/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** * This file contains code for synchronizing engines. */ this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["EngineSynchronizer"]; var {utils: Cu} = Components; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Log.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://services-sync/constants.js"); Cu.import("resource://services-sync/engines.js"); Cu.import("resource://services-sync/policies.js"); Cu.import("resource://services-sync/util.js"); /** * Perform synchronization of engines. * * This was originally split out of service.js. The API needs lots of love. */ this.EngineSynchronizer = function EngineSynchronizer(service) { this._log = Log.repository.getLogger("Sync.Synchronizer"); this._log.level = Log.Level[Svc.Prefs.get("log.logger.synchronizer")]; this.service = service; this.onComplete = null; } EngineSynchronizer.prototype = { sync: function sync() { if (!this.onComplete) { throw new Error("onComplete handler not installed."); } let startTime = Date.now(); this.service.status.resetSync(); // Make sure we should sync or record why we shouldn't. let reason = this.service._checkSync(); if (reason) { if (reason == kSyncNetworkOffline) { this.service.status.sync = LOGIN_FAILED_NETWORK_ERROR; } // this is a purposeful abort rather than a failure, so don't set // any status bits reason = "Can't sync: " + reason; this.onComplete(new Error("Can't sync: " + reason)); return; } // If we don't have a node, get one. If that fails, retry in 10 minutes. if (!this.service.clusterURL && !this.service._clusterManager.setCluster()) { this.service.status.sync = NO_SYNC_NODE_FOUND; this._log.info("No cluster URL found. Cannot sync."); this.onComplete(null); return; } // Ping the server with a special info request once a day. let infoURL = this.service.infoURL; let now = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000); let lastPing = Svc.Prefs.get("lastPing", 0); if (now - lastPing > 86400) { // 60 * 60 * 24 infoURL += "?v=" + WEAVE_VERSION; Svc.Prefs.set("lastPing", now); } let engineManager = this.service.engineManager; // Figure out what the last modified time is for each collection let info = this.service._fetchInfo(infoURL); // Convert the response to an object and read out the modified times for (let engine of [this.service.clientsEngine].concat(engineManager.getAll())) { engine.lastModified = info.obj[engine.name] || 0; } if (!(this.service._remoteSetup(info))) { this.onComplete(new Error("Aborting sync, remote setup failed")); return; } // Make sure we have an up-to-date list of clients before sending commands this._log.debug("Refreshing client list."); if (!this._syncEngine(this.service.clientsEngine)) { // Clients is an engine like any other; it can fail with a 401, // and we can elect to abort the sync. this._log.warn("Client engine sync failed. Aborting."); this.onComplete(null); return; } // Wipe data in the desired direction if necessary switch (Svc.Prefs.get("firstSync")) { case "resetClient": this.service.resetClient(engineManager.enabledEngineNames); break; case "wipeClient": this.service.wipeClient(engineManager.enabledEngineNames); break; case "wipeRemote": this.service.wipeRemote(engineManager.enabledEngineNames); break; } if (this.service.clientsEngine.localCommands) { try { if (!(this.service.clientsEngine.processIncomingCommands())) { this.service.status.sync = ABORT_SYNC_COMMAND; this.onComplete(new Error("Processed command aborted sync.")); return; } // Repeat remoteSetup in-case the commands forced us to reset if (!(this.service._remoteSetup(info))) { this.onComplete(new Error("Remote setup failed after processing commands.")); return; } } finally { // Always immediately attempt to push back the local client (now // without commands). // Note that we don't abort here; if there's a 401 because we've // been reassigned, we'll handle it around another engine. this._syncEngine(this.service.clientsEngine); } } // Update engines because it might change what we sync. try { this._updateEnabledEngines(); } catch (ex) { this._log.debug("Updating enabled engines failed: " + Utils.exceptionStr(ex)); this.service.errorHandler.checkServerError(ex); this.onComplete(ex); return; } try { for (let engine of engineManager.getEnabled()) { // If there's any problems with syncing the engine, report the failure if (!(this._syncEngine(engine)) || this.service.status.enforceBackoff) { this._log.info("Aborting sync for failure in " + engine.name); break; } } // If _syncEngine fails for a 401, we might not have a cluster URL here. // If that's the case, break out of this immediately, rather than // throwing an exception when trying to fetch metaURL. if (!this.service.clusterURL) { this._log.debug("Aborting sync, no cluster URL: " + "not uploading new meta/global."); this.onComplete(null); return; } // Upload meta/global if any engines changed anything. let meta = this.service.recordManager.get(this.service.metaURL); if (meta.isNew || meta.changed) { this._log.info("meta/global changed locally: reuploading."); try { this.service.uploadMetaGlobal(meta); delete meta.isNew; delete meta.changed; } catch (error) { this._log.error("Unable to upload meta/global. Leaving marked as new."); } } // If there were no sync engine failures if (this.service.status.service != SYNC_FAILED_PARTIAL) { Svc.Prefs.set("lastSync", new Date().toString()); this.service.status.sync = SYNC_SUCCEEDED; } } finally { Svc.Prefs.reset("firstSync"); let syncTime = ((Date.now() - startTime) / 1000).toFixed(2); let dateStr = new Date().toLocaleFormat(LOG_DATE_FORMAT); this._log.info("Sync completed at " + dateStr + " after " + syncTime + " secs."); } this.onComplete(null); }, // Returns true if sync should proceed. // false / no return value means sync should be aborted. _syncEngine: function _syncEngine(engine) { try { engine.sync(); } catch(e) { if (e.status == 401) { // Maybe a 401, cluster update perhaps needed? // We rely on ErrorHandler observing the sync failure notification to // schedule another sync and clear node assignment values. // Here we simply want to muffle the exception and return an // appropriate value. return false; } } return true; }, _updateEnabledFromMeta: function (meta, numClients, engineManager=this.service.engineManager) { this._log.info("Updating enabled engines: " + numClients + " clients."); if (meta.isNew || !meta.payload.engines) { this._log.debug("meta/global isn't new, or is missing engines. Not updating enabled state."); return; } // If we're the only client, and no engines are marked as enabled, // thumb our noses at the server data: it can't be right. // Belt-and-suspenders approach to Bug 615926. let hasEnabledEngines = false; for (let e in meta.payload.engines) { if (e != "clients") { hasEnabledEngines = true; break; } } if ((numClients <= 1) && !hasEnabledEngines) { this._log.info("One client and no enabled engines: not touching local engine status."); return; } this.service._ignorePrefObserver = true; let enabled = engineManager.enabledEngineNames; let toDecline = new Set(); let toUndecline = new Set(); for (let engineName in meta.payload.engines) { if (engineName == "clients") { // Clients is special. continue; } let index = enabled.indexOf(engineName); if (index != -1) { // The engine is enabled locally. Nothing to do. enabled.splice(index, 1); continue; } let engine = engineManager.get(engineName); if (!engine) { // The engine doesn't exist locally. Nothing to do. continue; } let attemptedEnable = false; // If the engine was enabled remotely, enable it locally. if (!Svc.Prefs.get("engineStatusChanged." + engine.prefName, false)) { this._log.trace("Engine " + engineName + " was enabled. Marking as non-declined."); toUndecline.add(engineName); this._log.trace(engineName + " engine was enabled remotely."); engine.enabled = true; // Note that setting engine.enabled to true might not have worked for // the password engine if a master-password is enabled. However, it's // still OK that we added it to undeclined - the user *tried* to enable // it remotely - so it still winds up as not being flagged as declined // even though it's disabled remotely. attemptedEnable = true; } // If either the engine was disabled locally or enabling the engine // failed (see above re master-password) then wipe server data and // disable it everywhere. if (!engine.enabled) { this._log.trace("Wiping data for " + engineName + " engine."); engine.wipeServer(); delete meta.payload.engines[engineName]; meta.changed = true; // the new enabled state must propagate // We also here mark the engine as declined, because the pref // was explicitly changed to false - unless we tried, and failed, // to enable it - in which case we leave the declined state alone. if (!attemptedEnable) { // This will be reflected in meta/global in the next stage. this._log.trace("Engine " + engineName + " was disabled locally. Marking as declined."); toDecline.add(engineName); } } } // Any remaining engines were either enabled locally or disabled remotely. for (let engineName of enabled) { let engine = engineManager.get(engineName); if (Svc.Prefs.get("engineStatusChanged." + engine.prefName, false)) { this._log.trace("The " + engineName + " engine was enabled locally."); toUndecline.add(engineName); } else { this._log.trace("The " + engineName + " engine was disabled remotely."); // Don't automatically mark it as declined! engine.enabled = false; } } engineManager.decline(toDecline); engineManager.undecline(toUndecline); Svc.Prefs.resetBranch("engineStatusChanged."); this.service._ignorePrefObserver = false; }, _updateEnabledEngines: function () { let meta = this.service.recordManager.get(this.service.metaURL); let numClients = this.service.scheduler.numClients; let engineManager = this.service.engineManager; this._updateEnabledFromMeta(meta, numClients, engineManager); }, }; Object.freeze(EngineSynchronizer.prototype);