/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include #include "nss.h" #include "pk11pub.h" #include "pk11pqg.h" #include "prerror.h" #include "secoid.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "nss_scoped_ptrs.h" #include "pk11_keygen.h" namespace nss_test { class Pkcs11NullKeyTestBase : public ::testing::Test { protected: // This constructs a key pair, then erases the public value from the public // key. NSS should reject this. void Test(const Pkcs11KeyPairGenerator& generator, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE dh_mech) { ScopedSECKEYPrivateKey priv; ScopedSECKEYPublicKey pub; generator.GenerateKey(&priv, &pub); ASSERT_TRUE(priv); // These don't leak because they are allocated to the arena associated with // the public key. SECItem* pub_val = nullptr; switch (SECKEY_GetPublicKeyType(pub.get())) { case rsaKey: pub_val = &pub->u.rsa.modulus; break; case dsaKey: pub_val = &pub->u.dsa.publicValue; break; case dhKey: pub_val = &pub->u.dh.publicValue; break; case ecKey: pub_val = &pub->u.ec.publicValue; break; default: FAIL() << "Unknown key type " << SECKEY_GetPublicKeyType(pub.get()); } pub_val->data = nullptr; pub_val->len = 0; ScopedPK11SymKey symKey(PK11_PubDeriveWithKDF( priv.get(), pub.get(), false, nullptr, nullptr, dh_mech, CKM_SHA512_HMAC, CKA_DERIVE, 0, CKD_NULL, nullptr, nullptr)); ASSERT_FALSE(symKey); } }; class Pkcs11DhNullKeyTest : public Pkcs11NullKeyTestBase {}; TEST_F(Pkcs11DhNullKeyTest, UseNullPublicValue) { Test(Pkcs11KeyPairGenerator(CKM_DH_PKCS_KEY_PAIR_GEN), CKM_DH_PKCS_DERIVE); } class Pkcs11EcdhNullKeyTest : public Pkcs11NullKeyTestBase, public ::testing::WithParamInterface { }; TEST_P(Pkcs11EcdhNullKeyTest, UseNullPublicValue) { Test(Pkcs11KeyPairGenerator(CKM_EC_KEY_PAIR_GEN, GetParam()), CKM_ECDH1_DERIVE); } INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(Pkcs11EcdhNullKeyTest, Pkcs11EcdhNullKeyTest, ::testing::Values(SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP256R1, SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP384R1, SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP521R1, SEC_OID_CURVE25519)); } // namespace nss_test