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Transform the upload-symbols task description template,
into an actual task description.

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals

from taskgraph.transforms.base import TransformSequence

transforms = TransformSequence()

def fill_template(config, tasks):
    for task in tasks:
        # Fill out the dynamic fields in the task description
        task['label'] = task['build-label'] + '-upload-symbols'
        task['dependencies'] = {'build': task['build-label']}
        task['worker']['env']['GECKO_HEAD_REPOSITORY'] = config.params['head_repository']
        task['worker']['env']['GECKO_HEAD_REV'] = config.params['head_rev']

        build_platform, build_type = task['build-platform'].split('/')
        attributes = task.setdefault('attributes', {})
        attributes['build_platform'] = build_platform
        attributes['build_type'] = build_type

        # clear out the stuff that's not part of a task description
        del task['build-label']
        del task['build-platform']

        yield task