/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * PKCS7 creation. */ #include "p7local.h" #include "cert.h" #include "secasn1.h" #include "secitem.h" #include "secoid.h" #include "pk11func.h" #include "prtime.h" #include "secerr.h" #include "secder.h" #include "secpkcs5.h" const int NSS_PBE_DEFAULT_ITERATION_COUNT = 2000; /* used in p12e.c too */ static SECStatus sec_pkcs7_init_content_info(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo, PLArenaPool *poolp, SECOidTag kind, PRBool detached) { void *thing; int version; SECItem *versionp; SECStatus rv; PORT_Assert(cinfo != NULL && poolp != NULL); if (cinfo == NULL || poolp == NULL) return SECFailure; cinfo->contentTypeTag = SECOID_FindOIDByTag(kind); PORT_Assert(cinfo->contentTypeTag && cinfo->contentTypeTag->offset == kind); rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(poolp, &(cinfo->contentType), &(cinfo->contentTypeTag->oid)); if (rv != SECSuccess) return rv; if (detached) return SECSuccess; switch (kind) { default: case SEC_OID_PKCS7_DATA: thing = PORT_ArenaZAlloc(poolp, sizeof(SECItem)); cinfo->content.data = (SECItem *)thing; versionp = NULL; version = -1; break; case SEC_OID_PKCS7_DIGESTED_DATA: thing = PORT_ArenaZAlloc(poolp, sizeof(SEC_PKCS7DigestedData)); cinfo->content.digestedData = (SEC_PKCS7DigestedData *)thing; versionp = &(cinfo->content.digestedData->version); version = SEC_PKCS7_DIGESTED_DATA_VERSION; break; case SEC_OID_PKCS7_ENCRYPTED_DATA: thing = PORT_ArenaZAlloc(poolp, sizeof(SEC_PKCS7EncryptedData)); cinfo->content.encryptedData = (SEC_PKCS7EncryptedData *)thing; versionp = &(cinfo->content.encryptedData->version); version = SEC_PKCS7_ENCRYPTED_DATA_VERSION; break; case SEC_OID_PKCS7_ENVELOPED_DATA: thing = PORT_ArenaZAlloc(poolp, sizeof(SEC_PKCS7EnvelopedData)); cinfo->content.envelopedData = (SEC_PKCS7EnvelopedData *)thing; versionp = &(cinfo->content.envelopedData->version); version = SEC_PKCS7_ENVELOPED_DATA_VERSION; break; case SEC_OID_PKCS7_SIGNED_DATA: thing = PORT_ArenaZAlloc(poolp, sizeof(SEC_PKCS7SignedData)); cinfo->content.signedData = (SEC_PKCS7SignedData *)thing; versionp = &(cinfo->content.signedData->version); version = SEC_PKCS7_SIGNED_DATA_VERSION; break; case SEC_OID_PKCS7_SIGNED_ENVELOPED_DATA: thing = PORT_ArenaZAlloc(poolp, sizeof(SEC_PKCS7SignedAndEnvelopedData)); cinfo->content.signedAndEnvelopedData = (SEC_PKCS7SignedAndEnvelopedData *)thing; versionp = &(cinfo->content.signedAndEnvelopedData->version); version = SEC_PKCS7_SIGNED_AND_ENVELOPED_DATA_VERSION; break; } if (thing == NULL) return SECFailure; if (versionp != NULL) { SECItem *dummy; PORT_Assert(version >= 0); dummy = SEC_ASN1EncodeInteger(poolp, versionp, version); if (dummy == NULL) return SECFailure; PORT_Assert(dummy == versionp); } return SECSuccess; } static SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo * sec_pkcs7_create_content_info(SECOidTag kind, PRBool detached, SECKEYGetPasswordKey pwfn, void *pwfn_arg) { SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo; PLArenaPool *poolp; SECStatus rv; poolp = PORT_NewArena(1024); /* XXX what is right value? */ if (poolp == NULL) return NULL; cinfo = (SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(poolp, sizeof(*cinfo)); if (cinfo == NULL) { PORT_FreeArena(poolp, PR_FALSE); return NULL; } cinfo->poolp = poolp; cinfo->pwfn = pwfn; cinfo->pwfn_arg = pwfn_arg; cinfo->created = PR_TRUE; cinfo->refCount = 1; rv = sec_pkcs7_init_content_info(cinfo, poolp, kind, detached); if (rv != SECSuccess) { PORT_FreeArena(poolp, PR_FALSE); return NULL; } return cinfo; } /* * Add a signer to a PKCS7 thing, verifying the signature cert first. * Any error returns SECFailure. * * XXX Right now this only adds the *first* signer. It fails if you try * to add a second one -- this needs to be fixed. */ static SECStatus sec_pkcs7_add_signer(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo, CERTCertificate *cert, SECCertUsage certusage, CERTCertDBHandle *certdb, SECOidTag digestalgtag, SECItem *digestdata) { SEC_PKCS7SignerInfo *signerinfo, **signerinfos, ***signerinfosp; SECAlgorithmID *digestalg, **digestalgs, ***digestalgsp; SECItem *digest, **digests, ***digestsp; SECItem *dummy; void *mark; SECStatus rv; SECOidTag kind; kind = SEC_PKCS7ContentType(cinfo); switch (kind) { case SEC_OID_PKCS7_SIGNED_DATA: { SEC_PKCS7SignedData *sdp; sdp = cinfo->content.signedData; digestalgsp = &(sdp->digestAlgorithms); digestsp = &(sdp->digests); signerinfosp = &(sdp->signerInfos); } break; case SEC_OID_PKCS7_SIGNED_ENVELOPED_DATA: { SEC_PKCS7SignedAndEnvelopedData *saedp; saedp = cinfo->content.signedAndEnvelopedData; digestalgsp = &(saedp->digestAlgorithms); digestsp = &(saedp->digests); signerinfosp = &(saedp->signerInfos); } break; default: return SECFailure; /* XXX set an error? */ } /* * XXX I think that CERT_VerifyCert should do this if *it* is passed * a NULL database. */ if (certdb == NULL) { certdb = CERT_GetDefaultCertDB(); if (certdb == NULL) return SECFailure; /* XXX set an error? */ } if (CERT_VerifyCert(certdb, cert, PR_TRUE, certusage, PR_Now(), cinfo->pwfn_arg, NULL) != SECSuccess) { /* XXX Did CERT_VerifyCert set an error? */ return SECFailure; } /* * XXX This is the check that we do not already have a signer. * This is not what we really want -- we want to allow this * and *add* the new signer. */ PORT_Assert(*signerinfosp == NULL && *digestalgsp == NULL && *digestsp == NULL); if (*signerinfosp != NULL || *digestalgsp != NULL || *digestsp != NULL) return SECFailure; mark = PORT_ArenaMark(cinfo->poolp); signerinfo = (SEC_PKCS7SignerInfo *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(cinfo->poolp, sizeof(SEC_PKCS7SignerInfo)); if (signerinfo == NULL) { PORT_ArenaRelease(cinfo->poolp, mark); return SECFailure; } dummy = SEC_ASN1EncodeInteger(cinfo->poolp, &signerinfo->version, SEC_PKCS7_SIGNER_INFO_VERSION); if (dummy == NULL) { PORT_ArenaRelease(cinfo->poolp, mark); return SECFailure; } PORT_Assert(dummy == &signerinfo->version); signerinfo->cert = CERT_DupCertificate(cert); if (signerinfo->cert == NULL) { PORT_ArenaRelease(cinfo->poolp, mark); return SECFailure; } signerinfo->issuerAndSN = CERT_GetCertIssuerAndSN(cinfo->poolp, cert); if (signerinfo->issuerAndSN == NULL) { PORT_ArenaRelease(cinfo->poolp, mark); return SECFailure; } rv = SECOID_SetAlgorithmID(cinfo->poolp, &signerinfo->digestAlg, digestalgtag, NULL); if (rv != SECSuccess) { PORT_ArenaRelease(cinfo->poolp, mark); return SECFailure; } /* * Okay, now signerinfo is all set. We just need to put it and its * companions (another copy of the digest algorithm, and the digest * itself if given) into the main structure. * * XXX If we are handling more than one signer, the following code * needs to look through the digest algorithms already specified * and see if the same one is there already. If it is, it does not * need to be added again. Also, if it is there *and* the digest * is not null, then the digest given should match the digest already * specified -- if not, that is an error. Finally, the new signerinfo * should be *added* to the set already found. */ signerinfos = (SEC_PKCS7SignerInfo **)PORT_ArenaAlloc(cinfo->poolp, 2 * sizeof(SEC_PKCS7SignerInfo *)); if (signerinfos == NULL) { PORT_ArenaRelease(cinfo->poolp, mark); return SECFailure; } signerinfos[0] = signerinfo; signerinfos[1] = NULL; digestalg = PORT_ArenaZAlloc(cinfo->poolp, sizeof(SECAlgorithmID)); digestalgs = PORT_ArenaAlloc(cinfo->poolp, 2 * sizeof(SECAlgorithmID *)); if (digestalg == NULL || digestalgs == NULL) { PORT_ArenaRelease(cinfo->poolp, mark); return SECFailure; } rv = SECOID_SetAlgorithmID(cinfo->poolp, digestalg, digestalgtag, NULL); if (rv != SECSuccess) { PORT_ArenaRelease(cinfo->poolp, mark); return SECFailure; } digestalgs[0] = digestalg; digestalgs[1] = NULL; if (digestdata != NULL) { digest = (SECItem *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(cinfo->poolp, sizeof(SECItem)); digests = (SECItem **)PORT_ArenaAlloc(cinfo->poolp, 2 * sizeof(SECItem *)); if (digest == NULL || digests == NULL) { PORT_ArenaRelease(cinfo->poolp, mark); return SECFailure; } rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(cinfo->poolp, digest, digestdata); if (rv != SECSuccess) { PORT_ArenaRelease(cinfo->poolp, mark); return SECFailure; } digests[0] = digest; digests[1] = NULL; } else { digests = NULL; } *signerinfosp = signerinfos; *digestalgsp = digestalgs; *digestsp = digests; PORT_ArenaUnmark(cinfo->poolp, mark); return SECSuccess; } /* * Helper function for creating an empty signedData. */ static SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo * sec_pkcs7_create_signed_data(SECKEYGetPasswordKey pwfn, void *pwfn_arg) { SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo; SEC_PKCS7SignedData *sigd; SECStatus rv; cinfo = sec_pkcs7_create_content_info(SEC_OID_PKCS7_SIGNED_DATA, PR_FALSE, pwfn, pwfn_arg); if (cinfo == NULL) return NULL; sigd = cinfo->content.signedData; PORT_Assert(sigd != NULL); /* * XXX Might we want to allow content types other than data? * If so, via what interface? */ rv = sec_pkcs7_init_content_info(&(sigd->contentInfo), cinfo->poolp, SEC_OID_PKCS7_DATA, PR_TRUE); if (rv != SECSuccess) { SEC_PKCS7DestroyContentInfo(cinfo); return NULL; } return cinfo; } /* * Start a PKCS7 signing context. * * "cert" is the cert that will be used to sign the data. It will be * checked for validity. * * "certusage" describes the signing usage (e.g. certUsageEmailSigner) * XXX Maybe SECCertUsage should be split so that our caller just says * "email" and *we* add the "signing" part -- otherwise our caller * could be lying about the usage; we do not want to allow encryption * certs for signing or vice versa. * * "certdb" is the cert database to use for verifying the cert. * It can be NULL if a default database is available (like in the client). * * "digestalg" names the digest algorithm (e.g. SEC_OID_SHA1). * * "digest" is the actual digest of the data. It must be provided in * the case of detached data or NULL if the content will be included. * * The return value can be passed to functions which add things to * it like attributes, then eventually to SEC_PKCS7Encode() or to * SEC_PKCS7EncoderStart() to create the encoded data, and finally to * SEC_PKCS7DestroyContentInfo(). * * An error results in a return value of NULL and an error set. * (Retrieve specific errors via PORT_GetError()/XP_GetError().) */ SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo * SEC_PKCS7CreateSignedData(CERTCertificate *cert, SECCertUsage certusage, CERTCertDBHandle *certdb, SECOidTag digestalg, SECItem *digest, SECKEYGetPasswordKey pwfn, void *pwfn_arg) { SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo; SECStatus rv; cinfo = sec_pkcs7_create_signed_data(pwfn, pwfn_arg); if (cinfo == NULL) return NULL; rv = sec_pkcs7_add_signer(cinfo, cert, certusage, certdb, digestalg, digest); if (rv != SECSuccess) { SEC_PKCS7DestroyContentInfo(cinfo); return NULL; } return cinfo; } static SEC_PKCS7Attribute * sec_pkcs7_create_attribute(PLArenaPool *poolp, SECOidTag oidtag, SECItem *value, PRBool encoded) { SEC_PKCS7Attribute *attr; SECItem **values; void *mark; PORT_Assert(poolp != NULL); mark = PORT_ArenaMark(poolp); attr = (SEC_PKCS7Attribute *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(poolp, sizeof(SEC_PKCS7Attribute)); if (attr == NULL) goto loser; attr->typeTag = SECOID_FindOIDByTag(oidtag); if (attr->typeTag == NULL) goto loser; if (SECITEM_CopyItem(poolp, &(attr->type), &(attr->typeTag->oid)) != SECSuccess) goto loser; values = (SECItem **)PORT_ArenaAlloc(poolp, 2 * sizeof(SECItem *)); if (values == NULL) goto loser; if (value != NULL) { SECItem *copy; copy = (SECItem *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(poolp, sizeof(SECItem)); if (copy == NULL) goto loser; if (SECITEM_CopyItem(poolp, copy, value) != SECSuccess) goto loser; value = copy; } values[0] = value; values[1] = NULL; attr->values = values; attr->encoded = encoded; PORT_ArenaUnmark(poolp, mark); return attr; loser: PORT_Assert(mark != NULL); PORT_ArenaRelease(poolp, mark); return NULL; } static SECStatus sec_pkcs7_add_attribute(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo, SEC_PKCS7Attribute ***attrsp, SEC_PKCS7Attribute *attr) { SEC_PKCS7Attribute **attrs; SECItem *ct_value; void *mark; PORT_Assert(SEC_PKCS7ContentType(cinfo) == SEC_OID_PKCS7_SIGNED_DATA); if (SEC_PKCS7ContentType(cinfo) != SEC_OID_PKCS7_SIGNED_DATA) return SECFailure; attrs = *attrsp; if (attrs != NULL) { int count; /* * We already have some attributes, and just need to add this * new one. */ /* * We should already have the *required* attributes, which were * created/added at the same time the first attribute was added. */ PORT_Assert(sec_PKCS7FindAttribute(attrs, SEC_OID_PKCS9_CONTENT_TYPE, PR_FALSE) != NULL); PORT_Assert(sec_PKCS7FindAttribute(attrs, SEC_OID_PKCS9_MESSAGE_DIGEST, PR_FALSE) != NULL); for (count = 0; attrs[count] != NULL; count++) ; attrs = (SEC_PKCS7Attribute **)PORT_ArenaGrow(cinfo->poolp, attrs, (count + 1) * sizeof(SEC_PKCS7Attribute *), (count + 2) * sizeof(SEC_PKCS7Attribute *)); if (attrs == NULL) return SECFailure; attrs[count] = attr; attrs[count + 1] = NULL; *attrsp = attrs; return SECSuccess; } /* * This is the first time an attribute is going in. * We need to create and add the required attributes, and then * we will also add in the one our caller gave us. */ /* * There are 2 required attributes, plus the one our caller wants * to add, plus we always end with a NULL one. Thus, four slots. */ attrs = (SEC_PKCS7Attribute **)PORT_ArenaAlloc(cinfo->poolp, 4 * sizeof(SEC_PKCS7Attribute *)); if (attrs == NULL) return SECFailure; mark = PORT_ArenaMark(cinfo->poolp); /* * First required attribute is the content type of the data * being signed. */ ct_value = &(cinfo->content.signedData->contentInfo.contentType); attrs[0] = sec_pkcs7_create_attribute(cinfo->poolp, SEC_OID_PKCS9_CONTENT_TYPE, ct_value, PR_FALSE); /* * Second required attribute is the message digest of the data * being signed; we leave the value NULL for now (just create * the place for it to go), and the encoder will fill it in later. */ attrs[1] = sec_pkcs7_create_attribute(cinfo->poolp, SEC_OID_PKCS9_MESSAGE_DIGEST, NULL, PR_FALSE); if (attrs[0] == NULL || attrs[1] == NULL) { PORT_ArenaRelease(cinfo->poolp, mark); return SECFailure; } attrs[2] = attr; attrs[3] = NULL; *attrsp = attrs; PORT_ArenaUnmark(cinfo->poolp, mark); return SECSuccess; } /* * Add the signing time to the authenticated (i.e. signed) attributes * of "cinfo". This is expected to be included in outgoing signed * messages for email (S/MIME) but is likely useful in other situations. * * This should only be added once; a second call will either do * nothing or replace an old signing time with a newer one. * * XXX This will probably just shove the current time into "cinfo" * but it will not actually get signed until the entire item is * processed for encoding. Is this (expected to be small) delay okay? * * "cinfo" should be of type signedData (the only kind of pkcs7 data * that is allowed authenticated attributes); SECFailure will be returned * if it is not. */ SECStatus SEC_PKCS7AddSigningTime(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo) { SEC_PKCS7SignerInfo **signerinfos; SEC_PKCS7Attribute *attr; SECItem stime; SECStatus rv; int si; PORT_Assert(SEC_PKCS7ContentType(cinfo) == SEC_OID_PKCS7_SIGNED_DATA); if (SEC_PKCS7ContentType(cinfo) != SEC_OID_PKCS7_SIGNED_DATA) return SECFailure; signerinfos = cinfo->content.signedData->signerInfos; /* There has to be a signer, or it makes no sense. */ if (signerinfos == NULL || signerinfos[0] == NULL) return SECFailure; rv = DER_EncodeTimeChoice(NULL, &stime, PR_Now()); if (rv != SECSuccess) return rv; attr = sec_pkcs7_create_attribute(cinfo->poolp, SEC_OID_PKCS9_SIGNING_TIME, &stime, PR_FALSE); SECITEM_FreeItem(&stime, PR_FALSE); if (attr == NULL) return SECFailure; rv = SECSuccess; for (si = 0; signerinfos[si] != NULL; si++) { SEC_PKCS7Attribute *oattr; oattr = sec_PKCS7FindAttribute(signerinfos[si]->authAttr, SEC_OID_PKCS9_SIGNING_TIME, PR_FALSE); PORT_Assert(oattr == NULL); if (oattr != NULL) continue; /* XXX or would it be better to replace it? */ rv = sec_pkcs7_add_attribute(cinfo, &(signerinfos[si]->authAttr), attr); if (rv != SECSuccess) break; /* could try to continue, but may as well give up now */ } return rv; } /* * Add the specified attribute to the authenticated (i.e. signed) attributes * of "cinfo" -- "oidtag" describes the attribute and "value" is the * value to be associated with it. NOTE! "value" must already be encoded; * no interpretation of "oidtag" is done. Also, it is assumed that this * signedData has only one signer -- if we ever need to add attributes * when there is more than one signature, we need a way to specify *which* * signature should get the attribute. * * XXX Technically, a signed attribute can have multiple values; if/when * we ever need to support an attribute which takes multiple values, we * either need to change this interface or create an AddSignedAttributeValue * which can be called subsequently, and would then append a value. * * "cinfo" should be of type signedData (the only kind of pkcs7 data * that is allowed authenticated attributes); SECFailure will be returned * if it is not. */ SECStatus SEC_PKCS7AddSignedAttribute(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo, SECOidTag oidtag, SECItem *value) { SEC_PKCS7SignerInfo **signerinfos; SEC_PKCS7Attribute *attr; PORT_Assert(SEC_PKCS7ContentType(cinfo) == SEC_OID_PKCS7_SIGNED_DATA); if (SEC_PKCS7ContentType(cinfo) != SEC_OID_PKCS7_SIGNED_DATA) return SECFailure; signerinfos = cinfo->content.signedData->signerInfos; /* * No signature or more than one means no deal. */ if (signerinfos == NULL || signerinfos[0] == NULL || signerinfos[1] != NULL) return SECFailure; attr = sec_pkcs7_create_attribute(cinfo->poolp, oidtag, value, PR_TRUE); if (attr == NULL) return SECFailure; return sec_pkcs7_add_attribute(cinfo, &(signerinfos[0]->authAttr), attr); } /* * Mark that the signer certificates and their issuing chain should * be included in the encoded data. This is expected to be used * in outgoing signed messages for email (S/MIME). * * "certdb" is the cert database to use for finding the chain. * It can be NULL, meaning use the default database. * * "cinfo" should be of type signedData or signedAndEnvelopedData; * SECFailure will be returned if it is not. */ SECStatus SEC_PKCS7IncludeCertChain(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo, CERTCertDBHandle *certdb) { SECOidTag kind; SEC_PKCS7SignerInfo *signerinfo, **signerinfos; kind = SEC_PKCS7ContentType(cinfo); switch (kind) { case SEC_OID_PKCS7_SIGNED_DATA: signerinfos = cinfo->content.signedData->signerInfos; break; case SEC_OID_PKCS7_SIGNED_ENVELOPED_DATA: signerinfos = cinfo->content.signedAndEnvelopedData->signerInfos; break; default: return SECFailure; /* XXX set an error? */ } if (signerinfos == NULL) /* no signer, no certs? */ return SECFailure; /* XXX set an error? */ if (certdb == NULL) { certdb = CERT_GetDefaultCertDB(); if (certdb == NULL) { PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_DATABASE); return SECFailure; } } /* XXX Should it be an error if we find no signerinfo or no certs? */ while ((signerinfo = *signerinfos++) != NULL) { if (signerinfo->cert != NULL) /* get the cert chain. don't send the root to avoid contamination * of old clients with a new root that they don't trust */ signerinfo->certList = CERT_CertChainFromCert(signerinfo->cert, certUsageEmailSigner, PR_FALSE); } return SECSuccess; } /* * Helper function to add a certificate chain for inclusion in the * bag of certificates in a signedData. */ static SECStatus sec_pkcs7_add_cert_chain(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo, CERTCertificate *cert, CERTCertDBHandle *certdb) { SECOidTag kind; CERTCertificateList *certlist, **certlists, ***certlistsp; int count; kind = SEC_PKCS7ContentType(cinfo); switch (kind) { case SEC_OID_PKCS7_SIGNED_DATA: { SEC_PKCS7SignedData *sdp; sdp = cinfo->content.signedData; certlistsp = &(sdp->certLists); } break; case SEC_OID_PKCS7_SIGNED_ENVELOPED_DATA: { SEC_PKCS7SignedAndEnvelopedData *saedp; saedp = cinfo->content.signedAndEnvelopedData; certlistsp = &(saedp->certLists); } break; default: return SECFailure; /* XXX set an error? */ } if (certdb == NULL) { certdb = CERT_GetDefaultCertDB(); if (certdb == NULL) { PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_DATABASE); return SECFailure; } } certlist = CERT_CertChainFromCert(cert, certUsageEmailSigner, PR_FALSE); if (certlist == NULL) return SECFailure; certlists = *certlistsp; if (certlists == NULL) { count = 0; certlists = (CERTCertificateList **)PORT_ArenaAlloc(cinfo->poolp, 2 * sizeof(CERTCertificateList *)); } else { for (count = 0; certlists[count] != NULL; count++) ; PORT_Assert(count); /* should be at least one already */ certlists = (CERTCertificateList **)PORT_ArenaGrow(cinfo->poolp, certlists, (count + 1) * sizeof(CERTCertificateList *), (count + 2) * sizeof(CERTCertificateList *)); } if (certlists == NULL) { CERT_DestroyCertificateList(certlist); return SECFailure; } certlists[count] = certlist; certlists[count + 1] = NULL; *certlistsp = certlists; return SECSuccess; } /* * Helper function to add a certificate for inclusion in the bag of * certificates in a signedData. */ static SECStatus sec_pkcs7_add_certificate(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo, CERTCertificate *cert) { SECOidTag kind; CERTCertificate **certs, ***certsp; int count; kind = SEC_PKCS7ContentType(cinfo); switch (kind) { case SEC_OID_PKCS7_SIGNED_DATA: { SEC_PKCS7SignedData *sdp; sdp = cinfo->content.signedData; certsp = &(sdp->certs); } break; case SEC_OID_PKCS7_SIGNED_ENVELOPED_DATA: { SEC_PKCS7SignedAndEnvelopedData *saedp; saedp = cinfo->content.signedAndEnvelopedData; certsp = &(saedp->certs); } break; default: return SECFailure; /* XXX set an error? */ } cert = CERT_DupCertificate(cert); if (cert == NULL) return SECFailure; certs = *certsp; if (certs == NULL) { count = 0; certs = (CERTCertificate **)PORT_ArenaAlloc(cinfo->poolp, 2 * sizeof(CERTCertificate *)); } else { for (count = 0; certs[count] != NULL; count++) ; PORT_Assert(count); /* should be at least one already */ certs = (CERTCertificate **)PORT_ArenaGrow(cinfo->poolp, certs, (count + 1) * sizeof(CERTCertificate *), (count + 2) * sizeof(CERTCertificate *)); } if (certs == NULL) { CERT_DestroyCertificate(cert); return SECFailure; } certs[count] = cert; certs[count + 1] = NULL; *certsp = certs; return SECSuccess; } /* * Create a PKCS7 certs-only container. * * "cert" is the (first) cert that will be included. * * "include_chain" specifies whether the entire chain for "cert" should * be included. * * "certdb" is the cert database to use for finding the chain. * It can be NULL in when "include_chain" is false, or when meaning * use the default database. * * More certs and chains can be added via AddCertificate and AddCertChain. * * An error results in a return value of NULL and an error set. * (Retrieve specific errors via PORT_GetError()/XP_GetError().) */ SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo * SEC_PKCS7CreateCertsOnly(CERTCertificate *cert, PRBool include_chain, CERTCertDBHandle *certdb) { SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo; SECStatus rv; cinfo = sec_pkcs7_create_signed_data(NULL, NULL); if (cinfo == NULL) return NULL; if (include_chain) rv = sec_pkcs7_add_cert_chain(cinfo, cert, certdb); else rv = sec_pkcs7_add_certificate(cinfo, cert); if (rv != SECSuccess) { SEC_PKCS7DestroyContentInfo(cinfo); return NULL; } return cinfo; } /* * Add "cert" and its entire chain to the set of certs included in "cinfo". * * "certdb" is the cert database to use for finding the chain. * It can be NULL, meaning use the default database. * * "cinfo" should be of type signedData or signedAndEnvelopedData; * SECFailure will be returned if it is not. */ SECStatus SEC_PKCS7AddCertChain(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo, CERTCertificate *cert, CERTCertDBHandle *certdb) { SECOidTag kind; kind = SEC_PKCS7ContentType(cinfo); if (kind != SEC_OID_PKCS7_SIGNED_DATA && kind != SEC_OID_PKCS7_SIGNED_ENVELOPED_DATA) return SECFailure; /* XXX set an error? */ return sec_pkcs7_add_cert_chain(cinfo, cert, certdb); } /* * Add "cert" to the set of certs included in "cinfo". * * "cinfo" should be of type signedData or signedAndEnvelopedData; * SECFailure will be returned if it is not. */ SECStatus SEC_PKCS7AddCertificate(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo, CERTCertificate *cert) { SECOidTag kind; kind = SEC_PKCS7ContentType(cinfo); if (kind != SEC_OID_PKCS7_SIGNED_DATA && kind != SEC_OID_PKCS7_SIGNED_ENVELOPED_DATA) return SECFailure; /* XXX set an error? */ return sec_pkcs7_add_certificate(cinfo, cert); } static SECStatus sec_pkcs7_init_encrypted_content_info(SEC_PKCS7EncryptedContentInfo *enccinfo, PLArenaPool *poolp, SECOidTag kind, PRBool detached, SECOidTag encalg, int keysize) { SECStatus rv; PORT_Assert(enccinfo != NULL && poolp != NULL); if (enccinfo == NULL || poolp == NULL) return SECFailure; /* * XXX Some day we may want to allow for other kinds. That needs * more work and modifications to the creation interface, etc. * For now, allow but notice callers who pass in other kinds. * They are responsible for creating the inner type and encoding, * if it is other than DATA. */ PORT_Assert(kind == SEC_OID_PKCS7_DATA); enccinfo->contentTypeTag = SECOID_FindOIDByTag(kind); PORT_Assert(enccinfo->contentTypeTag && enccinfo->contentTypeTag->offset == kind); rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(poolp, &(enccinfo->contentType), &(enccinfo->contentTypeTag->oid)); if (rv != SECSuccess) return rv; /* Save keysize and algorithm for later. */ enccinfo->keysize = keysize; enccinfo->encalg = encalg; return SECSuccess; } /* * Add a recipient to a PKCS7 thing, verifying their cert first. * Any error returns SECFailure. */ static SECStatus sec_pkcs7_add_recipient(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo, CERTCertificate *cert, SECCertUsage certusage, CERTCertDBHandle *certdb) { SECOidTag kind; SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfo *recipientinfo, **recipientinfos, ***recipientinfosp; SECItem *dummy; void *mark; int count; kind = SEC_PKCS7ContentType(cinfo); switch (kind) { case SEC_OID_PKCS7_ENVELOPED_DATA: { SEC_PKCS7EnvelopedData *edp; edp = cinfo->content.envelopedData; recipientinfosp = &(edp->recipientInfos); } break; case SEC_OID_PKCS7_SIGNED_ENVELOPED_DATA: { SEC_PKCS7SignedAndEnvelopedData *saedp; saedp = cinfo->content.signedAndEnvelopedData; recipientinfosp = &(saedp->recipientInfos); } break; default: return SECFailure; /* XXX set an error? */ } /* * XXX I think that CERT_VerifyCert should do this if *it* is passed * a NULL database. */ if (certdb == NULL) { certdb = CERT_GetDefaultCertDB(); if (certdb == NULL) return SECFailure; /* XXX set an error? */ } if (CERT_VerifyCert(certdb, cert, PR_TRUE, certusage, PR_Now(), cinfo->pwfn_arg, NULL) != SECSuccess) { /* XXX Did CERT_VerifyCert set an error? */ return SECFailure; } mark = PORT_ArenaMark(cinfo->poolp); recipientinfo = (SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfo *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(cinfo->poolp, sizeof(SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfo)); if (recipientinfo == NULL) { PORT_ArenaRelease(cinfo->poolp, mark); return SECFailure; } dummy = SEC_ASN1EncodeInteger(cinfo->poolp, &recipientinfo->version, SEC_PKCS7_RECIPIENT_INFO_VERSION); if (dummy == NULL) { PORT_ArenaRelease(cinfo->poolp, mark); return SECFailure; } PORT_Assert(dummy == &recipientinfo->version); recipientinfo->cert = CERT_DupCertificate(cert); if (recipientinfo->cert == NULL) { PORT_ArenaRelease(cinfo->poolp, mark); return SECFailure; } recipientinfo->issuerAndSN = CERT_GetCertIssuerAndSN(cinfo->poolp, cert); if (recipientinfo->issuerAndSN == NULL) { PORT_ArenaRelease(cinfo->poolp, mark); return SECFailure; } /* * Okay, now recipientinfo is all set. We just need to put it into * the main structure. * * If this is the first recipient, allocate a new recipientinfos array; * otherwise, reallocate the array, making room for the new entry. */ recipientinfos = *recipientinfosp; if (recipientinfos == NULL) { count = 0; recipientinfos = (SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfo **)PORT_ArenaAlloc( cinfo->poolp, 2 * sizeof(SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfo *)); } else { for (count = 0; recipientinfos[count] != NULL; count++) ; PORT_Assert(count); /* should be at least one already */ recipientinfos = (SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfo **)PORT_ArenaGrow( cinfo->poolp, recipientinfos, (count + 1) * sizeof(SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfo *), (count + 2) * sizeof(SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfo *)); } if (recipientinfos == NULL) { PORT_ArenaRelease(cinfo->poolp, mark); return SECFailure; } recipientinfos[count] = recipientinfo; recipientinfos[count + 1] = NULL; *recipientinfosp = recipientinfos; PORT_ArenaUnmark(cinfo->poolp, mark); return SECSuccess; } /* * Start a PKCS7 enveloping context. * * "cert" is the cert for the recipient. It will be checked for validity. * * "certusage" describes the encryption usage (e.g. certUsageEmailRecipient) * XXX Maybe SECCertUsage should be split so that our caller just says * "email" and *we* add the "recipient" part -- otherwise our caller * could be lying about the usage; we do not want to allow encryption * certs for signing or vice versa. * * "certdb" is the cert database to use for verifying the cert. * It can be NULL if a default database is available (like in the client). * * "encalg" specifies the bulk encryption algorithm to use (e.g. SEC_OID_RC2). * * "keysize" specifies the bulk encryption key size, in bits. * * The return value can be passed to functions which add things to * it like more recipients, then eventually to SEC_PKCS7Encode() or to * SEC_PKCS7EncoderStart() to create the encoded data, and finally to * SEC_PKCS7DestroyContentInfo(). * * An error results in a return value of NULL and an error set. * (Retrieve specific errors via PORT_GetError()/XP_GetError().) */ extern SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo * SEC_PKCS7CreateEnvelopedData(CERTCertificate *cert, SECCertUsage certusage, CERTCertDBHandle *certdb, SECOidTag encalg, int keysize, SECKEYGetPasswordKey pwfn, void *pwfn_arg) { SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo; SEC_PKCS7EnvelopedData *envd; SECStatus rv; cinfo = sec_pkcs7_create_content_info(SEC_OID_PKCS7_ENVELOPED_DATA, PR_FALSE, pwfn, pwfn_arg); if (cinfo == NULL) return NULL; rv = sec_pkcs7_add_recipient(cinfo, cert, certusage, certdb); if (rv != SECSuccess) { SEC_PKCS7DestroyContentInfo(cinfo); return NULL; } envd = cinfo->content.envelopedData; PORT_Assert(envd != NULL); /* * XXX Might we want to allow content types other than data? * If so, via what interface? */ rv = sec_pkcs7_init_encrypted_content_info(&(envd->encContentInfo), cinfo->poolp, SEC_OID_PKCS7_DATA, PR_FALSE, encalg, keysize); if (rv != SECSuccess) { SEC_PKCS7DestroyContentInfo(cinfo); return NULL; } /* XXX Anything more to do here? */ return cinfo; } /* * Add another recipient to an encrypted message. * * "cinfo" should be of type envelopedData or signedAndEnvelopedData; * SECFailure will be returned if it is not. * * "cert" is the cert for the recipient. It will be checked for validity. * * "certusage" describes the encryption usage (e.g. certUsageEmailRecipient) * XXX Maybe SECCertUsage should be split so that our caller just says * "email" and *we* add the "recipient" part -- otherwise our caller * could be lying about the usage; we do not want to allow encryption * certs for signing or vice versa. * * "certdb" is the cert database to use for verifying the cert. * It can be NULL if a default database is available (like in the client). */ SECStatus SEC_PKCS7AddRecipient(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo, CERTCertificate *cert, SECCertUsage certusage, CERTCertDBHandle *certdb) { return sec_pkcs7_add_recipient(cinfo, cert, certusage, certdb); } /* * Create an empty PKCS7 data content info. * * An error results in a return value of NULL and an error set. * (Retrieve specific errors via PORT_GetError()/XP_GetError().) */ SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo * SEC_PKCS7CreateData(void) { return sec_pkcs7_create_content_info(SEC_OID_PKCS7_DATA, PR_FALSE, NULL, NULL); } /* * Create an empty PKCS7 encrypted content info. * * "algorithm" specifies the bulk encryption algorithm to use. * * An error results in a return value of NULL and an error set. * (Retrieve specific errors via PORT_GetError()/XP_GetError().) */ SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo * SEC_PKCS7CreateEncryptedData(SECOidTag algorithm, int keysize, SECKEYGetPasswordKey pwfn, void *pwfn_arg) { SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo; SECAlgorithmID *algid; SEC_PKCS7EncryptedData *enc_data; SECStatus rv; cinfo = sec_pkcs7_create_content_info(SEC_OID_PKCS7_ENCRYPTED_DATA, PR_FALSE, pwfn, pwfn_arg); if (cinfo == NULL) return NULL; enc_data = cinfo->content.encryptedData; algid = &(enc_data->encContentInfo.contentEncAlg); if (!SEC_PKCS5IsAlgorithmPBEAlgTag(algorithm)) { rv = SECOID_SetAlgorithmID(cinfo->poolp, algid, algorithm, NULL); } else { /* Assume password-based-encryption. * Note: we can't generate pkcs5v2 from this interface. * PK11_CreateBPEAlgorithmID generates pkcs5v2 by accepting * non-PBE oids and assuming that they are pkcs5v2 oids, but * NSS_CMSEncryptedData_Create accepts non-PBE oids as regular * CMS encrypted data, so we can't tell SEC_PKCS7CreateEncryptedtedData * to create pkcs5v2 PBEs */ SECAlgorithmID *pbe_algid; pbe_algid = PK11_CreatePBEAlgorithmID(algorithm, NSS_PBE_DEFAULT_ITERATION_COUNT, NULL); if (pbe_algid == NULL) { rv = SECFailure; } else { rv = SECOID_CopyAlgorithmID(cinfo->poolp, algid, pbe_algid); SECOID_DestroyAlgorithmID(pbe_algid, PR_TRUE); } } if (rv != SECSuccess) { SEC_PKCS7DestroyContentInfo(cinfo); return NULL; } rv = sec_pkcs7_init_encrypted_content_info(&(enc_data->encContentInfo), cinfo->poolp, SEC_OID_PKCS7_DATA, PR_FALSE, algorithm, keysize); if (rv != SECSuccess) { SEC_PKCS7DestroyContentInfo(cinfo); return NULL; } return cinfo; } SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo * SEC_PKCS7CreateEncryptedDataWithPBEV2(SECOidTag pbe_algorithm, SECOidTag cipher_algorithm, SECOidTag prf_algorithm, int keysize, SECKEYGetPasswordKey pwfn, void *pwfn_arg) { SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo; SECAlgorithmID *algid; SEC_PKCS7EncryptedData *enc_data; SECStatus rv; PORT_Assert(SEC_PKCS5IsAlgorithmPBEAlgTag(pbe_algorithm)); cinfo = sec_pkcs7_create_content_info(SEC_OID_PKCS7_ENCRYPTED_DATA, PR_FALSE, pwfn, pwfn_arg); if (cinfo == NULL) return NULL; enc_data = cinfo->content.encryptedData; algid = &(enc_data->encContentInfo.contentEncAlg); SECAlgorithmID *pbe_algid; pbe_algid = PK11_CreatePBEV2AlgorithmID(pbe_algorithm, cipher_algorithm, prf_algorithm, keysize, NSS_PBE_DEFAULT_ITERATION_COUNT, NULL); if (pbe_algid == NULL) { rv = SECFailure; } else { rv = SECOID_CopyAlgorithmID(cinfo->poolp, algid, pbe_algid); SECOID_DestroyAlgorithmID(pbe_algid, PR_TRUE); } if (rv != SECSuccess) { SEC_PKCS7DestroyContentInfo(cinfo); return NULL; } rv = sec_pkcs7_init_encrypted_content_info(&(enc_data->encContentInfo), cinfo->poolp, SEC_OID_PKCS7_DATA, PR_FALSE, cipher_algorithm, keysize); if (rv != SECSuccess) { SEC_PKCS7DestroyContentInfo(cinfo); return NULL; } return cinfo; }