/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Log.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Preferences.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://services-sync/addonutils.js"); Cu.import("resource://services-sync/engines/addons.js"); Cu.import("resource://services-sync/service.js"); Cu.import("resource://services-sync/util.js"); Cu.import("resource://testing-common/services/sync/utils.js"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.jsm"); const HTTP_PORT = 8888; var prefs = new Preferences(); prefs.set("extensions.getAddons.get.url", "http://localhost:8888/search/guid:%IDS%"); prefs.set("extensions.install.requireSecureOrigin", false); const SYSTEM_ADDON_ID = "system1@tests.mozilla.org"; let systemAddonFile; // The system add-on must be installed before AddonManager is started. function loadSystemAddon() { let addonFilename = SYSTEM_ADDON_ID + ".xpi"; const distroDir = FileUtils.getDir("ProfD", ["sysfeatures", "app0"], true); do_get_file(ExtensionsTestPath("/data/system_addons/system1_1.xpi")).copyTo(distroDir, addonFilename); systemAddonFile = FileUtils.File(distroDir.path); systemAddonFile.append(addonFilename); systemAddonFile.lastModifiedTime = Date.now(); // As we're not running in application, we need to setup the features directory // used by system add-ons. registerDirectory("XREAppFeat", distroDir); } loadAddonTestFunctions(); loadSystemAddon(); startupManager(); Service.engineManager.register(AddonsEngine); var engine = Service.engineManager.get("addons"); var tracker = engine._tracker; var store = engine._store; var reconciler = engine._reconciler; /** * Create a AddonsRec for this application with the fields specified. * * @param id Sync GUID of record * @param addonId ID of add-on * @param enabled Boolean whether record is enabled * @param deleted Boolean whether record was deleted */ function createRecordForThisApp(id, addonId, enabled, deleted) { return { id: id, addonID: addonId, enabled: enabled, deleted: !!deleted, applicationID: Services.appinfo.ID, source: "amo" }; } function createAndStartHTTPServer(port) { try { let server = new HttpServer(); let bootstrap1XPI = ExtensionsTestPath("/addons/test_bootstrap1_1.xpi"); server.registerFile("/search/guid:bootstrap1%40tests.mozilla.org", do_get_file("bootstrap1-search.xml")); server.registerFile("/bootstrap1.xpi", do_get_file(bootstrap1XPI)); server.registerFile("/search/guid:missing-xpi%40tests.mozilla.org", do_get_file("missing-xpi-search.xml")); server.registerFile("/search/guid:system1%40tests.mozilla.org", do_get_file("systemaddon-search.xml")); server.registerFile("/system.xpi", systemAddonFile); server.start(port); return server; } catch (ex) { _("Got exception starting HTTP server on port " + port); _("Error: " + Log.exceptionStr(ex)); do_throw(ex); } } function run_test() { initTestLogging("Trace"); Log.repository.getLogger("Sync.Engine.Addons").level = Log.Level.Trace; Log.repository.getLogger("Sync.Tracker.Addons").level = Log.Level.Trace; Log.repository.getLogger("Sync.AddonsRepository").level = Log.Level.Trace; reconciler.startListening(); // Don't flush to disk in the middle of an event listener! // This causes test hangs on WinXP. reconciler._shouldPersist = false; run_next_test(); } add_test(function test_remove() { _("Ensure removing add-ons from deleted records works."); let addon = installAddon("test_bootstrap1_1"); let record = createRecordForThisApp(addon.syncGUID, addon.id, true, true); let failed = store.applyIncomingBatch([record]); do_check_eq(0, failed.length); let newAddon = getAddonFromAddonManagerByID(addon.id); do_check_eq(null, newAddon); run_next_test(); }); add_test(function test_apply_enabled() { _("Ensures that changes to the userEnabled flag apply."); let addon = installAddon("test_bootstrap1_1"); do_check_true(addon.isActive); do_check_false(addon.userDisabled); _("Ensure application of a disable record works as expected."); let records = []; records.push(createRecordForThisApp(addon.syncGUID, addon.id, false, false)); let failed = store.applyIncomingBatch(records); do_check_eq(0, failed.length); addon = getAddonFromAddonManagerByID(addon.id); do_check_true(addon.userDisabled); records = []; _("Ensure enable record works as expected."); records.push(createRecordForThisApp(addon.syncGUID, addon.id, true, false)); failed = store.applyIncomingBatch(records); do_check_eq(0, failed.length); addon = getAddonFromAddonManagerByID(addon.id); do_check_false(addon.userDisabled); records = []; _("Ensure enabled state updates don't apply if the ignore pref is set."); records.push(createRecordForThisApp(addon.syncGUID, addon.id, false, false)); Svc.Prefs.set("addons.ignoreUserEnabledChanges", true); failed = store.applyIncomingBatch(records); do_check_eq(0, failed.length); addon = getAddonFromAddonManagerByID(addon.id); do_check_false(addon.userDisabled); records = []; uninstallAddon(addon); Svc.Prefs.reset("addons.ignoreUserEnabledChanges"); run_next_test(); }); add_test(function test_ignore_different_appid() { _("Ensure that incoming records with a different application ID are ignored."); // We test by creating a record that should result in an update. let addon = installAddon("test_bootstrap1_1"); do_check_false(addon.userDisabled); let record = createRecordForThisApp(addon.syncGUID, addon.id, false, false); record.applicationID = "FAKE_ID"; let failed = store.applyIncomingBatch([record]); do_check_eq(0, failed.length); let newAddon = getAddonFromAddonManagerByID(addon.id); do_check_false(addon.userDisabled); uninstallAddon(addon); run_next_test(); }); add_test(function test_ignore_unknown_source() { _("Ensure incoming records with unknown source are ignored."); let addon = installAddon("test_bootstrap1_1"); let record = createRecordForThisApp(addon.syncGUID, addon.id, false, false); record.source = "DUMMY_SOURCE"; let failed = store.applyIncomingBatch([record]); do_check_eq(0, failed.length); let newAddon = getAddonFromAddonManagerByID(addon.id); do_check_false(addon.userDisabled); uninstallAddon(addon); run_next_test(); }); add_test(function test_apply_uninstall() { _("Ensures that uninstalling an add-on from a record works."); let addon = installAddon("test_bootstrap1_1"); let records = []; records.push(createRecordForThisApp(addon.syncGUID, addon.id, true, true)); let failed = store.applyIncomingBatch(records); do_check_eq(0, failed.length); addon = getAddonFromAddonManagerByID(addon.id); do_check_eq(null, addon); run_next_test(); }); add_test(function test_addon_syncability() { _("Ensure isAddonSyncable functions properly."); Svc.Prefs.set("addons.trustedSourceHostnames", "addons.mozilla.org,other.example.com"); do_check_false(store.isAddonSyncable(null)); let addon = installAddon("test_bootstrap1_1"); do_check_true(store.isAddonSyncable(addon)); let dummy = {}; const KEYS = ["id", "syncGUID", "type", "scope", "foreignInstall", "isSyncable"]; for (let k of KEYS) { dummy[k] = addon[k]; } do_check_true(store.isAddonSyncable(dummy)); dummy.type = "UNSUPPORTED"; do_check_false(store.isAddonSyncable(dummy)); dummy.type = addon.type; dummy.scope = 0; do_check_false(store.isAddonSyncable(dummy)); dummy.scope = addon.scope; dummy.isSyncable = false; do_check_false(store.isAddonSyncable(dummy)); dummy.isSyncable = addon.isSyncable; dummy.foreignInstall = true; do_check_false(store.isAddonSyncable(dummy)); dummy.foreignInstall = false; uninstallAddon(addon); do_check_false(store.isSourceURITrusted(null)); function createURI(s) { let service = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService); return service.newURI(s, null, null); } let trusted = [ "https://addons.mozilla.org/foo", "https://other.example.com/foo" ]; let untrusted = [ "http://addons.mozilla.org/foo", // non-https "ftps://addons.mozilla.org/foo", // non-https "https://untrusted.example.com/foo", // non-trusted hostname` ]; for (let uri of trusted) { do_check_true(store.isSourceURITrusted(createURI(uri))); } for (let uri of untrusted) { do_check_false(store.isSourceURITrusted(createURI(uri))); } Svc.Prefs.set("addons.trustedSourceHostnames", ""); for (let uri of trusted) { do_check_false(store.isSourceURITrusted(createURI(uri))); } Svc.Prefs.set("addons.trustedSourceHostnames", "addons.mozilla.org"); do_check_true(store.isSourceURITrusted(createURI("https://addons.mozilla.org/foo"))); Svc.Prefs.reset("addons.trustedSourceHostnames"); run_next_test(); }); add_test(function test_ignore_hotfixes() { _("Ensure that hotfix extensions are ignored."); // A hotfix extension is one that has the id the same as the // extensions.hotfix.id pref. let prefs = new Preferences("extensions."); let addon = installAddon("test_bootstrap1_1"); do_check_true(store.isAddonSyncable(addon)); let dummy = {}; const KEYS = ["id", "syncGUID", "type", "scope", "foreignInstall", "isSyncable"]; for (let k of KEYS) { dummy[k] = addon[k]; } // Basic sanity check. do_check_true(store.isAddonSyncable(dummy)); prefs.set("hotfix.id", dummy.id); do_check_false(store.isAddonSyncable(dummy)); // Verify that int values don't throw off checking. let prefSvc = Cc["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIPrefService) .getBranch("extensions."); // Need to delete pref before changing type. prefSvc.deleteBranch("hotfix.id"); prefSvc.setIntPref("hotfix.id", 0xdeadbeef); do_check_true(store.isAddonSyncable(dummy)); uninstallAddon(addon); prefs.reset("hotfix.id"); run_next_test(); }); add_test(function test_get_all_ids() { _("Ensures that getAllIDs() returns an appropriate set."); _("Installing two addons."); let addon1 = installAddon("test_install1"); let addon2 = installAddon("test_bootstrap1_1"); _("Ensure they're syncable."); do_check_true(store.isAddonSyncable(addon1)); do_check_true(store.isAddonSyncable(addon2)); let ids = store.getAllIDs(); do_check_eq("object", typeof(ids)); do_check_eq(2, Object.keys(ids).length); do_check_true(addon1.syncGUID in ids); do_check_true(addon2.syncGUID in ids); addon1.install.cancel(); uninstallAddon(addon2); run_next_test(); }); add_test(function test_change_item_id() { _("Ensures that changeItemID() works properly."); let addon = installAddon("test_bootstrap1_1"); let oldID = addon.syncGUID; let newID = Utils.makeGUID(); store.changeItemID(oldID, newID); let newAddon = getAddonFromAddonManagerByID(addon.id); do_check_neq(null, newAddon); do_check_eq(newID, newAddon.syncGUID); uninstallAddon(newAddon); run_next_test(); }); add_test(function test_create() { _("Ensure creating/installing an add-on from a record works."); let server = createAndStartHTTPServer(HTTP_PORT); let addon = installAddon("test_bootstrap1_1"); let id = addon.id; uninstallAddon(addon); let guid = Utils.makeGUID(); let record = createRecordForThisApp(guid, id, true, false); let failed = store.applyIncomingBatch([record]); do_check_eq(0, failed.length); let newAddon = getAddonFromAddonManagerByID(id); do_check_neq(null, newAddon); do_check_eq(guid, newAddon.syncGUID); do_check_false(newAddon.userDisabled); uninstallAddon(newAddon); server.stop(run_next_test); }); add_test(function test_create_missing_search() { _("Ensures that failed add-on searches are handled gracefully."); let server = createAndStartHTTPServer(HTTP_PORT); // The handler for this ID is not installed, so a search should 404. const id = "missing@tests.mozilla.org"; let guid = Utils.makeGUID(); let record = createRecordForThisApp(guid, id, true, false); let failed = store.applyIncomingBatch([record]); do_check_eq(1, failed.length); do_check_eq(guid, failed[0]); let addon = getAddonFromAddonManagerByID(id); do_check_eq(null, addon); server.stop(run_next_test); }); add_test(function test_create_bad_install() { _("Ensures that add-ons without a valid install are handled gracefully."); let server = createAndStartHTTPServer(HTTP_PORT); // The handler returns a search result but the XPI will 404. const id = "missing-xpi@tests.mozilla.org"; let guid = Utils.makeGUID(); let record = createRecordForThisApp(guid, id, true, false); let failed = store.applyIncomingBatch([record]); // This addon had no source URI so was skipped - but it's not treated as // failure. // XXX - this test isn't testing what we thought it was. Previously the addon // was not being installed due to requireSecureURL checking *before* we'd // attempted to get the XPI. // With requireSecureURL disabled we do see a download failure, but the addon // *does* get added to |failed|. // FTR: onDownloadFailed() is called with ERROR_NETWORK_FAILURE, so it's going // to be tricky to distinguish a 404 from other transient network errors // where we do want the addon to end up in |failed|. // This is being tracked in bug 1284778. //do_check_eq(0, failed.length); let addon = getAddonFromAddonManagerByID(id); do_check_eq(null, addon); server.stop(run_next_test); }); add_test(function test_ignore_system() { _("Ensure we ignore system addons"); // Our system addon should not appear in getAllIDs engine._refreshReconcilerState(); let num = 0; for (let guid in store.getAllIDs()) { num += 1; let addon = reconciler.getAddonStateFromSyncGUID(guid); do_check_neq(addon.id, SYSTEM_ADDON_ID); } do_check_true(num > 1, "should have seen at least one.") run_next_test(); }); add_test(function test_incoming_system() { _("Ensure we handle incoming records that refer to a system addon"); // eg, loop initially had a normal addon but it was then "promoted" to be a // system addon but wanted to keep the same ID. The server record exists due // to this. // before we start, ensure the system addon isn't disabled. do_check_false(getAddonFromAddonManagerByID(SYSTEM_ADDON_ID).userDisabled); // Now simulate an incoming record with the same ID as the system addon, // but flagged as disabled - it should not be applied. let server = createAndStartHTTPServer(HTTP_PORT); // We make the incoming record flag the system addon as disabled - it should // be ignored. let guid = Utils.makeGUID(); let record = createRecordForThisApp(guid, SYSTEM_ADDON_ID, false, false); let failed = store.applyIncomingBatch([record]); do_check_eq(0, failed.length); // The system addon should still not be userDisabled. do_check_false(getAddonFromAddonManagerByID(SYSTEM_ADDON_ID).userDisabled); server.stop(run_next_test); }); add_test(function test_wipe() { _("Ensures that wiping causes add-ons to be uninstalled."); let addon1 = installAddon("test_bootstrap1_1"); store.wipe(); let addon = getAddonFromAddonManagerByID(addon1.id); do_check_eq(null, addon); run_next_test(); }); add_test(function test_wipe_and_install() { _("Ensure wipe followed by install works."); // This tests the reset sync flow where remote data is replaced by local. The // receiving client will see a wipe followed by a record which should undo // the wipe. let installed = installAddon("test_bootstrap1_1"); let record = createRecordForThisApp(installed.syncGUID, installed.id, true, false); store.wipe(); let deleted = getAddonFromAddonManagerByID(installed.id); do_check_null(deleted); // Re-applying the record can require re-fetching the XPI. let server = createAndStartHTTPServer(HTTP_PORT); store.applyIncoming(record); let fetched = getAddonFromAddonManagerByID(record.addonID); do_check_true(!!fetched); server.stop(run_next_test); }); add_test(function cleanup() { // There's an xpcom-shutdown hook for this, but let's give this a shot. reconciler.stopListening(); run_next_test(); });