#!/bin/bash -vex set -x -e : WORKSPACE ${WORKSPACE:=/workspace} : GRADLE_VERSION ${GRADLE_VERSION:=2.14.1} set -v # Package everything up. pushd ${WORKSPACE} # Not yet. See notes on tooltool below. # cp -R /root/.android-sdk android-sdk-linux # tar cJf android-sdk-linux.tar.xz android-sdk-linux cp -R /workspace/nexus/storage/central jcentral tar cJf jcentral.tar.xz jcentral # The Gradle wrapper will have downloaded and verified the hash of exactly one # Gradle distribution. It will be located in $GRADLE_USER_HOME, like # ~/.gradle/wrapper/dists/gradle-2.7-all/$PROJECT_HASH/gradle-2.7-all.zip. We # want to remove the version from the internal directory for use via tooltool in # a mozconfig. cp $GRADLE_USER_HOME/wrapper/dists/gradle-${GRADLE_VERSION}-all/*/gradle-${GRADLE_VERSION}-all.zip gradle-${GRADLE_VERSION}-all.zip unzip -q gradle-${GRADLE_VERSION}-all.zip mv gradle-${GRADLE_VERSION} gradle-dist tar cJf gradle-dist.tar.xz gradle-dist mkdir -p /home/worker/artifacts # We can't redistribute the Android SDK publicly just yet. We'll # upload to (internal) tooltool eventually. mv # android-sdk-linux.tar.xz /home/worker/artifacts mv jcentral.tar.xz /home/worker/artifacts mv gradle-dist.tar.xz /home/worker/artifacts popd # Bug 1245170: at some point in the future, we'll be able to upload # things directly to tooltool. # pushd /home/worker/artifacts # /build/tooltool.py add --visibility=public jcentral.tar.xz # /build/tooltool.py add --visibility=public gradle-dist.tar.xz # /build/tooltool.py add --visibility=internal android-sdk-linux.tar.xz # /build/tooltool.py upload -v --url=http://relengapi/tooltool/ \ # --message="No message - Gradle and jcentral archives uploaded from taskcluster." # popd