/ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
/ License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
/ file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.


 /  ebp - 36:	caller's esi
 /  ebp - 32:	caller's edi
 /  ebp - 28:	
 /  ebp - 24:	
 /  ebp - 20:	
 /  ebp - 16:	
 /  ebp - 12:	
 /  ebp - 8:	
 /  ebp - 4:	
 /  ebp + 0:	caller's ebp
 /  ebp + 4:	return address
 /  ebp + 8:	a	argument
 /  ebp + 12:	a_len	argument
 /  ebp + 16:	b	argument
 /  ebp + 20:	c	argument
 /  registers:
 / 	eax:
 /	ebx:	carry
 /	ecx:	a_len
 /	edx:
 /	esi:	a ptr
 /	edi:	c ptr
.globl	s_mpv_mul_d
.type	s_mpv_mul_d,@function
    push   %ebp
    mov    %esp,%ebp
    sub    $28,%esp
    push   %edi
    push   %esi
    push   %ebx
    movl   $0,%ebx		/ carry = 0
    mov    12(%ebp),%ecx	/ ecx = a_len
    mov    20(%ebp),%edi
    cmp    $0,%ecx
    je     L2			/ jmp if a_len == 0
    mov    8(%ebp),%esi		/ esi = a
    lodsl			/ eax = [ds:esi]; esi += 4
    mov    16(%ebp),%edx	/ edx = b
    mull   %edx			/ edx:eax = Phi:Plo = a_i * b

    add    %ebx,%eax		/ add carry (%ebx) to edx:eax
    adc    $0,%edx
    mov    %edx,%ebx		/ high half of product becomes next carry

    stosl			/ [es:edi] = ax; edi += 4;
    dec    %ecx			/ --a_len
    jnz    L1			/ jmp if a_len != 0
    mov    %ebx,0(%edi)		/ *c = carry
    pop    %ebx
    pop    %esi
    pop    %edi

 /  ebp - 36:	caller's esi
 /  ebp - 32:	caller's edi
 /  ebp - 28:	
 /  ebp - 24:	
 /  ebp - 20:	
 /  ebp - 16:	
 /  ebp - 12:	
 /  ebp - 8:	
 /  ebp - 4:	
 /  ebp + 0:	caller's ebp
 /  ebp + 4:	return address
 /  ebp + 8:	a	argument
 /  ebp + 12:	a_len	argument
 /  ebp + 16:	b	argument
 /  ebp + 20:	c	argument
 /  registers:
 / 	eax:
 /	ebx:	carry
 /	ecx:	a_len
 /	edx:
 /	esi:	a ptr
 /	edi:	c ptr
.globl	s_mpv_mul_d_add
.type	s_mpv_mul_d_add,@function
    push   %ebp
    mov    %esp,%ebp
    sub    $28,%esp
    push   %edi
    push   %esi
    push   %ebx
    movl   $0,%ebx		/ carry = 0
    mov    12(%ebp),%ecx	/ ecx = a_len
    mov    20(%ebp),%edi
    cmp    $0,%ecx
    je     L4			/ jmp if a_len == 0
    mov    8(%ebp),%esi		/ esi = a
    lodsl			/ eax = [ds:esi]; esi += 4
    mov    16(%ebp),%edx	/ edx = b
    mull   %edx			/ edx:eax = Phi:Plo = a_i * b

    add    %ebx,%eax		/ add carry (%ebx) to edx:eax
    adc    $0,%edx
    mov    0(%edi),%ebx		/ add in current word from *c
    add    %ebx,%eax		
    adc    $0,%edx
    mov    %edx,%ebx		/ high half of product becomes next carry

    stosl			/ [es:edi] = ax; edi += 4;
    dec    %ecx			/ --a_len
    jnz    L3			/ jmp if a_len != 0
    mov    %ebx,0(%edi)		/ *c = carry
    pop    %ebx
    pop    %esi
    pop    %edi

 /  ebp - 36:	caller's esi
 /  ebp - 32:	caller's edi
 /  ebp - 28:	
 /  ebp - 24:	
 /  ebp - 20:	
 /  ebp - 16:	
 /  ebp - 12:	
 /  ebp - 8:	
 /  ebp - 4:	
 /  ebp + 0:	caller's ebp
 /  ebp + 4:	return address
 /  ebp + 8:	a	argument
 /  ebp + 12:	a_len	argument
 /  ebp + 16:	b	argument
 /  ebp + 20:	c	argument
 /  registers:
 / 	eax:
 /	ebx:	carry
 /	ecx:	a_len
 /	edx:
 /	esi:	a ptr
 /	edi:	c ptr
.globl	s_mpv_mul_d_add_prop
.type	s_mpv_mul_d_add_prop,@function
    push   %ebp
    mov    %esp,%ebp
    sub    $28,%esp
    push   %edi
    push   %esi
    push   %ebx
    movl   $0,%ebx		/ carry = 0
    mov    12(%ebp),%ecx	/ ecx = a_len
    mov    20(%ebp),%edi
    cmp    $0,%ecx
    je     L6			/ jmp if a_len == 0
    mov    8(%ebp),%esi		/ esi = a
    lodsl			/ eax = [ds:esi]; esi += 4
    mov    16(%ebp),%edx	/ edx = b
    mull   %edx			/ edx:eax = Phi:Plo = a_i * b

    add    %ebx,%eax		/ add carry (%ebx) to edx:eax
    adc    $0,%edx
    mov    0(%edi),%ebx		/ add in current word from *c
    add    %ebx,%eax		
    adc    $0,%edx
    mov    %edx,%ebx		/ high half of product becomes next carry

    stosl			/ [es:edi] = ax; edi += 4;
    dec    %ecx			/ --a_len
    jnz    L5			/ jmp if a_len != 0
    cmp    $0,%ebx		/ is carry zero?
    jz     L8
    mov    0(%edi),%eax		/ add in current word from *c
    add	   %ebx,%eax
    stosl			/ [es:edi] = ax; edi += 4;
    jnc    L8
    mov    0(%edi),%eax		/ add in current word from *c
    adc	   $0,%eax
    stosl			/ [es:edi] = ax; edi += 4;
    jc     L7
    pop    %ebx
    pop    %esi
    pop    %edi

 /  ebp - 20:	caller's esi
 /  ebp - 16:	caller's edi
 /  ebp - 12:	
 /  ebp - 8:	carry
 /  ebp - 4:	a_len	local
 /  ebp + 0:	caller's ebp
 /  ebp + 4:	return address
 /  ebp + 8:	pa	argument
 /  ebp + 12:	a_len	argument
 /  ebp + 16:	ps	argument
 /  ebp + 20:	
 /  registers:
 / 	eax:
 /	ebx:	carry
 /	ecx:	a_len
 /	edx:
 /	esi:	a ptr
 /	edi:	c ptr

.globl	s_mpv_sqr_add_prop
.type	s_mpv_sqr_add_prop,@function
     push   %ebp
     mov    %esp,%ebp
     sub    $12,%esp
     push   %edi
     push   %esi
     push   %ebx
     movl   $0,%ebx		/ carry = 0
     mov    12(%ebp),%ecx	/ a_len
     mov    16(%ebp),%edi	/ edi = ps
     cmp    $0,%ecx
     je     L11			/ jump if a_len == 0
     mov    8(%ebp),%esi	/ esi = pa
     lodsl			/ %eax = [ds:si]; si += 4;
     mull   %eax

     add    %ebx,%eax		/ add "carry"
     adc    $0,%edx
     mov    0(%edi),%ebx
     add    %ebx,%eax		/ add low word from result
     mov    4(%edi),%ebx
     stosl			/ [es:di] = %eax; di += 4;
     adc    %ebx,%edx		/ add high word from result
     movl   $0,%ebx
     mov    %edx,%eax
     adc    $0,%ebx
     stosl			/ [es:di] = %eax; di += 4;
     dec    %ecx		/ --a_len
     jnz    L10			/ jmp if a_len != 0
    cmp    $0,%ebx		/ is carry zero?
    jz     L14
    mov    0(%edi),%eax		/ add in current word from *c
    add	   %ebx,%eax
    stosl			/ [es:edi] = ax; edi += 4;
    jnc    L14
    mov    0(%edi),%eax		/ add in current word from *c
    adc	   $0,%eax
    stosl			/ [es:edi] = ax; edi += 4;
    jc     L12
    pop    %ebx
    pop    %esi
    pop    %edi

 / Divide 64-bit (Nhi,Nlo) by 32-bit divisor, which must be normalized
 / so its high bit is 1.   This code is from NSPR.
 / mp_err s_mpv_div_2dx1d(mp_digit Nhi, mp_digit Nlo, mp_digit divisor,
 / 		          mp_digit *qp, mp_digit *rp)

 /  esp +  0:   Caller's ebx
 /  esp +  4:	return address
 /  esp +  8:	Nhi	argument
 /  esp + 12:	Nlo	argument
 /  esp + 16:	divisor	argument
 /  esp + 20:	qp	argument
 /  esp + 24:   rp	argument
 /  registers:
 / 	eax:
 /	ebx:	carry
 /	ecx:	a_len
 /	edx:
 /	esi:	a ptr
 /	edi:	c ptr

.globl	s_mpv_div_2dx1d
.type	s_mpv_div_2dx1d,@function
       push   %ebx
       mov    8(%esp),%edx
       mov    12(%esp),%eax
       mov    16(%esp),%ebx
       div    %ebx
       mov    20(%esp),%ebx
       mov    %eax,0(%ebx)
       mov    24(%esp),%ebx
       mov    %edx,0(%ebx)
       xor    %eax,%eax		/ return zero
       pop    %ebx