/* Copyright 2016-2017 INRIA and Microsoft Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ module Spec.CTR module ST = FStar.HyperStack.ST open FStar.Mul open FStar.Seq open Spec.Lib #reset-options "--initial_fuel 0 --max_fuel 0 --initial_ifuel 0 --max_ifuel 0" type block_cipher_ctx = { keylen: nat ; blocklen: (x:nat{x>0}); noncelen: nat; counterbits: nat; incr: pos} type key (c:block_cipher_ctx) = lbytes c.keylen type nonce (c:block_cipher_ctx) = lbytes c.noncelen type block (c:block_cipher_ctx) = lbytes (c.blocklen*c.incr) type counter (c:block_cipher_ctx) = UInt.uint_t c.counterbits type block_cipher (c:block_cipher_ctx) = key c -> nonce c -> counter c -> block c val xor: #len:nat -> x:lbytes len -> y:lbytes len -> Tot (lbytes len) let xor #len x y = map2 FStar.UInt8.(fun x y -> x ^^ y) x y val counter_mode_blocks: ctx: block_cipher_ctx -> bc: block_cipher ctx -> k:key ctx -> n:nonce ctx -> c:counter ctx -> plain:seq UInt8.t{c + ctx.incr * (length plain / ctx.blocklen) < pow2 ctx.counterbits /\ length plain % (ctx.blocklen * ctx.incr) = 0} -> Tot (lbytes (length plain)) (decreases (length plain)) #reset-options "--z3rlimit 200 --max_fuel 0" let rec counter_mode_blocks ctx block_enc key nonce counter plain = let len = length plain in let len' = len / (ctx.blocklen * ctx.incr) in Math.Lemmas.lemma_div_mod len (ctx.blocklen * ctx.incr) ; if len = 0 then Seq.createEmpty #UInt8.t else ( let prefix, block = split plain (len - ctx.blocklen * ctx.incr) in (* TODO: move to a single lemma for clarify *) Math.Lemmas.lemma_mod_plus (length prefix) 1 (ctx.blocklen * ctx.incr); Math.Lemmas.lemma_div_le (length prefix) len ctx.blocklen; Spec.CTR.Lemmas.lemma_div len (ctx.blocklen * ctx.incr); (* End TODO *) let cipher = counter_mode_blocks ctx block_enc key nonce counter prefix in let mask = block_enc key nonce (counter + (len / ctx.blocklen - 1) * ctx.incr) in let eb = xor block mask in cipher @| eb ) val counter_mode: ctx: block_cipher_ctx -> bc: block_cipher ctx -> k:key ctx -> n:nonce ctx -> c:counter ctx -> plain:seq UInt8.t{c + ctx.incr * (length plain / ctx.blocklen) < pow2 ctx.counterbits} -> Tot (lbytes (length plain)) (decreases (length plain)) #reset-options "--z3rlimit 200 --max_fuel 0" let counter_mode ctx block_enc key nonce counter plain = let len = length plain in let blocks_len = (ctx.incr * ctx.blocklen) * (len / (ctx.blocklen * ctx.incr)) in let part_len = len % (ctx.blocklen * ctx.incr) in (* TODO: move to a single lemma for clarify *) Math.Lemmas.lemma_div_mod len (ctx.blocklen * ctx.incr); Math.Lemmas.multiple_modulo_lemma (len / (ctx.blocklen * ctx.incr)) (ctx.blocklen * ctx.incr); Math.Lemmas.lemma_div_le (blocks_len) len ctx.blocklen; (* End TODO *) let blocks, last_block = split plain blocks_len in let cipher_blocks = counter_mode_blocks ctx block_enc key nonce counter blocks in let cipher_last_block = if part_len > 0 then (* encrypt final partial block(s) *) let mask = block_enc key nonce (counter+ctx.incr*(length plain / ctx.blocklen)) in let mask = slice mask 0 part_len in assert(length last_block = part_len); xor #part_len last_block mask else createEmpty in cipher_blocks @| cipher_last_block