/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ // This file tests the functions of mozIStorageConnection // Test Functions add_task(function* test_connectionReady_open() { // there doesn't seem to be a way for the connection to not be ready (unless // we close it with mozIStorageConnection::Close(), but we don't for this). // It can only fail if GetPath fails on the database file, or if we run out // of memory trying to use an in-memory database var msc = getOpenedDatabase(); do_check_true(msc.connectionReady); }); add_task(function* test_connectionReady_closed() { // This also tests mozIStorageConnection::Close() var msc = getOpenedDatabase(); msc.close(); do_check_false(msc.connectionReady); gDBConn = null; // this is so later tests don't start to fail. }); add_task(function* test_databaseFile() { var msc = getOpenedDatabase(); do_check_true(getTestDB().equals(msc.databaseFile)); }); add_task(function* test_tableExists_not_created() { var msc = getOpenedDatabase(); do_check_false(msc.tableExists("foo")); }); add_task(function* test_indexExists_not_created() { var msc = getOpenedDatabase(); do_check_false(msc.indexExists("foo")); }); add_task(function* test_temp_tableExists_and_indexExists() { var msc = getOpenedDatabase(); msc.executeSimpleSQL("CREATE TEMP TABLE test_temp(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name TEXT)"); do_check_true(msc.tableExists("test_temp")); msc.executeSimpleSQL("CREATE INDEX test_temp_ind ON test_temp (name)"); do_check_true(msc.indexExists("test_temp_ind")); msc.executeSimpleSQL("DROP INDEX test_temp_ind"); msc.executeSimpleSQL("DROP TABLE test_temp"); }); add_task(function* test_createTable_not_created() { var msc = getOpenedDatabase(); msc.createTable("test", "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT"); do_check_true(msc.tableExists("test")); }); add_task(function* test_indexExists_created() { var msc = getOpenedDatabase(); msc.executeSimpleSQL("CREATE INDEX name_ind ON test (name)"); do_check_true(msc.indexExists("name_ind")); }); add_task(function* test_createTable_already_created() { var msc = getOpenedDatabase(); do_check_true(msc.tableExists("test")); Assert.throws(() => msc.createTable("test", "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT"), /NS_ERROR_FAILURE/); }); add_task(function* test_attach_createTable_tableExists_indexExists() { var msc = getOpenedDatabase(); var file = do_get_file("storage_attach.sqlite", true); var msc2 = getDatabase(file); msc.executeSimpleSQL("ATTACH DATABASE '" + file.path + "' AS sample"); do_check_false(msc.tableExists("sample.test")); msc.createTable("sample.test", "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT"); do_check_true(msc.tableExists("sample.test")); Assert.throws(() => msc.createTable("sample.test", "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT"), /NS_ERROR_FAILURE/); do_check_false(msc.indexExists("sample.test_ind")); msc.executeSimpleSQL("CREATE INDEX sample.test_ind ON test (name)"); do_check_true(msc.indexExists("sample.test_ind")); msc.executeSimpleSQL("DETACH DATABASE sample"); msc2.close(); try { file.remove(false); } catch (e) { // Do nothing. } }); add_task(function* test_lastInsertRowID() { var msc = getOpenedDatabase(); msc.executeSimpleSQL("INSERT INTO test (name) VALUES ('foo')"); do_check_eq(1, msc.lastInsertRowID); }); add_task(function* test_transactionInProgress_no() { var msc = getOpenedDatabase(); do_check_false(msc.transactionInProgress); }); add_task(function* test_transactionInProgress_yes() { var msc = getOpenedDatabase(); msc.beginTransaction(); do_check_true(msc.transactionInProgress); msc.commitTransaction(); do_check_false(msc.transactionInProgress); msc.beginTransaction(); do_check_true(msc.transactionInProgress); msc.rollbackTransaction(); do_check_false(msc.transactionInProgress); }); add_task(function* test_commitTransaction_no_transaction() { var msc = getOpenedDatabase(); do_check_false(msc.transactionInProgress); Assert.throws(() => msc.commitTransaction(), /NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED/); }); add_task(function* test_rollbackTransaction_no_transaction() { var msc = getOpenedDatabase(); do_check_false(msc.transactionInProgress); Assert.throws(() => msc.rollbackTransaction(), /NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED/); }); add_task(function* test_get_schemaVersion_not_set() { do_check_eq(0, getOpenedDatabase().schemaVersion); }); add_task(function* test_set_schemaVersion() { var msc = getOpenedDatabase(); const version = 1; msc.schemaVersion = version; do_check_eq(version, msc.schemaVersion); }); add_task(function* test_set_schemaVersion_same() { var msc = getOpenedDatabase(); const version = 1; msc.schemaVersion = version; // should still work ok do_check_eq(version, msc.schemaVersion); }); add_task(function* test_set_schemaVersion_negative() { var msc = getOpenedDatabase(); const version = -1; msc.schemaVersion = version; do_check_eq(version, msc.schemaVersion); }); add_task(function* test_createTable() { var temp = getTestDB().parent; temp.append("test_db_table"); try { var con = getService().openDatabase(temp); con.createTable("a", ""); } catch (e) { if (temp.exists()) { try { temp.remove(false); } catch (e2) { // Do nothing. } } do_check_true(e.result == Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED || e.result == Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE); } finally { if (con) { con.close(); } } }); add_task(function* test_defaultSynchronousAtNormal() { var msc = getOpenedDatabase(); var stmt = createStatement("PRAGMA synchronous;"); try { stmt.executeStep(); do_check_eq(1, stmt.getInt32(0)); } finally { stmt.reset(); stmt.finalize(); } }); // must be ran before executeAsync tests add_task(function* test_close_does_not_spin_event_loop() { // We want to make sure that the event loop on the calling thread does not // spin when close is called. let event = { ran: false, run() { this.ran = true; }, }; // Post the event before we call close, so it would run if the event loop was // spun during close. let thread = Cc["@mozilla.org/thread-manager;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIThreadManager). currentThread; thread.dispatch(event, Ci.nsIThread.DISPATCH_NORMAL); // Sanity check, then close the database. Afterwards, we should not have ran! do_check_false(event.ran); getOpenedDatabase().close(); do_check_false(event.ran); // Reset gDBConn so that later tests will get a new connection object. gDBConn = null; }); add_task(function* test_asyncClose_succeeds_with_finalized_async_statement() { // XXX this test isn't perfect since we can't totally control when events will // run. If this paticular function fails randomly, it means we have a // real bug. // We want to make sure we create a cached async statement to make sure that // when we finalize our statement, we end up finalizing the async one too so // close will succeed. let stmt = createStatement("SELECT * FROM test"); stmt.executeAsync(); stmt.finalize(); yield asyncClose(getOpenedDatabase()); // Reset gDBConn so that later tests will get a new connection object. gDBConn = null; }); add_task(function* test_close_then_release_statement() { // Testing the behavior in presence of a bad client that finalizes // statements after the database has been closed (typically by // letting the gc finalize the statement). let db = getOpenedDatabase(); let stmt = createStatement("SELECT * FROM test -- test_close_then_release_statement"); db.close(); stmt.finalize(); // Finalize too late - this should not crash // Reset gDBConn so that later tests will get a new connection object. gDBConn = null; }); add_task(function* test_asyncClose_then_release_statement() { // Testing the behavior in presence of a bad client that finalizes // statements after the database has been async closed (typically by // letting the gc finalize the statement). let db = getOpenedDatabase(); let stmt = createStatement("SELECT * FROM test -- test_asyncClose_then_release_statement"); yield asyncClose(db); stmt.finalize(); // Finalize too late - this should not crash // Reset gDBConn so that later tests will get a new connection object. gDBConn = null; }); add_task(function* test_close_fails_with_async_statement_ran() { let deferred = Promise.defer(); let stmt = createStatement("SELECT * FROM test"); stmt.executeAsync(); stmt.finalize(); let db = getOpenedDatabase(); Assert.throws(() => db.close(), /NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED/); // Clean up after ourselves. db.asyncClose(function () { // Reset gDBConn so that later tests will get a new connection object. gDBConn = null; deferred.resolve(); }); yield deferred.promise; }); add_task(function* test_clone_optional_param() { let db1 = getService().openUnsharedDatabase(getTestDB()); let db2 = db1.clone(); do_check_true(db2.connectionReady); // A write statement should not fail here. let stmt = db2.createStatement("INSERT INTO test (name) VALUES (:name)"); stmt.params.name = "dwitte"; stmt.execute(); stmt.finalize(); // And a read statement should succeed. stmt = db2.createStatement("SELECT * FROM test"); do_check_true(stmt.executeStep()); stmt.finalize(); // Additionally check that it is a connection on the same database. do_check_true(db1.databaseFile.equals(db2.databaseFile)); db1.close(); db2.close(); }); function* standardAsyncTest(promisedDB, name, shouldInit = false) { do_print("Performing standard async test " + name); let adb = yield promisedDB; do_check_true(adb instanceof Ci.mozIStorageAsyncConnection); do_check_false(adb instanceof Ci.mozIStorageConnection); if (shouldInit) { let stmt = adb.createAsyncStatement("CREATE TABLE test(name TEXT)"); yield executeAsync(stmt); stmt.finalize(); } // Generate a name to insert and fetch back name = "worker bee " + Math.random() + " (" + name + ")"; let stmt = adb.createAsyncStatement("INSERT INTO test (name) VALUES (:name)"); stmt.params.name = name; let result = yield executeAsync(stmt); do_print("Request complete"); stmt.finalize(); do_check_true(Components.isSuccessCode(result)); do_print("Extracting data"); stmt = adb.createAsyncStatement("SELECT * FROM test"); let found = false; yield executeAsync(stmt, function (results) { do_print("Data has been extracted"); for (let row = results.getNextRow(); row != null; row = results.getNextRow()) { if (row.getResultByName("name") == name) { found = true; break; } } }); do_check_true(found); stmt.finalize(); yield asyncClose(adb); do_print("Standard async test " + name + " complete"); } add_task(function* test_open_async() { yield standardAsyncTest(openAsyncDatabase(getTestDB(), null), "default"); yield standardAsyncTest(openAsyncDatabase(getTestDB()), "no optional arg"); yield standardAsyncTest(openAsyncDatabase(getTestDB(), {shared: false, growthIncrement: 54}), "non-default options"); yield standardAsyncTest(openAsyncDatabase("memory"), "in-memory database", true); yield standardAsyncTest(openAsyncDatabase("memory", {shared: false}), "in-memory database and options", true); do_print("Testing async opening with bogus options 0"); let raised = false; let adb = null; try { adb = yield openAsyncDatabase("memory", {shared: false, growthIncrement: 54}); } catch (ex) { raised = true; } finally { if (adb) { yield asyncClose(adb); } } do_check_true(raised); do_print("Testing async opening with bogus options 1"); raised = false; adb = null; try { adb = yield openAsyncDatabase(getTestDB(), {shared: "forty-two"}); } catch (ex) { raised = true; } finally { if (adb) { yield asyncClose(adb); } } do_check_true(raised); do_print("Testing async opening with bogus options 2"); raised = false; adb = null; try { adb = yield openAsyncDatabase(getTestDB(), {growthIncrement: "forty-two"}); } catch (ex) { raised = true; } finally { if (adb) { yield asyncClose(adb); } } do_check_true(raised); }); add_task(function* test_async_open_with_shared_cache() { do_print("Testing that opening with a shared cache doesn't break stuff"); let adb = yield openAsyncDatabase(getTestDB(), {shared: true}); let stmt = adb.createAsyncStatement("INSERT INTO test (name) VALUES (:name)"); stmt.params.name = "clockworker"; let result = yield executeAsync(stmt); do_print("Request complete"); stmt.finalize(); do_check_true(Components.isSuccessCode(result)); do_print("Extracting data"); stmt = adb.createAsyncStatement("SELECT * FROM test"); let found = false; yield executeAsync(stmt, function (results) { do_print("Data has been extracted"); for (let row = results.getNextRow(); row != null; row = results.getNextRow()) { if (row.getResultByName("name") == "clockworker") { found = true; break; } } }); do_check_true(found); stmt.finalize(); yield asyncClose(adb); }); add_task(function* test_clone_trivial_async() { do_print("Open connection"); let db = getService().openDatabase(getTestDB()); do_check_true(db instanceof Ci.mozIStorageAsyncConnection); do_print("AsyncClone connection"); let clone = yield asyncClone(db, true); do_check_true(clone instanceof Ci.mozIStorageAsyncConnection); do_print("Close connection"); yield asyncClose(db); do_print("Close clone"); yield asyncClose(clone); }); add_task(function* test_clone_no_optional_param_async() { "use strict"; do_print("Testing async cloning"); let adb1 = yield openAsyncDatabase(getTestDB(), null); do_check_true(adb1 instanceof Ci.mozIStorageAsyncConnection); do_print("Cloning database"); let adb2 = yield asyncClone(adb1); do_print("Testing that the cloned db is a mozIStorageAsyncConnection " + "and not a mozIStorageConnection"); do_check_true(adb2 instanceof Ci.mozIStorageAsyncConnection); do_check_false(adb2 instanceof Ci.mozIStorageConnection); do_print("Inserting data into source db"); let stmt = adb1. createAsyncStatement("INSERT INTO test (name) VALUES (:name)"); stmt.params.name = "yoric"; let result = yield executeAsync(stmt); do_print("Request complete"); stmt.finalize(); do_check_true(Components.isSuccessCode(result)); do_print("Extracting data from clone db"); stmt = adb2.createAsyncStatement("SELECT * FROM test"); let found = false; yield executeAsync(stmt, function (results) { do_print("Data has been extracted"); for (let row = results.getNextRow(); row != null; row = results.getNextRow()) { if (row.getResultByName("name") == "yoric") { found = true; break; } } }); do_check_true(found); stmt.finalize(); do_print("Closing databases"); yield asyncClose(adb2); do_print("First db closed"); yield asyncClose(adb1); do_print("Second db closed"); }); add_task(function* test_clone_readonly() { let db1 = getService().openUnsharedDatabase(getTestDB()); let db2 = db1.clone(true); do_check_true(db2.connectionReady); // A write statement should fail here. let stmt = db2.createStatement("INSERT INTO test (name) VALUES (:name)"); stmt.params.name = "reed"; expectError(Cr.NS_ERROR_FILE_READ_ONLY, () => stmt.execute()); stmt.finalize(); // And a read statement should succeed. stmt = db2.createStatement("SELECT * FROM test"); do_check_true(stmt.executeStep()); stmt.finalize(); db1.close(); db2.close(); }); add_task(function* test_clone_shared_readonly() { let db1 = getService().openDatabase(getTestDB()); let db2 = db1.clone(true); do_check_true(db2.connectionReady); let stmt = db2.createStatement("INSERT INTO test (name) VALUES (:name)"); stmt.params.name = "parker"; // TODO currently SQLite does not actually work correctly here. The behavior // we want is commented out, and the current behavior is being tested // for. Our IDL comments will have to be updated when this starts to // work again. stmt.execute(); // expectError(Components.results.NS_ERROR_FILE_READ_ONLY, () => stmt.execute()); stmt.finalize(); // And a read statement should succeed. stmt = db2.createStatement("SELECT * FROM test"); do_check_true(stmt.executeStep()); stmt.finalize(); db1.close(); db2.close(); }); add_task(function* test_close_clone_fails() { let calls = [ "openDatabase", "openUnsharedDatabase", ]; calls.forEach(function (methodName) { let db = getService()[methodName](getTestDB()); db.close(); expectError(Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED, () => db.clone()); }); }); add_task(function* test_memory_clone_fails() { let db = getService().openSpecialDatabase("memory"); db.close(); expectError(Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED, () => db.clone()); }); add_task(function* test_clone_copies_functions() { const FUNC_NAME = "test_func"; let calls = [ "openDatabase", "openUnsharedDatabase", ]; let functionMethods = [ "createFunction", "createAggregateFunction", ]; calls.forEach(function (methodName) { [true, false].forEach(function (readOnly) { functionMethods.forEach(function (functionMethod) { let db1 = getService()[methodName](getTestDB()); // Create a function for db1. db1[functionMethod](FUNC_NAME, 1, { onFunctionCall: () => 0, onStep: () => 0, onFinal: () => 0, }); // Clone it, and make sure the function exists still. let db2 = db1.clone(readOnly); // Note: this would fail if the function did not exist. let stmt = db2.createStatement("SELECT " + FUNC_NAME + "(id) FROM test"); stmt.finalize(); db1.close(); db2.close(); }); }); }); }); add_task(function* test_clone_copies_overridden_functions() { const FUNC_NAME = "lower"; function test_func() { this.called = false; } test_func.prototype = { onFunctionCall() { this.called = true; }, onStep() { this.called = true; }, onFinal: () => 0, }; let calls = [ "openDatabase", "openUnsharedDatabase", ]; let functionMethods = [ "createFunction", "createAggregateFunction", ]; calls.forEach(function (methodName) { [true, false].forEach(function (readOnly) { functionMethods.forEach(function (functionMethod) { let db1 = getService()[methodName](getTestDB()); // Create a function for db1. let func = new test_func(); db1[functionMethod](FUNC_NAME, 1, func); do_check_false(func.called); // Clone it, and make sure the function gets called. let db2 = db1.clone(readOnly); let stmt = db2.createStatement("SELECT " + FUNC_NAME + "(id) FROM test"); stmt.executeStep(); do_check_true(func.called); stmt.finalize(); db1.close(); db2.close(); }); }); }); }); add_task(function* test_clone_copies_pragmas() { const PRAGMAS = [ { name: "cache_size", value: 500, copied: true }, { name: "temp_store", value: 2, copied: true }, { name: "foreign_keys", value: 1, copied: true }, { name: "journal_size_limit", value: 524288, copied: true }, { name: "synchronous", value: 2, copied: true }, { name: "wal_autocheckpoint", value: 16, copied: true }, { name: "busy_timeout", value: 50, copied: true }, { name: "ignore_check_constraints", value: 1, copied: false }, ]; let db1 = getService().openUnsharedDatabase(getTestDB()); // Sanity check initial values are different from enforced ones. PRAGMAS.forEach(function (pragma) { let stmt = db1.createStatement("PRAGMA " + pragma.name); do_check_true(stmt.executeStep()); do_check_neq(pragma.value, stmt.getInt32(0)); stmt.finalize(); }); // Execute pragmas. PRAGMAS.forEach(function (pragma) { db1.executeSimpleSQL("PRAGMA " + pragma.name + " = " + pragma.value); }); let db2 = db1.clone(); do_check_true(db2.connectionReady); // Check cloned connection inherited pragma values. PRAGMAS.forEach(function (pragma) { let stmt = db2.createStatement("PRAGMA " + pragma.name); do_check_true(stmt.executeStep()); let validate = pragma.copied ? do_check_eq : do_check_neq; validate(pragma.value, stmt.getInt32(0)); stmt.finalize(); }); db1.close(); db2.close(); }); add_task(function* test_readonly_clone_copies_pragmas() { const PRAGMAS = [ { name: "cache_size", value: 500, copied: true }, { name: "temp_store", value: 2, copied: true }, { name: "foreign_keys", value: 1, copied: false }, { name: "journal_size_limit", value: 524288, copied: false }, { name: "synchronous", value: 2, copied: false }, { name: "wal_autocheckpoint", value: 16, copied: false }, { name: "busy_timeout", value: 50, copied: false }, { name: "ignore_check_constraints", value: 1, copied: false }, ]; let db1 = getService().openUnsharedDatabase(getTestDB()); // Sanity check initial values are different from enforced ones. PRAGMAS.forEach(function (pragma) { let stmt = db1.createStatement("PRAGMA " + pragma.name); do_check_true(stmt.executeStep()); do_check_neq(pragma.value, stmt.getInt32(0)); stmt.finalize(); }); // Execute pragmas. PRAGMAS.forEach(function (pragma) { db1.executeSimpleSQL("PRAGMA " + pragma.name + " = " + pragma.value); }); let db2 = db1.clone(true); do_check_true(db2.connectionReady); // Check cloned connection inherited pragma values. PRAGMAS.forEach(function (pragma) { let stmt = db2.createStatement("PRAGMA " + pragma.name); do_check_true(stmt.executeStep()); let validate = pragma.copied ? do_check_eq : do_check_neq; validate(pragma.value, stmt.getInt32(0)); stmt.finalize(); }); db1.close(); db2.close(); }); add_task(function* test_clone_attach_database() { let db1 = getService().openUnsharedDatabase(getTestDB()); let c = 0; function attachDB(conn, name) { let file = dirSvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile); file.append("test_storage_" + (++c) + ".sqlite"); let db = getService().openUnsharedDatabase(file); conn.executeSimpleSQL(`ATTACH DATABASE '${db.databaseFile.path}' AS ${name}`); db.close(); } attachDB(db1, "attached_1"); attachDB(db1, "attached_2"); // These should not throw. db1.createStatement("SELECT * FROM attached_1.sqlite_master"); db1.createStatement("SELECT * FROM attached_2.sqlite_master"); // R/W clone. let db2 = db1.clone(); do_check_true(db2.connectionReady); // These should not throw. db2.createStatement("SELECT * FROM attached_1.sqlite_master"); db2.createStatement("SELECT * FROM attached_2.sqlite_master"); // R/O clone. let db3 = db1.clone(true); do_check_true(db3.connectionReady); // These should not throw. db3.createStatement("SELECT * FROM attached_1.sqlite_master"); db3.createStatement("SELECT * FROM attached_2.sqlite_master"); db1.close(); db2.close(); db3.close(); }); add_task(function* test_getInterface() { let db = getOpenedDatabase(); let target = db.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIEventTarget); // Just check that target is non-null. Other tests will ensure that it has // the correct value. do_check_true(target != null); yield asyncClose(db); gDBConn = null; });