mozlint-eslint/opt: description: JS lint check treeherder: symbol: ES kind: test tier: 1 platform: lint/opt worker-type: aws-provisioner-v1/b2gtest worker: implementation: docker-worker docker-image: {in-tree: "lint"} max-run-time: 1800 run: using: run-task command: > cd /home/worker/checkouts/gecko/tools/lint/eslint && /build/ fetch -m && tar xvfz eslint.tar.gz && rm eslint.tar.gz && ln -s ../eslint-plugin-mozilla node_modules && cd ../../.. && ./mach lint -l eslint -f treeherder --quiet run-on-projects: - integration - release when: files-changed: # Files that are likely audited. - '**/*.js' - '**/*.jsm' - '**/*.jsx' - '**/*.html' - '**/*.xhtml' - '**/*.xml' # Run when eslint policies change. - '**/.eslintignore' - '**/*eslintrc*' # The plugin implementing custom checks. - 'tools/lint/eslint/eslint-plugin-mozilla/**' # Other misc lint related files. - 'python/mozlint/**' - 'tools/lint/**' - 'testing/docker/lint/**' mozlint-flake8/opt: description: flake8 run over the gecko codebase treeherder: symbol: f8 kind: test tier: 1 platform: lint/opt worker-type: aws-provisioner-v1/b2gtest worker: implementation: docker-worker docker-image: {in-tree: "lint"} max-run-time: 1800 run: using: mach mach: lint -l flake8 -f treeherder run-on-projects: - integration - release when: files-changed: - '**/*.py' - '**/.flake8' - 'python/mozlint/**' - 'tools/lint/**' - 'testing/docker/lint/**' wptlint-gecko/opt: description: web-platform-tests linter treeherder: symbol: W kind: test tier: 1 platform: lint/opt worker-type: aws-provisioner-v1/b2gtest worker: implementation: docker-worker docker-image: {in-tree: "lint"} max-run-time: 1800 run: using: mach mach: lint -l wpt -l wpt_manifest -f treeherder run-on-projects: - integration - release when: files-changed: - 'testing/web-platform/tests/**' - 'testing/web-platform/mozilla/tests/**' - 'testing/web-platform/meta/MANIFEST.json' - 'testing/web-platform/mozilla/meta/MANIFEST.json' - 'python/mozlint/**' - 'tools/lint/**' - 'testing/docker/lint/**'