/* * mptest-4b.c * * Test speed of a large modular exponentiation of a primitive element * modulo a prime. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mpi.h" #include "mpprime.h" char *g_prime = "34BD53C07350E817CCD49721020F1754527959C421C1533244769D4CF060A8B1C3DA" "25094BE723FB1E2369B55FEEBBE0FAC16425161BF82684062B5EC5D7D47D1B23C117" "0FA19745E44A55E148314E582EB813AC9EE5126295E2E380CACC2F6D206B293E5ED9" "23B54EE961A8C69CD625CE4EC38B70C649D7F014432AEF3A1C93"; char *g_gen = "5"; typedef struct { unsigned int sec; unsigned int usec; } instant_t; instant_t now(void) { struct timeval clk; instant_t res; res.sec = res.usec = 0; if (gettimeofday(&clk, NULL) != 0) return res; res.sec = clk.tv_sec; res.usec = clk.tv_usec; return res; } extern mp_err s_mp_pad(); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { instant_t start, finish; mp_int prime, gen, expt, res; unsigned int ix, diff; int num; srand(time(NULL)); if (argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s \n", argv[0]); return 1; } if ((num = atoi(argv[1])) < 0) num = -num; if (num == 0) ++num; mp_init(&prime); mp_init(&gen); mp_init(&res); mp_read_radix(&prime, g_prime, 16); mp_read_radix(&gen, g_gen, 16); mp_init_size(&expt, USED(&prime) - 1); s_mp_pad(&expt, USED(&prime) - 1); printf("Testing %d modular exponentations ... \n", num); start = now(); for (ix = 0; ix < num; ix++) { mpp_random(&expt); mp_exptmod(&gen, &expt, &prime, &res); } finish = now(); diff = (finish.sec - start.sec) * 1000000; diff += finish.usec; diff -= start.usec; printf("%d operations took %u usec (%.3f sec)\n", num, diff, (double)diff / 1000000.0); printf("That is %.3f sec per operation.\n", ((double)diff / 1000000.0) / num); mp_clear(&expt); mp_clear(&res); mp_clear(&gen); mp_clear(&prime); return 0; }