# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import base64 import datetime import json import os import socket import sys import time import traceback import warnings from contextlib import contextmanager import errors import transport from .decorators import do_process_check from .geckoinstance import GeckoInstance from .keys import Keys from .timeout import Timeouts WEBELEMENT_KEY = "ELEMENT" W3C_WEBELEMENT_KEY = "element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf" class HTMLElement(object): """Represents a DOM Element.""" def __init__(self, marionette, id): self.marionette = marionette assert(id is not None) self.id = id def __str__(self): return self.id def __eq__(self, other_element): return self.id == other_element.id def find_element(self, method, target): """Returns an ``HTMLElement`` instance that matches the specified method and target, relative to the current element. For more details on this function, see the `find_element` method in the Marionette class. """ return self.marionette.find_element(method, target, self.id) def find_elements(self, method, target): """Returns a list of all ``HTMLElement`` instances that match the specified method and target in the current context. For more details on this function, see the find_elements method in the Marionette class. """ return self.marionette.find_elements(method, target, self.id) def get_attribute(self, name): """Returns the requested attribute, or None if no attribute is set. """ body = {"id": self.id, "name": name} return self.marionette._send_message("getElementAttribute", body, key="value") def get_property(self, name): """Returns the requested property, or None if the property is not set. """ try: body = {"id": self.id, "name": name} return self.marionette._send_message("getElementProperty", body, key="value") except errors.UnknownCommandException: # Keep backward compatibility for code which uses get_attribute() to # also retrieve element properties. # Remove when Firefox 55 is stable. return self.get_attribute(name) def click(self): self.marionette._send_message("clickElement", {"id": self.id}) def tap(self, x=None, y=None): """Simulates a set of tap events on the element. :param x: X coordinate of tap event. If not given, default to the centre of the element. :param y: Y coordinate of tap event. If not given, default to the centre of the element. """ body = {"id": self.id, "x": x, "y": y} self.marionette._send_message("singleTap", body) @property def text(self): """Returns the visible text of the element, and its child elements.""" body = {"id": self.id} return self.marionette._send_message("getElementText", body, key="value") def send_keys(self, *string): """Sends the string via synthesized keypresses to the element.""" keys = Marionette.convert_keys(*string) body = {"id": self.id, "value": keys} self.marionette._send_message("sendKeysToElement", body) def clear(self): """Clears the input of the element.""" self.marionette._send_message("clearElement", {"id": self.id}) def is_selected(self): """Returns True if the element is selected.""" body = {"id": self.id} return self.marionette._send_message("isElementSelected", body, key="value") def is_enabled(self): """This command will return False if all the following criteria are met otherwise return True: * A form control is disabled. * A ``HTMLElement`` has a disabled boolean attribute. """ body = {"id": self.id} return self.marionette._send_message("isElementEnabled", body, key="value") def is_displayed(self): """Returns True if the element is displayed, False otherwise.""" body = {"id": self.id} return self.marionette._send_message("isElementDisplayed", body, key="value") @property def size(self): """A dictionary with the size of the element.""" warnings.warn("The size property has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version. \ Please use HTMLElement#rect", DeprecationWarning) rect = self.rect return {"width": rect["width"], "height": rect["height"]} @property def tag_name(self): """The tag name of the element.""" body = {"id": self.id} return self.marionette._send_message("getElementTagName", body, key="value") @property def location(self): """Get an element's location on the page. The returned point will contain the x and y coordinates of the top left-hand corner of the given element. The point (0,0) refers to the upper-left corner of the document. :returns: a dictionary containing x and y as entries """ warnings.warn("The location property has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version. \ Please use HTMLElement#rect", DeprecationWarning) rect = self.rect return {"x": rect["x"], "y": rect["y"]} @property def rect(self): """Gets the element's bounding rectangle. This will return a dictionary with the following: * x and y represent the top left coordinates of the ``HTMLElement`` relative to top left corner of the document. * height and the width will contain the height and the width of the DOMRect of the ``HTMLElement``. """ body = {"id": self.id} return self.marionette._send_message( "getElementRect", body, key="value" if self.marionette.protocol == 1 else None) def value_of_css_property(self, property_name): """Gets the value of the specified CSS property name. :param property_name: Property name to get the value of. """ body = {"id": self.id, "propertyName": property_name} return self.marionette._send_message( "getElementValueOfCssProperty", body, key="value") class MouseButton(object): """Enum-like class for mouse button constants.""" LEFT = 0 MIDDLE = 1 RIGHT = 2 class Actions(object): ''' An Action object represents a set of actions that are executed in a particular order. All action methods (press, etc.) return the Actions object itself, to make it easy to create a chain of events. Example usage: :: # get html file testAction = marionette.absolute_url("testFool.html") # navigate to the file marionette.navigate(testAction) # find element1 and element2 element1 = marionette.find_element(By.ID, "element1") element2 = marionette.find_element(By.ID, "element2") # create action object action = Actions(marionette) # add actions (press, wait, move, release) into the object action.press(element1).wait(5). move(element2).release() # fire all the added events action.perform() ''' def __init__(self, marionette): self.action_chain = [] self.marionette = marionette self.current_id = None def press(self, element, x=None, y=None): ''' Sends a 'touchstart' event to this element. If no coordinates are given, it will be targeted at the center of the element. If given, it will be targeted at the (x,y) coordinates relative to the top-left corner of the element. :param element: The element to press on. :param x: Optional, x-coordinate to tap, relative to the top-left corner of the element. :param y: Optional, y-coordinate to tap, relative to the top-left corner of the element. ''' element = element.id self.action_chain.append(['press', element, x, y]) return self def release(self): ''' Sends a 'touchend' event to this element. May only be called if press() has already be called on this element. If press and release are chained without a move action between them, then it will be processed as a 'tap' event, and will dispatch the expected mouse events ('mousemove' (if necessary), 'mousedown', 'mouseup', 'mouseclick') after the touch events. If there is a wait period between press and release that will trigger a contextmenu, then the 'contextmenu' menu event will be fired instead of the touch/mouse events. ''' self.action_chain.append(['release']) return self def move(self, element): ''' Sends a 'touchmove' event at the center of the target element. :param element: Element to move towards. May only be called if press() has already be called. ''' element = element.id self.action_chain.append(['move', element]) return self def move_by_offset(self, x, y): ''' Sends 'touchmove' event to the given x, y coordinates relative to the top-left of the currently touched element. May only be called if press() has already be called. :param x: Specifies x-coordinate of move event, relative to the top-left corner of the element. :param y: Specifies y-coordinate of move event, relative to the top-left corner of the element. ''' self.action_chain.append(['moveByOffset', x, y]) return self def wait(self, time=None): ''' Waits for specified time period. :param time: Time in seconds to wait. If time is None then this has no effect for a single action chain. If used inside a multi-action chain, then time being None indicates that we should wait for all other currently executing actions that are part of the chain to complete. ''' self.action_chain.append(['wait', time]) return self def cancel(self): ''' Sends 'touchcancel' event to the target of the original 'touchstart' event. May only be called if press() has already be called. ''' self.action_chain.append(['cancel']) return self def tap(self, element, x=None, y=None): ''' Performs a quick tap on the target element. :param element: The element to tap. :param x: Optional, x-coordinate of tap, relative to the top-left corner of the element. If not specified, default to center of element. :param y: Optional, y-coordinate of tap, relative to the top-left corner of the element. If not specified, default to center of element. This is equivalent to calling: :: action.press(element, x, y).release() ''' element = element.id self.action_chain.append(['press', element, x, y]) self.action_chain.append(['release']) return self def double_tap(self, element, x=None, y=None): ''' Performs a double tap on the target element. :param element: The element to double tap. :param x: Optional, x-coordinate of double tap, relative to the top-left corner of the element. :param y: Optional, y-coordinate of double tap, relative to the top-left corner of the element. ''' element = element.id self.action_chain.append(['press', element, x, y]) self.action_chain.append(['release']) self.action_chain.append(['press', element, x, y]) self.action_chain.append(['release']) return self def click(self, element, button=MouseButton.LEFT, count=1): ''' Performs a click with additional parameters to allow for double clicking, right click, middle click, etc. :param element: The element to click. :param button: The mouse button to click (indexed from 0, left to right). :param count: Optional, the count of clicks to synthesize (for double click events). ''' el = element.id self.action_chain.append(['click', el, button, count]) return self def context_click(self, element): ''' Performs a context click on the specified element. :param element: The element to context click. ''' return self.click(element, button=MouseButton.RIGHT) def middle_click(self, element): ''' Performs a middle click on the specified element. :param element: The element to middle click. ''' return self.click(element, button=MouseButton.MIDDLE) def double_click(self, element): ''' Performs a double click on the specified element. :param element: The element to double click. ''' return self.click(element, count=2) def flick(self, element, x1, y1, x2, y2, duration=200): ''' Performs a flick gesture on the target element. :param element: The element to perform the flick gesture on. :param x1: Starting x-coordinate of flick, relative to the top left corner of the element. :param y1: Starting y-coordinate of flick, relative to the top left corner of the element. :param x2: Ending x-coordinate of flick, relative to the top left corner of the element. :param y2: Ending y-coordinate of flick, relative to the top left corner of the element. :param duration: Time needed for the flick gesture for complete (in milliseconds). ''' element = element.id elapsed = 0 time_increment = 10 if time_increment >= duration: time_increment = duration move_x = time_increment*1.0/duration * (x2 - x1) move_y = time_increment*1.0/duration * (y2 - y1) self.action_chain.append(['press', element, x1, y1]) while elapsed < duration: elapsed += time_increment self.action_chain.append(['moveByOffset', move_x, move_y]) self.action_chain.append(['wait', time_increment/1000]) self.action_chain.append(['release']) return self def long_press(self, element, time_in_seconds, x=None, y=None): ''' Performs a long press gesture on the target element. :param element: The element to press. :param time_in_seconds: Time in seconds to wait before releasing the press. :param x: Optional, x-coordinate to tap, relative to the top-left corner of the element. :param y: Optional, y-coordinate to tap, relative to the top-left corner of the element. This is equivalent to calling: :: action.press(element, x, y).wait(time_in_seconds).release() ''' element = element.id self.action_chain.append(['press', element, x, y]) self.action_chain.append(['wait', time_in_seconds]) self.action_chain.append(['release']) return self def key_down(self, key_code): """ Perform a "keyDown" action for the given key code. Modifier keys are respected by the server for the course of an action chain. :param key_code: The key to press as a result of this action. """ self.action_chain.append(['keyDown', key_code]) return self def key_up(self, key_code): """ Perform a "keyUp" action for the given key code. Modifier keys are respected by the server for the course of an action chain. :param key_up: The key to release as a result of this action. """ self.action_chain.append(['keyUp', key_code]) return self def perform(self): """Sends the action chain built so far to the server side for execution and clears the current chain of actions.""" body = {"chain": self.action_chain, "nextId": self.current_id} self.current_id = self.marionette._send_message("actionChain", body, key="value") self.action_chain = [] return self class MultiActions(object): ''' A MultiActions object represents a sequence of actions that may be performed at the same time. Its intent is to allow the simulation of multi-touch gestures. Usage example: :: # create multiaction object multitouch = MultiActions(marionette) # create several action objects action_1 = Actions(marionette) action_2 = Actions(marionette) # add actions to each action object/finger action_1.press(element1).move_to(element2).release() action_2.press(element3).wait().release(element3) # fire all the added events multitouch.add(action_1).add(action_2).perform() ''' def __init__(self, marionette): self.multi_actions = [] self.max_length = 0 self.marionette = marionette def add(self, action): ''' Adds a set of actions to perform. :param action: An Actions object. ''' self.multi_actions.append(action.action_chain) if len(action.action_chain) > self.max_length: self.max_length = len(action.action_chain) return self def perform(self): """Perform all the actions added to this object.""" body = {"value": self.multi_actions, "max_length": self.max_length} self.marionette._send_message("multiAction", body) class Alert(object): """A class for interacting with alerts. :: Alert(marionette).accept() Alert(merionette).dismiss() """ def __init__(self, marionette): self.marionette = marionette def accept(self): """Accept a currently displayed modal dialog.""" self.marionette._send_message("acceptDialog") def dismiss(self): """Dismiss a currently displayed modal dialog.""" self.marionette._send_message("dismissDialog") @property def text(self): """Return the currently displayed text in a tab modal.""" return self.marionette._send_message("getTextFromDialog", key="value") def send_keys(self, *string): """Send keys to the currently displayed text input area in an open tab modal dialog.""" body = {"value": Marionette.convert_keys(*string)} self.marionette._send_message("sendKeysToDialog", body) class Marionette(object): """Represents a Marionette connection to a browser or device.""" CONTEXT_CHROME = "chrome" # non-browser content: windows, dialogs, etc. CONTEXT_CONTENT = "content" # browser content: iframes, divs, etc. DEFAULT_STARTUP_TIMEOUT = 120 DEFAULT_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT = 65 # Firefox will kill hanging threads after 60s # Bug 1336953 - Until we can remove the socket timeout parameter it has to be # set a default value which is larger than the longest timeout as defined by the # WebDriver spec. In that case its 300s for page load. Also add another minute # so that slow builds have enough time to send the timeout error to the client. DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT = 360 def __init__(self, host="localhost", port=2828, app=None, bin=None, baseurl=None, socket_timeout=DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT, startup_timeout=None, **instance_args): """Construct a holder for the Marionette connection. Remember to call ``start_session`` in order to initiate the connection and start a Marionette session. :param host: Host where the Marionette server listens. Defaults to localhost. :param port: Port where the Marionette server listens. Defaults to port 2828. :param baseurl: Where to look for files served from Marionette's www directory. :param socket_timeout: Timeout for Marionette socket operations. :param startup_timeout: Seconds to wait for a connection with binary. :param bin: Path to browser binary. If any truthy value is given this will attempt to start a Gecko instance with the specified `app`. :param app: Type of ``instance_class`` to use for managing app instance. See ``marionette_driver.geckoinstance``. :param instance_args: Arguments to pass to ``instance_class``. """ self.host = host self.port = self.local_port = int(port) self.bin = bin self.client = None self.instance = None self.session = None self.session_id = None self.process_id = None self.profile = None self.window = None self.chrome_window = None self.baseurl = baseurl self._test_name = None self.socket_timeout = socket_timeout self.crashed = 0 self.startup_timeout = int(startup_timeout or self.DEFAULT_STARTUP_TIMEOUT) if self.bin: if not Marionette.is_port_available(self.port, host=self.host): ex_msg = "{0}:{1} is unavailable.".format(self.host, self.port) raise errors.MarionetteException(message=ex_msg) self.instance = GeckoInstance.create( app, host=self.host, port=self.port, bin=self.bin, **instance_args) self.instance.start() self.raise_for_port(timeout=self.startup_timeout) self.timeout = Timeouts(self) @property def profile_path(self): if self.instance and self.instance.profile: return self.instance.profile.profile def cleanup(self): if self.session: try: self.delete_session() except (errors.MarionetteException, IOError): # These exceptions get thrown if the Marionette server # hit an exception/died or the connection died. We can # do no further server-side cleanup in this case. pass if self.instance: self.instance.close() def __del__(self): self.cleanup() @staticmethod def is_port_available(port, host=''): port = int(port) s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) try: s.bind((host, port)) return True except socket.error: return False finally: s.close() def wait_for_port(self, timeout=None): """Wait until Marionette server has been created the communication socket. :param timeout: Timeout in seconds for the server to be ready. """ if timeout is None: timeout = self.DEFAULT_STARTUP_TIMEOUT runner = None if self.instance is not None: runner = self.instance.runner poll_interval = 0.1 starttime = datetime.datetime.now() while datetime.datetime.now() - starttime < datetime.timedelta(seconds=timeout): # If the instance we want to connect to is not running return immediately if runner is not None and not runner.is_running(): return False sock = None try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.settimeout(0.5) sock.connect((self.host, self.port)) data = sock.recv(16) if ":" in data: return True except socket.error: pass finally: if sock is not None: sock.close() time.sleep(poll_interval) return False @do_process_check def raise_for_port(self, timeout=None): """Raise socket.timeout if no connection can be established. :param timeout: Timeout in seconds for the server to be ready. """ if not self.wait_for_port(timeout): raise socket.timeout("Timed out waiting for connection on {0}:{1}!".format( self.host, self.port)) @do_process_check def _send_message(self, name, params=None, key=None): """Send a blocking message to the server. Marionette provides an asynchronous, non-blocking interface and this attempts to paper over this by providing a synchronous API to the user. :param name: Requested command key. :param params: Optional dictionary of key/value arguments. :param key: Optional key to extract from response. :returns: Full response from the server, or if `key` is given, the value of said key in the response. """ if not self.session_id and name != "newSession": raise errors.MarionetteException("Please start a session") try: if self.protocol < 3: data = {"name": name} if params: data["parameters"] = params self.client.send(data) msg = self.client.receive() else: msg = self.client.request(name, params) except IOError: self.delete_session(send_request=False) raise res, err = msg.result, msg.error if err: self._handle_error(err) if key is not None: return self._unwrap_response(res.get(key)) else: return self._unwrap_response(res) def _unwrap_response(self, value): if isinstance(value, dict) and (WEBELEMENT_KEY in value or W3C_WEBELEMENT_KEY in value): if value.get(WEBELEMENT_KEY): return HTMLElement(self, value.get(WEBELEMENT_KEY)) else: return HTMLElement(self, value.get(W3C_WEBELEMENT_KEY)) elif isinstance(value, list): return list(self._unwrap_response(item) for item in value) else: return value def _handle_error(self, obj): if self.protocol == 1: if "error" not in obj or not isinstance(obj["error"], dict): raise errors.MarionetteException( "Malformed packet, expected key 'error' to be a dict: {}".format(obj)) error = obj["error"].get("status") message = obj["error"].get("message") stacktrace = obj["error"].get("stacktrace") else: error = obj["error"] message = obj["message"] stacktrace = obj["stacktrace"] raise errors.lookup(error)(message, stacktrace=stacktrace) def check_for_crash(self): """Check if the process crashed. :returns: True, if a crash happened since the method has been called the last time. """ crash_count = 0 if self.instance: name = self.test_name or 'marionette.py' crash_count = self.instance.runner.check_for_crashes(test_name=name) self.crashed = self.crashed + crash_count return crash_count > 0 def _handle_socket_failure(self): """Handle socket failures for the currently connected application. If the application crashed then clean-up internal states, or in case of a content crash also kill the process. If there are other reasons for a socket failure, wait for the process to shutdown itself, or force kill it. Please note that the method expects an exception to be handled on the current stack frame, and is only called via the `@do_process_check` decorator. """ exc, val, tb = sys.exc_info() # If the application hasn't been launched by Marionette no further action can be done. # In such cases we simply re-throw the exception. if not self.instance: raise exc, val, tb else: # Somehow the socket disconnected. Give the application some time to shutdown # itself before killing the process. returncode = self.instance.runner.wait(timeout=self.DEFAULT_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT) if returncode is None: message = ('Process killed because the connection to Marionette server is ' 'lost. Check gecko.log for errors') # This will force-close the application without sending any other message. self.cleanup() else: # If Firefox quit itself check if there was a crash crash_count = self.check_for_crash() if crash_count > 0: if returncode == 0: message = 'Content process crashed' else: message = 'Process crashed (Exit code: {returncode})' else: message = 'Process has been unexpectedly closed (Exit code: {returncode})' self.delete_session(send_request=False, reset_session_id=True) message += ' (Reason: {reason})' raise IOError, message.format(returncode=returncode, reason=val), tb @staticmethod def convert_keys(*string): typing = [] for val in string: if isinstance(val, Keys): typing.append(val) elif isinstance(val, int): val = str(val) for i in range(len(val)): typing.append(val[i]) else: for i in range(len(val)): typing.append(val[i]) return typing def get_permission(self, perm): script = """ let value = { 'url': document.nodePrincipal.URI.spec, 'appId': document.nodePrincipal.appId, 'isInIsolatedMozBrowserElement': document.nodePrincipal.isInIsolatedMozBrowserElement, 'type': arguments[0] }; return value;""" with self.using_context("content"): value = self.execute_script(script, script_args=(perm,), sandbox="system") with self.using_context("chrome"): permission = self.execute_script(""" Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); let perm = arguments[0]; let secMan = Services.scriptSecurityManager; let attrs = {appId: perm.appId, inIsolatedMozBrowser: perm.isInIsolatedMozBrowserElement}; let principal = secMan.createCodebasePrincipal( Services.io.newURI(perm.url, null, null), attrs); let testPerm = Services.perms.testPermissionFromPrincipal( principal, perm.type); return testPerm; """, script_args=(value,)) return permission def push_permission(self, perm, allow): script = """ let allow = arguments[0]; if (typeof(allow) == "boolean") { if (allow) { allow = Components.interfaces.nsIPermissionManager.ALLOW_ACTION; } else { allow = Components.interfaces.nsIPermissionManager.DENY_ACTION; } } let perm_type = arguments[1]; Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); window.wrappedJSObject.permChanged = false; window.wrappedJSObject.permObserver = function(subject, topic, data) { if (topic == "perm-changed") { let permission = subject.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIPermission); if (perm_type == permission.type) { Services.obs.removeObserver(window.wrappedJSObject.permObserver, "perm-changed"); window.wrappedJSObject.permChanged = true; } } }; Services.obs.addObserver(window.wrappedJSObject.permObserver, "perm-changed", false); let value = { 'url': document.nodePrincipal.URI.spec, 'appId': document.nodePrincipal.appId, 'isInIsolatedMozBrowserElement': document.nodePrincipal.isInIsolatedMozBrowserElement, 'type': perm_type, 'action': allow }; return value; """ with self.using_context("content"): perm = self.execute_script(script, script_args=(allow, perm,), sandbox="system") current_perm = self.get_permission(perm["type"]) if current_perm == perm["action"]: with self.using_context("content"): self.execute_script(""" Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Services.obs.removeObserver(window.wrappedJSObject.permObserver, "perm-changed"); """, sandbox="system") return with self.using_context("chrome"): self.execute_script(""" Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); let perm = arguments[0]; let secMan = Services.scriptSecurityManager; let attrs = {appId: perm.appId, inIsolatedMozBrowser: perm.isInIsolatedMozBrowserElement}; let principal = secMan.createCodebasePrincipal(Services.io.newURI(perm.url, null, null), attrs); Services.perms.addFromPrincipal(principal, perm.type, perm.action); return true; """, script_args=(perm,)) with self.using_context("content"): self.execute_async_script(""" let wait = function() { if (window.wrappedJSObject.permChanged) { marionetteScriptFinished(); } else { window.setTimeout(wait, 100); } }(); """, sandbox="system") @contextmanager def using_permissions(self, perms): ''' Sets permissions for code being executed in a `with` block, and restores them on exit. :param perms: A dict containing one or more perms and their values to be set. Usage example:: with marionette.using_permissions({'systemXHR': True}): ... do stuff ... ''' original_perms = {} for perm in perms: original_perms[perm] = self.get_permission(perm) self.push_permission(perm, perms[perm]) try: yield finally: for perm in original_perms: self.push_permission(perm, original_perms[perm]) def clear_pref(self, pref): """Clear the user-defined value from the specified preference. :param pref: Name of the preference. """ with self.using_context(self.CONTEXT_CHROME): self.execute_script(""" Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/Preferences.jsm"); Preferences.reset(arguments[0]); """, script_args=(pref,)) def get_pref(self, pref, default_branch=False, value_type="nsISupportsString"): """Get the value of the specified preference. :param pref: Name of the preference. :param default_branch: Optional, if `True` the preference value will be read from the default branch. Otherwise the user-defined value if set is returned. Defaults to `False`. :param value_type: Optional, XPCOM interface of the pref's complex value. Defaults to `nsISupportsString`. Other possible values are: `nsILocalFile`, and `nsIPrefLocalizedString`. Usage example:: marionette.get_pref("browser.tabs.warnOnClose") """ with self.using_context(self.CONTEXT_CHROME): pref_value = self.execute_script(""" Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/Preferences.jsm"); let pref = arguments[0]; let defaultBranch = arguments[1]; let valueType = arguments[2]; prefs = new Preferences({defaultBranch: defaultBranch}); return prefs.get(pref, null, Components.interfaces[valueType]); """, script_args=(pref, default_branch, value_type)) return pref_value def set_pref(self, pref, value, default_branch=False): """Set the value of the specified preference. :param pref: Name of the preference. :param value: The value to set the preference to. If the value is None, reset the preference to its default value. If no default value exists, the preference will cease to exist. :param default_branch: Optional, if `True` the preference value will be written to the default branch, and will remain until the application gets restarted. Otherwise a user-defined value is set. Defaults to `False`. Usage example:: marionette.set_pref("browser.tabs.warnOnClose", True) """ with self.using_context(self.CONTEXT_CHROME): if value is None: self.clear_pref(pref) return self.execute_script(""" Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/Preferences.jsm"); let pref = arguments[0]; let value = arguments[1]; let defaultBranch = arguments[2]; prefs = new Preferences({defaultBranch: defaultBranch}); prefs.set(pref, value); """, script_args=(pref, value, default_branch)) def set_prefs(self, prefs, default_branch=False): """Set the value of a list of preferences. :param prefs: A dict containing one or more preferences and their values to be set. See `set_pref` for further details. :param default_branch: Optional, if `True` the preference value will be written to the default branch, and will remain until the application gets restarted. Otherwise a user-defined value is set. Defaults to `False`. Usage example:: marionette.set_prefs({"browser.tabs.warnOnClose": True}) """ for pref, value in prefs.items(): self.set_pref(pref, value, default_branch=default_branch) @contextmanager def using_prefs(self, prefs, default_branch=False): """Set preferences for code executed in a `with` block, and restores them on exit. :param prefs: A dict containing one or more preferences and their values to be set. See `set_prefs` for further details. :param default_branch: Optional, if `True` the preference value will be written to the default branch, and will remain until the application gets restarted. Otherwise a user-defined value is set. Defaults to `False`. Usage example:: with marionette.using_prefs({"browser.tabs.warnOnClose": True}): # ... do stuff ... """ original_prefs = {p: self.get_pref(p) for p in prefs} self.set_prefs(prefs, default_branch=default_branch) try: yield finally: self.set_prefs(original_prefs, default_branch=default_branch) @do_process_check def enforce_gecko_prefs(self, prefs): """Checks if the running instance has the given prefs. If not, it will kill the currently running instance, and spawn a new instance with the requested preferences. : param prefs: A dictionary whose keys are preference names. """ if not self.instance: raise errors.MarionetteException("enforce_gecko_prefs() can only be called " "on Gecko instances launched by Marionette") pref_exists = True with self.using_context(self.CONTEXT_CHROME): for pref, value in prefs.iteritems(): if type(value) is not str: value = json.dumps(value) pref_exists = self.execute_script(""" let prefInterface = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch); let pref = '{0}'; let value = '{1}'; let type = prefInterface.getPrefType(pref); switch(type) {{ case prefInterface.PREF_STRING: return value == prefInterface.getCharPref(pref).toString(); case prefInterface.PREF_BOOL: return value == prefInterface.getBoolPref(pref).toString(); case prefInterface.PREF_INT: return value == prefInterface.getIntPref(pref).toString(); case prefInterface.PREF_INVALID: return false; }} """.format(pref, value)) if not pref_exists: break if not pref_exists: context = self._send_message("getContext", key="value") self.delete_session() self.instance.restart(prefs) self.raise_for_port() self.start_session() # Restore the context as used before the restart self.set_context(context) def _request_in_app_shutdown(self, shutdown_flags=None): """Terminate the currently running instance from inside the application. :param shutdown_flags: If specified use additional flags for the shutdown of the application. Possible values here correspond to constants in nsIAppStartup: http://mzl.la/1X0JZsC. """ flags = set([]) if shutdown_flags: flags.add(shutdown_flags) # Trigger a 'quit-application-requested' observer notification so that # components can safely shutdown before quitting the application. with self.using_context("chrome"): canceled = self.execute_script(""" Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); let cancelQuit = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/supports-PRBool;1"]. createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsPRBool); Services.obs.notifyObservers(cancelQuit, "quit-application-requested", null); return cancelQuit.data; """) if canceled: raise errors.MarionetteException("Something canceled the quit application request") self._send_message("quitApplication", {"flags": list(flags)}) @do_process_check def quit(self, in_app=False, callback=None): """Terminate the currently running instance. This command will delete the active marionette session. It also allows manipulation of eg. the profile data while the application is not running. To start the application again, start_session() has to be called. :param in_app: If True, marionette will cause a quit from within the browser. Otherwise the browser will be quit immediately by killing the process. :param callback: If provided and `in_app` is True, the callback will be used to trigger the shutdown. """ if not self.instance: raise errors.MarionetteException("quit() can only be called " "on Gecko instances launched by Marionette") if in_app: if callable(callback): self._send_message("acceptConnections", {"value": False}) callback() else: self._request_in_app_shutdown() # Ensure to explicitely mark the session as deleted self.delete_session(send_request=False, reset_session_id=True) # Give the application some time to shutdown self.instance.runner.wait(timeout=self.DEFAULT_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT) else: self.delete_session(reset_session_id=True) self.instance.close() @do_process_check def restart(self, clean=False, in_app=False, callback=None): """ This will terminate the currently running instance, and spawn a new instance with the same profile and then reuse the session id when creating a session again. :param clean: If False the same profile will be used after the restart. Note that the in app initiated restart always maintains the same profile. :param in_app: If True, marionette will cause a restart from within the browser. Otherwise the browser will be restarted immediately by killing the process. :param callback: If provided and `in_app` is True, the callback will be used to trigger the restart. """ if not self.instance: raise errors.MarionetteException("restart() can only be called " "on Gecko instances launched by Marionette") context = self._send_message("getContext", key="value") session_id = self.session_id if in_app: if clean: raise ValueError("An in_app restart cannot be triggered with the clean flag set") if callable(callback): self._send_message("acceptConnections", {"value": False}) callback() else: self._request_in_app_shutdown("eRestart") # Ensure to explicitely mark the session as deleted self.delete_session(send_request=False, reset_session_id=True) try: self.raise_for_port() except socket.timeout: if self.instance.runner.returncode is not None: exc, val, tb = sys.exc_info() self.cleanup() raise exc, "Requested restart of the application was aborted", tb else: self.delete_session() self.instance.restart(clean=clean) self.raise_for_port() self.start_session(session_id=session_id) # Restore the context as used before the restart self.set_context(context) if in_app and self.process_id: # In some cases Firefox restarts itself by spawning into a new process group. # As long as mozprocess cannot track that behavior (bug 1284864) we assist by # informing about the new process id. self.instance.runner.process_handler.check_for_detached(self.process_id) def absolute_url(self, relative_url): ''' Returns an absolute url for files served from Marionette's www directory. :param relative_url: The url of a static file, relative to Marionette's www directory. ''' return "{0}{1}".format(self.baseurl, relative_url) @do_process_check def start_session(self, capabilities=None, session_id=None, timeout=60): """Create a new Marionette session. This method must be called before performing any other action. :param capabilities: An optional dict of desired or required capabilities. :param timeout: Timeout in seconds for the server to be ready. :param session_id: unique identifier for the session. If no session id is passed in then one will be generated by the marionette server. :returns: A dict of the capabilities offered. """ self.crashed = 0 if self.instance: returncode = self.instance.runner.returncode if returncode is not None: # We're managing a binary which has terminated, so restart it. self.instance.restart() self.client = transport.TcpTransport( self.host, self.port, self.socket_timeout) # Call wait_for_port() before attempting to connect in # the event gecko hasn't started yet. timeout = timeout or self.startup_timeout self.wait_for_port(timeout=timeout) self.protocol, _ = self.client.connect() body = {"capabilities": capabilities, "sessionId": session_id} resp = self._send_message("newSession", body) self.session_id = resp["sessionId"] self.session = resp["value"] if self.protocol == 1 else resp["capabilities"] # fallback to processId can be removed in Firefox 55 self.process_id = self.session.get("moz:processID", self.session.get("processId")) self.profile = self.session.get("moz:profile") return self.session @property def test_name(self): return self._test_name @test_name.setter def test_name(self, test_name): self._send_message("setTestName", {"value": test_name}) self._test_name = test_name def delete_session(self, send_request=True, reset_session_id=False): """Close the current session and disconnect from the server. :param send_request: Optional, if `True` a request to close the session on the server side will be send. Use `False` in case of eg. in_app restart() or quit(), which trigger a deletion themselves. Defaults to `True`. :param reset_session_id: Optional, if `True` the current session id will be reset, which will require an explicit call to `start_session()` before the test can continue. Defaults to `False`. """ try: if send_request: self._send_message("deleteSession") finally: if reset_session_id: self.session_id = None self.session = None self.process_id = None self.profile = None self.window = None if self.client is not None: self.client.close() @property def session_capabilities(self): """A JSON dictionary representing the capabilities of the current session. """ return self.session def set_script_timeout(self, timeout): """Sets the maximum number of ms that an asynchronous script is allowed to run. If a script does not return in the specified amount of time, a ScriptTimeoutException is raised. :param timeout: The maximum number of milliseconds an asynchronous script can run without causing an ScriptTimeoutException to be raised .. note:: `set_script_timeout` is deprecated, please use `timeout.script` setter. """ warnings.warn( "set_script_timeout is deprecated, please use timeout.script setter", DeprecationWarning) self.timeout.script = timeout / 1000 def set_search_timeout(self, timeout): """Sets a timeout for the find methods. When searching for an element using either :class:`Marionette.find_element` or :class:`Marionette.find_elements`, the method will continue trying to locate the element for up to timeout ms. This can be useful if, for example, the element you're looking for might not exist immediately, because it belongs to a page which is currently being loaded. :param timeout: Timeout in milliseconds. .. note:: `set_search_timeout` is deprecated, please use `timeout.implicit` setter. """ warnings.warn( "set_search_timeout is deprecated, please use timeout.implicit setter", DeprecationWarning) self.timeout.implicit = timeout / 1000 def set_page_load_timeout(self, timeout): """Sets a timeout for loading pages. A page load timeout specifies the amount of time the Marionette instance should wait for a page load operation to complete. A ``TimeoutException`` is returned if this limit is exceeded. :param timeout: Timeout in milliseconds. .. note:: `set_page_load_timeout` is deprecated, please use `timeout.page_load` setter. """ warnings.warn( "set_page_load_timeout is deprecated, please use timeout.page_load setter", DeprecationWarning) self.timeout.page_load = timeout / 1000 @property def current_window_handle(self): """Get the current window's handle. Returns an opaque server-assigned identifier to this window that uniquely identifies it within this Marionette instance. This can be used to switch to this window at a later point. :returns: unique window handle :rtype: string """ self.window = self._send_message("getWindowHandle", key="value") return self.window @property def current_chrome_window_handle(self): """Get the current chrome window's handle. Corresponds to a chrome window that may itself contain tabs identified by window_handles. Returns an opaque server-assigned identifier to this window that uniquely identifies it within this Marionette instance. This can be used to switch to this window at a later point. :returns: unique window handle :rtype: string """ self.chrome_window = self._send_message( "getCurrentChromeWindowHandle", key="value") return self.chrome_window def get_window_position(self): """Get the current window's position. :returns: a dictionary with x and y """ return self._send_message( "getWindowPosition", key="value" if self.protocol == 1 else None) def set_window_position(self, x, y): """Set the position of the current window :param x: x coordinate for the top left of the window :param y: y coordinate for the top left of the window """ self._send_message("setWindowPosition", {"x": x, "y": y}) @property def title(self): """Current title of the active window.""" return self._send_message("getTitle", key="value") @property def window_handles(self): """Get list of windows in the current context. If called in the content context it will return a list of references to all available browser windows. Called in the chrome context, it will list all available windows, not just browser windows (e.g. not just navigator.browser). Each window handle is assigned by the server, and the list of strings returned does not have a guaranteed ordering. :returns: Unordered list of unique window handles as strings """ return self._send_message( "getWindowHandles", key="value" if self.protocol == 1 else None) @property def chrome_window_handles(self): """Get a list of currently open chrome windows. Each window handle is assigned by the server, and the list of strings returned does not have a guaranteed ordering. :returns: Unordered list of unique chrome window handles as strings """ return self._send_message( "getChromeWindowHandles", key="value" if self.protocol == 1 else None) @property def page_source(self): """A string representation of the DOM.""" return self._send_message("getPageSource", key="value") def close(self): """Close the current window, ending the session if it's the last window currently open. :returns: Unordered list of remaining unique window handles as strings """ return self._send_message("close") def close_chrome_window(self): """Close the currently selected chrome window, ending the session if it's the last window open. :returns: Unordered list of remaining unique chrome window handles as strings """ return self._send_message("closeChromeWindow") def set_context(self, context): """Sets the context that Marionette commands are running in. :param context: Context, may be one of the class properties `CONTEXT_CHROME` or `CONTEXT_CONTENT`. Usage example:: marionette.set_context(marionette.CONTEXT_CHROME) """ if context not in [self.CONTEXT_CHROME, self.CONTEXT_CONTENT]: raise ValueError("Unknown context: {}".format(context)) self._send_message("setContext", {"value": context}) @contextmanager def using_context(self, context): """Sets the context that Marionette commands are running in using a `with` statement. The state of the context on the server is saved before entering the block, and restored upon exiting it. :param context: Context, may be one of the class properties `CONTEXT_CHROME` or `CONTEXT_CONTENT`. Usage example:: with marionette.using_context(marionette.CONTEXT_CHROME): # chrome scope ... do stuff ... """ scope = self._send_message("getContext", key="value") self.set_context(context) try: yield finally: self.set_context(scope) def switch_to_alert(self): """Returns an Alert object for interacting with a currently displayed alert. :: alert = self.marionette.switch_to_alert() text = alert.text alert.accept() """ return Alert(self) def switch_to_window(self, window_id, focus=True): """Switch to the specified window; subsequent commands will be directed at the new window. :param window_id: The id or name of the window to switch to. :param focus: A boolean value which determins whether to focus the window that we just switched to. """ body = {"focus": focus, "name": window_id} self._send_message("switchToWindow", body) self.window = window_id def get_active_frame(self): """Returns an HTMLElement representing the frame Marionette is currently acting on.""" return self._send_message("getActiveFrame", key="value") def switch_to_default_content(self): """Switch the current context to page's default content.""" return self.switch_to_frame() def switch_to_parent_frame(self): """ Switch to the Parent Frame """ self._send_message("switchToParentFrame") def switch_to_frame(self, frame=None, focus=True): """Switch the current context to the specified frame. Subsequent commands will operate in the context of the specified frame, if applicable. :param frame: A reference to the frame to switch to. This can be an ``HTMLElement``, an integer index, string name, or an ID attribute. If you call ``switch_to_frame`` without an argument, it will switch to the top-level frame. :param focus: A boolean value which determins whether to focus the frame that we just switched to. """ body = {"focus": focus} if isinstance(frame, HTMLElement): body["element"] = frame.id elif frame is not None: body["id"] = frame self._send_message("switchToFrame", body) def switch_to_shadow_root(self, host=None): """Switch the current context to the specified host's Shadow DOM. Subsequent commands will operate in the context of the specified Shadow DOM, if applicable. :param host: A reference to the host element containing Shadow DOM. This can be an ``HTMLElement``. If you call ``switch_to_shadow_root`` without an argument, it will switch to the parent Shadow DOM or the top-level frame. """ body = {} if isinstance(host, HTMLElement): body["id"] = host.id return self._send_message("switchToShadowRoot", body) def get_url(self): """Get a string representing the current URL. On Desktop this returns a string representation of the URL of the current top level browsing context. This is equivalent to document.location.href. When in the context of the chrome, this returns the canonical URL of the current resource. :returns: string representation of URL """ return self._send_message("getCurrentUrl", key="value") def get_window_type(self): """Gets the windowtype attribute of the window Marionette is currently acting on. This command only makes sense in a chrome context. You might use this method to distinguish a browser window from an editor window. """ return self._send_message("getWindowType", key="value") def navigate(self, url): """Navigate to given `url`. Navigates the current top-level browsing context's content frame to the given URL and waits for the document to load or the session's page timeout duration to elapse before returning. The command will return with a failure if there is an error loading the document or the URL is blocked. This can occur if it fails to reach the host, the URL is malformed, the page is restricted (about:* pages), or if there is a certificate issue to name some examples. The document is considered successfully loaded when the `DOMContentLoaded` event on the frame element associated with the `window` triggers and `document.readState` is "complete". In chrome context it will change the current `window`'s location to the supplied URL and wait until `document.readState` equals "complete" or the page timeout duration has elapsed. :param url: The URL to navigate to. """ self._send_message("get", {"url": url}) def go_back(self): """Causes the browser to perform a back navigation.""" self._send_message("goBack") def go_forward(self): """Causes the browser to perform a forward navigation.""" self._send_message("goForward") def refresh(self): """Causes the browser to perform to refresh the current page.""" self._send_message("refresh") def _to_json(self, args): if isinstance(args, list) or isinstance(args, tuple): wrapped = [] for arg in args: wrapped.append(self._to_json(arg)) elif isinstance(args, dict): wrapped = {} for arg in args: wrapped[arg] = self._to_json(args[arg]) elif type(args) == HTMLElement: wrapped = {W3C_WEBELEMENT_KEY: args.id, WEBELEMENT_KEY: args.id} elif (isinstance(args, bool) or isinstance(args, basestring) or isinstance(args, int) or isinstance(args, float) or args is None): wrapped = args return wrapped def _from_json(self, value): if isinstance(value, list): unwrapped = [] for item in value: unwrapped.append(self._from_json(item)) elif isinstance(value, dict): unwrapped = {} for key in value: if key == W3C_WEBELEMENT_KEY: unwrapped = HTMLElement(self, value[key]) break elif key == WEBELEMENT_KEY: unwrapped = HTMLElement(self, value[key]) break else: unwrapped[key] = self._from_json(value[key]) else: unwrapped = value return unwrapped def execute_js_script(self, script, script_args=(), async=True, new_sandbox=True, script_timeout=None, inactivity_timeout=None, filename=None, sandbox='default'): args = self._to_json(script_args) body = {"script": script, "args": args, "async": async, "newSandbox": new_sandbox, "scriptTimeout": script_timeout, "inactivityTimeout": inactivity_timeout, "filename": filename, "line": None} rv = self._send_message("executeJSScript", body, key="value") return self._from_json(rv) def execute_script(self, script, script_args=(), new_sandbox=True, sandbox="default", script_timeout=None): """Executes a synchronous JavaScript script, and returns the result (or None if the script does return a value). The script is executed in the context set by the most recent set_context() call, or to the CONTEXT_CONTENT context if set_context() has not been called. :param script: A string containing the JavaScript to execute. :param script_args: An interable of arguments to pass to the script. :param sandbox: A tag referring to the sandbox you wish to use; if you specify a new tag, a new sandbox will be created. If you use the special tag `system`, the sandbox will be created using the system principal which has elevated privileges. :param new_sandbox: If False, preserve global variables from the last execute_*script call. This is True by default, in which case no globals are preserved. Simple usage example: :: result = marionette.execute_script("return 1;") assert result == 1 You can use the `script_args` parameter to pass arguments to the script: :: result = marionette.execute_script("return arguments[0] + arguments[1];", script_args=(2, 3,)) assert result == 5 some_element = marionette.find_element(By.ID, "someElement") sid = marionette.execute_script("return arguments[0].id;", script_args=(some_element,)) assert some_element.get_attribute("id") == sid Scripts wishing to access non-standard properties of the window object must use window.wrappedJSObject: :: result = marionette.execute_script(''' window.wrappedJSObject.test1 = "foo"; window.wrappedJSObject.test2 = "bar"; return window.wrappedJSObject.test1 + window.wrappedJSObject.test2; ''') assert result == "foobar" Global variables set by individual scripts do not persist between script calls by default. If you wish to persist data between script calls, you can set new_sandbox to False on your next call, and add any new variables to a new 'global' object like this: :: marionette.execute_script("global.test1 = 'foo';") result = self.marionette.execute_script("return global.test1;", new_sandbox=False) assert result == "foo" """ args = self._to_json(script_args) stack = traceback.extract_stack() frame = stack[-2:-1][0] # grab the second-to-last frame body = {"script": script, "args": args, "newSandbox": new_sandbox, "sandbox": sandbox, "scriptTimeout": script_timeout, "line": int(frame[1]), "filename": os.path.basename(frame[0])} rv = self._send_message("executeScript", body, key="value") return self._from_json(rv) def execute_async_script(self, script, script_args=(), new_sandbox=True, sandbox="default", script_timeout=None, debug_script=False): """Executes an asynchronous JavaScript script, and returns the result (or None if the script does return a value). The script is executed in the context set by the most recent set_context() call, or to the CONTEXT_CONTENT context if set_context() has not been called. :param script: A string containing the JavaScript to execute. :param script_args: An interable of arguments to pass to the script. :param sandbox: A tag referring to the sandbox you wish to use; if you specify a new tag, a new sandbox will be created. If you use the special tag `system`, the sandbox will be created using the system principal which has elevated privileges. :param new_sandbox: If False, preserve global variables from the last execute_*script call. This is True by default, in which case no globals are preserved. :param debug_script: Capture javascript exceptions when in `CONTEXT_CHROME` context. Usage example: :: marionette.timeout.script = 10 result = self.marionette.execute_async_script(''' // this script waits 5 seconds, and then returns the number 1 setTimeout(function() { marionetteScriptFinished(1); }, 5000); ''') assert result == 1 """ args = self._to_json(script_args) stack = traceback.extract_stack() frame = stack[-2:-1][0] # grab the second-to-last frame body = {"script": script, "args": args, "newSandbox": new_sandbox, "sandbox": sandbox, "scriptTimeout": script_timeout, "line": int(frame[1]), "filename": os.path.basename(frame[0]), "debug_script": debug_script} rv = self._send_message("executeAsyncScript", body, key="value") return self._from_json(rv) def find_element(self, method, target, id=None): """Returns an HTMLElement instances that matches the specified method and target in the current context. An HTMLElement instance may be used to call other methods on the element, such as click(). If no element is immediately found, the attempt to locate an element will be repeated for up to the amount of time set by ``timeout.implicit``. If multiple elements match the given criteria, only the first is returned. If no element matches, a NoSuchElementException will be raised. :param method: The method to use to locate the element; one of: "id", "name", "class name", "tag name", "css selector", "link text", "partial link text", "xpath", "anon" and "anon attribute". Note that the "name", "link text" and "partial link test" methods are not supported in the chrome DOM. :param target: The target of the search. For example, if method = "tag", target might equal "div". If method = "id", target would be an element id. :param id: If specified, search for elements only inside the element with the specified id. """ body = {"value": target, "using": method} if id: body["element"] = id return self._send_message("findElement", body, key="value") def find_elements(self, method, target, id=None): """Returns a list of all HTMLElement instances that match the specified method and target in the current context. An HTMLElement instance may be used to call other methods on the element, such as click(). If no element is immediately found, the attempt to locate an element will be repeated for up to the amount of time set by ``timeout.implicit``. :param method: The method to use to locate the elements; one of: "id", "name", "class name", "tag name", "css selector", "link text", "partial link text", "xpath", "anon" and "anon attribute". Note that the "name", "link text" and "partial link test" methods are not supported in the chrome DOM. :param target: The target of the search. For example, if method = "tag", target might equal "div". If method = "id", target would be an element id. :param id: If specified, search for elements only inside the element with the specified id. """ body = {"value": target, "using": method} if id: body["element"] = id return self._send_message( "findElements", body, key="value" if self.protocol == 1 else None) def get_active_element(self): el_or_ref = self._send_message("getActiveElement", key="value") if self.protocol < 3: return HTMLElement(self, el_or_ref) return el_or_ref def log(self, msg, level="INFO"): """Stores a timestamped log message in the Marionette server for later retrieval. :param msg: String with message to log. :param level: String with log level (e.g. "INFO" or "DEBUG"). Defaults to "INFO". """ body = {"value": msg, "level": level} self._send_message("log", body) def get_logs(self): """Returns the list of logged messages. Each log message is an array with three string elements: the level, the message, and a date. Usage example:: marionette.log("I AM INFO") marionette.log("I AM ERROR", "ERROR") logs = marionette.get_logs() assert logs[0][1] == "I AM INFO" assert logs[1][1] == "I AM ERROR" """ return self._send_message("getLogs", key="value" if self.protocol == 1 else None) def import_script(self, js_file): """Imports a script into the scope of the execute_script and execute_async_script calls. This is particularly useful if you wish to import your own libraries. :param js_file: Filename of JavaScript file to import. For example, Say you have a script, importfunc.js, that contains: :: let testFunc = function() { return "i'm a test function!";}; Assuming this file is in the same directory as the test, you could do something like: :: js = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__file__, os.path.pardir, "importfunc.js")) marionette.import_script(js) assert "i'm a test function!" == self.marionette.execute_script("return testFunc();") """ js = "" with open(js_file, "r") as f: js = f.read() body = {"script": js} self._send_message("importScript", body) def clear_imported_scripts(self): """Clears all imported scripts in this context, ie: calling clear_imported_scripts in chrome context will clear only scripts you imported in chrome, and will leave the scripts you imported in content context. """ self._send_message("clearImportedScripts") def add_cookie(self, cookie): """Adds a cookie to your current session. :param cookie: A dictionary object, with required keys - "name" and "value"; optional keys - "path", "domain", "secure", "expiry". Usage example: :: driver.add_cookie({"name": "foo", "value": "bar"}) driver.add_cookie({"name": "foo", "value": "bar", "path": "/"}) driver.add_cookie({"name": "foo", "value": "bar", "path": "/", "secure": True}) """ body = {"cookie": cookie} self._send_message("addCookie", body) def delete_all_cookies(self): """Delete all cookies in the scope of the current session. Usage example: :: driver.delete_all_cookies() """ self._send_message("deleteAllCookies") def delete_cookie(self, name): """Delete a cookie by its name. :param name: Name of cookie to delete. Usage example: :: driver.delete_cookie("foo") """ self._send_message("deleteCookie", {"name": name}) def get_cookie(self, name): """Get a single cookie by name. Returns the cookie if found, None if not. :param name: Name of cookie to get. """ cookies = self.get_cookies() for cookie in cookies: if cookie["name"] == name: return cookie return None def get_cookies(self): """Get all the cookies for the current domain. This is the equivalent of calling `document.cookie` and parsing the result. :returns: A list of cookies for the current domain. """ return self._send_message("getCookies", key="value" if self.protocol == 1 else None) def screenshot(self, element=None, highlights=None, format="base64", full=True, scroll=True): """Takes a screenshot of a web element or the current frame. The screen capture is returned as a lossless PNG image encoded as a base 64 string by default. If the `element` argument is defined the capture area will be limited to the bounding box of that element. Otherwise, the capture area will be the bounding box of the current frame. :param element: The element to take a screenshot of. If None, will take a screenshot of the current frame. :param highlights: A list of HTMLElement objects to draw a red box around in the returned screenshot. :param format: if "base64" (the default), returns the screenshot as a base64-string. If "binary", the data is decoded and returned as raw binary. If "hash", the data is hashed using the SHA-256 algorithm and the result is returned as a hex digest. :param full: If True (the default), the capture area will be the complete frame. Else only the viewport is captured. Only applies when `element` is None. :param scroll: When `element` is provided, scroll to it before taking the screenshot (default). Otherwise, avoid scrolling `element` into view. """ if element: element = element.id lights = None if highlights: lights = [highlight.id for highlight in highlights] body = {"id": element, "highlights": lights, "full": full, "hash": False, "scroll": scroll} if format == "hash": body["hash"] = True data = self._send_message("takeScreenshot", body, key="value") if format == "base64" or format == "hash": return data elif format == "binary": return base64.b64decode(data.encode("ascii")) else: raise ValueError("format parameter must be either 'base64'" " or 'binary', not {0}".format(repr(format))) @property def orientation(self): """Get the current browser orientation. Will return one of the valid primary orientation values portrait-primary, landscape-primary, portrait-secondary, or landscape-secondary. """ return self._send_message("getScreenOrientation", key="value") def set_orientation(self, orientation): """Set the current browser orientation. The supplied orientation should be given as one of the valid orientation values. If the orientation is unknown, an error will be raised. Valid orientations are "portrait" and "landscape", which fall back to "portrait-primary" and "landscape-primary" respectively, and "portrait-secondary" as well as "landscape-secondary". :param orientation: The orientation to lock the screen in. """ body = {"orientation": orientation} self._send_message("setScreenOrientation", body) @property def window_size(self): """Get the current browser window size. Will return the current browser window size in pixels. Refers to window outerWidth and outerHeight values, which include scroll bars, title bars, etc. :returns: dictionary representation of current window width and height """ return self._send_message("getWindowSize", key="value" if self.protocol == 1 else None) def set_window_size(self, width, height): """Resize the browser window currently in focus. The supplied width and height values refer to the window outerWidth and outerHeight values, which include scroll bars, title bars, etc. An error will be returned if the requested window size would result in the window being in the maximised state. :param width: The width to resize the window to. :param height: The height to resize the window to. """ body = {"width": width, "height": height} return self._send_message("setWindowSize", body) def maximize_window(self): """ Resize the browser window currently receiving commands. The action should be equivalent to the user pressing the the maximize button """ return self._send_message("maximizeWindow")