = self.appinfo.get('browserTabsRemoteAutostart', False) self.logger.info("e10s is {}".format("enabled" if appinfo_e10s else "disabled")) if self.e10s != appinfo_e10s: message_e10s = ("BaseMarionetteTestRunner configuration (self.e10s) does " "not match browser appinfo") self.cleanup() raise AssertionError(message_e10s) self.logger.suite_start(self.tests, version_info=self.version_info, device_info=device_info) self._log_skipped_tests() interrupted = None try: counter = self.repeat while counter >= 0: round_num = self.repeat - counter if round_num > 0: self.logger.info('\nREPEAT {}\n-------'.format(round_num)) self.run_test_sets() counter -= 1 except KeyboardInterrupt: # in case of KeyboardInterrupt during the test execution # we want to display current test results. # so we keep the exception to raise it later. interrupted = sys.exc_info() except: # For any other exception we return immediately and have to # cleanup running processes self.cleanup() raise try: self._print_summary(tests) self.record_crash() self.elapsedtime = time.time() - start_time for run_tests in self.mixin_run_tests: run_tests(tests) if self.shuffle: self.logger.info("Using shuffle seed: %d" % self.shuffle_seed) self.logger.suite_end() except: # raise only the exception if we were not interrupted if not interrupted: raise finally: self.cleanup() # reraise previous interruption now if interrupted: raise interrupted[0], interrupted[1], interrupted[2] def _print_summary(self, tests): self.logger.info('\nSUMMARY\n-------') self.logger.info('passed: {}'.format(self.passed)) if self.unexpected_successes == 0: self.logger.info('failed: {}'.format(self.failed)) else: self.logger.info( 'failed: {0} (unexpected sucesses: {1})'.format(self.failed, self.unexpected_successes)) if self.skipped == 0: self.logger.info('todo: {}'.format(self.todo)) else: self.logger.info('todo: {0} (skipped: {1})'.format(self.todo, self.skipped)) if self.failed > 0: self.logger.info('\nFAILED TESTS\n-------') for failed_test in self.failures: self.logger.info('{}'.format(failed_test[0])) def start_fixture_servers(self): root = self.server_root or os.path.join(os.path.dirname(here), "www") if self.appName == "fennec": return serve.start(root, host=moznetwork.get_ip()) else: return serve.start(root) def add_test(self, test, expected='pass'): filepath = os.path.abspath(test) if os.path.isdir(filepath): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(filepath): for filename in files: if filename.endswith('.ini'): msg_tmpl = ("Ignoring manifest '{0}'; running all tests in '{1}'." " See --help for details.") relpath = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(root, filename), filepath) self.logger.warning(msg_tmpl.format(relpath, filepath)) elif self._is_filename_valid(filename): test_file = os.path.join(root, filename) self.add_test(test_file) return file_ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(filepath)[-1])[1] if file_ext == '.ini': manifest = TestManifest() manifest.read(filepath) json_path = update_mozinfo(filepath) self.logger.info("mozinfo updated from: {}".format(json_path)) self.logger.info("mozinfo is: {}".format(mozinfo.info)) filters = [] if self.test_tags: filters.append(tags(self.test_tags)) values = { "appname": self.appName, "e10s": self.e10s, "manage_instance": self.marionette.instance is not None, } values.update(mozinfo.info) manifest_tests = manifest.active_tests(exists=False, disabled=True, filters=filters, **values) if len(manifest_tests) == 0: self.logger.error("No tests to run using specified " "combination of filters: {}".format( manifest.fmt_filters())) target_tests = [] for test in manifest_tests: if test.get('disabled'): self.manifest_skipped_tests.append(test) else: target_tests.append(test) for i in target_tests: if not os.path.exists(i["path"]): raise IOError("test file: {} does not exist".format(i["path"])) file_ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(i['path'])[-1])[-1] self.add_test(i["path"], i["expected"]) return self.tests.append({'filepath': filepath, 'expected': expected}) def run_test(self, filepath, expected): testloader = unittest.TestLoader() suite = unittest.TestSuite() self.test_kwargs['expected'] = expected mod_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(filepath)[-1])[0] for handler in self.test_handlers: if handler.match(os.path.basename(filepath)): handler.add_tests_to_suite(mod_name, filepath, suite, testloader, self.marionette, self.fixtures, self.testvars, **self.test_kwargs) break if suite.countTestCases(): runner = self.textrunnerclass(logger=self.logger, marionette=self.marionette, capabilities=self.capabilities, result_callbacks=self.result_callbacks) results = runner.run(suite) self.results.append(results) self.failed += len(results.failures) + len(results.errors) if hasattr(results, 'skipped'): self.skipped += len(results.skipped) self.todo += len(results.skipped) self.passed += results.passed for failure in results.failures + results.errors: self.failures.append((results.getInfo(failure), failure.output, 'TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL')) if hasattr(results, 'unexpectedSuccesses'): self.failed += len(results.unexpectedSuccesses) self.unexpected_successes += len(results.unexpectedSuccesses) for failure in results.unexpectedSuccesses: self.failures.append((results.getInfo(failure), failure.output, 'TEST-UNEXPECTED-PASS')) if hasattr(results, 'expectedFailures'): self.todo += len(results.expectedFailures) self.mixin_run_tests = [] for result in self.results: result.result_modifiers = [] def run_test_set(self, tests): if self.shuffle: random.seed(self.shuffle_seed) random.shuffle(tests) for test in tests: self.run_test(test['filepath'], test['expected']) if self.record_crash(): break def run_test_sets(self): if len(self.tests) < 1: raise Exception('There are no tests to run.') elif self.total_chunks > len(self.tests): raise ValueError('Total number of chunks must be between 1 and {}.' .format(len(self.tests))) if self.total_chunks > 1: chunks = [[] for i in range(self.total_chunks)] for i, test in enumerate(self.tests): target_chunk = i % self.total_chunks chunks[target_chunk].append(test) self.logger.info('Running chunk {0} of {1} ({2} tests selected from a ' 'total of {3})'.format(self.this_chunk, self.total_chunks, len(chunks[self.this_chunk - 1]), len(self.tests))) self.tests = chunks[self.this_chunk - 1] self.run_test_set(self.tests) def cleanup(self): for proc in iter_proc(self.fixture_servers): proc.stop() proc.kill() self.fixture_servers = {} if hasattr(self, 'marionette') and self.marionette: if self.marionette.instance is not None: self.marionette.instance.close() self.marionette.instance = None self.marionette.cleanup() self.marionette = None __del__ = cleanup