/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "pkcs11.h" #include "pkcs11uri.h" #include "plarena.h" #include "prprf.h" #include "secport.h" /* Character sets used in the ABNF rules in RFC7512. */ #define PK11URI_DIGIT "0123456789" #define PK11URI_ALPHA "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" #define PK11URI_HEXDIG PK11URI_DIGIT "abcdefABCDEF" #define PK11URI_UNRESERVED PK11URI_ALPHA PK11URI_DIGIT "-._~" #define PK11URI_RES_AVAIL ":[]@!$'()*+,=" #define PK11URI_PATH_RES_AVAIL PK11URI_RES_AVAIL "&" #define PK11URI_QUERY_RES_AVAIL PK11URI_RES_AVAIL "/?|" #define PK11URI_ATTR_NM_CHAR PK11URI_ALPHA PK11URI_DIGIT "-_" #define PK11URI_PCHAR PK11URI_UNRESERVED PK11URI_PATH_RES_AVAIL #define PK11URI_QCHAR PK11URI_UNRESERVED PK11URI_QUERY_RES_AVAIL /* Path attributes defined in RFC7512. */ static const char *pattr_names[] = { PK11URI_PATTR_TOKEN, PK11URI_PATTR_MANUFACTURER, PK11URI_PATTR_SERIAL, PK11URI_PATTR_MODEL, PK11URI_PATTR_LIBRARY_MANUFACTURER, PK11URI_PATTR_LIBRARY_DESCRIPTION, PK11URI_PATTR_LIBRARY_VERSION, PK11URI_PATTR_OBJECT, PK11URI_PATTR_TYPE, PK11URI_PATTR_ID, PK11URI_PATTR_SLOT_MANUFACTURER, PK11URI_PATTR_SLOT_DESCRIPTION, PK11URI_PATTR_SLOT_ID }; /* Query attributes defined in RFC7512. */ static const char *qattr_names[] = { PK11URI_QATTR_PIN_SOURCE, PK11URI_QATTR_PIN_VALUE, PK11URI_QATTR_MODULE_NAME, PK11URI_QATTR_MODULE_PATH }; struct PK11URIBufferStr { PLArenaPool *arena; char *data; size_t size; size_t allocated; }; typedef struct PK11URIBufferStr PK11URIBuffer; struct PK11URIAttributeListEntryStr { char *name; char *value; }; typedef struct PK11URIAttributeListEntryStr PK11URIAttributeListEntry; struct PK11URIAttributeListStr { PLArenaPool *arena; PK11URIAttributeListEntry *attrs; size_t num_attrs; }; typedef struct PK11URIAttributeListStr PK11URIAttributeList; struct PK11URIStr { PLArenaPool *arena; PK11URIAttributeList pattrs; PK11URIAttributeList vpattrs; PK11URIAttributeList qattrs; PK11URIAttributeList vqattrs; }; #define PK11URI_ARENA_SIZE 1024 typedef int (*PK11URIAttributeCompareNameFunc)(const char *a, const char *b); /* This belongs in secport.h */ #define PORT_ArenaGrowArray(poolp, oldptr, type, oldnum, newnum) \ (type *)PORT_ArenaGrow((poolp), (oldptr), \ (oldnum) * sizeof(type), (newnum) * sizeof(type)) #define PORT_ReallocArray(oldptr, type, newnum) \ (type *)PORT_Realloc((oldptr), (newnum) * sizeof(type)) /* Functions for resizable buffer. */ static SECStatus pk11uri_AppendBuffer(PK11URIBuffer *buffer, const unsigned char *data, size_t size) { /* Check overflow. */ if (buffer->size + size < buffer->size) return SECFailure; if (buffer->size + size > buffer->allocated) { size_t allocated = buffer->allocated * 2 + size; if (allocated < buffer->allocated) return SECFailure; if (buffer->arena) buffer->data = PORT_ArenaGrow(buffer->arena, buffer->data, buffer->allocated, allocated); else buffer->data = PORT_Realloc(buffer->data, allocated); if (buffer->data == NULL) return SECFailure; buffer->allocated = allocated; } memcpy(&buffer->data[buffer->size], data, size); buffer->size += size; return SECSuccess; } static void pk11uri_InitBuffer(PK11URIBuffer *buffer, PLArenaPool *arena) { memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(PK11URIBuffer)); buffer->arena = arena; } static void pk11uri_DestroyBuffer(PK11URIBuffer *buffer) { if (buffer->arena == NULL) { PORT_Free(buffer->data); } } /* URI encoding functions. */ static char * pk11uri_Escape(PLArenaPool *arena, const char *value, size_t length, const char *available) { PK11URIBuffer buffer; const char *p; unsigned char buf[4]; char *result = NULL; SECStatus ret; pk11uri_InitBuffer(&buffer, arena); for (p = value; p < value + length; p++) { if (strchr(available, *p) == NULL) { if (PR_snprintf((char *)buf, sizeof(buf), "%%%02X", *p) == (PRUint32)-1) { goto fail; } ret = pk11uri_AppendBuffer(&buffer, buf, 3); if (ret != SECSuccess) { goto fail; } } else { ret = pk11uri_AppendBuffer(&buffer, (const unsigned char *)p, 1); if (ret != SECSuccess) { goto fail; } } } buf[0] = '\0'; ret = pk11uri_AppendBuffer(&buffer, buf, 1); if (ret != SECSuccess) { goto fail; } /* Steal the memory allocated in buffer. */ result = buffer.data; buffer.data = NULL; fail: pk11uri_DestroyBuffer(&buffer); return result; } static char * pk11uri_Unescape(PLArenaPool *arena, const char *value, size_t length) { PK11URIBuffer buffer; const char *p; unsigned char buf[1]; char *result = NULL; SECStatus ret; pk11uri_InitBuffer(&buffer, arena); for (p = value; p < value + length; p++) { if (*p == '%') { int c; size_t i; p++; for (c = 0, i = 0; i < 2; i++) { int h = *(p + i); if ('0' <= h && h <= '9') { c = (c << 4) | (h - '0'); } else if ('a' <= h && h <= 'f') { c = (c << 4) | (h - 'a' + 10); } else if ('A' <= h && h <= 'F') { c = (c << 4) | (h - 'A' + 10); } else { break; } } if (i != 2) { goto fail; } p++; buf[0] = c; } else { buf[0] = *p; } ret = pk11uri_AppendBuffer(&buffer, buf, 1); if (ret != SECSuccess) { goto fail; } } buf[0] = '\0'; ret = pk11uri_AppendBuffer(&buffer, buf, 1); if (ret != SECSuccess) { goto fail; } result = buffer.data; buffer.data = NULL; fail: pk11uri_DestroyBuffer(&buffer); return result; } /* Functions for manipulating attributes array. */ /* Compare two attribute names by the array index in attr_names. Both * attribute names must be present in attr_names, otherwise it is a * programming error. */ static int pk11uri_CompareByPosition(const char *a, const char *b, const char **attr_names, size_t num_attr_names) { size_t i, j; for (i = 0; i < num_attr_names; i++) { if (strcmp(a, attr_names[i]) == 0) { break; } } PR_ASSERT(i < num_attr_names); for (j = 0; j < num_attr_names; j++) { if (strcmp(b, attr_names[j]) == 0) { break; } } PR_ASSERT(j < num_attr_names); return i - j; } /* Those pk11uri_Compare{Path,Query}AttributeName functions are used * to reorder attributes when inserting. */ static int pk11uri_ComparePathAttributeName(const char *a, const char *b) { return pk11uri_CompareByPosition(a, b, pattr_names, PR_ARRAY_SIZE(pattr_names)); } static int pk11uri_CompareQueryAttributeName(const char *a, const char *b) { return pk11uri_CompareByPosition(a, b, qattr_names, PR_ARRAY_SIZE(qattr_names)); } static SECStatus pk11uri_InsertToAttributeList(PK11URIAttributeList *attrs, char *name, char *value, PK11URIAttributeCompareNameFunc compare_name, PRBool allow_duplicate) { size_t i; if (attrs->arena) { attrs->attrs = PORT_ArenaGrowArray(attrs->arena, attrs->attrs, PK11URIAttributeListEntry, attrs->num_attrs, attrs->num_attrs + 1); } else { attrs->attrs = PORT_ReallocArray(attrs->attrs, PK11URIAttributeListEntry, attrs->num_attrs + 1); } if (attrs->attrs == NULL) { return SECFailure; } for (i = 0; i < attrs->num_attrs; i++) { if (!allow_duplicate && strcmp(name, attrs->attrs[i].name) == 0) { return SECFailure; } if (compare_name(name, attrs->attrs[i].name) < 0) { memmove(&attrs->attrs[i + 1], &attrs->attrs[i], sizeof(PK11URIAttributeListEntry) * (attrs->num_attrs - i)); break; } } attrs->attrs[i].name = name; attrs->attrs[i].value = value; attrs->num_attrs++; return SECSuccess; } static SECStatus pk11uri_InsertToAttributeListEscaped(PK11URIAttributeList *attrs, const char *name, size_t name_size, const char *value, size_t value_size, PK11URIAttributeCompareNameFunc compare_name, PRBool allow_duplicate) { char *name_copy = NULL, *value_copy = NULL; SECStatus ret; if (attrs->arena) { name_copy = PORT_ArenaNewArray(attrs->arena, char, name_size + 1); } else { name_copy = PORT_Alloc(name_size + 1); } if (name_copy == NULL) { goto fail; } memcpy(name_copy, name, name_size); name_copy[name_size] = '\0'; value_copy = pk11uri_Unescape(attrs->arena, value, value_size); if (value_copy == NULL) { goto fail; } ret = pk11uri_InsertToAttributeList(attrs, name_copy, value_copy, compare_name, allow_duplicate); if (ret != SECSuccess) { goto fail; } return ret; fail: if (attrs->arena == NULL) { PORT_Free(name_copy); PORT_Free(value_copy); } return SECFailure; } static void pk11uri_InitAttributeList(PK11URIAttributeList *attrs, PLArenaPool *arena) { memset(attrs, 0, sizeof(PK11URIAttributeList)); attrs->arena = arena; } static void pk11uri_DestroyAttributeList(PK11URIAttributeList *attrs) { if (attrs->arena == NULL) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < attrs->num_attrs; i++) { PORT_Free(attrs->attrs[i].name); PORT_Free(attrs->attrs[i].value); } PORT_Free(attrs->attrs); } } static SECStatus pk11uri_AppendAttributeListToBuffer(PK11URIBuffer *buffer, PK11URIAttributeList *attrs, int separator, const char *unescaped) { size_t i; SECStatus ret; for (i = 0; i < attrs->num_attrs; i++) { unsigned char sep[1]; char *escaped; PK11URIAttributeListEntry *attr = &attrs->attrs[i]; if (i > 0) { sep[0] = separator; ret = pk11uri_AppendBuffer(buffer, sep, 1); if (ret != SECSuccess) { return ret; } } ret = pk11uri_AppendBuffer(buffer, (unsigned char *)attr->name, strlen(attr->name)); if (ret != SECSuccess) { return ret; } sep[0] = '='; ret = pk11uri_AppendBuffer(buffer, sep, 1); if (ret != SECSuccess) { return ret; } escaped = pk11uri_Escape(buffer->arena, attr->value, strlen(attr->value), unescaped); if (escaped == NULL) { return ret; } ret = pk11uri_AppendBuffer(buffer, (unsigned char *)escaped, strlen(escaped)); if (buffer->arena == NULL) { PORT_Free(escaped); } if (ret != SECSuccess) { return ret; } } return SECSuccess; } /* Creation of PK11URI object. */ static PK11URI * pk11uri_AllocURI(void) { PLArenaPool *arena; PK11URI *result; arena = PORT_NewArena(PK11URI_ARENA_SIZE); if (arena == NULL) { return NULL; } result = PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(PK11URI)); if (result == NULL) { PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE); return NULL; } result->arena = arena; pk11uri_InitAttributeList(&result->pattrs, arena); pk11uri_InitAttributeList(&result->vpattrs, arena); pk11uri_InitAttributeList(&result->qattrs, arena); pk11uri_InitAttributeList(&result->vqattrs, arena); return result; } static SECStatus pk11uri_InsertAttributes(PK11URIAttributeList *dest_attrs, PK11URIAttributeList *dest_vattrs, const PK11URIAttribute *attrs, size_t num_attrs, const char **attr_names, size_t num_attr_names, PK11URIAttributeCompareNameFunc compare_name, PRBool allow_duplicate, PRBool vendor_allow_duplicate) { SECStatus ret; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < num_attrs; i++) { char *name, *value; const char *p; size_t j; p = attrs[i].name; /* The attribute must not be empty. */ if (*p == '\0') { return SECFailure; } /* Check that the name doesn't contain invalid character. */ for (; *p != '\0'; p++) { if (strchr(PK11URI_ATTR_NM_CHAR, *p) == NULL) { return SECFailure; } } name = PORT_ArenaStrdup(dest_attrs->arena, attrs[i].name); if (name == NULL) { return SECFailure; } value = PORT_ArenaStrdup(dest_attrs->arena, attrs[i].value); if (value == NULL) { return SECFailure; } for (j = 0; j < num_attr_names; j++) { if (strcmp(name, attr_names[j]) == 0) { break; } } if (j < num_attr_names) { /* Named attribute. */ ret = pk11uri_InsertToAttributeList(dest_attrs, name, value, compare_name, allow_duplicate); if (ret != SECSuccess) { return ret; } } else { /* Vendor attribute. */ ret = pk11uri_InsertToAttributeList(dest_vattrs, name, value, strcmp, vendor_allow_duplicate); if (ret != SECSuccess) { return ret; } } } return SECSuccess; } PK11URI * PK11URI_CreateURI(const PK11URIAttribute *pattrs, size_t num_pattrs, const PK11URIAttribute *qattrs, size_t num_qattrs) { PK11URI *result; SECStatus ret; result = pk11uri_AllocURI(); ret = pk11uri_InsertAttributes(&result->pattrs, &result->vpattrs, pattrs, num_pattrs, pattr_names, PR_ARRAY_SIZE(pattr_names), pk11uri_ComparePathAttributeName, PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE); if (ret != SECSuccess) { goto fail; } ret = pk11uri_InsertAttributes(&result->qattrs, &result->vqattrs, qattrs, num_qattrs, qattr_names, PR_ARRAY_SIZE(qattr_names), pk11uri_CompareQueryAttributeName, PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE); if (ret != SECSuccess) { goto fail; } return result; fail: PK11URI_DestroyURI(result); return NULL; } /* Parsing. */ static SECStatus pk11uri_ParseAttributes(const char **string, const char *stop_chars, int separator, const char *accept_chars, const char **attr_names, size_t num_attr_names, PK11URIAttributeList *attrs, PK11URIAttributeList *vattrs, PK11URIAttributeCompareNameFunc compare_name, PRBool allow_duplicate, PRBool vendor_allow_duplicate) { const char *p = *string; for (; *p != '\0'; p++) { const char *name_start, *name_end, *value_start, *value_end; size_t name_length, value_length, i; SECStatus ret; if (strchr(stop_chars, *p) != NULL) { break; } for (name_start = p; *p != '=' && *p != '\0'; p++) { if (strchr(PK11URI_ATTR_NM_CHAR, *p) != NULL) continue; return SECFailure; } if (*p == '\0') { return SECFailure; } name_end = p++; /* The attribute name must not be empty. */ if (name_end == name_start) { return SECFailure; } for (value_start = p; *p != separator && *p != '\0'; p++) { if (strchr(stop_chars, *p) != NULL) { break; } if (strchr(accept_chars, *p) != NULL) { continue; } if (*p == '%') { const char ch2 = *++p; if (strchr(PK11URI_HEXDIG, ch2) != NULL) { const char ch3 = *++p; if (strchr(PK11URI_HEXDIG, ch3) != NULL) continue; } } return SECFailure; } value_end = p; name_length = name_end - name_start; value_length = value_end - value_start; for (i = 0; i < num_attr_names; i++) { if (name_length == strlen(attr_names[i]) && memcmp(name_start, attr_names[i], name_length) == 0) { break; } } if (i < num_attr_names) { /* Named attribute. */ ret = pk11uri_InsertToAttributeListEscaped(attrs, name_start, name_length, value_start, value_length, compare_name, allow_duplicate); if (ret != SECSuccess) { return ret; } } else { /* Vendor attribute. */ ret = pk11uri_InsertToAttributeListEscaped(vattrs, name_start, name_length, value_start, value_length, strcmp, vendor_allow_duplicate); if (ret != SECSuccess) { return ret; } } if (*p == '?' || *p == '\0') { break; } } *string = p; return SECSuccess; } PK11URI * PK11URI_ParseURI(const char *string) { PK11URI *result; const char *p = string; SECStatus ret; if (strncmp("pkcs11:", p, 7) != 0) { return NULL; } p += 7; result = pk11uri_AllocURI(); if (result == NULL) { return NULL; } /* Parse the path component and its attributes. */ ret = pk11uri_ParseAttributes(&p, "?", ';', PK11URI_PCHAR, pattr_names, PR_ARRAY_SIZE(pattr_names), &result->pattrs, &result->vpattrs, pk11uri_ComparePathAttributeName, PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE); if (ret != SECSuccess) { goto fail; } /* Parse the query component and its attributes. */ if (*p == '?') { p++; ret = pk11uri_ParseAttributes(&p, "", '&', PK11URI_QCHAR, qattr_names, PR_ARRAY_SIZE(qattr_names), &result->qattrs, &result->vqattrs, pk11uri_CompareQueryAttributeName, PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE); if (ret != SECSuccess) { goto fail; } } return result; fail: PK11URI_DestroyURI(result); return NULL; } /* Formatting. */ char * PK11URI_FormatURI(PLArenaPool *arena, PK11URI *uri) { PK11URIBuffer buffer; SECStatus ret; char *result = NULL; pk11uri_InitBuffer(&buffer, arena); ret = pk11uri_AppendBuffer(&buffer, (unsigned char *)"pkcs11:", 7); if (ret != SECSuccess) goto fail; ret = pk11uri_AppendAttributeListToBuffer(&buffer, &uri->pattrs, ';', PK11URI_PCHAR); if (ret != SECSuccess) { goto fail; } if (uri->pattrs.num_attrs > 0 && uri->vpattrs.num_attrs > 0) { ret = pk11uri_AppendBuffer(&buffer, (unsigned char *)";", 1); if (ret != SECSuccess) { goto fail; } } ret = pk11uri_AppendAttributeListToBuffer(&buffer, &uri->vpattrs, ';', PK11URI_PCHAR); if (ret != SECSuccess) { goto fail; } if (uri->qattrs.num_attrs > 0 || uri->vqattrs.num_attrs > 0) { ret = pk11uri_AppendBuffer(&buffer, (unsigned char *)"?", 1); if (ret != SECSuccess) { goto fail; } } ret = pk11uri_AppendAttributeListToBuffer(&buffer, &uri->qattrs, '&', PK11URI_QCHAR); if (ret != SECSuccess) { goto fail; } if (uri->qattrs.num_attrs > 0 && uri->vqattrs.num_attrs > 0) { ret = pk11uri_AppendBuffer(&buffer, (unsigned char *)"&", 1); if (ret != SECSuccess) { goto fail; } } ret = pk11uri_AppendAttributeListToBuffer(&buffer, &uri->vqattrs, '&', PK11URI_QCHAR); if (ret != SECSuccess) { goto fail; } ret = pk11uri_AppendBuffer(&buffer, (unsigned char *)"\0", 1); if (ret != SECSuccess) { goto fail; } result = buffer.data; buffer.data = NULL; fail: pk11uri_DestroyBuffer(&buffer); return result; } /* Deallocating. */ void PK11URI_DestroyURI(PK11URI *uri) { pk11uri_DestroyAttributeList(&uri->pattrs); pk11uri_DestroyAttributeList(&uri->vpattrs); pk11uri_DestroyAttributeList(&uri->qattrs); pk11uri_DestroyAttributeList(&uri->vqattrs); PORT_FreeArena(uri->arena, PR_FALSE); } /* Accessors. */ static const char * pk11uri_GetAttribute(PK11URIAttributeList *attrs, PK11URIAttributeList *vattrs, const char *name) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < attrs->num_attrs; i++) { if (strcmp(name, attrs->attrs[i].name) == 0) { return attrs->attrs[i].value; } } for (i = 0; i < vattrs->num_attrs; i++) { if (strcmp(name, vattrs->attrs[i].name) == 0) { return vattrs->attrs[i].value; } } return NULL; } const char * PK11URI_GetPathAttribute(PK11URI *uri, const char *name) { return pk11uri_GetAttribute(&uri->pattrs, &uri->vpattrs, name); } const char * PK11URI_GetQueryAttribute(PK11URI *uri, const char *name) { return pk11uri_GetAttribute(&uri->qattrs, &uri->vqattrs, name); }