# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. """ This file defines the schema for tests -- the things in `tests.yml`. It should be run both before and after the kind-specific transforms, to ensure that the transforms do not generate invalid tests. """ from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals from taskgraph.transforms.base import validate_schema from voluptuous import ( Any, Optional, Required, Schema, ) # Schema for a test description # # *****WARNING***** # # This is a great place for baffling cruft to accumulate, and that makes # everyone move more slowly. Be considerate of your fellow hackers! # See the warnings in taskcluster/docs/how-tos.rst # # *****WARNING***** test_description_schema = Schema({ # description of the suite, for the task metadata 'description': basestring, # test suite name, or / Required('suite'): Any( basestring, {'by-test-platform': {basestring: basestring}}, ), # the name by which this test suite is addressed in try syntax; defaults to # the test-name Optional('unittest-try-name'): basestring, # the symbol, or group(symbol), under which this task should appear in # treeherder. 'treeherder-symbol': basestring, # the value to place in task.extra.treeherder.machine.platform; ideally # this is the same as build-platform, and that is the default, but in # practice it's not always a match. Optional('treeherder-machine-platform'): basestring, # attributes to appear in the resulting task (later transforms will add the # common attributes) Optional('attributes'): {basestring: object}, # The `run_on_projects` attribute, defaulting to "all". This dictates the # projects on which this task should be included in the target task set. # See the attributes documentation for details. Optional('run-on-projects', default=['all']): Any( [basestring], {'by-test-platform': {basestring: [basestring]}}, ), # the sheriffing tier for this task (default: set based on test platform) Optional('tier'): int, # number of chunks to create for this task. This can be keyed by test # platform by passing a dictionary in the `by-test-platform` key. If the # test platform is not found, the key 'default' will be tried. Required('chunks', default=1): Any( int, {'by-test-platform': {basestring: int}}, ), # the time (with unit) after which this task is deleted; default depends on # the branch (see below) Optional('expires-after'): basestring, # Whether to run this task with e10s (desktop-test only). If false, run # without e10s; if true, run with e10s; if 'both', run one task with and # one task without e10s. E10s tasks have "-e10s" appended to the test name # and treeherder group. Required('e10s', default='both'): Any( bool, 'both', {'by-test-platform': {basestring: Any(bool, 'both')}}, ), # The EC2 instance size to run these tests on. Required('instance-size', default='default'): Any( Any('default', 'large', 'xlarge', 'legacy'), {'by-test-platform': {basestring: Any('default', 'large', 'xlarge', 'legacy')}}, ), # Whether the task requires loopback audio or video (whatever that may mean # on the platform) Required('loopback-audio', default=False): bool, Required('loopback-video', default=False): bool, # Whether the test can run using a software GL implementation on Linux # using the GL compositor. May not be used with "legacy" sized instances # due to poor LLVMPipe performance (bug 1296086). Optional('allow-software-gl-layers', default=True): bool, # The worker implementation for this test, as dictated by policy and by the # test platform. Optional('worker-implementation'): Any( 'docker-worker', 'macosx-engine', 'generic-worker', # coming soon: 'docker-engine', 'buildbot-bridge', ), # For tasks that will run in docker-worker or docker-engine, this is the # name of the docker image or in-tree docker image to run the task in. If # in-tree, then a dependency will be created automatically. This is # generally `desktop-test`, or an image that acts an awful lot like it. Required('docker-image', default={'in-tree': 'desktop-test'}): Any( # a raw Docker image path (repo/image:tag) basestring, # an in-tree generated docker image (from `testing/docker/`) {'in-tree': basestring} ), # seconds of runtime after which the task will be killed. Like 'chunks', # this can be keyed by test pltaform. Required('max-run-time', default=3600): Any( int, {'by-test-platform': {basestring: int}}, ), # the exit status code that indicates the task should be retried Optional('retry-exit-status'): int, # Whether to perform a gecko checkout. Required('checkout', default=False): bool, # What to run Required('mozharness'): Any({ # the mozharness script used to run this task Required('script'): basestring, # the config files required for the task Required('config'): Any( [basestring], {'by-test-platform': {basestring: [basestring]}}, ), # any additional actions to pass to the mozharness command Optional('actions'): [basestring], # additional command-line options for mozharness, beyond those # automatically added Required('extra-options', default=[]): Any( [basestring], {'by-test-platform': {basestring: [basestring]}}, ), # the artifact name (including path) to test on the build task; this is # generally set in a per-kind transformation Optional('build-artifact-name'): basestring, # If true, tooltool downloads will be enabled via relengAPIProxy. Required('tooltool-downloads', default=False): bool, # This mozharness script also runs in Buildbot and tries to read a # buildbot config file, so tell it not to do so in TaskCluster Required('no-read-buildbot-config', default=False): bool, # Add --blob-upload-branch= mozharness parameter Optional('include-blob-upload-branch'): bool, # The setting for --download-symbols (if omitted, the option will not # be passed to mozharness) Optional('download-symbols'): Any(True, 'ondemand'), # If set, then MOZ_NODE_PATH=/usr/local/bin/node is included in the # environment. This is more than just a helpful path setting -- it # causes xpcshell tests to start additional servers, and runs # additional tests. Required('set-moz-node-path', default=False): bool, # If true, include chunking information in the command even if the number # of chunks is 1 Required('chunked', default=False): bool, # The chunking argument format to use Required('chunking-args', default='this-chunk'): Any( # Use the usual --this-chunk/--total-chunk arguments 'this-chunk', # Use --test-suite=-; see chunk-suffix, below 'test-suite-suffix', ), # the string to append to the `--test-suite` arugment when # chunking-args = test-suite-suffix; "" in this string will # be replaced with the chunk number. Optional('chunk-suffix'): basestring, }), # The current chunk; this is filled in by `all_kinds.py` Optional('this-chunk'): int, # os user groups for test task workers; required scopes, will be # added automatically Optional('os-groups', default=[]): Any( [basestring], # todo: create a dedicated elevated worker group and name here {'by-test-platform': {basestring: [basestring]}}, ), # -- values supplied by the task-generation infrastructure # the platform of the build this task is testing 'build-platform': basestring, # the label of the build task generating the materials to test 'build-label': basestring, # the platform on which the tests will run 'test-platform': basestring, # the name of the test (the key in tests.yml) 'test-name': basestring, }, required=True) # TODO: can we have validate and validate_full for before and after? def validate(config, tests): for test in tests: yield validate_schema(test_description_schema, test, "In test {!r}:".format(test['test-name']))