/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Preferences.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://services-sync/addonutils.js"); Cu.import("resource://services-sync/util.js"); const HTTP_PORT = 8888; const SERVER_ADDRESS = ""; let prefs = new Preferences(); prefs.set("extensions.getAddons.get.url", SERVER_ADDRESS + "/search/guid:%IDS%"); loadAddonTestFunctions(); startupManager(); function createAndStartHTTPServer(port=HTTP_PORT) { try { let server = new HttpServer(); let bootstrap1XPI = ExtensionsTestPath("/addons/test_bootstrap1_1.xpi"); server.registerFile("/search/guid:missing-sourceuri%40tests.mozilla.org", do_get_file("missing-sourceuri.xml")); server.registerFile("/search/guid:rewrite%40tests.mozilla.org", do_get_file("rewrite-search.xml")); server.start(port); return server; } catch (ex) { _("Got exception starting HTTP server on port " + port); _("Error: " + Utils.exceptionStr(ex)); do_throw(ex); } } function run_test() { initTestLogging("Trace"); run_next_test(); } add_test(function test_handle_empty_source_uri() { _("Ensure that search results without a sourceURI are properly ignored."); let server = createAndStartHTTPServer(); const ID = "missing-sourceuri@tests.mozilla.org"; let cb = Async.makeSpinningCallback(); AddonUtils.installAddons([{id: ID, requireSecureURI: false}], cb); let result = cb.wait(); do_check_true("installedIDs" in result); do_check_eq(0, result.installedIDs.length); server.stop(run_next_test); }); add_test(function test_ignore_untrusted_source_uris() { _("Ensures that source URIs from insecure schemes are rejected."); let ioService = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIIOService); const bad = ["http://example.com/foo.xpi", "ftp://example.com/foo.xpi", "silly://example.com/foo.xpi"]; const good = ["https://example.com/foo.xpi"]; for (let s of bad) { let sourceURI = ioService.newURI(s, null, null); let addon = {sourceURI: sourceURI, name: "bad", id: "bad"}; try { let cb = Async.makeSpinningCallback(); AddonUtils.getInstallFromSearchResult(addon, cb, true); cb.wait(); } catch (ex) { do_check_neq(null, ex); do_check_eq(0, ex.message.indexOf("Insecure source URI")); continue; } // We should never get here if an exception is thrown. do_check_true(false); } let count = 0; for (let s of good) { let sourceURI = ioService.newURI(s, null, null); let addon = {sourceURI: sourceURI, name: "good", id: "good"}; // Despite what you might think, we don't get an error in the callback. // The install won't work because the underlying Addon instance wasn't // proper. But, that just results in an AddonInstall that is missing // certain values. We really just care that the callback is being invoked // anyway. let callback = function onInstall(error, install) { do_check_null(error); do_check_neq(null, install); do_check_eq(sourceURI.spec, install.sourceURI.spec); count += 1; if (count >= good.length) { run_next_test(); } }; AddonUtils.getInstallFromSearchResult(addon, callback, true); } }); add_test(function test_source_uri_rewrite() { _("Ensure that a 'src=api' query string is rewritten to 'src=sync'"); // This tests for conformance with bug 708134 so server-side metrics aren't // skewed. Svc.Prefs.set("addons.ignoreRepositoryChecking", true); // We resort to monkeypatching because of the API design. let oldFunction = AddonUtils.__proto__.installAddonFromSearchResult; let installCalled = false; AddonUtils.__proto__.installAddonFromSearchResult = function testInstallAddon(addon, metadata, cb) { do_check_eq(SERVER_ADDRESS + "/require.xpi?src=sync", addon.sourceURI.spec); installCalled = true; AddonUtils.getInstallFromSearchResult(addon, function (error, install) { do_check_null(error); do_check_eq(SERVER_ADDRESS + "/require.xpi?src=sync", install.sourceURI.spec); cb(null, {id: addon.id, addon: addon, install: install}); }, false); }; let server = createAndStartHTTPServer(); let installCallback = Async.makeSpinningCallback(); AddonUtils.installAddons([{id: "rewrite@tests.mozilla.org"}], installCallback); installCallback.wait(); do_check_true(installCalled); AddonUtils.__proto__.installAddonFromSearchResult = oldFunction; Svc.Prefs.reset("addons.ignoreRepositoryChecking"); server.stop(run_next_test); });