/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ // This test verifies that record reconciling works as expected. It makes // similar changes to add-ons in separate profiles and does a sync to verify // the proper action is taken. EnableEngines(["addons"]); let phases = { "phase01": "profile1", "phase02": "profile2", "phase03": "profile1", "phase04": "profile2", "phase05": "profile1", "phase06": "profile2" }; const id = "restartless-xpi@tests.mozilla.org"; // Install the add-on in 2 profiles. Phase("phase01", [ [Addons.verifyNot, [id]], [Addons.install, [id]], [Addons.verify, [id], STATE_ENABLED], [Sync] ]); Phase("phase02", [ [Addons.verifyNot, [id]], [Sync], [Addons.verify, [id], STATE_ENABLED] ]); // Now we disable in one and uninstall in the other. Phase("phase03", [ [Sync], // Get GUID updates, potentially. [Addons.setEnabled, [id], STATE_DISABLED], ]); Phase("phase04", [ [EnsureTracking], [Addons.uninstall, [id]], [Sync] ]); // When we sync, the uninstall should take precedence because it was newer. Phase("phase05", [ [Sync] ]); Phase("phase06", [ [Sync], [Addons.verifyNot, [id]] ]);