# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # NOTE: please write a description of this kind in taskcluster/docs/kinds.rst implementation: taskgraph.task.transform:TransformTask transforms: - taskgraph.transforms.l10n:transforms - taskgraph.transforms.build_attrs:transforms - taskgraph.transforms.job:transforms - taskgraph.transforms.task:transforms job-defaults: index: product: firefox treeherder: kind: build tier: 2 worker-type: aws-provisioner-v1/gecko-{level}-b-linux worker: implementation: docker-worker docker-image: {in-tree: desktop-build} max-run-time: 36000 # don't run anywhere by default, but still available via try run-on-projects: [] run: # NOTE: this should really be a different "using" since it's using # build-l10n.sh instead of build-linux.sh. Preferably, build-linux.sh # and the mozharness run implementation should be modified to support # the functionality that l10n needs using: mozharness job-script: taskcluster/scripts/builder/build-l10n.sh when: files-changed: - browser/locales/all-locales - python/compare-locales/** - testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/** - testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/l10n/locales.py - testing/mozharness/scripts/desktop_l10n.py - toolkit/locales/** - toolkit/mozapps/installer/** jobs: linux-l10n/opt: description: "Localization" index: job-name: gecko-v2: linux32-l10n-opt treeherder: platform: linux32/opt symbol: tc(L10n) run: script: mozharness/scripts/desktop_l10n.py actions: [clone-locales list-locales setup repack summary] config: - single_locale/tc_linux32.py options: - environment-config=single_locale/production.py - branch-config=single_locale/{project}.py - platform-config=single_locale/linux32.py - total-chunks=1 - this-chunk=1 tooltool-downloads: public need-xvfb: true linux64-l10n/opt: description: "Localization" index: job-name: gecko-v2: linux64-l10n-opt treeherder: platform: linux64/opt symbol: tc(L10n) run: script: mozharness/scripts/desktop_l10n.py actions: [clone-locales list-locales setup repack summary] config: - single_locale/tc_linux64.py options: - environment-config=single_locale/production.py - branch-config=single_locale/{project}.py - platform-config=single_locale/linux64.py - total-chunks=1 - this-chunk=1 tooltool-downloads: public need-xvfb: true