/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; Cu.import("resource://services-common/utils.js"); // A wise line of Greek verse, and the utf-8 byte encoding. // N.b., Greek begins at utf-8 ce 91 const TEST_STR = "πόλλ' οἶδ' ἀλώπηξ, ἀλλ' ἐχῖνος ἓν μέγα"; const TEST_HEX = h("cf 80 cf 8c ce bb ce bb 27 20 ce bf e1 bc b6 ce"+ "b4 27 20 e1 bc 80 ce bb cf 8e cf 80 ce b7 ce be"+ "2c 20 e1 bc 80 ce bb ce bb 27 20 e1 bc 90 cf 87"+ "e1 bf 96 ce bd ce bf cf 82 20 e1 bc 93 ce bd 20"+ "ce bc ce ad ce b3 ce b1"); // Integer byte values for the above const TEST_BYTES = [207,128,207,140,206,187,206,187, 39, 32,206,191,225,188,182,206, 180, 39, 32,225,188,128,206,187, 207,142,207,128,206,183,206,190, 44, 32,225,188,128,206,187,206, 187, 39, 32,225,188,144,207,135, 225,191,150,206,189,206,191,207, 130, 32,225,188,147,206,189, 32, 206,188,206,173,206,179,206,177]; function run_test() { run_next_test(); } add_test(function test_compress_string() { const INPUT = "hello"; let result = CommonUtils.convertString(INPUT, "uncompressed", "deflate"); do_check_eq(result.length, 13); let result2 = CommonUtils.convertString(INPUT, "uncompressed", "deflate"); do_check_eq(result, result2); let result3 = CommonUtils.convertString(result, "deflate", "uncompressed"); do_check_eq(result3, INPUT); run_next_test(); }); add_test(function test_compress_utf8() { const INPUT = "Árvíztűrő tükörfúrógép いろはにほへとちりぬるを Pijamalı hasta, yağız şoföre çabucak güvendi."; let inputUTF8 = CommonUtils.encodeUTF8(INPUT); let compressed = CommonUtils.convertString(inputUTF8, "uncompressed", "deflate"); let uncompressed = CommonUtils.convertString(compressed, "deflate", "uncompressed"); do_check_eq(uncompressed, inputUTF8); let outputUTF8 = CommonUtils.decodeUTF8(uncompressed); do_check_eq(outputUTF8, INPUT); run_next_test(); }); add_test(function test_bad_argument() { let failed = false; try { CommonUtils.convertString(null, "uncompressed", "deflate"); } catch (ex) { failed = true; do_check_true(ex.message.startsWith("Input string must be defined")); } finally { do_check_true(failed); } run_next_test(); }); add_task(function test_stringAsHex() { do_check_eq(TEST_HEX, CommonUtils.stringAsHex(TEST_STR)); }); add_task(function test_hexAsString() { do_check_eq(TEST_STR, CommonUtils.hexAsString(TEST_HEX)); }); add_task(function test_hexToBytes() { let bytes = CommonUtils.hexToBytes(TEST_HEX); do_check_eq(TEST_BYTES.length, bytes.length); // Ensure that the decimal values of each byte are correct do_check_true(arraysEqual(TEST_BYTES, CommonUtils.stringToByteArray(bytes))); }); add_task(function test_bytesToHex() { // Create a list of our character bytes from the reference int values let bytes = CommonUtils.byteArrayToString(TEST_BYTES); do_check_eq(TEST_HEX, CommonUtils.bytesAsHex(bytes)); }); add_task(function test_stringToBytes() { do_check_true(arraysEqual(TEST_BYTES, CommonUtils.stringToByteArray(CommonUtils.stringToBytes(TEST_STR)))); }); add_task(function test_stringRoundTrip() { do_check_eq(TEST_STR, CommonUtils.hexAsString(CommonUtils.stringAsHex(TEST_STR))); }); add_task(function test_hexRoundTrip() { do_check_eq(TEST_HEX, CommonUtils.stringAsHex(CommonUtils.hexAsString(TEST_HEX))); }); add_task(function test_byteArrayRoundTrip() { do_check_true(arraysEqual(TEST_BYTES, CommonUtils.stringToByteArray(CommonUtils.byteArrayToString(TEST_BYTES)))); }); // turn formatted test vectors into normal hex strings function h(hexStr) { return hexStr.replace(/\s+/g, ""); } function arraysEqual(a1, a2) { if (a1.length !== a2.length) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < a1.length; i++) { if (a1[i] !== a2[i]) { return false; } } return true; }