# Upload Symbols Docker worker to upload crashreporter symbols as a separate taskcluster task. ## Building `$ docker build -t upload_symbols .` `$ docker run -i -t upload_symbols` Then from inside the container, run: `$ ./bin/upload.sh` In order to run the `upload_symbols.py` script properly, the Dockerfile expects a text file `socorro_token` embedded with the api token at the root directory before. The following environmental variables must be set for a sucessful run. - `ARTIFACT_TASKID` : TaskId of the parent build task - `GECKO_HEAD_REPOSITORY` : The head repository to download the checkout script - `GECKO_HEAD_REV` : Revision of the head repository to look for ## Example The container can be run similar to its production environment with the following command: ``` docker run -ti \ -e ARTIFACT_TASKID=Hh5vLCaTRRO8Ql9X6XBdxg \ -e GECKO_HEAD_REV=beed30cce69bc9783d417d3d29ce2c44989961ed \ -e GECKO_HEAD_REPOSITORY=https://hg.mozilla.org/try/ \ upload_symbols /bin/bash bin/upload.sh ```