/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "secerr.h" #include "ssl.h" #include "sslerr.h" #include "sslproto.h" #include "gtest_utils.h" #include "nss_scoped_ptrs.h" #include "tls_connect.h" #include "tls_filter.h" #include "tls_parser.h" namespace nss_test { // This class tracks the maximum size of record that was sent, both cleartext // and plain. It only tracks records that have an outer type of // application_data. In TLS 1.3, this includes handshake messages. class TlsRecordMaximum : public TlsRecordFilter { public: TlsRecordMaximum(const std::shared_ptr& a) : TlsRecordFilter(a), max_ciphertext_(0), max_plaintext_(0) {} size_t max_ciphertext() const { return max_ciphertext_; } size_t max_plaintext() const { return max_plaintext_; } protected: PacketFilter::Action FilterRecord(const TlsRecordHeader& header, const DataBuffer& record, size_t* offset, DataBuffer* output) override { std::cerr << "max: " << record << std::endl; // Ignore unprotected packets. if (header.content_type() != ssl_ct_application_data) { return KEEP; } max_ciphertext_ = (std::max)(max_ciphertext_, record.len()); return TlsRecordFilter::FilterRecord(header, record, offset, output); } PacketFilter::Action FilterRecord(const TlsRecordHeader& header, const DataBuffer& data, DataBuffer* changed) override { max_plaintext_ = (std::max)(max_plaintext_, data.len()); return KEEP; } private: size_t max_ciphertext_; size_t max_plaintext_; }; void CheckRecordSizes(const std::shared_ptr& agent, const std::shared_ptr& record_max, size_t config) { uint16_t cipher_suite; ASSERT_TRUE(agent->cipher_suite(&cipher_suite)); size_t expansion; size_t iv; switch (cipher_suite) { case TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256: case TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384: case TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256: expansion = 16; iv = 0; break; case TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256: expansion = 16; iv = 8; break; case TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA: // Expansion is 20 for the MAC. Maximum block padding is 16. Maximum // padding is added when the input plus the MAC is an exact multiple of // the block size. expansion = 20 + 16 - ((config + 20) % 16); iv = 16; break; default: ADD_FAILURE() << "No expansion set for ciphersuite " << agent->cipher_suite_name(); return; } switch (agent->version()) { case SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_3: EXPECT_EQ(0U, iv) << "No IV for TLS 1.3"; // We only have decryption in TLS 1.3. EXPECT_EQ(config - 1, record_max->max_plaintext()) << "bad plaintext length for " << agent->role_str(); break; case SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_2: case SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_1: expansion += iv; break; case SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_0: break; default: ADD_FAILURE() << "Unexpected version " << agent->version(); return; } EXPECT_EQ(config + expansion, record_max->max_ciphertext()) << "bad ciphertext length for " << agent->role_str(); } TEST_P(TlsConnectGeneric, RecordSizeMaximum) { uint16_t max_record_size = (version_ >= SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_3) ? 16385 : 16384; size_t send_size = (version_ >= SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_3) ? max_record_size : max_record_size + 1; EnsureTlsSetup(); auto client_max = MakeTlsFilter(client_); auto server_max = MakeTlsFilter(server_); if (version_ >= SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_3) { client_max->EnableDecryption(); server_max->EnableDecryption(); } Connect(); client_->SendData(send_size, send_size); server_->SendData(send_size, send_size); server_->ReadBytes(send_size); client_->ReadBytes(send_size); CheckRecordSizes(client_, client_max, max_record_size); CheckRecordSizes(server_, server_max, max_record_size); } TEST_P(TlsConnectGeneric, RecordSizeMinimumClient) { EnsureTlsSetup(); auto server_max = MakeTlsFilter(server_); if (version_ >= SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_3) { server_max->EnableDecryption(); } client_->SetOption(SSL_RECORD_SIZE_LIMIT, 64); Connect(); SendReceive(127); // Big enough for one record, allowing for 1+N splitting. CheckRecordSizes(server_, server_max, 64); } TEST_P(TlsConnectGeneric, RecordSizeMinimumServer) { EnsureTlsSetup(); auto client_max = MakeTlsFilter(client_); if (version_ >= SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_3) { client_max->EnableDecryption(); } server_->SetOption(SSL_RECORD_SIZE_LIMIT, 64); Connect(); SendReceive(127); CheckRecordSizes(client_, client_max, 64); } TEST_P(TlsConnectGeneric, RecordSizeAsymmetric) { EnsureTlsSetup(); auto client_max = MakeTlsFilter(client_); auto server_max = MakeTlsFilter(server_); if (version_ >= SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_3) { client_max->EnableDecryption(); server_max->EnableDecryption(); } client_->SetOption(SSL_RECORD_SIZE_LIMIT, 64); server_->SetOption(SSL_RECORD_SIZE_LIMIT, 100); Connect(); SendReceive(127); CheckRecordSizes(client_, client_max, 100); CheckRecordSizes(server_, server_max, 64); } // This just modifies the encrypted payload so to include a few extra zeros. class TlsRecordExpander : public TlsRecordFilter { public: TlsRecordExpander(const std::shared_ptr& a, size_t expansion) : TlsRecordFilter(a), expansion_(expansion) {} protected: virtual PacketFilter::Action FilterRecord(const TlsRecordHeader& header, const DataBuffer& data, DataBuffer* changed) { if (header.content_type() != ssl_ct_application_data) { return KEEP; } changed->Allocate(data.len() + expansion_); changed->Write(0, data.data(), data.len()); return CHANGE; } private: size_t expansion_; }; // Tweak the plaintext of server records so that they exceed the client's limit. TEST_P(TlsConnectTls13, RecordSizePlaintextExceed) { EnsureTlsSetup(); auto server_expand = MakeTlsFilter(server_, 1); server_expand->EnableDecryption(); client_->SetOption(SSL_RECORD_SIZE_LIMIT, 64); Connect(); server_->SendData(100); client_->ExpectReadWriteError(); ExpectAlert(client_, kTlsAlertRecordOverflow); client_->ReadBytes(100); EXPECT_EQ(SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG, client_->error_code()); // Consume the alert at the server. server_->Handshake(); server_->CheckErrorCode(SSL_ERROR_RECORD_OVERFLOW_ALERT); } // Tweak the ciphertext of server records so that they greatly exceed the limit. // This requires a much larger expansion than for plaintext to trigger the // guard, which runs before decryption (current allowance is 320 octets, // see MAX_EXPANSION in ssl3con.c). TEST_P(TlsConnectTls13, RecordSizeCiphertextExceed) { EnsureTlsSetup(); client_->SetOption(SSL_RECORD_SIZE_LIMIT, 64); Connect(); auto server_expand = MakeTlsFilter(server_, 336); server_->SendData(100); client_->ExpectReadWriteError(); ExpectAlert(client_, kTlsAlertRecordOverflow); client_->ReadBytes(100); EXPECT_EQ(SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG, client_->error_code()); // Consume the alert at the server. server_->Handshake(); server_->CheckErrorCode(SSL_ERROR_RECORD_OVERFLOW_ALERT); } // This indiscriminately adds padding to application data records. class TlsRecordPadder : public TlsRecordFilter { public: TlsRecordPadder(const std::shared_ptr& a, size_t padding) : TlsRecordFilter(a), padding_(padding) {} protected: PacketFilter::Action FilterRecord(const TlsRecordHeader& header, const DataBuffer& record, size_t* offset, DataBuffer* output) override { if (header.content_type() != ssl_ct_application_data) { return KEEP; } uint16_t protection_epoch; uint8_t inner_content_type; DataBuffer plaintext; if (!Unprotect(header, record, &protection_epoch, &inner_content_type, &plaintext)) { return KEEP; } if (inner_content_type != ssl_ct_application_data) { return KEEP; } DataBuffer ciphertext; bool ok = Protect(spec(protection_epoch), header, inner_content_type, plaintext, &ciphertext, padding_); EXPECT_TRUE(ok); if (!ok) { return KEEP; } *offset = header.Write(output, *offset, ciphertext); return CHANGE; } private: size_t padding_; }; TEST_P(TlsConnectTls13, RecordSizeExceedPad) { EnsureTlsSetup(); auto server_max = std::make_shared(server_); auto server_expand = std::make_shared(server_, 1); server_->SetFilter(std::make_shared( ChainedPacketFilterInit({server_max, server_expand}))); server_expand->EnableDecryption(); client_->SetOption(SSL_RECORD_SIZE_LIMIT, 64); Connect(); server_->SendData(100); client_->ExpectReadWriteError(); ExpectAlert(client_, kTlsAlertRecordOverflow); client_->ReadBytes(100); EXPECT_EQ(SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG, client_->error_code()); // Consume the alert at the server. server_->Handshake(); server_->CheckErrorCode(SSL_ERROR_RECORD_OVERFLOW_ALERT); } TEST_P(TlsConnectGeneric, RecordSizeBadValues) { EnsureTlsSetup(); EXPECT_EQ(SECFailure, SSL_OptionSet(client_->ssl_fd(), SSL_RECORD_SIZE_LIMIT, 63)); EXPECT_EQ(SECFailure, SSL_OptionSet(client_->ssl_fd(), SSL_RECORD_SIZE_LIMIT, -1)); EXPECT_EQ(SECFailure, SSL_OptionSet(server_->ssl_fd(), SSL_RECORD_SIZE_LIMIT, 16386)); Connect(); } TEST_P(TlsConnectGeneric, RecordSizeGetValues) { EnsureTlsSetup(); int v; EXPECT_EQ(SECSuccess, SSL_OptionGet(client_->ssl_fd(), SSL_RECORD_SIZE_LIMIT, &v)); EXPECT_EQ(16385, v); client_->SetOption(SSL_RECORD_SIZE_LIMIT, 300); EXPECT_EQ(SECSuccess, SSL_OptionGet(client_->ssl_fd(), SSL_RECORD_SIZE_LIMIT, &v)); EXPECT_EQ(300, v); Connect(); } // The value of the extension is capped by the maximum version of the client. TEST_P(TlsConnectGeneric, RecordSizeCapExtensionClient) { EnsureTlsSetup(); client_->SetOption(SSL_RECORD_SIZE_LIMIT, 16385); auto capture = MakeTlsFilter(client_, ssl_record_size_limit_xtn); if (version_ >= SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_3) { capture->EnableDecryption(); } Connect(); uint64_t val = 0; EXPECT_TRUE(capture->extension().Read(0, 2, &val)); if (version_ < SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_3) { EXPECT_EQ(16384U, val) << "Extension should be capped"; } else { EXPECT_EQ(16385U, val); } } // The value of the extension is capped by the maximum version of the server. TEST_P(TlsConnectGeneric, RecordSizeCapExtensionServer) { EnsureTlsSetup(); server_->SetOption(SSL_RECORD_SIZE_LIMIT, 16385); auto capture = MakeTlsFilter(server_, ssl_record_size_limit_xtn); if (version_ >= SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_3) { capture->EnableDecryption(); } Connect(); uint64_t val = 0; EXPECT_TRUE(capture->extension().Read(0, 2, &val)); if (version_ < SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_3) { EXPECT_EQ(16384U, val) << "Extension should be capped"; } else { EXPECT_EQ(16385U, val); } } // Damage the client extension and the handshake fails, but the server // doesn't generate a validation error. TEST_P(TlsConnectGenericPre13, RecordSizeClientExtensionInvalid) { EnsureTlsSetup(); client_->SetOption(SSL_RECORD_SIZE_LIMIT, 1000); static const uint8_t v[] = {0xf4, 0x1f}; MakeTlsFilter(client_, ssl_record_size_limit_xtn, DataBuffer(v, sizeof(v))); ConnectExpectAlert(server_, kTlsAlertDecryptError); } // Special handling for TLS 1.3, where the alert isn't read. TEST_F(TlsConnectStreamTls13, RecordSizeClientExtensionInvalid) { EnsureTlsSetup(); client_->SetOption(SSL_RECORD_SIZE_LIMIT, 1000); static const uint8_t v[] = {0xf4, 0x1f}; MakeTlsFilter(client_, ssl_record_size_limit_xtn, DataBuffer(v, sizeof(v))); client_->ExpectSendAlert(kTlsAlertBadRecordMac); server_->ExpectSendAlert(kTlsAlertBadRecordMac); ConnectExpectFail(); } TEST_P(TlsConnectGeneric, RecordSizeServerExtensionInvalid) { EnsureTlsSetup(); server_->SetOption(SSL_RECORD_SIZE_LIMIT, 1000); static const uint8_t v[] = {0xf4, 0x1f}; auto replace = MakeTlsFilter( server_, ssl_record_size_limit_xtn, DataBuffer(v, sizeof(v))); if (version_ >= SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_3) { replace->EnableDecryption(); } ConnectExpectAlert(client_, kTlsAlertIllegalParameter); } TEST_P(TlsConnectGeneric, RecordSizeServerExtensionExtra) { EnsureTlsSetup(); server_->SetOption(SSL_RECORD_SIZE_LIMIT, 1000); static const uint8_t v[] = {0x01, 0x00, 0x00}; auto replace = MakeTlsFilter( server_, ssl_record_size_limit_xtn, DataBuffer(v, sizeof(v))); if (version_ >= SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_3) { replace->EnableDecryption(); } ConnectExpectAlert(client_, kTlsAlertDecodeError); } class RecordSizeDefaultsTest : public ::testing::Test { public: void SetUp() { EXPECT_EQ(SECSuccess, SSL_OptionGetDefault(SSL_RECORD_SIZE_LIMIT, &default_)); } void TearDown() { // Make sure to restore the default value at the end. EXPECT_EQ(SECSuccess, SSL_OptionSetDefault(SSL_RECORD_SIZE_LIMIT, default_)); } private: PRIntn default_ = 0; }; TEST_F(RecordSizeDefaultsTest, RecordSizeBadValues) { EXPECT_EQ(SECFailure, SSL_OptionSetDefault(SSL_RECORD_SIZE_LIMIT, 63)); EXPECT_EQ(SECFailure, SSL_OptionSetDefault(SSL_RECORD_SIZE_LIMIT, -1)); EXPECT_EQ(SECFailure, SSL_OptionSetDefault(SSL_RECORD_SIZE_LIMIT, 16386)); } TEST_F(RecordSizeDefaultsTest, RecordSizeGetValue) { int v; EXPECT_EQ(SECSuccess, SSL_OptionGetDefault(SSL_RECORD_SIZE_LIMIT, &v)); EXPECT_EQ(16385, v); EXPECT_EQ(SECSuccess, SSL_OptionSetDefault(SSL_RECORD_SIZE_LIMIT, 3000)); EXPECT_EQ(SECSuccess, SSL_OptionGetDefault(SSL_RECORD_SIZE_LIMIT, &v)); EXPECT_EQ(3000, v); } } // namespace nss_test